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REVIEW doi: 10.1111/sji.


Clinical Role of Human Leukocyte Antigen in Health

and Disease
Y. M. Mosaad

Clinical Immunology Unit, Clinical Pathology Most of the genes in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region express
Department & Mansoura Research Center for high polymorphism that is fundamental for their function. The most important
Cord Stem Cell (MARC_CSC), Mansoura Faculty
function of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) molecule is in the induction,
of Medicine, Mansoura University, Mansoura,
Egypt regulation of immune responses and the selection of the T cell repertoire. A
clinician’s attention is normally drawn to a system only when it malfunctions. The
HLA system is no exception in this regard, but in contrast to other systems, it also
Received 23 April 2015; Revised 2 June 2015; arouses interest when it functions well – too well, in fact. Population studies
Accepted in revised form 12 June 2015
carried out over the last several decades have identified a long list of human diseases
Correspondence to: Dr. Y. M. Mosaad, Clinical that are significantly more common among individuals that carry particular HLA
Immunology Unit, Clinical Pathology Department alleles including inflammatory, autoimmune and malignant disorders. HLA-
& Mansoura Research Center for Cord Stem Cell disease association is the name of this phenomenon, and the mechanism underlying
(MARC_CSC), Mansoura Faculty of Medicine, is still a subject of hot debate. Social behaviours are affected by HLA genes and
Mansoura University, Mansoura 35111, Egypt.
preference for HLA disparate mates may provide ‘good genes’ for an individual’s
E-mails:, youssef offspring. Also, certain HLA genes may be associated with shorter life and others
with longer lifespan, but the effects depend both on the genetic background and on
the environmental conditions. The following is a general overview of the
important functional aspects of HLA in health and diseases.

of one trans-membrane heavy chain with three extra-

Definition of MHC and HLA
cellular domains (a1–3) and b2-microglobulin (b2 m)
The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a large gene light chain. Overall, a class I molecule has an immuno-
complex present in all jawed vertebrates with an integral role globulin-like tertiary structure with the most extra-cellular
in the immune system. The antigen-presenting molecules domains being the location of nearly all amino acid allelic
encoded by the MHC class I and class II genes are cell-surface variability. The normal function of HLA class I proteins is
glycoproteins that bind intracellular and extracellular a presentation of peptides from expired or defective
peptides, respectively [1]. The human MHC is located on intracellular proteins and peptides from invasive viruses
chromosome 6 and contains more than 200 genes [2]. The from within the cell to the T cell receptor (TCR) on CD8+
human MHC-encoded glycoproteins are known as human T cells (often cytotoxic) leading to immune mechanisms
leukocyte antigen (HLA) and are specialized in presentation which destroy the cell. HLA proteins also interact with
of short peptides to T cells and play a key role in the body’s killer inhibitory receptors (KIR) expressed on the surface of
immune defence [3] (Fig. 1). natural killer (NK) cells, often leading to inhibition of NK
MHC name is derived from its role in graft rejection cell activity [4–6] (Fig. 2).
and tissue compatibility between donor–recipient pair. HLA class II proteins have constitutive expression
MHC compatibility between individuals is responsible for limited to immune active cells, including B cells and other
successful graft transplant. MHC is characterized by antigen-presenting cells (APC). In addition, expression can
extensive polymorphism which in one hand is obstacle be upregulated on other cell types in an inflammatory
for finding matched pairs and in the other hand enables the environment. Each HLA class II protein comprises an
immune system to recognize any invading pathogen. alpha- and beta-chain both of which are encoded within the
MHC (e.g. HLA-DRA with HLA-DRB1). Each chain has
two extra-cellular domains and again, those most distal to
HLA class I and II
the cell membrane form a peptide-binding groove which
HLA class I proteins are expressed on the surface of all always carries a self- or non-self-protein-derived peptide
nucleated cells but to varying degrees. They are comprised sourced from outside the cell by endocytosis. Class II

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284 HLA in Health and Disease Y. M. Mosaad

Figure 1 Human MHC complex. The human

MHC is located on chromosome 6 at 6p21.3.
The class I gene complex contains three major
loci, B, C and A. The class II gene complex
contains at least three loci, DP, DQ and DR;
each of these loci codes for one alpha- and one
beta-chain polypeptide which associate
together to form the class II antigens.

Figure 2 Structure of human leukocyte

antigen (HLA) class I and II molecules. HLA
class I molecule is formed of a chain and b2-
microglobulin chain. HLA class II molecule is
formed of a and b chains. The peptide-binding
groove is formed by a1 and a2 domains in
HLA class I molecules and by a1 and b1
domains in HLA class II molecules.

proteins and bound peptides interact with CD4+ T cells polymorphic of the human genome (total HLA alleles
(often helper) and their receptors. The affinity with which 13023; HLA class I alleles 9749 and HLA class II alleles
peptides are bound to HLA molecules will influence 3274) [8]. As of April 2015, there are over 3017 HLA-A,
allogenicity as presented to and recognized by TCR [4] 2623 HLA-C, 3887 HLA-B, 1829 HLA-DRB1, 780 HLA-
(Fig. 2). DQB1 and 520 HLA-DPB1 alleles recognized by the
The peptide-binding structure consists of a membrane- World Health Organization (WHO) Nomenclature Com-
distal groove formed by two antiparallel a-helices overlay- mittee for Factors of the HLA System [8, 9]. Therefore, it is
ing an eight-strand b-sheet. In the case of HLA class I, the likely that this extreme polymorphism has evolved as a
groove corresponds to a contiguous amino acid sequence mechanism for coping with all of the different peptides
formed by the N-terminal region of the single HLA- that will be encountered [10]. HLA molecule differs
encoded subunit, or heavy chain, while for HLA class II, it slightly from each other in its amino acid sequence
is formed by the juxtaposition of the N-terminal regions of (different HLA antigens) which causes different structure
two HLA-encoded a- and b-chains (Fig. 2). A significant in the peptide-binding cleft. The distal membrane domains
difference is that for HLA class I the peptide is confined by (a1, a2 in HLA class I and a1, b1 in HLA class II) present
binding groove interactions at both the N- and C-termini, a high degree of variability, whereas the proximal mem-
while for HLA class II, each end of the peptide can brane domains (a3 in HLA class I and a2, b2 in HLA class
overhang the binding groove [7]. II) as well as the trans-membrane and cytoplasmic domains
The role of HLA molecules is to present peptides from have limited or no polymorphism. This explained by the
invasive organisms, and the genes of the MHC are the most fact that the vast majority of the nucleotide polymorphisms

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Y. M. Mosaad HLA in Health and Disease 285

occur in exon 2 of the HLA class II genes and in exons 2 directly infect DCs. Although various cell types are able to
and 3 of the HLA class I genes. cross-present under certain conditions, DCs are the most
Cells contain two different antigen-processing pathways important cross-presenting cells in vivo [11, 12].
that serve to present peptides to T cells. HLA class I The superior ability of DC to cross-present is largely
molecules are loaded in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) attributed to their antigen-processing capacity. Endocytic
with peptides derived from degradation of cytosolic pathways in DC preserve and retain antigen epitopes via
proteins by the proteasome, and these HLA class I/peptide low lysosomal proteolysis and expression of protease
complexes are then surface expressed and presented to inhibitors [13]. This aspect makes sense when one considers
CD8+ T cells (Fig. 3). HLA class II molecules exit the ER that DC pick up antigen in the peripheral tissue and
in association with the invariant chain (Ii) which occupies migrate for several hours-days (12–24 h for dermal DC and
their peptide-binding groove. In the endocytic pathway, 3 days for Langerhans cells) reaching the lymph nodes [14].
proteolysis results in the degradation of the invariant chain, Thus, instead of being processed and degraded prema-
leaving the residual class II-associated invariant chain turely, retention of antigen would allow optimal cross-
peptide (CLIP) in the binding groove. In a process presentation for subsequent recognition by lymph node
catalysed by HLA-DM (in humans), CLIP is replaced by resident na€ıve CD8 T cells [15].
peptides derived by proteolysis from proteins resident or Linkage disequilibrium (LD) refers to the tendency for
internalized into the endocytic pathway. After surface two ‘alleles’ to be present on the same chromosome (positive
expression, these are presented to CD4+ T cells. Hence, LD), or not to segregate together (negative LD). As a result,
HLA class I generally serves as a reporter of intracellular specific alleles at two different loci are found together more
infection, while HLA class II senses the antigens present in or less than expected by chance. LD is the non-independence,
the extracellular milieu (Fig. 4) [11]. at a population level, of the alleles carried at different
Cross-presentation is the presentation of peptides positions in the genome. In this case, the expected frequency
derived from exogenous acquired antigens in association of a two-locus haplotype can be calculated as the probability
with HLA class I in professional APC. Cross-priming is the of the occurrence of two independent (or joint) events simply
sensitization of CD8+ T cells by dendritic cells (DCs) to by multiplying their gene frequencies. The same situation
such antigens. Cross-priming plays an important role may exist for more than two alleles. Its magnitude is
during priming of antitumour CD8+ T cells as well as expressed as the delta (D) value and corresponds to the
priming the CD8+ response to pathogens which do not difference between the expected and the observed haplotype

Figure 3 Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)

class I antigen-processing and presentation
pathway. Cytosolic and nuclear proteins are
degraded into peptides by proteasomes.
Selected peptides are then translocated
through the transporter for antigen
processing into the endoplasmic reticulum,
where they are loaded into newly synthesized
class I molecules. The HLA–peptide
complexes are exported by way of the Golgi
apparatus to the surface of the cell.

