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Injury Vol. 29, Suppl. No. 1, pp.

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PII: SOO20-1383(98)00098-9

Gunshot wounds to the spine

Zekeriya U. Isiklar, M.D.* and Ronald W. Lindsey, M.D.**

* Orthopaedic Surgeon, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Baskent University Hospital, Ankara, Turkey 06490
** Professor, Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, 6560 Fannin, Suite 1900, Houston,
Texas 77030

Summa+ Epidemiology

In the USA, low velocity gunshot injuries (GSI) account Gunshot injuries (GSI) are the second most common
for 13% of all urban spinal injuries, and they have cause of injury-related death in the United States where
become the second leading cause of all spinal cord it occurs over 90 times more frequently than in any other
injuries. The initial clinical evaluation should assess vas- industrialized country. In 1991, firearms were the lead-
cular, visceral, and/or neurological injury. Early imag- ing cause of traumatic death in California, Nevada, New
ing studies are required with computerized tomogra- York, Virginia, District of Columbia, Texas and
phy in addition to plain radiographs to assess accurately Louisiana (1). Likewise, the incidence of civilian gun-
the location and extent of the bone injury. shot wounds to the spine has been steadily increasing
The role of steroids is unclear, and if given, should be and, in urban areas, it is at present the second leading
administered to GSI patients with complete or partial cause of spinal cord injury (SCI) (2).
neurological deficit who present within eight hours of In the urban setting GSI to the spine accounts for 13
injury. The indications for prophylactic antibiotics have percent of all spinal injuries, only one third of SCIs is
not been well established and although recommended, due to falls and motor vehicle accidents. Among 6014
these are deemed essential only in patients with associ- spinal cord injury patients reported to the National
ated visceral perforation. Spinal Cord Injury Data Research Center by the differ-
Early surgical exploration is most appropriate to ent regional spinal cord injury systems, 782 (13%) were
address associated vascular or visceral injury, while the result of gunshot injuries between 1973 and 1982 (2).
spinal decompression does not appear to influence neu- Since 1990 GSI to the spine has become the second lead-
rological recovery. The majority of GSI spine fractures ing cause of SC1 with a reported incidence of 25% (2).
are stable; instability is usually due to ill-advised
decompression of cervical spine GSI.
Retained bullet fragments are rarely problematic; lead Mechanism of injury
toxicity can occur due to missile contact with the syn-
ovial fluid, disc space, or contact with a pseudocyst. In GSI the bullet wounding capacity is directly propor-
tional to its mass and, to an even greater extent, its veloc-
Keywords: Spine, gunshot wound, fracture, cord ity (E, = si MV2). A bullet or a fragment of a projectile
injury lnju y 1998, Vol. 29, Suppl. 1 can cause tissue damage without actually coming into
close contact with the tissue. As the bullet pierces the
soft tissues, an ill-defined temporary cavity is formed.
Tissue damage occurs from the concussive effect of the
bullet and the cavitation which correlates with its kinetic
1 Abstracts in German, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese and energy. Neurological injury can occur if the bullet passes
Russian are printed at the end of this supplement. in close proximity to the spinal cord or the conus (3-5).

Civilian GSIs are predominantly low velocity injuries protocol (Fig. 1). The patient’s general medical condi-
with a muzzle velocity of less than 700 m/second and tion should be stabilized prior to addressing specific
differ from the high velocity military GSIs. The greater organ injuries. The patient’s neurological condition
kinetic energy of military GSIs produces a greater should be documented using the Frankel (6) or the
wounding effect which can result in neurological injury detailed American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) (7)
even without spinal fracture, penetration or retained scales. GSI to the neck warrants routine angiography
missile fragments. Most civilian GSIs to the spine, how- and panendoscopy (Fig. 2). In the absence of an expand-
ever, must traverse or remain inside the spinal canal to ing haematoma or vascular abnormality, surgical explo-
cause deficit. ration of the wound tract is not recommended as it may
increase morbidity (8). Thoracic spine GSIs are fre-
quently associated with pulmonary and cardiac injuries.
Patient evaluation and treatment
In the lumbar spine GSI the abdominal viscera, genito-
All patients with suspected GSI to the spine should be urinary system, and major vascular structures can also
thoroughly evaluated according to a routine trauma be damaged. Bullets that traverse the colon and lodge

