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Strength and Power

Profiling of Athletes:
Selecting Tests and How
to Use the Information for
Program Design
Michael R. McGuigan, PhD, CSCS*D,1 Stuart J. Cormack, PhD,2 and Nicholas D. Gill, PhD1,3
Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand, AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand; 2School of
Exercise Science, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia; and 3New Zealand Rugby Union, Wellington,
New Zealand

ABSTRACT physical qualities of their athletes. There the sake of testing. The data that are
is also an increasing body of published generated from testing need to be
literature on the assessment of these meaningful for coaches and athletes
qualities in athletic populations and should be used to impact on athlete
SIGHTS INTO THE DIFFERENT (1,3,8,11,12). In this current article, we preparation and performance in some
CAPACITIES OF ATHLETES. THE will attempt to provide extensive exam- manner. It is also important to critically
STRENGTH AND POWER TESTS ples of how this type of strength and examine what tests are used and not
CHOSEN SHOULD BE RELIABLE power profiling can be applied in ath- choose tests solely because they have
AND VALID AND TAKE INTO letic assessment and specifically how been used previously or because the
ACCOUNT THE REQUIREMENTS OF this information can be used to drive equipment and expertise is available.
THE SPORT AND WHAT IS A programming. Practitioners use strength It is critical that practitioners select
MEANINGFUL CHANGE IN PER- and power diagnosis for a number of appropriate tests for assessing the phys-
FORMANCE. THE RESULTS OF reasons, including monitoring of acute ical capacities of their athletes. In addi-
THESE TESTS NEED TO BE RE- performance in training, measuring the tion, 2 vital factors that also need to be
PORTED IN A CLEAR, MEANINGFUL, chronic response to training interven- considered in developing or selecting
AND TIMELY MANNER FOR tions, identifying strengths and weak- assessment protocols for measuring
COACHES IF THEY ARE TO HAVE nesses of an athlete, individualizing athlete capacities are validity and reli-
MAXIMAL IMPACT ON TRAINING training programs, and comparing ath- ability. Validity refers to whether the
PROGRAMS. THE PRACTITIONER letes to normative data. It is our conten- specific test measures what it is sup-
CAN USE THIS EVIDENCE-BASED tion that strength and power diagnosis posed to measure. Reliability refers to
INFORMATION IN CONJUNCTION can have the greatest impact on individ- how repeatable the performance or test
WITH THE ART OF COACHING TO ualizing training programs. variables are. Reliability is optimally as-
MAXIMIZE TRAINING PROGRAM sessed with repeated trials and is impor-
EFFECTIVENESS. tant for tracking athlete’s performance
over time (4). Ideally the reliability of
It is well recognized that strength and
tests should be determined using the
power are critical components of ath-
practitioners own laboratory/testing
INTRODUCTION lete performance. Like training, assess-
trength and conditioning profes- ment of physical capacities must be

S sionals have a large number of

strength and power tests available
to them to assess these particular
specific to the athlete cohort the prac-
titioner is working with, so it is impor-
tant to avoid implementing tests just for
power; strength; testing; monitoring

Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association Strength and Conditioning Journal | 7
Strength and Power Profiling of Athletes