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Figure 4 Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)

class II antigen-processing and presentation
pathway. Antigens from extracellular sources
are processed by endolysosomal enzymes into
peptides. HLA class II is synthesized in the
endoplasmic reticulum lumen and forms a
complex with invariant chain (Ii). The Ii is
degraded, leaving a fragment, class
II-associated invariant chain peptide (CLIP),
in the class II binding groove. HLA-DM
mediates the release of CLIP and the loading of
appropriate peptides onto HLA class II
molecules. These complexes are then
transported to the cell surface for
presentation to CD4+ T cells.

frequency. If there is no LD, D will be zero (or not recognize foreign antigen in combination with HLA
significantly different from zero), and if there is positive LD, molecules. In an immune response, foreign antigen is
it will be a positive value [16]. processed by and presented on the surface of a cell (e.g.
In some cases, HLA genes are co-located on chromosome macrophage). The HLA molecule has a section, called its
6 such that they are inevitably inherited ‘en bloc’ and are antigen (or peptide)-binding cleft, in which it has these
linked as are the HLA-DRB1 and DRB3-5 genes. For antigens inserted. T cells interact with the foreign antigen/
example, the –DR15:01 allele is always found with the - HLA complex and are activated [17]. The TCR usually
DRB5 gene. In some cases, there is conserved inheritance of reacts with foreign antigens in the form of peptides from
alleles on the same chromosome constituting a haplotype. the foreign material bound to HLA. The foreign peptide
HLA genes and their protein allotypes can sometimes be fills the groove of HLA, and the TCR lies above the two in
identified on commonly recognized haplotypes such as an approximately diagonal orientation [18]. This allows the
HLA-A1, -B8, -Cw7, -DR17, -DR52 and -DQ2 [5]. loops at the ends of the TCR-a and TCR-b beta strands to
contact both HLA and foreign peptide, with the Comple-
mentarity determining regions (CDR1 and CDR2)
HLA in health and disease
sequences (which are encoded in the germ-line DNA for
Despite the temptation to think of HLA as ‘transplantation Va and Vb, respectively) contacting mostly the alpha
antigens’, HLA antigens are not present on tissues simply to helices of the HLA proteins themselves. However, the
confound transplant surgeons. The most important function CDR3 regions of TCR-a and TCR-b (which are encoded
of HLA molecule is in the induction, regulation of immune by the random, non-germ-line sequences that are created
responses and the selection of the T cell repertoire [10]. A by gene rearrangement) make many contacts with the
clinician’s attention is normally drawn to a system only when foreign peptide [19].
it malfunctions. The HLA system is no exception in this Upon activation, the T cells multiply and by the
regard, but in contrast to other systems, it also arouses release of cytokines are able to set up an immune response
interest when it functions well – too well, in fact [4]. The that will recognize and destroy cells with this same
following is a general overview of some of the important foreign antigen/HLA complex, when next encountered.
functional aspects of HLA antigens in health and diseases. The exact mode of action of HLA Class I and HLA Class
II antigens is different in this process. HLA Class I
molecules, by virtue of their presence on all nucleated
HLA in health
cells, present antigens that are peptides produced by
invading viruses. These are specifically presented to CD8
HLA and immune response
T cells, which will then act directly to kill the virally
The most important function of HLA molecule is in the infected cell. HLA Class II molecules have an intracellular
induction and regulation of immune responses. T cells chaperone network which prevents endogenous peptide

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from being inserted into its antigen-binding cleft. They

HLA-disease association
instead bind antigens (peptides) which are derived from
outside of the cell (and have been engulfed). Such peptides Population studies carried out over the last several decades
would be from a bacterial infection. The HLA Class II have identified a long list of human diseases that are
molecule presents this ‘exogenous’ peptide to CD4 T cells significantly more common among individuals that carry
which then set up a generalized immune response. Thus, particular HLA alleles. For example, HLA-B alleles (e.g.
it is apparent that HLA products are an integral part of HLA-B*2702, HLA-B*2705) are associated with ankylos-
immunological health, and therefore, it is no surprise to ing spondylitis (AS), HLA-DQB1*0602 is associated with
see a wide variety of areas of clinical and genetic narcolepsy, HLA-DRB1 alleles (e.g. DRB1*04:01,
implications [17]. DRB1*04:04, DRB1*04:05, DRB1*01:01 and a few
others) that code for a sequence motif in the DRb chain
called ‘shared epitope’ (SE) are associated with seropositive
HLA and selection in thymus
rheumatoid arthritis (RA) [3].
T cells arise from circulating bone-marrow-derived pro- The mechanism underlying HLA-disease association is
genitors that home to the thymus. After T lineage unclear; however, many hypotheses have been postulated
commitment and expansion, TCR gene rearrangement and generally fall into two categories: (1) Those that blame
ensues and gives rise to either cd or ab progenitors at the ‘mistaken identity’ in which an HLA allele appears to
CD4 and CD8 double-negative (DN) stage. A small associate with the disease, although the actual culprit
number of ab committed DN cells give rise to a large belongs to a different locus in the haplotype or associates
number of CD4 and CD8 double-positive (DP) thymo- through linkage disequilibrium and (2) Those that impli-
cytes, and somatic recombination of TCR genes results in cate immune reactivity to self-antigens due to aberrant T
a remarkably broad repertoire of distinct ab TCRs with cell repertoire selection, immune cross-reactivity with
random specificity. The TCR affinity for self-peptide–HLA foreign antigens or immune attack on ‘altered self’ antigens
determines a thymocyte’s fate from this point forward. DP [3, 19, 23, 24].
thymocytes expressing TCRs that do not bind self- HLA haplotypes can indeed explain some misinterpreted
peptide–HLA complexes die by neglect. Those with a associations such as narcolepsy, where an apparent associa-
low affinity for self-peptide–HLA complexes differentiate tion with HLA-DRB1*15 was later found to be actually
to CD4 or CD8 single-positive (SP) thymocytes – so-called attributed to an HLA-DQ allele in the haplotype, HLA-
positive selection. However, those with high-affinity TCR DQB1*0602, which is in close LD with the hypocretin
for self-peptide–HLA complexes represent a potential receptor 2 (HCRTR2) gene [25]. Linkage disequilibrium has
threat to the health of the animal, and various mechanisms been implicated in hereditary hemochromatosis (HH),
operate to ensure tolerance to self, including clonal where an apparent association with HLA-A alleles was later
deletion, clonal diversion, receptor editing and anergy determined to be actually due to two point mutations in a
[20]. non-classical class I HLA gene, HFE, that are found in LD
Treg cells are a suppressive subpopulation of CD4 T with HLA-A3 and HLA-A29 alleles [26]. However, both
cells that resembles autoreactive T cells thymic deletion in haplotype-based association and LD merely direct the blame
their requirement for high-affinity TCR signals and at another gene and do not provide testable hypotheses to
engagement of CD28 costimulatory ligands. On the other explain the pathogenic mechanism of HLA molecules in
hand, it differs from CD4 T cells in the expression of the disease aetiology [3].
forkhead family transcription factor (Foxp3) and in their The three other hypotheses listed in the second category
dependence on cc-dependent cytokines such as interleukin- above implicate, in one way or another, antigen presenta-
2 (IL-2) [21]. Thymic Treg development is achieved in tion by HLA molecules. They postulate that the basis of
two stages. Initially, post-positive selected thymocytes HLA-disease association is an immune response to putative
undergo TCR and CD28 dependent maturation into self- or foreign antigens either in their native or modified
a Foxp Tregs precursor population. A subsequent IL- form. However, presentation of specific antigens as a
2-dependent step leads to the development of Foxp3- mechanism of HLA-disease association is difficult to
expressing mature Tregs [22]. The developing reconcile with a considerable body of scientific data [3].
(Foxp3 CD25 ) CD4 thymocytes that receive TCR/ First, the cause-effect fidelity between HLA alleles and
CD28 costimulatory signals differentiate into particular diseases is often challenged. For example, HLA-
Foxp3+CD25 or Foxp3 CD25+ precursors. Foxp3+ DRB1*0401, the best known for its association with RA,
CD25 precursors represent the major developmental associates with type 1 diabetes (T1D) as well [27]. Thus, an
pathway for Tregs. Most of the Foxp3+CD25 precursors individual HLA allele can promiscuously associate with
die because of insufficient IL -2, while IL-2-signalled distinct diseases that do not share pathogenesis, target
Foxp3+CD25 precursors differentiate into mature tissues or putative antigens. Second, allele-associated
Foxp3+CD25+ Tregs [21]. diseases can demonstrate species non-specificity such as

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HLA-DRB1*0401, which associates with human RA, consistency is a widely recognized limitation of the
confers susceptibility to inflammatory arthritis in mice as association studies. The explanation for why the results
well [28]. Such ‘trans-species susceptibility’ is difficult to of HLA associations vary between cohorts includes
reconcile with HLA-restricted antigen presentation. Third, mistakes in genotyping [deviation from Hardy–Weinberg
significant HLA allele-based associations have been equilibrium (HWE) in controls is usually an indication of
observed in conditions that do not involve antigen problems with typing rather than selection, admixture,
recognition or any immune-based pathogenesis [29]. non-random mating or other reasons for violation of
Finally, antigen presentation-based hypotheses cannot HWE], poor control selection, design problems including
easily explain allele-dose impact on disease severity or the statistical power issue (negative results due to lack of
offer a plausible explanation for allele-dose effects on statistical power should be distinguished from truly
concordance rates in monozygotic twins [30]. Thus, HLA- negative results), publication bias, disease misclassification
restricted antigen presentation, a common thread in most or misclassification bias, excessive type I errors, post hoc and
of the prevailing hypotheses addressing HLA-disease subgroup analysis, unjustified multiple comparisons, fail-
association, appears to be inharmonious with many ure to consider the mode of inheritance in a genetic disease,
observations concerning the biology, epidemiology and failure to account for the LD structure of the gene (only
evolution of HLA molecules [3]. haplotype-tagging markers will show the association, other
Seeking better answers to the question of HLA-disease markers within the same gene may fail to show an
association, de Almeida and Holoshitz [31] have recently association) and likelihood that the gene studied account
put forward a heterodox, MHC Cusp theory at the focus of for a small proportion of the variability in risk and true
this theory is a polymorphic region on HLA molecules variability among different populations in allele frequen-
whose tri-dimensional cusp-like shape appears to have been cies [16].
preserved in the entire MHC family. The theory proposes
that the MHC codes for allele-specific ligands in the cusp
Deficiency of HLA molecules
region, which interact with non-HLA receptors and
activate various pathways. Aberrations in those pathways HLA class I deficiency is a rare disease with remarkable
could cause HLA-associated diseases. clinical and biological heterogeneity. The spectrum of
One of the most conspicuous features in the HLA fold is possible manifestations extends from the complete absence
a prominent cusp-shaped prominence in the a2 domain of of symptoms to life-threatening disease conditions. It is
class I HLA molecules, and its tri-dimensionally equivalent usually diagnosed when HLA class I serological typing is
b1 domain in class II HLA molecules. The cusp in both unsuccessful; flowcytometric studies then reveal a severe
molecules involves allele-diversity regions. Similarly, reduction in the cell-surface expression of HLA class I
shaped structures have been preserved in the entire MHC molecules (90–99% reduction compared to normal cells).
gene product family, irrespective of whether or not they Isolated HLA class I deficiency, also termed ‘type I bare
can present antigens [32]. Importantly, cusp regions in lymphocyte syndrome’ (type I BLS), is not usually life-
several HLA molecules have been found to act as ligands threatening, in contrast to the more severe HLA class II
that perform non-antigen presentation functions. For deficiency (type II BLS) and combined HLA class I and II
example, ligands for NK cell receptors have been identified deficiencies. The symptoms present in the majority of the
in the cusp region of both classical and non-classical (HLA- patients are rather unexpected, considering the role of HLA
E) class I HLA molecules [33]. Thus, the cusp region, class I molecules in the presentation of viral peptides to
whose peculiar tri-dimensional shape has been carefully cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) [34].
conserved through MHC evolution independent of antigen In most cases to date, this low expression is due to a
presentation, is a hub for signal transduction ligands that homozygous inactivating mutation in one of the two
interact with a variety of non-HLA receptors and activate subunits of the transporter associated with antigen
important biologic functions. In class II and classical class I processing (TAP), critically involved in the peptide loading
HLA molecules, the cusp contains allelic hypervariable of HLA class I molecules. TAP deficiency has been
regions. As discussed above, antigen presentation per se molecularly characterized by a point mutation leading to
cannot explain HLA-disease association. The MHC Cusp a premature stop codon, with or without frame-shift, and
theory proposes that HLA molecules may promote diseases thus to a truncated and non-functional protein. The
due to their allele-specific biologic effects independent of asymptomatic TAP-deficient siblings have a mutation in
antigen presentation function of HLA. Therefore, the the gene region encoding the ATP-binding cassette that
blame cannot be applied exclusively to the antigen destroys the activity of TAP2, although interactions with
presentation function of HLA molecules [3]. TAP1 and tapasin should be preserved [34, 35].
Large meta-analysis studies and systematic reviews have Several subtypes of HLA class I deficiency have been
shown that at best no more than half of original described. Symptomatic TAP deficiency occurs when the
associations can be consistently replicated. This lack of patients have a very large reduction in the cell-surface

