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¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Môn: Tiếng Anh - Lớp 12
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
(Đề có 70 câu trắc nghiệm)

Họ và tên thí sinh:..................................................... Số báo danh :................... Mã đề 475

Listen to the audio and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the following questions.
Question 1. How popular is Chris Svensson’s book?
A. Not very popular B. It’s new. People don’t know it yet.
C. It’s not popular outside Britain D. Very popular
Question 2. What is the work-life balance like in traditional workplaces?
A. People work too much overtime and so they have no private life.
B. People are free to manage the balance themselves.
C. Work lives and private lives are clearly divided.
D. People always try to balance their life.
Question 3. How often do people do overtime?
A. Always B. Often C. Sometimes D. They don’t.
Question 4. In traditional workplaces, do people work at weekends or when on holiday?
A. Usually, they don’t. B. No, never.
C. Yes, but not very often D. Yes, it’s normal.
Question 5. How has technology helped people work with more flexibility?
A. They can chair a meeting online.
B. Robots can do their work for them.
C. They can send and receive emails from their phones from home.
D. Their working hours can be easily tracked.
Question 6. Traditional divisions between work and life are fading. What does this mean for
A. People have to work while they’re on holiday.
B. They can be flexible to work when and where it suits them.
C. Everyone has to do overtime, all the time.
D. They have to worker much harder.

Listen to the audio and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the following questions.
Question 7. The SARS outbreak took place in China _______.
A. just in 2003 B. just in 2002
C. 17 and 18 years ago D. 7 years and eight years ago
Question 8. There were ________ cases of SARS confirmed in mainland China.
A. 5,327 B. 3, 257 C. 3, 257 D. 5,237
Question 9. The new coronavirus is believed to spread to human from _______.
A. wild animals sold at a market in Wuhan
B. wild animals sold at a supermarket in Wuhan
C. seafood sold at a market in Wuhan
D. birds sold at a market in Wuhan
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Question 10. What has been suggested by China’s health minister and others?
A. The new virus is not dangerous at all
B. The new virus can’t infect humans
C. The new virus spreads very slowly
D. There’s a spread of the new virus before the infection signs are shown
Question 11. It was written by The WHO Director General on Twitter that _______ cases have
been recorded to date in 15 other countries.
A. over 70 B. nearly 70 C. over 100 D. fewer than 50
Question 12. The new meeting of emergency committee is set for _______.
A. in five days B. Thursday C. Next Thursday D. next week
Question 13. _______ is one of the disease-control measures taken by China.
A. Cutting all flights to Wuhan
B. Suspending rail travel to Hong Kong
C. Moving foreign citizens from Wuhan
D. Locking down Wuhan and 16 other cities
Question 14. What did foreign countries do?
A. They forced their citizens to leave Wuhan
B. They evacuated their citizens from the city by train
C. They removed the citizens from Wuhan
D. They supported Chinese government

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
Question 15. Thomas: “If only I hadn’t lent him all my money!”
Tina: “_________”
A. I’m afraid you will have to do it.
B. All right. You will be OK.
C. Sorry, I have no idea.
D. Well, you did, so it’s no use crying over spilt milk.
Question 16. Andy: “Let me drive you home”
Mrs Phuong: “_________.”
A. No, I usually drive home at 5 B. No problem
C. It’s me D. No, don’t worry. I’m alright

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 17. The flights are full at the moment, so you will have to _________.
A. get a better luck B. be down on your luck
C. take pot luck D. run a stroke of luck
Question 18. As we were driving along, a car suddenly _________ in front of us.
A. set out B. stepped in C. put up D. pulled out
Question 19. I’d sooner you _________ so badly in the last exam.
A. hadn’t done B. couldn’t do
C. wouldn’t have done D. didn’t done