set-up and with similar populations eccentrics, or isometric contractions the common tests that can be used to
rather than relying on previously pub- or the maximal force that can be pro- assess them.
lished reliability data. This is important duced during a specific movement. The choice of tests will be dependent
as we need to know if the test protocol This is commonly measured using on a number of different factors (in
can detect any changes in the results of a repetition maximum (RM) test addition to reliability and validity).
the athletic tests that we have chosen to (e.g., 1RM). It is important to note that These can include (but are not lim-
implement. If the reliability is poor, then these different strength components ited to):
the variation in result is likely to be “too may not be the same for individuals
noisy” to interpret (4). It is also impor- and can be tested separately if needed. a. The sport: For example, some sports
tant to consider factors such as obtain- b. Power: This evaluates an athlete’s involve dealing with larger exter-
ing information about the movements ability to apply force rapidly, thus nal loads (rugby union, American
of the sport from needs analyses to generating high levels of power. This football), so it may be pertinent
select valid tests. In addition, consider- can be measured under different to include a loaded jump squat,
ing familiarization sessions, consistency conditions. For example, jumps per- whereas for other sports, body
in instructions, warm-ups, and calibra- formed unloaded or with additional weight-only jump squats may be suf-
tion of equipment will enhance the reli- load. Another common approach is ficient as moving loads greater than
ability of the tests. to compare jumps performed with body weight are not required. The
The final consideration, and one that is a stretch shorten cycle (SSC) or practitioner should conduct a thor-
directly related to the reliability and without a SSC (static jump [SJ]). ough needs analysis of the sport to
validity of a test, is “what is a worth- c. Strength endurance: This refers to the determine which physical capacities
while change in a test performance?” ability to repeatedly develop a high are important and therefore select
Worthwhile change refers to the ability level of force. The term “power appropriate tests to assess those.
of a test to detect the smallest practi- endurance” is also used by some prac- b. Availability of equipment: Some
cally important change. This can be titioners when referring to activities tests rely on technology such as
calculated as 0.2 3 between-subject that involve repeated efforts (7). force platforms, linear position
standard deviation (4). This has impli- d. Reactive strength: This is defined as transducers, or accelerometers for
cations for athletes because it helps the ability to develop maximal force assessing qualities such as power.
with determining whether the change in minimal time and is demonstrated However, even if this type of tech-
that has been seen in a particular test is in movements consisting of a rapid nology is unavailable, it is possible
“worthwhile” or not and can therefore eccentric contraction followed by to conduct a strength and power
greatly assist with the interpretation of a concentric muscle action, for profile using a maximal strength
test results. If the test protocol is to example, drop jumps. Reactive test, jump heights/distances for
have an impact on the athlete’s prepa- strength is sometimes measured as various jumps, and a strength
ration and performance, knowledge of height jumped/contact time. endurance test.
the worthwhile change is crucial. e. Rate of force development (RFD): This c. Number of athletes: The general
There are a number of physical capaci- is calculated from the slope of the logistics of the testing session must
ties that can be tested within strength force-time curve and provides a mea- be taken into account. When testing
and power diagnosis. These include: surement of the athlete’s rate of devel- only a small number of athletes, it-
a. Maximal strength: This refers to the oping force against a given load. may be possible to do a wide range
maximal force producing capacity of Table 1 outlines these various strength of tests, for example, including
a muscle during concentric, and power qualities and lists some of a loaded power profile with

Table 1
Strength and power qualities and various tests that can be used to assess these qualities

Quality Maximum strength Power Strength endurance Reactive strength Rate of force development
Tests Repetition maximum Jump squats, Strength endurance Drop/depth Isometric tests, static jumps
tests, isometric tests, bench throws, test (e.g., bench jumps
eccentric tests, other can be press with
predictive tests (e.g., unloaded/ absolute load for
repetitions to fatigue) loaded or static maximum
(no SSC)/ repetitions)
dynamic (SSC)
SSC, stretch shorten cycle.


jump squats with various percentage and collected data and determined figures can be used to show results
of body weight. However, if con- whether the changes are worthwhile over a period. A problem can arise
ducting testing with a larger group, or not. If the information is not pre- when testing squads when athletes
it may be easier to use absolute loads sented to the coach and/or athletes may not be available because of injury.
for a loaded power profile (e.g., with in a way that makes sense to them, With small group sizes, a particularly
body weight and 40 kg additional then the ability of that information to strong (or weak) athlete in a particular
load). make a difference to the preparation test may have a major effect on means
d. Level of the athlete: Consideration and performance of the athlete will and/or standard deviations. An alter-
needs to be given to the training be reduced. To assist with interpreta- native approach that we have used is
age and experience of the athlete tion of the results, the practitioner modified z-scores, where benchmark
being tested. For example, with needs to make an assessment about means and standard deviations are
developmental athletes, it may be magnitude of the change, taking into determined for the various tests. These
sufficient to just test maximal account the reliability of the test. benchmarks can be determined by the
strength, whereas a more practitioner (e.g., it may be decided
advanced athlete might require It is important to present the results in
that the benchmark for relative CMJ
a more complete battery of tests a way the coach and athlete can
power is 65 W/kg). These bench-
that covers a number of physical understand. This can be done in a num-
marks can be developed based on
capacities. However, practitioners ber of different ways and by using a number of sources, including pub-
should always be mindful of avoid- a combination of different methods. lished literature on a similar popula-
ing inclusion of multiple tests that A good first step is to graph the results tion, previous testing data with that
assess highly related strength and in some way. Typically, numbers by population, and feedback from the
power capacities and provide little themselves are not very helpful or well coach, and other practitioner feedback.
additional information on the ca- understood. By graphing data, it may Once these benchmarks are devel-
pabilities of the athlete. be possible to identify trends in the oped, the modified z-scores can be cal-
e. Individualized testing batteries: results or to visualize large changes in culated as:
Although it is more commonplace
to provide individual training pro-
grams for athletes, the standard
Modified z‐score 5 ðatheletes scores 2 benchmark scoreÞ=standard deviation:
approach for testing is to conduct
the same battery of tests across
a squad. However, given the differ- physical capacities. In the practical Figure 2 shows a sample of modified
ent positional demands within programming section, we will discuss z-scores for an athlete measured over
sports, it may be worth considering some specific examples of how these time using this approach. It is also pos-
individualizing testing as well. The
can be used with simple tools, such sible to show other standards in addi-
practitioner may well include stan-
as Microsoft Excel. Figures are often tion to your own benchmarks. For
dard tests with a squad, for example,
a good way to present data visually example, a practitioner may want to
maximal strength, but there may be
to coaches and athletes. This can dem- show a younger athlete (e.g., younger
cases where different types of power
onstrate clearly where the athlete sits than 18 years) the standard of an inter-
are assessed (e.g., unloaded counter-
within the group. For example, graph- national performer for the particular
movement jump [CMJ] for one ath-
ing z-scores (athlete score 2 average tests being conducted.
lete versus a more extensive load
score/standard deviation) using radar Practitioners should also consider the
profile for another).
plots provides a visual representation turnaround time of reports for coaches
Finally, when selecting tests, the main
of the athlete’s strengths and weak- from testing sessions. For this type of
criteria should be to ask what informa-
nesses relative to the group and there- data to have maximal impact, turn-
tion can be obtained from this test and
fore can be a useful tool for prescribing around time needs to be fast, in addition
how can the data be used. This allows
specific training to target those weak- to providing meaningful information.
coaches to drive the training prescrip-
nesses. Figure 1 shows an example of Historically, sports science has not done
tion process and for assessment of the
a radar plot of z-scores. a great job of providing coaches and
impact of training interventions. Sim-
ply conducting strength and power This approach can be particularly use- high performance programs with
tests for the sake of testing should be ful for one-time testing and also allows timely testing reports. Providing reports
avoided. practitioners to include performance within 3 days of testing will help with
expressions of strength and power. changing the current perception of
REPORTING INFORMATION However, an important part of the many of these testing sessions as simply
It is not enough to have developed testing process is retesting and com- being opportunities to collect data for
a reliable and valid testing battery paring with previous results, and these research studies.

