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PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW • The law on treaties executed between State is

TREATY contained in the 1969 Vienna Convention of Law of

Treaties (VCLT); entered into force in 1980
A. What is a treaty?
• The 1986 Vienna Convention on Treaties for
• A treaty is an international agreement concluded
International Organizations applies to treaties
between States, in written form and governed by
executed between States and International
international law, whether embodied in a single
instrument or in two or more instruments and
C. Form
whatever its particular designation.
• Under Art. 2 of VCLT, treaties should be in writing
• Other names: pact, convention1, protocol2,
HOWERVER under Art. 3 thereof, the fact that a
agreement, arrangement, accord, final act3, general
treaty is unwritten shall not affect its legal force;
act and exchange of notes4.
intent is necessary to establish its binding force.
• Usually reserved for those which contain
D. Registration
agreements involving matters such as peace,
• Under Art. 80 of VCLT, treaties, after their entry into
borders, extradition, friendship and commerce.
force, shall be transmitted to the Secretariat of the
• An executive agreement, within the context of
United Nations for registration and publication.
municipal law is not a treaty. But from international
• Art. 102 of UN Charter provides that treaty or an
law standpoint, it’s equally binding as a treaty.
international agreement entered into by any UN
B. What governs the law on treaties?

1 4
For multilateral agreements Record of routine agreement that has many similarities with the private
Subsidiary to a treaty law contract.
Records winding up conference proceedings

member only comes into force once it is registered • E.O. 459: the following persons do not require a
with and published by the UN Secretariat. separate grant of full powers prior to negotiating or
• Registration does NOT affect the treaty’s validity; it signing a treaty of executive agreement or any
will only affect the remedy for its breach. The only amendment thereto:
consequence of non-registration or late registration a) Secretary of Foreign Affairs;
is that it cannot be invoked before any organ of the b) Heads of Diplomatic Missions (only insofar as
UN. between the Philippines and the State to
E. Requisites for Validity which he is deployed to)
• Every State possesses the capacity to conclude c) Accredited Philippine representative to an
treaties, as an attribute of sovereignty. international conference, international
• International Organizations are deemed to possess organization and any of their organs (for the
treaty-making capacity as well, albeit, it’s limited by purpose of adopting the text of an
the purpose and constitution of such organizations. agreement made therein)
• Generally, Heads of State exercises the treaty- • CONSENT – may be expressed by signature,
making power. RATIONALE: FULL POWER is exchange of instruments constituting a treaty,
necessary to negotiate on behalf of a State. ratification, acceptance, approval or accession or by
• Section 21, Art. VII, In the Philippines, the President any other means manifesting consent.
exercises the power of treaty-making, subject to the a) Where the consent of a party has been given
concurrence of 2/3 of all the members of the in error or induced through fraud = TREATY

b) Where the consent is obtained through • Treaties (require Senate concurrence for validity)
corruption of its representative by another generally refer to basic political issues, changes in
negotiating State = former may invoke such national policy and permanent international
corruption to invalidate consent agreements.
c) DOCTRINE OF UNEQUAL TREATIES – treaties • Executive agreements (do not require concurrence
have been imposed through coercion or for validity) refer to adjustment of detail carrying
duress by a State of unequal character = out well-established national policies and
TREATY IS VOID temporary arrangements; May be Presidential or
d) Other vices of consent: signed by Congressional Executive agreement.
unauthorized representative • HOW TO DETERMINE WHETHER TREATY OR
• When State deals with and concludes a EXECUTIVE AGREEMENT? Under E.O. 459, the
treaty with a known unauthorized Department of Foreign Affairs shall be tasked with
representative, they are estopped from determination whether an agreement is a treaty or
invalidating such consent or treaty. an executive agreement.
e) DOMESTIC LAW IS NOT A SHIELD – Under G. Treaty-making process: the usual steps are:
Art. 27 of VCLT, a State may not invoke its negotiation, signature, ratification, and exchange of
own domestic laws in order to escape treaty instruments of ratification.
liabilities. UNLESS, there is a manifest a. NEGOTIATION
violation of an internal rule of fundamental
importance (Art. 47, VCLT).
F. Treaties v. Executive Agreements

• Representatives are usually armed with credentials they are supposed to sign is the same as that which
known as full powers5, except in EO 459. agreed upon.
• Representative are: Head of State, Head of • Types of Signature: SIMPLE6 and DEFINITIVE7.
Government, the Foreign Minister, Head of c. RATIFICATION
diplomatic missions, representative accredited by • Act by which the provisions of a treaty are formally
the State to an international organization or confirmed and approved by a State and by which the
conference. State expresses its willingness to be bound by the
• Alternat is observed – order of the naming of the • In the Philippines, the power to ratify is vested in the
parties and of the signature of the plenipotentiary is President, subject to the concurrence of 2/3 of all
varied so that each party is named and its the members of the Senate.
plenipotentiary signs first in the copy of the H. Domestic requirements for Executive Agreements:
instrument to be kept by it. a) Submission to the Department of Foreign Affairs for
• Adoption – when the States that took part in the signing and preparation of ratification papers.
creation of instrument certify that have reached a b) Transmission of the agreement by the Department
consensus to adopt the same. of Foreign Affairs to the President for ratification.
• Authentication – comes after adoption; process of I. Domestic requirements for Treaties:
certifying that the final copy of the document which

5 7
Document emanating from competent authority of a State. State is bound as soon as the instrument is signed, regardless of whether
Instrument was signed initially but the State is not completely bound it later ratifies the instrument or not.
unless the signature is later ratified.

a) Compliance with the domestic requirements for 1. Expiration of the term or withdrawal of a party in
executive agreements. accordance with the treaty.
b) Submission by the Department of Foreign Affairs of 2. Extinction of one of the parties to the treaty, when
the signed instrument to the Senate for the rights and obligations under the treaty would
concurrence. not devolve upon the State that may success the
c) The return to the Department of Foreign Affairs of extinct State.
the instrument with the concurrence of the Senate 3. Mutual agreement of all the parties.
for appropriate action. 4. Denunciation of desistance by one of the parties.
J. Application (rules) 5. Supervening impossibility of performance.
a) Lex posterior; 6. Conclusion of a subsequent inconsistent treaty
b) Lex specialis; and between the parties.
c) UN Charter dominance – Obligation of UN members 7. Loss of the subject matter.
as found in the Charter shall prevail over their treaty 8. Material breach or violation of the treaty.
obligations in case of conflict. 9. The application of the doctrine of rebus sic
K. Amendment/Modification – Consent of all the parties stantibus8.
is required. If allowed by the treaty itself, two States 10. The outbreak of war between the parties, unless the
may modify a provision only insofar as they are treaty precisely relates to the conduct of the war.
concerned. 11. Severance of diplomatic relations.
L. Termination of Treaties 12. Doctrine of Jus Cogens.

When a vital of fundamental change or circumstances occur –
“disappearance of the foundation upon which it rests”

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