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Name : Adelia Sintha H.

NIM : AAA 118 088

Writing 3

Gender Socialization

The traditional gender socialization is based on patriarchal perspectives that put men’s
position higher than woman’s.Currently, in some countries the traditional prespectives of
gender socialization still operates while in another part of the world it has started to change.
Indonesia is one of the countries that experience the change in the prespective of gender
socialization. It’s proven that empowering women and girls helps economic growth and
development that crucial for sustainable future.

From this socialization, humans learn how to behave and what roles they have
according to their sexes. Gender socialization operates through different ways such as
framily, friends, schools, and media.

Although theree are women than ever in the lobour market, there are still large
inequalities in some regions. Gender socialization plays a vital role in the making of gender
awareness in society. Gender socialization is the process that explaining individual how to act
in their society to be based on gender differentation.

Ending of all descrimination againts women and girls it’s not only basic human right ,
it’s crucial for sustainable future.The shift of gender socialization in Indonesia has changed
the way the indonesian society sees the role of women.

In conclusion, the change has made some instutional improvements in

government,especially gender equality in Indonesia.


I. Title : Gender Socialization

II. Introduction :The traditional gender socialization is based on patriarchal that put
men’s position higher than woman’s.Currently, in some countries the
traditional prespectives of gender socialization still operates while in
another part of the world it has started to change. Indonesia is one of
the countries that experience the change in the prespective of gender

III. Thesis statement : It’s proven that empowering women and girls helps economic growth
and development that crucial for sustainable future.
IV. Body paragraph

1. First paragraph : From this socialization, humans learn how to behave and what roles
they have according to their sexes. Gender socialization operates
through different ways such as framily, friends, schools, and media

2. Second paragraph : Although theree are women than ever in the lobour market, there are
still large inequalities in some regions. Gender socialization plays a
vital role in the making of gender awareness in society. Gender
socialization is the process that explaining individual how to act in
their society to be based on gender differentation.

3.Third paragraph :Ending of all descrimination againts women and girls it’s not only
basic human right , it’s crucial for sustainable future.The shift of
gender socialization in Indonesia has changed the way the indonesian
society sees the role of women.

V. Conclusion : In conclusion, the change has made some instutional improvements in

,especially gender equality in Indonesia.

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