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Question 20. The rest of the family were respectable, honest people but he was always in trouble.
I’m afraid he was a _________.
A. white horse B. grey bird C. red cock D. black sheep
Question 21. _________ for Tom's opposition, we would have agreed to the contract.
A. Would it not have been B. Had it not been
C. Be it not D. Should it not have been
Question 22. When it’s very hot, you may _________ the top button of your shirt.
A. unwrap B. undress C. untie D. undo
Question 23. I have never seen _________ before.
A. so good a film B. such good film
C. so good film D. such good a film
Question 24. She refuses to resign, intending to _________ the storm.
A. wait B. ease C. weather D. stand
Question 25. The discovery of the vaccine against the coronavirus will be a _________ in medicine.
A. breakdown B. breakout C. breakthrough D. break-in
Question 26. No one on the plane was alive in the accident last night, _________?
A. was he B. weren’t they C. wasn’t he D. were they
Question 27. _________, sheep were then raised for wool.
A. Having first domesticated for milk production
B. Having been first domesticated for milk production
C. Because they had been first domesticated for milk production
D. Although they had first domesticated for milk production
Question 28. Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have _________ any
A. thought over B. got round to C. looked into D. come up with
Question 29. Don’t throw the potato _________ away! It is very nutritious.
A. rind B. peel C. shell D. core
Question 30. Our town has a real problem with youth crime, _________ do many other British
A. as B. so C. like D. nor
Question 31. Hieroglyphics _________ on the walls of caves provide scientists with important
details on prehistoric man.
A. have been painted B. were painted
C. painted D. that they painted
Question 32. As soon as the opportunity _________ itself, she would get another job.
A. raised B. wakened C. rose D. presented
Question 33. They were left a lot of money in their aunt’s _________.
A. testament B. inheritance C. will D. heritage

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 34. Several hypotheses for global warming have been suggested by the scientists.
A. suppositions B. truths C. studies D. researches
Question 35. I think Mr. John is on the level because he always tells the truth and never tries to
deceive others.
A. talented B. dishonest C. intelligent D. honest

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 36. It was quite a rocky relationship as we used to argue with each other all the time and
we sometimes went days without speaking to each other.
A. unsteady B. better C. appalling D. stable
Question 37. Despite careful preparation, the candidate got cold feet when asked a challenging
question and gave an unsatisfactory answer.
A. became aggressive. B. stayed confident.
C. had a fever D. got nervous.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 38. A. campaign B. complain C. ascertain D. bargain
Question 39. A. desert B. resort C. position D. pleasure
Question 40. A. commodity B. technology C. ecosystem D. knowledge