Fig. 1:
Management algorithm for gunshot
injuries to the spine.
lsiklar: Gunshot wounds to the spine S-A9

in the bony spine or the spinal canal are a special con- known. If the spine GSI causes neurological deficit and
cern since they may be complicated by infection if not the patient presents within the first 8 hours, 30 mg/kg
treated with early operative debridement and par- methylprednisolone followed by a continuous infusion
enteral antibiotics. of 5.4 mg/kg/hour for 23 hours may be initiated (12).
Radiographic assessment of the spine includes con- The role of prophylactic antiobiotics in the manage-
ventional radiographs and computed tomography to ment of spinal GSI is not clear. Kupche et al. proposed
determine best the extent of the injury and the location 7 days of IV antibiotic prophylaxis in the presence of
of retained bullet or bone fragments (9) (Fig. 3). Mag- cervical GSIs because of the proximity of visceral, vas-
netic resonance imaging of the spine is contraindicated cular, neurological and airway structures and recom-
as the missile ferromagnetism produces artifacts and mended extension of length of administration if a
image obscurity, and can cause significant deflection of transpharyngeal path of the bullet could be documented
the bullet and threaten further injury (10). In the con- (13). Romanick reported 20 patients with GSI to the lum-
scious, cooperative patient with suspected instability, bar spine of which 12 sustained perforated viscus. Of
voluntary flexion/extension views can be obtained. eight patients with colon perforation 7 developed infec-
Although spinal stability is often thought to be guaran- tion, however, patients in this series received prophy-
teed following GSI, the authors’ clinical experience has lactic antibiotics for only 2 to 4 days (14).
identified 3 cases of cervical instability. Also cervical Roff reviewed 42 patients with associated perforation
spine GSI was associated with a high incidence of vas- of the alimentary canal. Thirty-five patients had a bul-
cular injury and required routine angiography (11). let lodged in the spinal structures. Of these, 17 patients
The benefit of steroids in the management of acute underwent bullet removal and debridement; 18 were
spinal cord injury resulting from indirect trauma to the managed without bullet removal and none of these
spinal cord column has been documented, however, the developed infections. Nine of these 18 patients had asso-
role of steroids in the presence of GSI to the spine is not ciated colon injuries (15). The difference in management
from Romanick’s series was the longer use of IV antibi-
otics (7-14 days). Roffi concluded that 2 weeks of IV
antibiotic coverage was sufficient spinal prophylaxis.
Waters reported success with Roffi’s recommended cov-
erage as none of the 19 patients with alimentary tract
perforation developed infection even though 10 of the
bullets were left in the spine (16). In the management of
transperitoneal spinal GSIs, Kihtir et al. advocated irri-
gation of the wound tract and the administration of
short-term antibiotics with routine general surgical
management of associated injuries (17).
In our series only 20 of 36 patients (54%) received
intravenous prophylactic antibiotics for 3 to 14 days.

Fig. 3: An Ll injury with fractures of both pedicles; CT

Fig. 2: C6 gunshot injury with severe comminution of scan clearly depicting the extent of bone injury and vio-
the vertebral body and pedicle warranting angiography lation of the canal. This patient’s potential for instabil-
to rule out vascular injury. The patient had a White- ity was not recognized and was treated with immobi-
Panjabi score of 6. lization and a brace uneventfully.
Injury 1998, Vol. 29, Suppl. 1