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Y. M. Mosaad HLA in Health and Disease 289

expression levels of HLA class I molecules. They display envisaged and confirmed by activation of T cells (Phyto-
recurrent bacterial infections of the respiratory tract and hemagglutinin ‘PHA’, IL-2, allogeneic feeder cells) and
about half of them also have granulomatous skin lesions. further stimulation with inflammatory cytokines, which
Their HLA genotype is homozygous, and their parents are should then strongly upregulate HLA class I molecules [34,
usually first cousins [34, 36]. The absence of severe viral 40].
infections despite the defective presentation of viral
antigens to CD8+ T cells may be explained, at least in
Abnormalities of genes linked to the HLA
part, by different factors: (1) normal humoral response, (2)
presence of significant, although frequently reduced, A large group of diseases involve genes in the HLA region
numbers of TCR-ab+ CD8+ T cells, (3) recognition by that are linked to (or associated with) specific class I and
certain TCR-ab+ CD8+ T cells of TAP-independent viral class II alleles or combinations of alleles (haplotypes). In
antigens, (4) expansion of TCR-cd+ T cells and finally (5) some of these diseases, the responsible genes are unrelated
presence of NK cells [34, 37]. to the class I and class II genes (e.g. Narcolepsy), but in
Atypical HLA class I deficiencies are characterized by other diseases, the class I, II and III genes are involved [4].
less severe reduction in surface expression of HLA class I
molecules (approximately tenfold). It is called atypical due
to absence of clinical symptoms, and if present, it will be
transient or moderate. It includes very heterogeneous Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by
group due to the heterogeneous molecular defects that are excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, hypnagogic hallu-
present in this type. Patients with atypical HLA class I cinations, sleep paralysis and disturbed nocturnal sleep
deficiency will have a homozygous HLA genotype and patterns. This disease is secondary to the specific loss of
evidence of a TAP2 deficiency. Thus, TAP deficiencies may hypothalamic hypocretin (orexin)-producing neurons in the
lead to variably severe reductions in the surface levels of lateral hypothalamus [41, 42].
HLA class I molecules [34, 36]. To act, hypocretins must bind to receptors, one of which
Combined HLA class I and II deficiency where a is rendered non-functional by a mutation carried by
significant reduction in the surface expression of HLA class patients with narcolepsy. The mutation apparently arose
I molecules is associated with a lack of expression of HLA in a common ancestor of these patients, in the HCRTR2
class II molecules. As in type II BLS, the resulting absence gene located in the vicinity of the HLA-DQB1*0602 and
of humoral and cellular immune responses produces DQA1*0102 alleles. As the mutation occurred relatively
extreme susceptibility to viral, bacterial and parasitic recently, there has not been enough time for it to be
infections early in life. The reduced expression of HLA class separated from the two HLA-DQ alleles by crossing over in
I molecules seems to be a direct consequence of the the patients with the most severe cases of narcolepsy. The
mutations of the regulatory factor X (RFX) complex, three genes therefore appear together at frequencies higher
which regulates the transcription of HLA class II genes. than would be expected from random combinations of their
Indeed, the promoters of the genes of the heavy chains of frequencies in the population, a situation referred to as LD
HLA class I molecules and of b2 m contain binding motifs [4].
for several subunits of the RFX complex. These transcrip- While nearly all narcoleptic patients express
tion factors thus may also play a role in the transactivation DQB1*0602, expression of DQB1*0602 is not limited to
of the genes of HLA class I molecules [34, 38, 39]. narcoleptic individuals between 12% and 38% of the
Although patient history and clinical picture may general population are carriers of this allele [43]. In
strongly suggest HLA class I deficiency, diagnosis needs to contrast, the closely related DQB1*0601 allele, which
be confirmed by serological HLA typing (but not by differs at only nine residues, protects against developing
molecular HLA typing because this would not identify the narcolepsy, suggesting that peptide-binding differences
disease) and/or by flow cytometry (staining of PBMC by a between these two alleles determine whether they predis-
pan-anti-HLA class-I antibody such as W6/32). Cells from pose to or protect against narcolepsy [44]. The significant
parents and siblings should be included, to identify other association with DQB1*0602 strongly suggests an inter-
affected family members. The degree to which surface action between a specific T cell receptor subtype leading to
expression of HLA class I molecules is reduced may already the destruction of hypocretin-producing neurons. An
give some indications about the possible origin of the autoimmune basis for the hypocretin cell loss in narcolepsy
defect. HLA genotyping of the patient and his family has long been suspected due to its strong genetic
should be performed. If the patient’s HLA genotype is association with selected HLA alleles. HLA encodes
homozygous, the deficiency is likely to be linked to multiple subtypes of HLA class I and II proteins that
chromosome 6 and may thus be a TAP or a tapasin present foreign peptides to T cells during infections,
deficiency whose transmission is recessive and autosomal. If thereby triggering immune responses via TCR activation.
not, a transcriptional and conditional defect could be In autoimmunity, self-peptides are believed to be

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290 HLA in Health and Disease Y. M. Mosaad

mistakenly perceived as foreign, thus leading to tissue can be activated by such HLA-bound peptides. Non-
destruction, which often occurs in context of specific HLA fulfilment of either of these requirements may render a
alleles [45]. person carrying a particular combination of HLA alleles
Among autoimmune diseases, narcolepsy is uniquely more susceptible to a particular infectious disease than one
positioned to demonstrate molecular mimicry in humans. who has a different combination of alleles [4, 48].
First, narcolepsy occurs nearly exclusively in individuals
with DQB1*0602. Second, a specific association with the
TCR-a locus also confers an increased risk, indicating a
crucial role for specific J segments of TCR-a in the The best example of this resistance is the association of
‘immunological synapse’ of narcolepsy. Finally, studies specific HLA class I and class II alleles with protection
have shown increased rates of narcoleptic onset in children against severe malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. In the
following exposure to influenza A H1N1 infections and Gambia, infection with Plasmodium falciparum, which
selected H1N1 vaccine preparations. These findings causes malaria, is extremely common, although the
strongly suggest that some T cells that can be activated mortality rate among children with malarial anaemia or
by H1N1 epitopes that lead to the destruction of cerebral malaria is low. Both complications are believed to
hypocretin-producing neurons. A parsimonious explana- be the consequence of a failure to clear the parasites from
tion could involve mimicry between H1N1 and a peptide the blood, leading to increase haemolysis and blockage of
contained in hypocretin cells [41, 42, 45]. cerebral blood vessels by parasitized erythrocytes. HLA
typing of the relevant population revealed the presence of
the HLA-B*53 allele at a frequency of approximately 25%
among healthy people or children with mild malaria (the
Iron-overload disorders owing to genetic mis-regulation of allele is rare in non-African populations). By contrast, the
iron acquisition are referred to as HH. The most prevalent frequency of HLA-B*53 among patients with severe
genetic iron-overload disorder in Caucasians is caused by malaria was approximately 15%. The comparison suggests
mutations in the HFE gene, an atypical HLA class I that possession of the HLA-B*53 allele reduces the risk of
molecule. The HFE gene was first identified in 1996 as an death from severe malaria by approximately 40%. Pre-
MHC class I-like gene in which homozygosity for a missense sumably, the HLA-B53 molecules bind very efficiently
mutation that results in cysteine-to-tyrosine substitution at certain peptides produced by processing the malarial
amino acid 282 of human HFE protein (C282Y) was found circumsporozoite protein and present them to CD8+ T
in vast majority of patients with HH [46, 47]. cells, whose progeny attack the liver-stage parasites. Such
The protein encoded by the HFE gene is a non-classical cytotoxic T cells have indeed been found in patients with
HLA class I-like protein which contains a signal sequence, malaria, and circumsporozoite peptides have been eluted
peptide-binding extracellular domains, a trans-membrane from the HLA-B*53 molecules of these patients. Protec-
region and a small cytoplasmic portion. Within the a-2 tion against severe malarial anaemia is also afforded by
and a-3 extracellular domains are the four cysteine residues possession of the class II HLA-DRB1*1302/DQB1*0501
that form disulphide bridges representing one of the most haplotype. In other sub-Saharan populations, different
conserved structural features of HLA class I molecules. HLA class I and class II alleles are involved in the resistance
HFE interacts with b2 m, and this association enables to severe malaria [4, 48–50].
efficient transport of HFE to the cell surface where it The absence of a strong or clear association between
interacts with Transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1). C282Y HLA and P. falciparum malaria may, in fact, result from a
mutation disrupts the disulphide bridges in the extracel- unique biology which renders HLA less relevant. The
lular domains of the HFE protein, thereby preventing the parasite spends most of its biomass not as freely circulating
association of HFE with b2 m and TfR1. The lack of HFE sporozoites and merozoites, but as intra-erythrocytic ring
interaction with TfR1 increases the affinity of TfR1 for the forms, trophozoites and schizonts. Despite their intracel-
transferrin-bound iron, thereby modulating iron absorp- lular development, remarkable immune evasion is
tion. In contrast to the C282Y mutation, mutant H63D achieved. The erythrocyte is arguably appealing not only
HFE formed stable complexes with TfR1 being in line for its nutritive iron and protein content, but also for its
with the clinical data that H63D HFE mutations margin- lack of continued HLA expression after enucleation [51],
ally affect iron absorption and rarely lead to HH [47]. thereby unable to process and present immunologic
signature units for adaptive immune recognition [52].
HLA and infectious diseases
For an efficient immune response to a pathogen to occur,
HLA molecules must bind peptides derived from microbial Human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune
proteins and the T cell repertoire must include clones that deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is one of only a few