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines the
pair of sentences given in each of the following questions.
Question 41. Julie always listens to my complaints about work. This is very kind of her.
A. Julie is so kind as to always take an ear to my complaints about work.
B. Julie is so kind enough to always give an ear to my complaints about work.
C. Julie is so kind as to always show an ear to my complaints about work.
D. Julie is so kind as to always lend an ear to my complaints about work.
Question 42. I was extremely annoyed at the way the new boss treated us all. I tried not to show it.
A. The new boss behaved towards us so badly that someone just had to let him know how angry we
B. The new boss treated us all so badly that I couldn't hide my disgust from him.
C. I made an effort to hide from the new boss the anger I felt at his treatment of us.
D. I couldn't help letting the new boss see just how angry he made me with those remarks to us.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions:
Jane Howard views some works of ancient art
I have just come home after viewing some astonishing works of art that were recently
discovered in Church Hole cave in Nottinghamshire. They are not drawings, as one would expect,
but etchings, and they depict a huge range of animals. The artists who created them lived around
13,000 years ago, and the images are remarkable on a variety of counts. First of all, their sheer
number is staggering, there are ninety all told. Moreover, fifty-eight of them are on the ceiling.
This is extremely rare in cave art, according to a leading expert, Dr Wilbur Samson of Central
Midlands University. “Wall pictures are the norm,” he says. “But more importantly, the Church
Hole etchings are in incredible artistic achievement. They can hold their own in comparison with
the best found in continental Europe.” I am not a student of the subject, so I have to take his word
for it. However, you do not have to be an expert to appreciate their beauty.
In fact, it is the wider significance of the etchings that is likely to attract attention in
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academic circles, since they radically alter our view of life in Britain during this epoch. It had
previously been thought that ice-age hunters in this country were isolated from people in more
central areas of Europe, but the Church Hole images prove that ancient Britons were part of a
culture that had spread right across the continent. And they were at least as sophisticated culturally
as their counterparts on the mainland.
News of such exciting discoveries spreads rapidly, and thanks to the Internet and mobile
phones, a great many people probably knew about this discovery within hours of initial expedition
returning. As a result, some etchings may already have been damaged, albeit inadvertently, by eager
visitors. In a regrettably late response, the site has been cordoned off with a high, rather
intimidating fence, and warning notices have been posted.
An initial survey of the site last year failed to reveal the presence of the etchings. The reason
lies in the expectations of the researchers. They had been looking for the usual type of cave drawing
or painting, which shows up best under direct light. Consequently, they used powerful torches,
shining them straight onto the rock face. However, the Church Hole images are modifications of the
rock itself, and show up best when seen from a certain angle in the natural light of the early
morning. Having been fortunate to see them at this hour, I can only say that I was deeply – and
unexpectedly – moved. While most cave art often seems to have been created in a shadow past very
remote from us, these somehow convey the impression that they were made yesterday.
Dr Samson feels that the lighting factor provides important information about the likely
function of these works of art. “I think the artists knew very well that the etchings would hardly be
visible except early in the morning. We can therefore deduce that the chamber was used for rituals
involving animal worship, and that they were conducted just after dawn, as a preliminary to the
day’s hunting.”
However, such ideas are controversial in the world of archaeology and human origins. Dr
Olivia Caruthers of the Reardon Institute remains unconvinced that the function of the etchings at
Church Hole can be determined with any certainty. “When we know so little about the social life of
early humans, it would be foolish to insist on any rigid interpretation. We should, in my view, begin
by tentatively assuming that their creators were motivated in part by aesthetic considerations –
while of course being prepared to modify this verdict at a late date, if and when new evidence
To which I can only add that I felt deeply privileged to have been able to view Church Hole.
It is a site of tremendous importance culturally and is part of the heritage, not only of this country,
but the world as a whole.
Question 43. The word “tentatively” in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to _________.
A. certainly B. provisionally C. permanently D. concurrently
Question 44. What is the cultural significance of these images?
A. They suggest that people in Europe were more sophisticated than Britons.
B. They reveal the existence of a single ice-age culture in Europe.
C. They prove that ancient Britons hunted over large areas.
D. They indicate that people from central Europe had settled in Britain.
Question 45. According to the text, _________.
A. the images in the cave were vulnerable to damage.
B. the discovery of the images should not have been made public.
C. the measures taken to protect the images have proved ineffective.
D. many people visited the cave within hours of its discovery.
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Question 46. What conclusions does Dr Samson draw from the lighting factor?
A. Rituals were common in animal worship.
B. The artists never intended to make the images visible.
C. The images were intended to be visible at a certain time of day.
D. Rituals involving animal worship were carried out after sunset.
Question 47. It seems that the writer _________.
A. has now realized the true significance of cave art
B. was profoundly impressed by the images in the cave
C. can now envisage the life of ice-age hunters more vividly
D. thinks the images should receive more publicity
Question 48. The word “staggering” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _________.
A. alleviating B. promising C. astounding D. shrinking
Question 49. According to Dr Caruthers, _________.
A. we cannot make inferences from cave art
B. the function of such images is open to question
C. experts know nothing about life 13,000 years ago
D. the functions of the images in Church Hole were asserted with certainty
Question 50. All the following statements are true EXCEPT _________.
A. To protect the site form being damaged, a fence has been put up and warnings have been posted
B. Hunters in Britain during the Ice-age were more cultured than those on mainland
C. Dr. Samson contends that lighting reveals the function of etchings, which is animal worship
D. Even a layman can recognize the beauty of the etchings

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest
in the position of the main stress.
Question 51. A. effectiveness B. entertainment C. encouragement D. environment
Question 52. A. pollution B. predator C. pneumonia D. protection

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 53. Simon couldn’t stop crying when he lost his favorite toy.
A. Simon cried like floods when he lost his favorite toy.
B. Simon was in floods with tears when he lost his favorite toy.
C. Simon was in floods of tears when he lost his favorite toy.
D. Simon cried with floods and tears when he lost his favorite toy.
Question 54. My boss doesn’t mind what time I start or finish work.
A. My boss makes no difference to him what time I start or finish work.
B. It doesn’t make any difference of my boss what time I start or finish work.
C. It makes no difference to my boss what time I start or finish work.
D. My boss shows no difference to me what time I start or finish work.
Question 55. The children ran to the field to see the dragon, but it was no longer there.
A. The dragon went by the time the children ran to the field.
B. When the children ran to the field, the dragon went.
C. The dragon had gone by the time the children ran to the field.
D. The dragon had gone after the children ran to the field.