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 9

Strength and Power Profiling of Athletes

practitioner will also need to consider

the impact of training certain capacities
will have on the other physical capaci-
ties. Certainly, frequent retesting of
these physical qualities will assist with
this process and provides the practi-
tioner with regular feedback on the
effect of the training program and/or
specific interventions. In this section,
we will discuss examples of some of
the physical capacities that can be
tested within strength and power
From a practical standpoint, the use of
radar plots can provide some simple
insights into capacities that can be tar-
geted. If we take Figure 1 as an exam-
ple, there are some issues that can be
Figure 1. Sample “Strength and Power” profile for an athlete. The “zero” indicates that
the athlete has reached the required standard for that particular test.
highlighted by the practitioner. The
athlete has clearly reached the stan-
dard for the body weight CMJ and SJ
PRACTICAL PROGRAMMING question needs to be asked: is it more tests. However, there seems to be some
An important part of the process of important to focus on weaknesses or deficiencies in terms of maximal
athlete assessment is determining the continue to develop strengths, or try strength capability, which may also
priorities for intervention. By complet- to do a combination of both? The contribute to the lower scores for the
ing a thorough assessment of the var- underlying philosophy of the approach
loaded jump squat tests. Therefore, it
ious strength and power capacities, the discussed in this article is to individu-
may be concluded that the emphasis
strength and conditioning professional alize training programs for athletes so
on the next training block should be
should be able to target specific quali- this will depend on the individual ath-
on more maximal strength develop-
ties (7). After completing the testing, lete with regards to training age, com-
ment in conjunction with some higher
one of the key considerations is what petition level, phase of season,
load power work, for example, jump
capacities need to be targeted by the prioritized needs based on perfor-
squats with external loading.
training program. A fundamental mance needs/priorities, etc. The
The sample data presented in Figure 2
depict testing conducted in January
and April. This sample shows improve-
ments in maximal strength (the athlete
has now reached international stan-
dard) with some improvement in un-
loaded and loaded jumping (note:
reporting the improvements in terms
of smallest worthwhile change will
confirm whether these changes are
worthwhile or not). However, reactive
strength and RFD components obvi-
ously need more work along with SJ
power. Therefore, the practitioner
may decide that these components will
be the focus of the next training block.
Load power profiles can also provide
useful information about the power
capabilities of athletes (5). Figure 3
shows 2 sample athletes with differing
Figure 2. Sample “Strength and Power” profile for an athlete using modified z-scores, power profiles in the bench pull.
desired benchmark, and international level standard. First, this enables the practitioner to