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Y. M. Mosaad HLA in Health and Disease 291

infectious diseases showing a clear-cut and consistent HLA Kaslow et al. [55] assessed the role of HLA class I alleles
association. The primary influence of HLA loci on the HIV in HIV infection and found that HLA-B27 and B57 were
disease relative to all other single human genetic variants strongly associated with slow progression to AIDS.
has now been confirmed by several genomewide association Importantly, several independent studies have confirmed
studies (GWAS). The GWAS data supported numerous this finding, including a recent study [56] that included
genetic epidemiological studies reported previously, which more than 2700 patients with HIV infection. It is
had implicated many HLA alleles in various aspects of HIV important to note, however, that HLA-B27 and B57 are
disease. Thus, all the available evidence points to HLA as not unique in their association with HIV control, but are
the most significant locus in differential control of HIV rather extremes in an continuous spectrum of ‘protective’ to
across humans [53]. ‘hazardous’ HLA class I alleles. HLA-B27 is associated with
HIV infection typically manifests with an acute viral low viral load and long-term non-progression in HIV
syndrome, followed by a period of immune control with infection as well as spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C
relatively low viral loads and stable CD4+ cell counts. After virus (HCV) infection. Recent studies linked protection by
this asymptomatic period of usually 8–10 years, viral loads HLA-B27 in HIV and HCV infection to virological
increase, CD4+ T cell counts drop and AIDS-defining mechanisms such as complicated pathways of viral escape
opportunistic infections or malignancies occur in untreated from immunodominant HLA-B27-restricted virus-specific
patients. There are, however, some patients who display a CD8+ T cell epitopes. These virological mechanisms may
superior HIV control. These ‘elite controllers’ or ‘long- help to explain why CD8+ T cell responses targeting
term non-progressors’ have low viral loads and remain certain HIV and HCV-specific epitopes contribute to
asymptomatic even for decades before the onset of AIDS protection. However, they cannot explain why largely the
[54]. same HLA class I alleles, including HLA-B27 and HLA-
The primary function of HLA molecules is to present B57, are protective in unrelated viral infections [54].
foreign antigens to elicit T cell responses, so the number of Therefore, there must be additionally immunological
distinct HLA allotypes expressed on the cell surface is mechanisms that contribute to the protective effect of these
directly related to the range of foreign antigens the host HLA alleles in HIV and HCV infection. Several immuno-
can present to T cells. Thus, individuals who are hetero- logical mechanisms have been suggested contributing to
zygous at the HLA locus will be able to present a broader protection by HLA-B27 including: CD8+ T cell polyfunc-
repertoire of antigenic peptides to T cells as compared to tionality (indicated by simultaneous production of multi-
homozygotes, thereby exerting greater pressure on the ple antiviral cytokines) and functional avidity (the
pathogen to escape the CTL responses that may in turn sensitivity of CD8+ T cells to antigenic stimulation),
affect pathogen fitness. Under this model, it would be thymic selection of CD8+ T cell precursors (HLA class I
expected that HLA homozygous individuals would pro- alleles that bind few self-peptides are associated with a
gress more rapidly to AIDS than HLA heterozygous greater CD8+ T cell precursor repertoire and broader cross-
individuals after HIV infection. Indeed, a highly signifi- reactivity of CD8+ T cells, finally leading to superior viral
cant association of HLA class I homozygosity with rapid control), specific T cell receptor repertoires and clonotypes
progression to AIDS in both Caucasians and African (the selection of TCR clonotypes impacts antiviral efficacy
Americans was demonstrated and the three class I loci and the capacity to cross-recognize viral variants and in
contributed independently to the association, and the effect HCV, limited TCR diversity has been linked to the
was most pronounced in individuals who were homozygous evolution of viral escape mutations), efficient antigen
at two or three loci [53]. processing (the amount of peptide produced by the
Overall, the data suggest that a broader range of HIV-1 antigen-processing machinery (APM) correlated with the
peptides are recognized by HLA heterozygous individuals magnitude and frequency of HIV-specific CD8+ T cell
resulting in more efficient-specific CTL responses against responses) and evasion from Treg suppression (Tregs are
the pathogen. It may also take the virus a longer time to thought to suppress HIV and HCV-specific CD8+ T cells)
accumulate escape mutations in HLA heterozygous indi- and thus contribute to CD8+ T cell exhaustion and failure.
viduals relative to homozygous individuals. An alternative It has been demonstrated, however, that HIV-specific
interpretation of the data is based on a model of frequency- CD8+ T cells restricted by the protective HLA alleles B27
dependent selection (or rare allele advantage), which argues and B57 are not suppressed by Tregs [54, 57, 58].
that HIV adapts to HLA alleles that are common in the Moreover, recent study by Elahi and Horton [58]
population. These alleles are most likely to be observed in provided novel insights into the role of Tregs in chronic
HLA homozygotes. HLA heterozygous individuals on the viral infection. This study showed that HIV-specific CD8+
other hand are more likely to carry rare alleles (in T cells restricted by protective HLA-B*27/B*57 alleles are
combination with common alleles), to which the virus much more resistant to Treg-mediated suppression than
has not adapted as well, and therefore, individuals with CD8+ T cells restricted by non-protective HLA alleles.
these alleles are better able to contain the virus [53]. This resistance to Treg suppression was because CD8+ T

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292 HLA in Health and Disease Y. M. Mosaad

cells restricted by protective HLA alleles upregulated low system. Tumour cells do not respond to the regulatory
levels of T cell immunoglobulin Mucin Protein-3 (Tim-3) stimuli that normally limit tissue proliferation. Carcino-
when they encountered their antigen. Thus, Tregs were not gens and oncogenic viruses activate genes that destabilize
able to suppress proliferation of these HIV-specific CD8+ cell proliferation and repair. As a result, some cell-surface
CTLs through Tim-3:Galactin-9 interactions. In contrast, antigens are lost and others are expressed. At the end of this
HIV-specific CD8+ CTLs restricted by non-protective process, the tumour may no longer be recognized by the
alleles upregulated high levels of Tim-3 when they immune system [62]. Structural and functional changes in
encountered their antigen and were subsequently sup- HLA, loss of expression of tumour antigens, lack of
pressed by Tregs. The lack of suppression of B*27/B*57- co-stimulatory molecules and production of immunosup-
restricted CTL allows them to continue to proliferate and pressive cytokines are some of the possible mechanisms that
kill infected targets during chronic infection, which may cause tumour cells to escape immune surveillance [63].
account for delayed disease progression in persons with In humans, tumours alterations in the surface expression
protective alleles [58]. and/or function of HLA class I antigens are frequently
found and equip neoplastic cells with mechanisms to escape
immune control. The aberrant expression of HLA class I
molecules can be caused by structural alterations or
HLA associations with respect to hepatitis B virus and dysregulations of genes encoding the classical HLA class
HCV infection susceptibility, protection, disease severity, I antigens and/or components of the HLA class I APM. The
interferon treatment response and response to vaccination dysregulation of APM components could occur at the
have been intensively investigated across the global epigenetic, transcriptional or post-transcriptional level.
populations [59]. The associations between HLA Class I Interestingly, none of the HLA class I and II alleles have
antigens and the outcome of HCV infection are extensively been demonstrated to be associated with an increased
investigated in different ethnic populations, and the incidence per se of any cancer. However, individual alleles
reported associations showed ethnic and geographical are known to be overrepresented in certain cancers or
differences sometimes with contradictory results [60]. In correlate with survival, prognosis, higher tumour staging,
the same time, there is a striking concordance between grading, disease progression and failure to CD8+ T cell-
several of the HLA alleles associated with clearance in both based immunotherapies [64–66].
HIV and HCV infection including, in particular, HLA- HLA-A*02 allele is associated with poor prognosis in
B*27. Other associations with HLA-B*57 and HLA-B*08 different cancers such as ovarian, prostate, melanoma and
DR3 are less consistent and may relate to differences in lung cancer [66]. In the same time, in advanced ovarian
viral sequences in certain subpopulations [61]. cancer, HLA-A2 is a negative clinical prognostic factor [67]
Both HLA-B*57 and HLA-B*27 have been identified as and it is phenotype overrepresented in both ovarian and
protective in terms of both HIV and HCV infection. The prostate cancer in Swedish patients compared to the normal
mechanisms for this joint efficacy could be manifold. First, population [68]. At the genetic level, it is possible to
it is possible that both HLA alleles could be in LD with consider a linkage of HLA-A*2 allele to putative onco- or
other genes in the MHC which are more directly tumour suppressor genes and could explain the increased
responsible for their effects. Second, it is possible that potential for oncogenic transformation of cells and thus an
both HLA molecules select for epitopes that may have an increased mortality in these patients. At the epigenetic
influence on viral fitness. Third, it is possible that such level, it is speculated that a specific HLA-A2 microRNA
associations are simply related to the prevalence of a (miR181a) downregulate the HLA antigen expression in
particular gene in a population because it is likely that in the HLA-A2 patients. During the initial oncogenesis, the
any given population there will be less exposure to and transformed cells may upregulate transcription of the MHC
consequently less selection against, rare alleles, particularly genes which serve to absorb and engage the pool of
in populations where the prevalence of the condition has miRNA. Potentially, this may prevent translation of HLA
increased recently. It is worth noting that there are also antigen message which impedes expression of HLA antigen
striking differences between HIV and HCV in HLA types and immune recognition. Moreover, normal regulatory
associated with protection [61]. functions of the miRNA are also compromised as the
‘decoy’ transformed cells absorb and engage the available
pool of miRNA [66, 69].
HLA and cancer
Downregulation or complete loss of HLA class I gene
The theoretical model, which explains the manner through expression has been reported in a variety of human solid and
which there is unrestrained growth of cells that are haematopoietic malignancies such as melanoma, colorectal,
different from those of the tissue from which they breast, lung and cervical carcinoma, and these changes were
originate, is based on the modification of surface molecules ranged from 3.4% to 60% depending on the tumour
that determine the recognition of self-cells by the immune subtype analysed. In addition, loss of heterozygosity at the

