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Success Indicators of Entrepreneurial Ventures:

A Comparative Survey Study

Between Academic and TVL Tracks Junior Entrepreneurs
In Sta. Catalina National High School
During the School Year 2017-2018
Chapter 1

The Problem and its Background

This chapter presents the different essentials elements: the introduction, which contains

the rationale (an explanation of the reasons for the conduct of the research); conceptual

framework (a simple chart that explains the relationship between the dependent and independent

variables; the statement of the general and specific problems; the scope and delimitation which

identifies the major variables, sub-variables and indicators; the significance of the study which

enumerates the beneficiaries of the study and the corresponding benefits each will receive.


Indicators of success are really important in an entrepreneurial venture to guide us in

building a business. These indicators will guide an entrepreneur if he/she will pursue, improve or

change his or her business.

To cite, Sta. Catalina National High School in Candelaria, Quezon offered Senior High

School as part of K-12 Curriculum including the Academic track particularly the Accountancy,

Business and Management (ABM) strand and Humanities and Social Sciences; and Technical-

Vocational and Livelihood track particularly the Electrical, Installation and Maintenance (EIM),

Home Economics (HE), Automotive, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and

Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW). Sta. Catalina Senior High School is composed of 312

students divided into 2 tracks; academic and TVL.

Entrepreneurial success is a phenomenon that seems to be understood by implication or

context. It is more referred to in a grammatical construct when talking about success in the

context of entrepreneurship. Use in this manner, the term incorporates other constructs in its
Success Indicators of Entrepreneurial Ventures:
A Comparative Survey Study
Between Academic and TVL Tracks Junior Entrepreneurs
In Sta. Catalina National High School
During the School Year 2017-2018
meaning that could be conceptualized with varying indicators such as the entrepreneur’s success,

the successful entrepreneur and venture’s success. (Crane and Crane 2007)

Entrepreneurial success can also be found as a dependent variable in empirical research,

sometimes without an operational definition. A review of the entrepreneurship literature suggests

entrepreneurial success is understood to be present by its indicators; however, these indicators

are broadly conceived. The indicators can exclude or include typical business, economic,

psychological and social indicators; include survival beyond a certain timeframe or simply

constitute being in existence (that is, being a registered business entity). The different theoretical

perspectives of effectuation, causation and bricolage may contribute differently to the behaviors

associated with the entrepreneurial success (Fisher, 2012). Entrepreneurial success may also

have a temporal aspect; it is achieved at this point in time and this can be transient in nature

(Fisher, Marits and Lobo, 2014).

Young entrepreneurs really experienced the difficulties in terms of their business and the

researchers aim to compare the difference between the success indicators of two different tracks.

For this reason, the researchers conduct this comparative survey study to determine the different

success indicators of entrepreneurial ventures among young entrepreneurs of Sta. Catalina

National High School which is the Senior High of the said school.

In order for the academic and TVL track students to perform better to their respective

businesses, the awareness pertaining to this study should be informed to them for the indication

of success among the entrepreneurial ventures.

It is an undeniable fact that young entrepreneurs of Sta. Catalina Senior High School are

experiencing such scenarios as having curiosity to pursue their respective business. Addition to
Success Indicators of Entrepreneurial Ventures:
A Comparative Survey Study
Between Academic and TVL Tracks Junior Entrepreneurs
In Sta. Catalina National High School
During the School Year 2017-2018
that, different performance, standards and mindset are in the academic and TVL track when it

comes to business. Hence, the researchers, are conducting this research to solve or contribute

such success indicator of entrepreneurial ventures of young entrepreneurs among Senior High


Conceptual/Theoretical Framework

Academic Track TVL Track

Junior Entrepreneurs Junior Entrepreneurs

Success Entrepreneurial
 Sales
 Expense
 Profits
 Capital
 Return on

Figure 1: A paradigm showing the success indicators of entrepreneurial ventures.

Scope and Delimitation

The main focus of this study is to compare and find out the success indicators of

entrepreneurial ventures between academic and TVL track within Sta. Catalina National High

School at Senior High School department. The selection of respondents is the young

entrepreneurs’ institutions from academic and TVL track. Senior High students who undergo the

subject of entrepreneurship are the chosen repondents.

Significance of the Study

Success Indicators of Entrepreneurial Ventures:
A Comparative Survey Study
Between Academic and TVL Tracks Junior Entrepreneurs
In Sta. Catalina National High School
During the School Year 2017-2018
This research helps to guide entrepreneurs to determine the different success indicators

between Acad and TVL track since that the students of these said track has different perceptions

in business.

This investigation will benefit the following:

 Entrepreneurs-for them to know that their businesses have an indication of success that

they need to pursue or change it for the better.

 School-for them to realize the different perception in business of two different groups of

respondents from Acad and TVL track.

 Students- to increase their knowledge on how they can manage (if they would like to

build a business) a business based on the success indicators.

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the demographic profile of the grade 12 senior high school students in terms of:
a. gender;
b. age; and
c. track/strand?

2. Which of the following factors indicate success in the grade 12 senior high school’s
entrepreneurial activities of;
a. Academic track junior entrepreneurs in terms of:
-sales -profits
-expense -capital
b. TVL track junior entrepreneurs in terms of:
-sales -profits
-expense -capital


 It is believe that capital indicates the success of the business.

Success Indicators of Entrepreneurial Ventures:
A Comparative Survey Study
Between Academic and TVL Tracks Junior Entrepreneurs
In Sta. Catalina National High School
During the School Year 2017-2018
 Academic track has the advancement in business knowledge than TVL because of their

respective subjects.


 The higher the profit, the more successful the business is.

Definition of Terms
 Entrepreneurs-people from Senior High School department who starts a business.

 Indication or indicator-sign or mark of success in entrepreneurial ventures.

 Ventures- doing something with a risk taking in pursuing a business.

 Entrepreneurial skills- ability of an entrepreneur to handle or manage a business property.

 Academic Track-offer of SCSHS which has the variety of subject based on strand that

focus on the academic field.

 TVL Track-stands for Technical-Vocational and Livelihood which lessons are focus in

the skills of students.

 Risk-entrepreneurs take to be a successful businessman.

 ROI-stands for return on investment and can get through net profit over investment. Also

refer to the overall change in effort exerted in business.

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