athletes respond to different loads
across the spectrum (10). As can be
seen from Figure 3, athlete B is able
to maintain the power output to a great
extent across the spectrum of loads,
even though the peak level is less than
that of athlete A. Ultimately, this needs
to be put into the context of the sport
requirements as to whether this is
desirable or not.
Comparing the performance loads
can highlight what type of training
activity and loading the athlete should
exploit (5,6,10). Using Figure 4 as an
example, the ratio of CMJ:SJ or eccen-
tric utilization ratio (EUR) is 1.05 for
athlete A and 0.95 for athlete B. If this
component was deemed important,
this would suggest that a primary
emphasis for the training of athlete
B would be inclusion of more SSC-
specific work, for example, plyomet-
rics to improve this component. This
Figure 3. Peak concentric power profile on bench pull for 2 sample athletes. could also involve some specific RFD
training where the focus is attempting
to maximize the slope of the force-
determine at which load the respective threshold levels for monitoring purpo- time curve with ballistic types of ex-
athletes produce peak power (30 kg for ses. Recent research has shown signif-
ercises, such as jump squats. Depend-
athlete A and 50 kg for athlete B). This icant benefits of providing this type of
ing on the phase of the annual plan,
could have potential implications for feedback to athletes during power
the major training focus could be on
what loads to target during training training sessions (9). The load profile
the most fundamental of those quali-
sessions and also for establishing can also provide insights to how the
ties requiring improvement. For exam-
ple, if athlete B had a much lower
maximal strength as well as a lower
EUR, the primary focus would be on
maximal strength.
Figure 5 shows an example of a simple
unloaded versus loaded jump squat
profile that can be used to determine
how well an athlete tolerates external
load (2). In this example, athlete A is
able to handle the increase in load dur-
ing the CMJ (ratio 0.98), whereas ath-
lete B has a much larger drop off in
relative peak power with the addition
of external load (ratio 0.74). From
a programming perspective, we could
recommend the greater inclusion of
loaded jump squats for athlete B and
a greater emphasis on maximal
strength training. One could also con-
sider conducting a more extensive load
profile for athlete B, for example, test-
Figure 4. Countermovement jump (CMJ) and static jump (SJ) relative peak power for ing at a range of loads from body
2 sample athletes. weight only, body weight + 20 kg,

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 11

Strength and Power Profiling of Athletes

Reactive strength capacity is typically

assessed using drop jumps. By using
this information across a range of drop
jump heights and comparing to the
CMJ result, we can obtain useful
insights to the athlete’s tolerance of
stretch load (7). Figure 6 shows an
example of 2 athletes who have com-
pleted a drop jump profile across 30,
45, and 60 cm. It is clear that athlete B
is better able to tolerate the drop jump
heights relative to CMJ performance,
whereas athlete A produces less jump
height with increasing drop height.
This information again would need to
be put into the context of other testing
results to help understand the cause of
this. It could perhaps be a lack of
eccentric strength, which may be alle-
viated to some extent by the inclusion
of more maximal strength work.
Another explanation could be lack of
reactive strength, in which case incor-
Figure 5. Countermovement jump (CMJ) with and without external load for 2 sample porating reactive strength drills could
athletes. also be considered.
A majority of strength and power as-
body weight + 30 kg, body weight + 40 to target during sessions (11). This is sessments that are used are bilateral in
kg, etc., to determine where the signif- an example where testing can be indi- nature. However, unilateral assessment
icant deflection point in performance vidualized rather than simply applying can provide the practitioner with valu-
drop-off occurs, to make the training a battery of tests across a squad of able information on potential imbalan-
more specific in terms of what loads athletes. ces. For example, during single-leg
jumping, measures between right and
left legs can be compared, along with
comparing the sum of the single legs to
the bilateral measure (Figure 7). In the
example shown in Figure 7, there is
a deficit for athlete B (right to left)
(19%). Therefore, the subsequent train-
ing could focus on including some
additional single-leg work, particularly
for the left leg. When comparing the
sum of right and left to the scores for
bilateral CMJ, there are differences in
the “bilateral deficit,” with athlete A
producing 25% more power with the
sum of the unilateral jumps and athlete
B producing only 8% more. This could
suggest, depending on sport specificity,
that athlete A can focus more on bilat-
eral work in the next training block,
whereas athlete B would be doing
more unilateral work.
Again with this example, the practi-
tioner without access to technology
Figure 6. CMJ and drop jump profile for 2 sample athletes. that measures variables such as force,


Stuart J.
Cormack is
a senior lecturer
in the School of
Exercise Science,

Nicholas D. Gill
is a strength and
conditioning coach
for the New
Zealand All
Blacks rugby team.

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