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LANDBANK PhoneAccess and iAccess ENROLLMENT & MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FORM Servicing Branch Requestor (put v mark [1 Phone Access Enrollment [)] Fund Transfer andjor Bil Payment Updating of Profile Deactivation 1 Reactivation i I [1 Replacement of Ta ‘A. Account & Contact Information [1 thccess Enrolment Neminated User ID Fund Transfer and/or Bile Payment Updating of Profle Dialing Enabing Unlocking of 1 Resetting oF Password “Rccour Names sithdate (m/c): os Mote’ Fall Maiden Names ‘Spouse's Full Name: Home Adress: Prownce: E-mail Ades — on berate Esai adds: en Business Name: = enn Business acess: — a B. Account/s to be Enrolled and the Desired Services (Put check mark to which is applicable) Phone Account] IAL [__Fund Transfer Bilis |For Account Number acoess | ACS) Typel |no2" [Source [Destination | Payment [Deletion DTW T-t i tt i-titi 2a ae 2 ati tt tt aaa a Da tit tr -rit indicate finchicualaccount(00) or joint account (01 or 02) Forjoint “and” account, bil payment andinguityservicescan beenraled. indicate two(2)lgtyontaccountmdcator. G.Thint-Party Destination Accounts (maximum of Faccounts only) Account Number ‘Account Name Purpose Da 2 IIa a 2) aaa aa a) Tee 2) TI D. Billsayment (Merchant fortAccess and Phoneaccessmay differ) erchant/Agency ‘Subscriber's Name Reference Number “Far veTACaiO OF UTTER NUD, [HESSEPTESENE YOU AES BMIND SALEMENETM YOU CTE NOTE: Please indicate "NOT APPLICABLE"ox "Nor fells wth no aophcable data and "Nothing Foon imeiately ft the last Rem. T/wehereby certify to the best ofmy/our knowledge, that the foregoing dataare true andcorrect. ‘Signature over Printed Name Date For Bankuseonly: Processed By: Vented By Signature over Printed Name Date Approved By: I LANDBANNK 1AccEss TERMS ANND CONDITIONS FEATURES OF iAccess SERVICES L 2 ‘Acessblty 22. Tile aloomladge that Ices 2 faclty granted by Land Bank ofthe Phippins (LANDBANK/Bank) which fe may aval for as lng as I's offered and provided that Ive continue tobe quafied under stems and conditions. 'b. Only my/our enroled deposit accounts can be accessed via iAccess with the use ofan internet enabled computer (Microsoft Intemet xplror at ast 5.5 version or higher) or mobile devices, an its corresponding iccess ID and Password, ‘& Te understand that for my/our sey, LANDBANK shall LOCK myjocr tices TD should the wrong Password be used thie (3) femes, <4. While cous is available tnenty-four (24) how's a day, seven (7) days week, Te understand that some or all of the sevoes may not be avaiable at cetzh tines du to desonated sence patiods, maintenance, compet, teleconmunicaton, electical or network falure andlor anyother reason beyond the contol ofthe Bank. ‘2. e abo understand that any olin transacton inated rough iccess before system downtime on a banking day stall be posted to rny/oux account on the same day. All transactions ater sjstem downtime on a banking day or competed on a Saturday, Sunday or lant cor ch be posed on the net barra dy Baka das aren Monday Fay, event for exalsneclRoias inccas Onl Secaty Policy 12. ALLANDBANK, Ime are aay assured that all my/our internet barking transactions ave safe aed secure, The LANDBANK Reta Internet Banking Sytem, iscces, tales crest measures to ensure tat ts secur aracices conform tothe best banking standards and adequately respond to al your ness. To ensue that the privacy of myfour account information and banking transacions are mainabed, LANDBAMK has set forth the folowing: ‘Secuy Sytums LANDBANK deployed Intusion detection syters, Peewalls,encrygtion systems such a6 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and oer internal cons which are meant to safeguard, lystaly and gical, a our servers and information systems incaing the dts sired in these oystems, Furthermore, cas an in-house Network Operations Department that secures the maintenance of the whole fit. ebsts aaheniation ‘The LANDBANK iccessfacty used the Versgn's Securty Cotfcate to very the authenty of the iacess ste. At times, may be necessary for meus to verify the authentcy ofthe iAccess stein order not t fal vim to email