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Y. M. Mosaad HLA in Health and Disease 293

HLA loci is a frequent event in some tumour entities-like purposes, not only in the context of anticancer immuno-
colorectal carcinoma and melanoma, but not in others, like therapy [72].
renal cell carcinoma and could therefore contribute to the
downregulation of HLA class I antigens in selected tumour
HLA and transfusion
types [64]. The molecular mechanisms leading to defects in
the HLA class I antigen presentation pathway have been The HLA class I antigens are carried in high concentration
well characterized upon viral infections. The human by leucocytes and platelets, but only in trace amounts on
cytomegalovirus (HCMV) represents one suitable model erythrocytes. Each transfusion of either platelets or leuco-
for viral interference with the HLA class I antigen cytes therefore carries a risk of immunizing the patient.
presentation pathway. For example, HCMV encodes at Patients, with an intact immune system, who require
least four proteins that impair the antigen-processing multiple transfusions of whole blood, platelets or leucocyte
pathway at different steps from proteasomal degradation concentrates, will therefore usually develop antibodies to
to peptide transport, formation of the trimeric HLA class I HLA antigens. Anti-HLA antibodies may lead to two
HC/b2 m/peptide complex to its transport to the cell problems. Firstly, these patients become refractory to
surface [64]. Furthermore, many other viruses also interfere platelet transfusions, which they destroy rapidly, and
with the HLA class I APM [70]. secondly, non-haemolytic transfusion reactions may occur
These deviations include the complete absence or in response to HLA antigen [10].
downregulation of HLA class I expression or of HLA class In the circulation, platelets have the greatest amount of
I allo-specificities in frequent association to an impairment circulating HLA class I molecules and most of these HLA
of a single or various members of the antigen-processing molecules are adsorbed on the platelets. The majority of
and antigen-presenting machinery. In most cases, it seems HLA antigens on the platelet surface are composed
that the HLA class I abnormalities result from a deregu- primarily of heavy chains; therefore, they have the ability
lation rather than a structural defect suggesting an to dissociate from the platelet especially with storage.
intervention at the epigenetic, transcriptional and or When platelets are transfused into an allogeneic recipient,
post-transcriptional level [71]. This observation increases the host is thus exposed to a huge dose of potentially
even more the importance of studying the crosstalk altered donor HLA class I molecules. The donor HLA
between the tumour cells and the microenvironment [72]. molecules (whether still associated with the platelet or not)
HLA-G, -E and -F are important regulators of the eventually circulate through the spleen and are either
immune system, and their role in tumour immunology is phagocytosed (e.g. the platelet-associated class I) or taken
attracting a steadily growing interest. The upregulation of up by pinocytosis (soluble class I) by cells (e.g. macro-
HLA-G, -E and -F following interferon-c stimulation phages) of the reticuloendothelial system. These initial
suggests that non-classical HLA class I molecules may be uptake mechanisms allow for recipient splenic macrophag-
involved in negative feedback responses to potentially es and DCs to potentially act as APC that stimulate the
harmful pro-inflammatory responses. Inflammation is also host’s adaptive immune system and the eventual produc-
one of the hallmarks of cancer. While inflammatory tion of IgG antidonor antibodies [75].
responses are required to eliminate cancer cells, they also During the era of donor-specific transfusion, patients
trigger strong immuno-regulatory mechanisms that limit were given blood from their prospective transplant donors,
the recognition of malignant cells by the immune system, typically three reduced volume transfusions during a period
hence favouring tumour progression. Thus, tumour results of 1–2 months. Under these protocols, many patients were
in the recruitment strongly immunosuppressive cells such transfused with blood from HLA-typed donors who had a
as Tregs, myeloid-derived suppressor cells and tumour- variable degree of HLA match such as HLA-DR-matched
infiltrating macrophages [72]. Non-classical HLA class I transfusions, partially or totally HLA-matched donor
molecules constitute another means whereby malignant transfusions. As expected, when more HLA antigens were
cells escape immuno-surveillance. Indeed, these molecules matched, there was an independent association with a
inhibit the activity of the immune system by binding to significantly decreased risk of sensitization [76, 77].
inhibitory receptors expressed by effector cells, hence Patients receiving blood transfusion in the first five
suppressing their functions or inducing their apoptotic years on the waiting list of transplantation is associated
demise [73, 74]. Thus, the molecules might become an with a fivefold higher risk of death and an 11% reduction
important target for anticancer immunotherapy. Interfer- in the likelihood of ever receiving a transplant. In the same
ing with the functions of non-classical HLA class I time, after transplantation, the presence of preformed HLA
molecules might robustly boost the antineoplastic poten- antibodies is associated with an increased risk of early and
tial of cytotoxic effectors while antagonizing the activity of late graft loss. Also, the pre-existing donor-specific HLA
intrinsically immunosuppressive cells. The specific mech- antibodies identified by Luminex at the time of transplan-
anisms whereby these molecules control excessive inflam- tation are associated with a higher incidence of antibody-
mation are currently under investigation for therapeutic mediated rejection and inferior graft survival [78–81].

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294 HLA in Health and Disease Y. M. Mosaad

HLA and end-stage renal disease

lymphocyte spontaneous apoptosis are observed resulting
in low levels of circulating lymphocytes [102].
Kidney failure is traditionally regarded as the most serious
outcome of chronic kidney disease, and symptoms are
usually caused by complications of reduced kidney func- HLA and Transplantation
tion. When symptoms are severe, they can be treated only In addition to situations in which a malfunction of the
by dialysis and transplantation; kidney failure treated in HLA system occurs, problems can arise when it functions
this way is known as end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The too well. This is the case when one attempts to transplant
role of the HLA system in the pathophysiology of ESRD is tissues or organs between genetically disparate individuals
intriguing, but not completely resolved. Numerous asso- of the same or different species (allografts and xenografts,
ciations and non-associations of HLA with ESRD have been respectively). The T cell receptors of the recipient’s
reported in the medical literature, but with controversial lymphocytes recognize either the donor’s (allogeneic)
results in Table 1 [82–93]. HLA molecules on APC of the graft (a process known as
The HLA-B8, DR3 haplotype is remarkable for its direct presentation) or the donor’s HLA molecules on APC
association with a number of autoimmune diseases such as of the recipient (a process known as indirect presentation).
lupus, Type 1 diabetes mellitus and IgA deficiency [94]. During indirect presentation, the peptides are generated by
The extended HLA-B8, DR3 haplotype (8.1 AH) is highly the degradation of the allogeneic HLA molecules released
conserved [95] and in LD with the tumour necrosis factor from the graft [4, 103].
(TNF*2) promoter allele which leads to a genetically high
setting of TNF-a [96, 97] and C4AQ0, which leads to
Haematopoietic stem cell transplant
defect in opsonization and clearance of immune complexes
[98]. Studies in healthy individuals have revealed an altered The HLA system is the primary immunologic barrier to
balance of cytokines produced in carriers of the haplotype successful stem cell transplant. Therefore, the clinical
such as an impaired production of IL-2, IL-5, IL-12 and outcomes of haematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT)
INF-c after a mitogen stimulus [99]. The immune response are dependent on optimizing the histocompatibility
is thus skewed towards Th2 cytokine production and the matching between the patient and the donor. The HLA
humoral response, although IL-5 production is also antigens are effective stimulators and targets of graft versus
depressed [100]. Furthermore, both an increased produc- host disease (GVHD) and graft rejection. HLAs possess
tion of autoantibodies [101] and an increased blood outstanding ability to elicit an immune response either by

Table 1 HLA association with end-stage renal disease..

Sample tested
Population patient/control HLA susceptibility OR HLA protection OR References

Kuwaiti 334/191 HLA-B8 2.62 HLA-28, B18, DR11 0.42, 0.32, [82]
Caucasian 177/106 HLA-B35, B8/DR3 – HLA-B27, B40, DR13 – [89]
European 1620/1211 HLA-B35, DR5 1.5, 1.74 HLA-B7, B8, DR2, DR3 0.65, 0.64, [85]
0.45, 0.67
African 250/4506 HLA-DR3, -DR5 2.2, HLA-DR7 0.53 [90]
Americans 1.6
and whites
Iranian 26/51 HLA-A11, A33, B49 – Non – [92]
Braziliana 105/160 HLA-A78, DR11 30.3, 18.8 HLA-B14 29.9 [91]
Iraqi 200/110 HLA-A2 in Arab 3.6 Non – [93]
HLA-B35 in Kurdish 3.9
Egyptiana 37/100 HLA-B27, A11, B13, B12 3.7, 2.7, 2.9 Non – [86]
Egyptian 207/250 HLA-A2, B8, – Non – [87]
DRB1*3, DRB1*11
Saudia 235/60 HLA–DQB1 *03 3.7 HLA Cw2 0.46 [88]
Turkish 587/2643 HLA-B58 – HLA-A11, 23, 24, 26, – [84]
29, 30, 32, 66, 68, 69;
HLA-B7, 57; HLA-DRB1*11
Venezuela 188/202 B38, B51, 2.42, 2.55, 2.57, 3.75 HLA-A9, B12, B17, B40, 0.25, 0.16, [83]
B53, B62 B48 0.15, 0.19, 0.08

OR, odds ratio.

Relative risk.

