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When did you start your business and what are

the factors that pushed you to start it?
2. What do you sell to your target market and how
do you set the price of your product or service is it
based on quality or demand?
3. What particular pricing strategies do you use? Is
it differential, competitive or product line pricing?
4. How do you initiate and respond to price
changes, most especially now during this
5. Can you share some of your greatest and worst
experiences as a seller with regards to pricing? 
6. How did you handle such situations and what do
you learn from those experiences?
7. How does your business respond or react to your
competitor’s prices? 
8. How do you persuade your customer to be loyal
to your business? Do you offer a discount? And if
yes, how do you set those discounts and how do
you deal with customers who are asking for too
much discount? 
9. Does your company allow consumers to buy now
pay later? How do you handle consumer who
doesn’t know how to pay their debt on your agreed

10. What advice (particularly in terms of setting the

price) can you give to aspiring students who want to
pursue business and be successful like you?

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