One patient with colon perforation developed a lesions did not benefit significantly from multilevel
paraspinal infection despite two weeks of prophylactic decompression and decompression attempts were com-
antibiotic administration. We were unable to detect dif- plicated by a higher rate of instability, infection, and
ferences between patients that received antibiotic pro- spinal fluid fistula (27).
phylaxis and patients that did not. The authors recom- The author’s experience mirrors that of Stauffer who
mend prophylactic antibiotics in the presence of hollow reported 94 percent improvement in patients with cauda
viscus, airway, or pharyngeal perforations (11). equina lesions treated non-operatively. Benzel reported
that nerve root function improved in all patients despite
severity with or without surgery (28). In a collaborative
Decompression and bullet removal study by the National Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems,
serial neurological examinations were conducted on 66
Management guidelines for wartime highvelocity spine of 90 study patients with bullet fragments lodged in the
GSI have a clear emphasis on exploration, debridement spinal cord. The results of this prospective series with
and decompression (18,19,16,20,21). Selective decom- objective motor and sensory evaluation criteria identi-
pression and/or bullet removal is most appropriate for fied at least a subset of patients who may benefit from
the civilian low velocity spine GSI if there is vascular or bullet removal. Patients who had bullets removed from
hollow viscus perforation (1,8,14,15,17,22-25). Unless T12 to L4 vertebral segments showed significant neuro-
the patient’s neurological status is not deteriorating, logical recovery (25). Differences in the regional anatomy
there are no neurological indications for spinal decom- of the spinal cord and greater susceptibility of the spinal
pression following civilian GSI to the spine. Stauffer et cord to injury compared to the cauda equina may explain
al. in an analysis of 185 patients with spine GSI were not the more favourable outcome in regard to functional
able to demonstrate any benefit of decompression fol- recovery in the lumbar area (25,29). In the author’s series
lowing complete lesions of the spinal cord. Incomplete our findings suggest that cauda equina lesions are more

Fig. 4a,b: Two views of low velocity GSI to the lumbar spine without obvious bone injury, but with a retained bul-
let in the spinal canal.
lsiklar: Gunshot wounds to the spine S-All

favourable in regards to potential for functional recov- cervical spine, even with low velocity GSI. Therefore,
ery since the percentage in 13 patients with GSI to the the authors suggest that spinal stability following GSI
spine improved 1 or 2 Frankel grades (11). is not guaranteed and early immobilization and a thor-
Bullet removal is rarely indicated with spine GSI. Bul- ough assessment of spinal stability is warranted (Figs 2
let or bone fragments lodged in the spinal canal may and 3).
cause late neurological deficit and should be removed
if symptoms develop (30,31) (Fig. 4a,b). Bullet removal
has also been advocated when the bullet perforates the Conclusion
alimentary canal before injuring the spine. Romanick
studied 20 patients with GSI to the lumbar spine of Civilian low velocity spinal GSI has become a prevalent
which 12 patients sustained a perforated viscus. Patients cause of morbidity and mortality in an urban patient
in this series received prophylactic antibiotics for 2 to 4 population. The initial neuroIogica1 presentation is the
days without bullet removal and seven of eight patients best determinant of the ultimate functional outcome.
with colon perforations developed infection (14). Roffi The surgical removal of missile fragments from the tho-
reviewed 42 spine GSI patients with associated perfo- racolumbar spinal canal may be effective in improving
ration of the alimentary canal of which thirty-five neurological recovery. In the author’s series, the role of
patients had retained bullet fragments in bone. Among routine antibiotic prophylaxis could not be established.
these, 17 patients were surgically debrided and 18 were However, prophylactic antibiotics are recommended for
not. However, none of their patients developed infec- patients at increased risk of infection (i.e. associated vis-
tions although nine of the 18 patients treated non-oper- ceral perforation). In the cervical spine vascular injury
atively had associated colon injuries (15). All 35 patients is common following GSI and requires a high index of
received intravenous antibiotics for 7-14 days and the suspicion. Every injury should be examined to rule out
authors concluded that at least 2 weeks of intravenous spinal instability especially GSI of the cervical spine.
antibiotic coverage alone was necessary to prevent
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