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Y. M. Mosaad HLA in Health and Disease 295

presentation of variable peptides or by recognition of Petersdorf et al. [111] did not find any apparent difference
polymorphic fragments of foreign HLA molecules. In the between allele and antigen mismatches with respect to the
future, evaluation before HSCT is likely to comprise a number of deaths from transplants, suggesting that donors
more detailed genetic analysis of patient and donor, but with a single HLA allele of antigen mismatch may be used
currently the standard is HLA typing at A, B, C, DRB1 for HSCT when a fully matched unrelated donor is not
and DQB1 genetic loci [104, 105]. available for patients with severe diseases not permitting
After 1998, when better HLA typing methods replaced time for a lengthy search. There were no significant
DNA fingerprinting, serology and low-resolution methods differences in survival depending on whether the mismatch
used for final donor matching the overall survival of was allelic or antigenic were reported by Lee et al. [112],
transplant patients have improved greatly. Most studies except for antigenic mismatch at HLA-C. However,
now agree that HLA-DQB1 does not need to be considered Flomenberg et al. [113] found that antigenic mismatch
in a well-matched donor, but there is evidence that there was associated with higher mortality compared to allelic
may be additive effects of a DQB1 mismatch, if a mismatch mismatch. They indicated that selection of donors with
at another locus is present. In certain circumstances (and high-resolution mismatches over those with low-resolution
particularly if more than one donor is available), typing for mismatches may lower the rate of post-transplant compli-
the HLA-DPB1 locus should be performed and the degree cations [114].
and type of matching considered in donor selection While the role of donor-specific antibodies (DSA) in
[105–108]. solid organ transplantation is well established, their
Petersdorf [9] summarized the rich history of studies importance in HSCT is only now becoming clear. A
investigating the importance of HLA matching in HSCT review of the literature reporting on HLA immunization in
either unrelated donor transplantation or cord blood HSCT provides ample circumstantial evidence that DSA
transplantation. In unrelated donor HSCT, there are five are associated with a twofold to tenfold increase of graft
major concepts regarding the role of donor HLA mis- failure of HLA-mismatched HSCT, irrespective the type of
matching and GVHD: (1) type and match at high the graft or the patient conditioning. HSCT with HLA-
resolution, (2) consider HLA-DP especially if HLA-A, C, mismatched donors is for many patients the only curative
B, DR, DQ-matched donors are available, (3) when option. Relapse of malignancy, GVHD and post-transplant
matched donors are not available, limit the total number infections still poses considerable hurdles for transplant
of HLA mismatches, (4) when selecting among HLA- success. The contribution HLA antibodies to transplant
mismatched donors, distinguish allele from antigen mis- outcome have been a relatively neglected focus until
matches and (5) consider KIR ligands, KIR alleles, and KIR recently. However, not all HLA antibodies can cause graft
haplotypes. In cord blood transplantation, there is strong failure which may depend on antigens involved, titre or
evidence that fewer mismatches are associated with overall other, as yet unravelled, functional antibody potentials. A
improved outcome and that HLA-associated effects are higher number of stem cells may overcome rejection in the
influenced by the cell dose of the cord blood unit (s). Like case of low strength antibodies, but it is impossible to give
unrelated donor HSCT, there is emerging evidence that more specific recommendations. Even less can be concluded
matching the cord blood unit for HLA-C will lower post- from approaches to reduce DSA. It seems reasonable to aim
transplant complications [105, 106]. for a negative or low titre DSA at the moment of HSC
HLA sequence polymorphisms that are recognized by administration and to inhibit antibody-mediated cell
antibodies (serologic method) are termed antigens, whereas destruction machinery by blocking the macrophage.
those that can be identified only by DNA-based typing Although the role of DSA in graft failure is becoming
methods are termed alleles [109]. Any given HLA antigen acknowledged, non-DSA antibodies may also be a con-
may be encoded by a family of HLA alleles with similar founder in the search for a broader repertoire of allo-
nucleotide sequences. Transplant donor and recipient pairs antibodies affecting transplant outcome. It is obvious that
with different HLA antigens always have different alleles progress calls for registration and collaboration to resolve
(antigen mismatched), and pairs with the same allele confusion around test results. For this aim, the assessment
always have the same antigen (matched). Some donors and of HLA antibodies should be included in HSCT manage-
recipients with the same HLA antigen have different alleles ment protocols [115].
(allele mismatched). With few exceptions, HLA allele
mismatches are characterized by amino acid substitutions
Renal transplantation
in the regions of the HLA molecule that bind peptides for
presentation to T cells, whereas HLA antigen mismatches Although the impact of HLA compatibility has been
are characterized by amino acid substitutions relevant to recognized for two decades, the advances in immunosup-
both peptide binding and contact with T cells [110]. pression protocols are such that rejection episodes are
There are conflicting data concerning the value of managed more efficiently, thus minimizing the importance
selecting an allelic mismatch over an antigenic mismatch. of HLA matching. A study based on the United Network

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296 HLA in Health and Disease Y. M. Mosaad

for Organ Sharing (UNOS) data reported that the impact certain self-proteins in the host that lead to immune
of HLA compatibility had greatly diminished [116]. recognition of the resulting hapten: self-peptide complexes
Consequently, some allocation programs have gradually as de novo antigens [125]. The superantigen interaction
toned down the role of HLA matching from the algorithms concept states that drugs may bridge TCR and HLA
used for prioritizations on the waiting list. The lower molecules without binding directly to peptide antigen
importance of HLA matching was also favoured in the early [126]. The p-i concept (short for pharmacological interac-
years of the 21st century with the advent of the microarray- tion with immune receptors) states that drugs can induce
based Luminex technology for detecting DSA, thus the formation of HLA:drug complexes that can activate T
allowing organ allocation around well characterized HLA cell immune responses directly without requiring a specific
specificities [117]. peptide ligand [127]. Recently, several groups reported
However, the results of Opelz and Dohler [118] on a data suggested that these commonly considered mecha-
large study cohort (135,970 kidney transplants) clearly nisms mentioned above may not apply in the case of
showed that the significance of HLA matching on graft abacavir. Instead, abacavir seems to alter the peptide
survival rate has not lost its importance, and this is obvious repertoire presented by HLA-B*57:01 by occupying sites
when comparing the decades 1985–1994 and 1995–2004. within the antigen-binding cleft [128, 129]. The poly-
Even when analysing the last five years of the study period morphic residues implicated in drug interactions suggest
separately (2000–2004), a significant correlation of graft that different drugs may bind HLA molecules or other
survival with HLA matching was disclosed [118]. An elements of the trimolecular complex (HLA, peptide and
analysis of the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients TCR) in alternative binding modes [130].
(SRTR) database (1988–2007) consisting of >15,000 re- Because most drugs are low molecular weight chemi-
transplant candidates revealed the negative effect of poor cals, in theory too small to be able to stimulate the
HLA matching on graft survival after the first transplan- immune system, it has long been assumed that the drug or
tation and was associated with a significant increase in the a reactive metabolite must first bind covalently to a
development of anti-HLA antibodies measured by panel macromolecule such as a protein, forming a multivalent
reactive antibody (PRA) proportional to increasing HLA conjugate that is processed and presented by the immune
mismatches. Only 10% of patients with zero HLA-A and system to T cells [131]. Probably, the clearest example of
HLA-B mismatches became newly sensitized after graft drug haptenation is that which occurs with penicillin,
loss compared to 37% (>30% PRA) in transplants with a which is chemically reactive and undergoes stable covalent
greater extent of HLA mismatches [119]. binding to proteins or peptides, resulting in the creation of
In addition to the classical HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA- an immunogenic self-protein [124].
DR antigens, the role of HLA-C and HLA-DQ antigens in The drug or a reactive product reacts with a self-protein
terms of graft survival or sensitization is now documented or peptide which results in formation of a novel drug
[120, 121]. Analysis of the immunogenicity of incompat- conjugate or adduct. This undergoes antigen processing to
ible HLA-A, HLA-B antigens in terms of the numbers of generate a small, but novel HLA ligand that is loaded onto
amino acid residue mismatches (epitopes mismatches) is the HLA and transported to the cell surface, where it can
associated with better transplant outcome than conven- interact with antigen-specific T cells. This process requires
tional matching based on HLA typing by serology [122]. a metabolically active APC and time. Once generated, the
Although anti-DP antibodies are frequently detected in HLA drug–peptide complex is stable and ligand removal
sensitized patients, their impact on transplant outcome is requires peptide exchange or peptide stripping from the
still not clear and needs to be further evaluated [117]. In HLA groove [124, 132].
the context of kidney transplantation from live donors, However, not all drugs seem to be capable of interacting
donor age and HLA matching have recently been shown to covalently with proteins, and some immune reactions to
be independent donor-related risk factors associated with drugs occur without antigen processing. This has led to the
both decreased patient and graft survival [123]. pharmacological interaction or p-i hypothesis, whereby
some chemically inert drugs are able to bind non-
covalently to antigen-presenting structures such as the
HLA and drug sensitivity
TCR or HLA and cause stimulation directly of an immune
Allergic drug reactions occur when a drug, usually a low response, as is the case with sulfamethoxazole [133]. Most
molecular weight molecule, has the ability to stimulate an drugs have been designed to fit into protein pockets in
immune response [124]. Several alternative mechanisms of receptors and enzymes. The drug interaction with the
immune recognition have been proposed to explain HLA- receptor is highly specific such that small changes in drug
associated drug hypersensitivity. These mechanisms structure can affect reactivity. T cell activation can occur
include the hapten (or pro-hapten) concept, which states rapidly, before metabolism and processing of the drug
that drugs and their metabolites are too small to be could occur. However, the reactions that occur are the same
immunogenic on their own, but act as haptens to modify as those induced by a drug-modified peptide antigen,