cams. For examle, directing cents to ‘coming logtimate stos and mead them into providing wtal account mnformaton to entites not authorzed by the Bank. The Version Logo attached on all the iccess pages, when clicked, securely authenticates the LAcass st. The bast safest and recommended way to arcs the ices eb by Wora wamecesco at the roe ates bar ‘Trd-Pary Agreements ‘Cortain vansacions involving thd partes - Thkd-paty Fund Transfer and als Payment all require enolinet of accouts using the duly accorpiished Envollnent and Maintenance Agreement form submited for verication. With this policy, Ie ae assured that LANDBANK {fal rovor cavers fr tasfedpayments oye ad om tase at ive hve sed ft eral Al nancial transactions made through the LANDBANK cess shall generate 2 corresponding small which shall be sent to myfour personal emai address. We are encouraged to continually check and vty emais (inclding the one incororatd in the iAcess system) ‘tw oncure that al Access Vansacone ave order. Password Profetion ‘A those visting the iAccess webs pass though the Loc-in authentication process. We ave advised to use 2 password that is easy to remember but hard for otors to ques. We shall ensure to koop my/our password confident a 2B tes by not wring or divulging t to anyone. We are advised to ange myfour password frequently or change R immediately nce the password has been compromised. ‘Senvces and Business Rules ‘2 Account Informaton - We can vew the “realtime” oustanding and avaiable talace (Including amounts on holieat) and tansaction Iistary of myfour enrolled peso savings (oth ATM access) andjor cunt accounts. 1 hy tal curs be ree nthe ANDEAN ces ter rach he rah of cnt (or won sg branch. 2). The account balances and hastry printed can save as an offical bank statement. 3). Today's Transaction only indudes over-the-counter arsacons for the da. 1. Check Status Inquiry IM can view the sats of checks se (=ncashednegoiste) win the lst 60 days. Rated Check Ty — Te con he ta amount a umber of cc ne depsed bot ent rete iin et 60 44. alls Payment (BP) — yve are allowed to pay bls one for enollad merchants. 4) Enrolment of subscribers account number through the Branch renuired. 2). Service fes shal be debited onthe account ofthe merchant or charged acainst Average Daly Balance (ADB) on deposi oat. 3). Service Patio fom 12:20 AM to 11:00 PM daly. ‘2. Fund Trafer (FT) - Ywe are alowed to Wansfet funds fam one envlld deposk account to another account. I/we may choose ether ‘ou ov accounts or atc patty accourt a destination accounts, 1D, “Enrolineneof source ana desenation accounts through the Branch is requeed, 2). Source acounts can bo enrolled as dectraton accounts and vice-versa. 43) Thid paty accounts cannot be stvold as source accounts, 48) Only a maximum of 5 third party accounts can be ena as destination accounts, 5)_ Service Peo is fom 12:20 AM to 11:00 PM daly. 4. Futue-dated or Recutrng BP/FT ~ We ate alowed to pay bil or vansfer funds in the future or requary (monthy, quartty, semi annually or annual) as scheduled, 4) Service Peed fom 12:20 AM to 11:00PM daly. 2). Future dated BET upto 365 days from dat of instruction may be ities day. 23) Recuring BPIET may be dane fr a maxnum of two (2) yeas 4) _Cancelaton offiture-dated or recurring BP/FT must be made a day before the speci date of wansacron. 2. Checkbook Reorder ~ We are alowed to ees for checkbook online. 4) Service Peto fom 12:20 AM to 1:00 PM daly. 2) Manual inquiry fm tho chents branch of account, tho status of requistion chal be aftr three (3) weeks from data of requost apoio. 