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User Interface Reference

Mouse Strokes

Mouse Strokes
Strokes are pre-defined patterns of mouse movements that run commands. Use strokes as
shortcuts to perform common operations or to access frequently-used controls or modes.
Strokes are recognized by drawing the stroke path onto a 3 x 3 grid in the design workspace
while holding down the RMB
Table B-6. Stroke Grid
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Table B-7. Stroke Descriptions
If you want to... Use stroke Numerical
Display online help information about mouse 4123658

Auto Finish (Plow) a trace 258

Copy a trace or segment 3214789

Delete the selected object 74123698

Open Display Control 1478

Enter Draw Mode 147

ALT key +

Open Editor Control 14569

Move the selected object 74159

676 Layout Operations and Reference Guide, X-ENTP VX.2.6

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User Interface Reference
Mouse Strokes

Table B-7. Stroke Descriptions (cont.)

If you want to... Use stroke Numerical
Enter Place Mode 321
ALT key +

Plow 852

View or edit the properties for the selected 1474123

object or

Rotate the selected object 3698741

Enter Route Mode 123

ALT key +

Run Sketch Router 36987

Switch to the opposite end of the net that is 9632147

currently being routed

Draw Sketch Path 74123

Place Tentative Snap 729

Place Static Snap 927

Toggle the active layer display 96541

Layout Operations and Reference Guide, X-ENTP VX.2.6 677

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User Interface Reference
Mouse Strokes

Table B-7. Stroke Descriptions (cont.)

If you want to... Use stroke Numerical
Turn On / Off Netlines 321478965

Undo the last command 7412369

Enter Select Mode 741

ALT key +

Unselect All 1478963

View Area 159

View All 951

Zoom In 357

Zoom Out 753

678 Layout Operations and Reference Guide, X-ENTP VX.2.6

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