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because the immune response once activated proceeds in a does express the less polymorphic HLA class Ib molecules,
fixed way. The hypothesis could explain why reactions can HLA-E, HLA-F and HLA-G, which has led to increased
sometimes occur without known previous sensitization interest in the immunological role of these three proteins
[124]. during pregnancy [140].
The role of the HLA in drug allergy has received For many years, the term ‘foetal allograft’ has been
particular attention with regard to certain drugs and ethnic widely used for description of foetal immunological status
groups. The drug hypersensitivity syndrome caused by during pregnancy. In such an approach, immunological
abacavir is strongly associated with HLA-B*5701, and key acceptance describing maternal reaction directed towards
structures in the peptide-binding cleft of HLA-B*5701 foetal antigens is understood as the state of recipient’s
have been identified that permit non-covalent interactions tolerance to an engrafted organ. Consequently, immuno-
with this drug [134–136]. This binding may also occur in pathological recognition of foetal antigens that occurs in
so-called empty, non-peptide bearing MHC class I mole- recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) or recurrent miscarriage
cules. The binding of abacavir to the F pocket of HLA- (RM) and possibly pre-eclampsia (PE) should be viewed as
B*5701 alters the spectrum of self-peptides that can be graft rejection-like alloimmune reaction. However, there
presented by this MHC class I molecule. This results in the are still some doubts concerning this approach, as some
display of a novel peptide repertoire that appears foreign to proofs speak against it. For example, absence of expression
the immune system. Memory T cell responses in abacavir- of classical HLA antigens on the surface of trophoblast,
hypersensitive donors are directed against a self-peptide foetal survival is not affected by the HLA-sharing between
that requires abacavir to efficiently bind to HLA-B*5701. partners and no impact on the pregnancy outcome for the
The situation is then analogous to alloreactions with the blocking anti-HLA. Recurrent pregnancy loss is thought to
development of a severe cytotoxic response through the be due to increased activity of the innate immune system
activation of cross-reactive effector memory cytotoxic T (especially NK cells) and organ specific auto-immunity as
cells. The rapidity of onset of the reaction and its intensity indicated by a higher prevalence of autoantibodies and its
may depend upon differences in TCR avidity [124, 137]. association with particular maternal class II HLA geno-
types especially HLA-DR [141].
Lack of classical HLA antigens on trophoblast has been
HLA and pregnancy problems
postulated as an argument against the hypothesis that
Cases of recurrent abortions, pre-eclampsia or babies born foetal rejection is akin to allograft rejection. However,
with haemolytic diseases of the newborn raise a question downregulation of HLA-G molecules and increased expres-
‘Why did your mother reject you?’ Although, after looking sion of classical HLA antigens were documented in RPL
at the complexity of the maternal-foetal immune interac- and PE pregnancies. The sparse presence of anti-HLA
tion and the cases of successful pregnancies, with surprise antibodies in RPL patients resulted probably from the
and admiration the question now becomes ‘Why didn’t failure to carry gestation long enough to produce response.
your mother reject you?’ The cells from the placenta are the They could originate from recognition of classical HLA
only part of the foetus that interacts directly with the antigens expressed on small remnants of trophoblast and
mother’s uterine cells, and therefore, the maternal immune foetal membranes exposed to maternal effector cells
system is able to evade immune rejection. The foetus itself ‘cleaning up’ uterine cavity post-delivery. Anti-HLA
has no direct contact with maternal cells. Moreover, the antibodies are not able to affect adversely the next
foetus per se is known to express paternal HLA antigens and pregnancy with the same partner, as classical HLA targets
is rejected as allograft if removed from its cocoon of are hidden, and trophoblast exposed to maternal immune
trophoblast and transplanted to the thigh muscle or kidney recognition is protected by HLA-G [141, 142].
capsule of the mother. A number of mechanisms have been HLA-G has many immune regulatory functions in
proposed to account for the immune-privileged state of the pregnancy. First, HLA-G interact with the inhibitory
decidua. The different hypothesis can be summarized in receptors, immunoglobulin-like transcript-2 and -4 (ILT-2
five main ideas: (1) a mechanical barrier effect of the and ILT-4) expressed by a wide variety of immune cells
trophoblast, (2) suppression of the maternal immune especially monocytes, macrophages and DCs. The binding
system during pregnancy, (3) the absence of HLA class I affinity of these receptors for HLA-G is higher than for
molecules in the trophoblast, (4) cytokine shift and more other HLA class I molecules. In the same time, these
recently and (5) local immune suppression mediated by the receptors compete with CD8 in binding HLA-G, which
Fas/FasL system [138]. could prevent activation of cytotoxic CD8+ T cells, thereby
The discovery that foetal cells are devoid of the highly contributing to the induction of tolerance. Furthermore,
polymorphic HLA class Ia molecules, except for a low HLA-G has been shown to upregulate both ILT-2 and ILT-
expression of HLA-C, is believed to play a dominant role 4, along with the killer-cell immunoglobulin-like recep-
for the induction of tolerance to the semi-allogenic foetus tor-2DL4 (KIR2DL4), on the surface of both APC, NK
[139]. Interestingly, the foetal-derived tissue in placenta cells and CD4+ T cells without preceding antigenic

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298 HLA in Health and Disease Y. M. Mosaad

co-stimulation. This provides an interesting possibility Table 2 HLA association with recurrent pregnancy loss..
that these receptors function at the materno-foetal interface
Sample tested
by raising the threshold of the maternal immune system Population patient/control HLA susceptibility OR References
activation, thereby serving to induce tolerance [140, 143,
144]. Egyptian 108/120 HLA-E*0101 1.7 [149]
The HLA-E protein is one of the most extensively Homozygous 2.02
studied HLA class Ib antigens and the least polymorphic
Indian 120/120 HLA-E*0101 1.48 [148]
one compared to other HLA class I molecules. In the Homozygous 1.94
human population, there have been reported just ten alleles 0101/0101
encoding three different peptides. Only two of these alleles, New Zealand 45/17 No association – [150]a
namely HLA-E*0101 and HLA-E*0103, are widely dis- Caucasians/ 78/52 No association, 1.85 [153]
Germany but
tributed (around 50% each). The proteins encoded by these
in women
alleles differ from each other in one amino acid at position with ≥5
107. In HLA-E*0101, it is arginine, and in HLA-E*0103, RPLs: Trend for
it is glycine. The difference between these proteins E*0101 and
manifests itself in surface expression levels, affinities to E*0102
Japanese 30/38 No association – [151]
leader peptides and thermal stabilities of their complexes.
Danish 82/150 No association – [152]
The HLA-E molecule is a ligand for CD94/NKG2
receptors on NK cells and TCR on NK-CTL, so it plays OR, odds ratio.
a double role in both innate and adaptive immunity [145,
The samples tested were placental and decidual biopsy, all other studies
were EDTA blood.
Several studies have focused on the distribution of
these two alleles in women experiencing RPL (Table 2) T1D, a multifactorial disease with a strong genetic
[147–152]. Expression of HLA-E at the feto-maternal component, is caused by the autoimmune destruction of
interface may be implicated in the successful pregnancy pancreatic b cells. The major T1D susceptibility locus
because of its ability to downregulate maternal immune maps to the class II loci HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1 on
response. In the decidua, the area of the interface where chromosome 6p21 [154]. The highest risk DR/DQ hapl-
feto-maternal interaction occurs, CD56-positive NK cells otypes for T1D are DR3-DQA1*0501-DQB1*0201 (DR3)
are the dominant type of lymphocytes and express CD94: and DR4-DQA1*0301-DQB1*0302 (DR4), and these
NKG2A complex, suggesting that HLA-E protein on the alleles account for 30–50% of genetic T1D risk [155].
trophoblasts can be recognized by the maternal immune The association of specific HLA-DQB1 alleles and geno-
cells. Thus, the expression of HLA-E might play a role in types with T1D susceptibility/protection depends on the
preventing the foetus from being attacked by maternal ethnicity and racial background of each population. For
immune system. Evidence showing lower expression of example, in Caucasians, T1D is positively associated with
HLA-ER (0101), and its lower stability may impair its DQB1*0201 and DQB1*0302 while in Japanese, it is
capability to downregulate NK cells and hence may be associated with DQB1*0401 and DQB1*0303 [156].
associated with RPL [146–148]. Although HLA-DR3/4 genotype confers extremely high
risk, there is a spectrum of risk associated with HLA-DR/
DQ genotypes – from increased, to neutral, to protective.
HLA and autoimmune diseases
For instance, the HLA-DQA1*0102, DQB1*0602 haplo-
Strong association between the HLA region and autoim- type confers dominant protection from T1D, even in the
mune disease (AID) has been established for over 50 years. presence of islet autoantibodies. However, while the
Association of components of the HLA class II-encoded incidence of T1D is increasing, the percentage of patients
HLA-DRB1-DQA1-DQB1 haplotype has been detected carrying the high-risk HLA-DR3/4 genotype is decreasing.
with several AIDs including RA, T1D and Graves’ disease These temporal changes in HLA genotypes suggest
(GD). Molecules encoded by this region play a key role in increased environmental pressure with higher disease
exogenous antigen presentation to CD4+ Th cells, indi- progression rate in individuals with lower-risk HLA
cating the importance of this pathway in AID initiation genotypes and/or contribution of other non-HLA class II
and progression. Association of the HLA class I region, alleles or non-HLA-related alleles to T1D risk [154].
independent of known HLA class II effects, has now been A stronger association with the DQB1 locus alone was
detected for several AIDs, including strong association of reported when an allele-encoding aspartic acid (Asp) at
HLA-B with T1D and HLA-C with multiple sclerosis (MS) position b57 of DQB1 was found to be associated with
and GD. These results provide further evidence of a resistance to T1D, while an allele encoding a neutral
possible role for bacterial or viral infection and CD8+ residue, such as alanine (Ala) or serine (Ser) at position b57
T cells in AID onset [153]. conferred susceptibility. This molecule forms a critical

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Y. M. Mosaad HLA in Health and Disease 299