3) Maximum of 3 checkbooks can be reordered per account pr day. 4) Payment forthe cost of checkbook sal be automaticaly debited by the System upon aporoval bythe Branch of acount, {TE GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS L 10, aL 2 4 1. a. B 2. LLANDBANK shall rove the Acces intent banking sevice in accordance with enstng las, rules and regulations and Repubke Act 6792 (e- {Commerce Law) a: wo as LANDBANK’s business rules and regulation role to the operation ofthe iAccas ntemet banking fel. [Ether pty may taminate ths Agreament by giving ten (10) hankang days advance writen notice, _Eecivty f deletion shal be within ve (5) days tom the Branch’ receit ofthe requestor delion, [Any Uansacton InUate on an ervlled account pir to Fs deletion i considered elle warsacton. "ye tecognze LANDBANK'S promrtay intrest n Access and Te shal use ts modules fr thet intended purpose ony 11M shall hae soe access to my/our iAcess accounts by taking the necessary steps to keen myfour Access ID and Password confident [ye authorze the Bank to 2c upon ary nsuucions which are Kenedy the use of my/our LAccess 1D ard Password. Wie hereby acept {ull yesonsibity and accouniabty for al ansactons execute via ices. ‘Resetting of myfout password shal be recognized by the Bank upon my/our written roquestor tru online resting. [LANDBANK shall corset as vald and binding any nstction gen oF tarsacton made using my icess 1D and Passwotd. LANDSAAK shal ‘ct be abe for any unauthorized actin or transaction using mylouricess ID and Password. The Sank shal not be obiged to investigate the authenscy of insuuctons sent wa Access. However, LINDBANK, 25 IE deems necessary I ented (0 vetfy any instuctons ghen through ‘sending email onne ova telephone or anyother means. [LANDBANK may cancel or refuse to execute any oF myfow ietructon/s a any time without incuring any Fabity these ae aganct bank poles and iccess business rules, deemed legal andor detrimental to the bark without prior notie, Fr mukisle ransacions coring fom one account with insffient balance, LANDAANK, in is sole discretion, may determine which ofthe ‘rarcacton requets to compete LLANDBANK shal not be held cble for outstanding charges payable to the destination account by reason ofthe costing of outstanding checks drawn aganct the source acount which earierromained unposted for whatwor reason thereby cresting 2 temporary source account balance undiieshed by the aout of the unposted checks. 3. 1/We shall very, check and validate all my/our iAcess transactions and maintenance if these have been processed by iAccess. IF not Wie ‘shall noofy LANDBANK immediately by sending eal online or ia telephone or any other Mears. 1A Reference Number shall be assigned to mes for evey submitted transaction, However, 9 nancial transaction may be dened for nom ‘omplance of toms and conditions and busnes: mus of the Access (og. # the dexgnated account is insffconty funded, Accourt/Subscrber Number is incorrect) 5. Confirmation for every trarsacton conducted though iAcces shall be trough the Acknowledgment/Notifiaton Page or Transaction History functon of wecess which tJwe can pont fom my/our own computer terminal. Cthewise, Ywe can very through the quartery bank statements issued by our branch of account. Jn cao of system fal, all ponding future dated transactions for tho day shall be procassod onco the sytum i ready. Cancelaton of lrarsactns insti! in cess shall rot be alowed. f system flue lasted until the nett harking day, al pending transocens from the breyus dy shal be atonal cand by he em, In th cae, LANDA chal cuca wth es Cron sedge ene fr vate oF anyother means. [LANDBANK shall not be fable my/our bil emains unsaid and the ier discontinues/cancels my coversae. [Allinformaton given by tho caller, when matched wen the vrfcaton questions ackod by te helpdesk administrators shall bo considered a= ‘ald, Ard that re caer shall be tried 2s te truthful omey/use ofthe account, Thus, the LANOBANK Helpdesk Adminsttator shall nt be held able for any information given by the cll. 1yile shall rove LANDBANK with a courect and operational mal addess. The Bank stall not be lable for any undelivered mall ‘communication or fom unauthorized interception or use of data rating to melus o to my/our accounts). We shall rometly notify the Bark fof ary change In myfour eal addhess, contact numbers, business adress or any other Information which may affec communication by sending email onine or va telephone or anyother means. 