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In the last years the ball bearing has been object of many prescriptions about dimensional
precision and reliability, as well as the compensation ring had to improve its quality and update
its main features and performances. Thanks to the compensation rings, the ball bearings
achieved indeed: - higher speed; - low vibrations and noise levels, - toughness increase and
consequent longer duration of their effectiveness, even in case of critical conditions. The
performance improvements of the ball bearing, as well as of the compensation ring, led also to
an improvement of the electric motors general performances, where these parts are generally
assembled. In particular the compensation rings (called LMKAS) - open table
manufactured by Filtomatic are used for the construction of rotary machines (for ex. electric
motors) with the specific purpose of obtaining a reduction of the rolling friction elements noise.

The main noise source in the machines is the slackening of the balls in their races inside the
bearings; this tolerance may be recovered by our compensation rings LMKAS. The main task of
the compensation rings is indeed to perform a pressure on the external ring of the bearing, in
order to allow a more silent rolling. The expansion of the motor-shafts submits the ball
bearings to heavy axial loads and moreover damages the bearings, increasing the electric
motors noise. By assembling the compensation rings LMKAS manufactured by Filtomatic, the
motor-shafts may expand themselves without damaging the rolling friction components and
their boxes. The rings LMKAS allow to correct the eventual wheelbase defects that may occur
in the production of the electric motor. Hammerings and vibrations are often the causes of the
ball bearings abrading: using the rings LMKAS as shock absorbers, this disadvantage is limited.
The compensation rings are successfully used also on tool machines like grinding machines,
wood machines, pumps, speed reductors, pneumatic and oleodinamic motors. Besides, in case
of machining mistakes which cause a too big box, Filtomatic can produce and supply, adjoining
the ball bearing, plane rings of different thickness, and of the same diameter of the LMKAS
(Adjustment plain rings – RAM - open table).
The compensation rings LMKAS manufactured by Filtomatic are made by laminated spring steel
C67 according to the UNI 10132-4 norm (Cold laminated - by heat treatment - steel bands).
For the stocking of the raw material necessary for the production of the compensation rings,
Filtomatic deals only with suppliers which have a certificated quality system, according to the
international guidelines which grant, as Filtomatic does (certificated since the 1999 according
to the UNI EN ISO 9002 norms and then to the UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 norm), an high level of
quality standard.

The compression load, that the ball bearing may suffer, called:
- load constant;
- maximum load (which represents the upper limit to the load that can be applied);
and declared by Filtomatic, are obtained by making hundreds of tests on different production
batches after the stressing of the rings to the yield point, obtained by compressing them 3
times, to an high of + 0,1mm of its thickness (in fact, after countless tests, we could define
that the high and the consequent load are stabilized after pressing them 3 times, because they
don't reveal meaningful oscillations by performing further compressions).
Filtomatic may grant a devition in the indication of the load of their rings which doesn't exceed
the 20% tolerance.

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