residue in peptide-binding pocket nine (P9) of the DQB1- been linked mainly to the HLA-DRB1 locus, with the
binding pocket involved in antigen presentation and TCR HLA-DR15 haplotype (DRB1*1501-DQA1*0102-
interaction. Its carboxylate group forms a salt bridge with DQB1*0602-DRB5*0101) dominating MS risk in Cauca-
arginine (Arg) at position a57 of the DQA1 chain that sians. Although genes in the HLA-II region, particularly
stabilizes the heterodimer between the DQA1 and DQB1 DRB1*1501, DQA1*0102-DQB1*0602, are in tight LD,
chains. The presence of Asp at this position could alter the GWAS and gene, candidate studies identified the
stability of the molecule and/or antigen-presenting reper- DRB1*15:01 allele as the primary risk factor in MS. Many
toire, thus making the molecule more prone to binding genetic and immune-functional studies have indicated
autoreactive antigens [153, 157]. DRB1*15:01 as a primary risk factor in MS, while only
The term ‘Shared Epitope’ (SE) most commonly refers to some functional studies suggested a disease-modifying role
a five amino acid sequence motif in residues 70–74 of the for the DRB5*01 or DQB1*06 alleles [176].
DR chain coded by several HLA-DRB1 alleles that are Several non-mutually exclusive mechanisms have been
overrepresented among patients with RA. The SE motif proposed to explain association of DR/DQ with AIDs: (1)
consists of three homologous amino acid sequence variants: variation in binding groves of associated DR/DQ molecules
(1) QKRAA, the SE variant that is the most common motif could lead to preferential presentation of only a specific
among Caucasian, is coded primarily by the HLA- limited set of self-peptides or low affinity self-peptides may
DRB1*0401 allele, (2) the second most common motif, allow autoreactive T cells to escape tolerance and enter the
QRRAA, is coded by several alleles, among them HLA- periphery. This could affect thymic T cell education,
DRB1*0404, HLA-DRB1*0101 and HLA-DRB1*0405 causing incomplete thymic tolerance and a Th and Treg
and (3) the third motif, RRRAA, coded by allele HLA- cell population that does not recognize all self-molecules,
DRB1*1001, is the rarest. In addition to increasing RA (2) polymorphic residues of the TCR-exposed surfaces of
risk, SE-coding HLA-DRB1 alleles have been shown to DR/DQ could select autoreactive T cells or fail to select a
associate with more severe disease and to exhibit allele-dose good Treg population, (3) promiscuous restriction where
effect, that is patients with two SE-coding alleles tend to some TCRs will use a series of different restriction
experience more severe disease than patients with one elements to bind to and, therefore, interact with a wider
allele, who, in turn, have more severe RA than SE-negative variety of different peptides, (4) preferential binding in
patients [158, 159]. DR/DQ heterozygous subjects could be occurring through
The mechanism underlying the effect of the SE is epitope stealing by one HLA molecule over another which,
unclear, but it was postulated that the presentation of depending on TCR restriction of CD4+ Th cells, could
arthritogenic self-peptides, molecular mimicry with for- affect whether an immune response is mounted and (5)
eign antigens or T cell repertoire selection are involved. presentation of endogenous antigens by HLA class II.
While these hypotheses are all plausible, they are difficult Although class II molecules traditionally present exoge-
to reconcile with the fact that data-supporting antigen- nous antigens and class I present endogenous antigens, this
specific responses as the primary event in RA are system is not absolute and presentation of endogenous
inconclusive. Additionally, several other human diseases antigens by class II and exogenous antigens by class I can
have also been shown to be associated with SE-encoding be seen. This could alter how these antigens are presented
DRB1 alleles such as T1D, SLE and autoimmune hepatitis to the immune system and the response triggered. These
[160]. hypotheses suggest a series of potential mechanistic
An immense number of studies based on different pathways by which the HLA class II molecules could be
ethnicities have identified HLA class II associations with involved in disease onset by altering the Th and Treg cell
SLE especially the haplotypes containing DR2 and/or DR3 repertoire or through changes in how the antigen is
alleles. The haplotypes containing DR2 and/or DR3 are recognized in the periphery [153, 177–181].
directly involved in disease pathogenesis, clinical presen- Ankylosing spondylitis is a complex disease involving
tation, lupus nephritis and production and specificity of multiple risk factors, both genetic and environmental. AS
autoantibodies. Studies in European populations identified patients are predominantly young men, and the disease is
a potential association of the class II HLA-DRB1 alleles characterized by inflammation and ankylosis, mainly at the
HLA-DRB1*08:01, -*03:01 and -*15:01 with SLE. Two cartilage–bone interface and enthesis. HLA-B27 has been
of these alleles (HLA-DRB1*03:01 and -*15:01) have also known to be the major AS-susceptibility gene for more
been identified in a recent study of the IMAGEN than 40 years and is present in over 90% of AS patients.
consortium using high-density SNP typing across the There are about HLA-B*27 31 alleles with the B*2701,
MHC and in other populations (Table 3) [161–174]. B*2704 and B*2705 alleles are strongly associated with
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disabling disease of the susceptibility, and the B*2706 and B*2709 alleles are
central nervous system that results from the effects of associated with protection. The presence of amino acid Asp
unknown environmental risk factors acting in genetically or histidine (His) at position 116 is the only difference
susceptible individuals [175]. Susceptibility to MS has between B*2705 and B*2709. There are three principle

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300 HLA in Health and Disease Y. M. Mosaad

Table 3 HLA-DRB1 association with SLE..

Sample tested
Population patient/control HLA susceptibility OR References

American 80/213 DRB1*0301 2.3 [162, 163]

DRB1*1503 (African-American) –
Chinesea 53/78 DRB1*15, 10.7 [165]
DRB1*09/*15, DRB1*03/*15 7.7, 14.2
Mexican 81/99 DRB1*0301/DRB1*1501 2.97 [166]
Latin 747/1180 DR2 1.75 [167]
Americans DRB1*0301 2.14
Brazilian 55/308 No association – [173]
Taiwanese 105/855 DRB1*0301, DRB1*1501 2.01, 2.06 [168]
Portuguese 218/223 DRB1*03 3.0 [169]
Egyptian 65/150 DRB1*15 4.76 [164]
European 3701/12110 DRB1*0301 1.86 [172]
Japanese 656/911 DRB1*15:01 2.9 [170]
Japanese 459/524 DRB1*1501 2.17 [171]
Saudi 86/356 DRB1*15 1.45 [174]
Indian 53/110 DRB1*03 9.7 [175]

OR, odds ratio.

Relative risk.

features of HLA-B27 that are known to distinguish it from proposed including: (1) protein misfolding causing specific
other HLA class I molecules such as the peptide-binding molecules to accumulate in the RER, where they are
specificity, the tendency to misfold and the predilection for degraded, potentially causing a pro-inflammatory unfolded
forming heavy chain homodimers during cell-surface protein stress response or misfolded proteins themselves to
recycling [177, 180, 182]. The current hypotheses linking become autoantigenic, (2) conversion of HLA class I
HLA-B27 to spondyloarthritis pathogenesis includes (1) molecules into peptides which could then be presented by
Arthritogenic peptides: self-peptides selected and pre- HLA class II molecules to the immune system and an
sented by properly folded forms of HLA-B27 complexed immune response mounted as has been proposed in AS
with b2 m have been hypothesized to be the target of with B*27 and (3) peptide binding and presentation by
autoreactive CD8+ T cells and serve as an upstream specific HLA molecules as suggested earlier for HLA class
initiator of inflammation, (2) recognition of non-canonical II molecules with mechanisms including selection of
HLA-B27: naturally occurring cell-surface HLA-B27 antigen-specific CD8+ T cells during thymic education,
dimers are hypothesized to be recognized by killer and positive or negative selection of a strong CD8+ T
immunoglobulin receptors (such as KIR3DL2) in the suppressor population [153, 179, 183–185].
leucocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor family (LILR) and
trigger inflammation and (3) HLA-B27 misfolding: the
Other HLA associations
formation of misfolded oligomers and BiP binding by
newly synthesized HLA-B27 heavy chains causes ER stress,
HLA and longevity
which has intrinsic effects on cellular function that are
hypothesized to promote development of spondyloarthritis. Literature data suggest that human longevity may be
HLA-B27 can exhibit all three of these behaviours in the directly correlated with optimal functioning of the
same cell and these concepts are not mutually exclusive immune system. Therefore, it is likely that one of the
[182]. genetic determinants of longevity resides in those poly-
Several hypotheses have been suggested to explain how morphisms for the immune system genes that regulate
variation in HLA class I genes could trigger autoimmunity. immune responses. Accordingly, studies performed on
HLA class I molecules play a role in presenting endogenous mice have suggested that the HLA, known to control a
antigens, including those derived from viruses and/or variety of immune functions, is associated with the lifespan
bacteria, which have been proposed to be key environmen- of the strains. In the last 25 years, a fair number of cross-
tal triggers for AID. Viral/bacterial antigens may trigger sectional studies that searched for the role of HLA genes on
AID through molecular mimicry and via acting as human longevity by comparing HLA antigen frequencies
superantigens. HLA class I molecules could also be between groups of young and elderly persons have been
associated with AID due to their role in inhibiting NK published, but conflicting findings have been obtained. In
cell activity. Non-viral mechanisms have also been fact, the same HLA antigens are increased in some studies,

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Y. M. Mosaad HLA in Health and Disease 301

decreased or unchanged in others. On the whole that could resistance itself can maintain polymorphism even without
lead to hypothesize that the observed age-related differ- co-dominant-based heterozygote advantage. Finally, the
ences in the frequency of HLA antigens are due to bias. HLA polymorphism is maintained by sexual selection.
This hypothesis is real for most studies owing to major Individuals of one or both sexes prefer partners possessing a
methodological problems. However, some studies that do relatively dissimilar HLA genotype to their own. Selection
not meet these biases have shown an association between of HLA dissimilar partners increases offspring heterozy-
longevity and some HLA-DR alleles or HLA-B8, DR3 gosity at the HLA and therefore can potentially increase
haplotype, known to be involved in the antigen non- pathogen resistance in resulting progeny [187].
specific control of immune response. Thus, HLA studies in
human may be interpreted to support suggestions derived
from the studies on congenic mice on HLA effects on
longevity. However, in mice, the association may be by Most of the genes in the MHC region express high
way of susceptibility to lymphomas whereas, in human polymorphism that is fundamental for their function. The
beings, the effect on longevity is likely, via infectious most important function of HLA molecule is in the
disease susceptibility. Longevity is associated with positive induction and regulation of immune responses. Many of
or negative selection of alleles (or haplotypes) that, human diseases, such as autoimmune, inflammatory and
respectively, confer resistance or susceptibility to disease malignant, are significantly more common among indi-
(s), via peptide presentation or via antigen non-specific viduals carrying particular HLA alleles. HLA-disease
control of the immune response [186]. association is the name of this phenomenon, and the
mechanism underlying is still a subject of hot debate.
Social behaviours are affected by HLA genes, and preference
HLA and social behaviour
for HLA disparate mates may provide ‘good genes’ for an
Mate choice studies on rodents and other species usually individual’s offspring. Also, certain HLA genes may be
find preference for HLA dissimilarity in potential partners. associated with shorter life and others with longer lifespan,
HLA-associated mate choice studies in humans are based but the effects depend both on the genetic background and
on three broadly different aspects: (1) odour preferences, (2) on the environmental conditions.
facial preferences and (3) actual mate choice surveys. As in
animal studies, most odour-based studies demonstrate
disassortative preferences, although there is variation in the
strength and nature of the effects. In contrast, facial The author gratefully acknowledges Doctor Rania Shawky
attractiveness research indicates a preference for HLA- Hassan, English Department, Mansoura Faculty of Arts for
similar individuals. Results concerning HLA in actual the English language revision and check of the review. The
couples show a bias towards similarity in one study, Author would like to acknowledge all colleagues at the
dissimilarity in two studies and random distribution in Mansoura research Center for Cord Stem Cell (MARC_
several other studies [187]. CSC).
Most of the genes in the MHC region express extremely
high intrapopulational polymorphism. Such polymorphism
Conflict of interest
in virtually all vertebrates can hardly be interpreted as an
incidental phenomenon, and dozens of theories have The authors report no conflict of interests. The authors
attempted to elucidate the evolutionary pressures that alone are responsible for the content and writing of the
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