3. I/We stall nofy LANDBANK immediately upon receipt of any data or information through Access not intended for me/us. 1We shall delete such daa o information fram mou terminal nmesiately. (We shal ensue the sc confdentilty of sch infomation. [Me shall rompty report any discrepancies, omissions, inaccuracies or inomect envies in LANDBANK's statement, any unauthorized tuarsactons made and istuctons not inplemetad tough eral, telephone or any otber mans with 20 cakadar days fiom date of trarsacton/nstuction. 3. 1/We shall not discos the One-Time-PIN to anjone excet othe LANDBANK authorized personnel when Ie request for unlocking of wecess 1. 3. fin case mylourdepost account was toed with specal insbuctions, Ie shall hold LANDBANK fee from any obiaton and lbilty onthe ‘fects ofthese special nsouctons on my/our warsacons. 1 LANDBANK reserves the igi to determine the scape of ices, change the dail cof time, mos, reste, witha, cancel or disconnect any service without por notce. In this c2se, LANDBANK shall coordinate wih mefus throuch sending em online of va teeohane or any tothe means Tk may abo deactivate, suspend or Gscontinue any sence due to misheding of accounts a5 defined by Bie Banks standard ‘operating procedures of iFn the Bank’ judsment, my/our continued access of iccess may adversely affect the security ofthe sytem without rar nace. 5. LANDBANK shall nt be lable for any cuse beyond ts conse such 2s problems du to maintenance, elecommuricatio,elecical, network fale, computor hardware or sofware (inudlng vruse and bugs) or reletodncdontal problems that may be atibuted tothe sores ofan information service provider. LANDBANK may amend/oupplement this Agreement fom time to time with efctity date as specticd in the erall notce. Notce ofthe amend t/sipplment sent though mal atthe adress shown an myfour account records shal suffice. Theat, continued use ofthe ‘lccess shal consttute acentance ofthe modfaton/supekement to the Agrezment. ‘LANDBANK may lmit my/our use of the services or terminate this Agreement once myfou account becomes dormant, i closed, gamished, escheat or has violated any o the ters and conditions and bustess rules of the Fcess. LLANDBANK may, n ce tue, moose charges on this arangement wan lal and requatry Its and Ywe hereby authoie the Bank to Impose the sal charges accordingly ypon noice thaugh sending emall online or va telephone or any other means wihout need for further demand, notice or concert. The Bank shall not be helé lable forthe falue of tansacters due to insuficert funds rezufing from the deduction of autora charoes. 3. LANDBANK stall not be fable for any loss or damace in connection with any unauthotzed intercetion or use of data rlating to melus or myfour acount), inducing the mssending thereat. ‘Ye agree tobe bound by the lans, rules, regulations and ofc ssuances aplcle to ices cam exiting or which may later be issued, 25 wells such other ters and condtons covering the use of oer facies, benefits o services the Bank may make avalable to mejus ‘convection wth access. pagetea {IT DATA PRIVACY CONSENT 1, TWe authotze Land Bank of te Phitopines (Bonk), to coc, process, update o disclose personal information about me/us in accordance withthe Bank's Data Privacy Statement the Data Privacy Act, and bank secrecy lans, to establish, conf, review or update myfour record, manage myour account and/or services provided to mefus, to conduct custome risky capacity and sustainability assessment, product development and aud, to market fs products and services, and other letimate business purposes, and to comely with ts reporting ‘obligations under applicable kms, ruks and regulations. AS used herein, the tem “Bank” incdes its substan, afates, apes, representatives, and outsourced service providers. [We confi thet ime arvare aware of myjour rights under the Data Privacy Ac, which incudes the right to withdraw my/our consent, to access to rectify oF to erase mylour persona information subject, however, to the right of the Bark to terminate the product or savice avaled by me/us shoulé we withdraw myfour consent or request the removal of myjour petsoal information, ‘Mle hereby cary to have read and understood the forgoing terms and conditions. Further, Je agree to be govemed by the provisions ofthese teams and condivons. ‘Signature ove pried name ‘Sionalute over pid namie Pae3ef3

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