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Before the Exam:-

• Find out and read up as much information as possible about the relevant/tentative topics of the exam.

• Learn and memorise the material with the exam format in mind from relevant sources.

• Review the notes/material frequently to maintain a good grasp of the content.

• Think and make notes about themes, ideas and patterns that recur through the course.

• Practice your critical and drafting skills as you review.

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Code: NABARD50
Tentative Essay topics:-
Based on Agriculture & Rural Development(ARD):-

• Cultivation of Crops
• Census Data
• Crop Rotation
• Forest Survey
• Agricultural Schemes for NABARD
• Budget: Agriculture and its allocation
• Rural Credit Scheme
• Schemes launched by the Govt. – Its purpose, amount and deadline etc.
• Agricultural Schemes
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Code: NABARD50
During the Exam:-

1.Begin by carefully reading each of the topics and carefully choose the topic.

2.Plan time allocation to Essay.

3.Chalk out a rough draft of the essay by using –What?/Why?/How?/When?/Where/?Which/? about the topic.

4.Select a pattern that is appropriate for each of the keywords identified and strategise your responses on a piece
of scrap paper or in the margins if you aren’t provided extra paper.

5.Write out your points as quickly and as neatly as you can.

6.Back up your thesis by using specific references to the topic that you have researched and studied.

7.Remember to proofread your answers and edit or correct and errors in spelling or grammar.
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Code: NABARD50

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Code: NABARD50


Key elements of an introduction-

• Begin the Essay to grab the attention by providing some background information and context.

• Connect it with the topic.

• Outline of argument.

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“In 1950-51, the contribution of agricultural sector to national income was 59% and in 2004-05, it came down to 24.4%.
Agriculture demands top most priority because the Govt. and the nation would both fail to succeed if agriculture could not be
successful because Two-thirds of our population is dependent on agriculture directly or indirectly.”

“Farmers can hope for better days as Farm profits per hectare are expected to grow 7-9 per cent annually according to a CRISIL
report. But the Question that still hangs in the air that ‘Can this be executed in reality or Will it remain on paper only?”

“India has made a place for itself as one of the fastest growing economies in the world, yet it loses behind in a lot behind in the
name of growth. As the rich are getting richer and the poor get poorer, the divide has been expanding more than before.”

“Poverty is one of the biggest evils faced by India in the present scenario. With an increasing population of people in the Below
the Poverty Line (BPL) across the nation, it seems like a never ending issue.”

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Code: NABARD50
The following are important aspects of all body paragraphs:-

• A clear topic sentence.

• Specific evidence or supporting detail.
• Examples.
• Unity and cohesion.
• To form new paragraphs use the WHAT/WHY/HOW/WHERE trick?
▪ What are problems/obstacles related to the issue?/What are benefits of the Scheme/ What is/are the
roles/purpose of a body/ What are the reasons behind the issue?
▪ Why has the problem prevailed in our country?
▪ How to tackle/resolve/improve/ fight the issue?
▪ What are steps/measures/precautions been or not been or to be taken on the issue?
▪ Where/When/whom to address the issue to? 50% OFF on NABARD courses
Code: NABARD50
“The problem of food scarcity still looms over India. According to 2011 census, the country’s rural population is almost 83.25
crore (68.8% of total population). There has been wide consensus that the rural development should be inclusive and
sustainable in order to alleviate the poverty. The tentative Gross Budgetary Support (GBS) for the Ministry of Rural
Development for the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17) is Rs. 44,3261 crore (against the Rs. 29,1682 crores of Eleventh Plan
period) which includes the major programs. Although agriculture now accounts for only 14% of Gross Domestic Product
(GDP), it is still the main source of livelihood for the majority of the rural population.”

“Agricultural growth in the recent decade has been interesting on many accounts: divergence in agricultural income increased,
specific regions being specialized towards certain crops, total factor productivity growth decelerated at least in the high
productivity region of the country. Such growth pattern influences employment, poverty and equity in a region. These issues
related to agricultural growth would attract attention of Research and Development to this sector.”

“India has four of the five most polluted cities in the world. It’s not just the air – we are badly polluting our rivers and
agricultural land through the excessive use of chemicals, plastic and careless disposal of waste. Pollution has the ability to reach
massive proportions and destroy the ecosystem if we do not stop abusing natural50% OFF onbefore
resources NABARD it iscourses
too late. Along with that,
planning for the optimal utilisation of water needs to be on top of the list because water Code: NABARD50
pollution and wastage can leave our
country dry and barren in the next decade.”
• Return to the theme of the introduction.
• Summarise the points to support the thesis.
• Propose a course of action, a solution to the issue, Implications upon the future, or Consequences if measures
are not taken against an issue.

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Code: NABARD50
“The recent modernization in the agricultural sector of the India has increased the annual productivity a lot more than the
previous decades. The green revolution initiative is showing is good effects in the India now.This agricultural development has
established our country as an independent country for the necessary harvesting amount and one of the leading exporters of the
harvesting products.”

“In order to address the main constraints affecting the development of the national and regional seed supplies that are
mentioned above, the region requires integrated efforts by all national and international stakeholders and institutions involved
in seed supply and plant genetic resource management. On practical issues, lessons learned by some countries could be shared
with other countries; e.g. on how to progress with the transition or how to recognize the most immediate needs of farmers.
Appropriate policies should also be established, at various levels, in order to facilitate seed investment and development in the

“Recognition of the social issues is the first step to find solution. Most of the issues are due to lack of awareness and could be
addressed through sensitization programs from the Governments and stakeholders. Since many social issues like Sati,
Untouchability etc., have been dealt successfully in the past, the future holds hope to deal with the current social issues.”

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Code: NABARD50
• Do you think Universal sanitation coverage will be a milestone in the journey of Swachh Bharat Mission?

• Discuss the problem of water crisis in India. Also suggest some measures to mitigate the impact of water crisis.

• Organic Framing is known to be environmentally sustainable. Do you think it is sustainable economically as


• Artificial Intelligence technologies can be a game changer for the agriculture sector. Discuss the relevance of the

• Role of education in life.

• Science & Technology: a bane or boon.

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Code: NABARD50

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