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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, c, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions:
When someone smokes a cigarette, he produces three different types of smoke. The first,
mainstream smoke, is the smoke directly inhaled by the smoker. The second type is exhaled
mainstream smoke, the smoke breathed out by the smoker. Third is sidestream smoke, the smoke
which drifts from the end of a lit cigarette. Environmental tabacco smoke (ETS), or secondhand
smoke, consists of exhaled mainstream smoke and sidestream smoke. ETS is harmful, too.
Mainstream and sidestream smoke both contain a large number of chemical carcinogens and
other toxic substances, but undiluted sidestream smoke carries greater amounts of ammonia,
benzene, carbon monoxide, nicotine and carcinogens than mainstream smoke. In addition, the
parties of sidestream smoke are smaller than those of mainstream smoke. This means that these
particles can be inhaled more deeply into the lungs.
In addition to the irritant effects of tobacco smoke to the eyes, nose, throat, and air passages,
nonsmokers who breathe air polluted by tobacco smoke (passive smoking) may suffer from serious
health problems, such as increased susceptibility to bronchitis, pneumonia, lung cancer and
cardiovascular diseases.
Research has shown that people exposed to secondhand smoke are 10 times more likely to
develop heart disease than lung cancer. For example, in Australia, it has been shown that exposure
to ETS at home more than doubles a nonsmoking woman’s risk of heart attack and coronary death.
Nevertheless, while over 80% smoke in an average room is composed of sidestream smoke, the
most serious damage is still sustained by the active smoker, whose lungs retain the carcinogens he
has inhaled in addtion to those breathed from the smoke-filled room.
Question 56. The word “those” in the second paragraph refers to ____________.
A. chemical substances B. carcinogens
C. the particles of sidestream smoke D. particles
Question 57. Research has proven that ____________.
A. mainstream smoking is as dangerous as passive smoking
B. ETS consists of inhaled mainstream smoke and sidestream smoke
C. in Australia there is a great risk of cardiovascular disease
D. passive smoking causes more heart disease than lung cancer
Question 58. Mainstream and sidestream smoke are comprised of ____________.
A. carcinogens and toxins B. smoke from a smoker’s lungs
C. smoke from a lit cigarette D. particles of tobacco
Question 59. Why is breathing smoke-polluted air dangerous?
A. It causes 10 times the risk of illness.
B. It causes serious lung and heart diseases.
C. It has irritant effects on women.
D. It doubles the risk if illness.
Question 60. How does sidestream smoke differ from mainstream smoke?
A. It can have irritant effects. B. It can be inhaled into lungs.
C. Its particles are smaller. D. It contains poisonous substances.
Question 61. According to the passage, secondhand smoke ____________.
A. is composed of the smoke breathed out by the smoker and the smoke which drifts from the end
of a lit cigarette
B. consists of a large number of smaller harmful particles than inhaled mainstream smoke
C. is more harmful than mainstream smoke, inhaled by the smoker
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D. is to cause the most serious damage
Question 62. According to the passage, “passive smoking” is ____________.
A. the act of smoking passively by the smokers
B. tobacco smoke that smokers are exposed to
C. nonsmokers’ breathing air filled with tobacco smoke
D. another type of smoke which is a combination of mainstream and sidestream smoke

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 63. These days, people (A) take (B) great care of their health and tend (C) to choose
foods without artificial (D) preservers.
Question 64. Educated in (A) the UK, (B) his qualifications are widely (C) recognized in the
(D) world of professionals.
Question 65. Students(A) suppose to read (B) all the questions carefully and find (C) out the
answers to (D) them.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Media and Advertising
After more than fifty years of television, it might seem only obvious to conclude that it is
here to _____(66)_____ There have been many objections to it during this time, of course, and
_____(67)_____ a variety of grounds. Did it cause eye-strain? Was the screen bombarding us with
radioactivity? Did the advertisements contain subliminal messages, persuading us to buy more? Did
children turn to violence through watching it, either because so many programmes taught them how
to shoot, rob, and kill, or because they had to do something to counteract the hours they had spent
glued to the tiny screen? Or did it simply create a vast passive audience drugged by glamorous
serials and inane situation _____(68)_____? On the other hand, did it increase anxiety by
sensationalizing the news [or the news which was accompanied by suitable pictures] and filling our
living rooms with war, famine and political unrest? _____(69)_____ in all, television proved to be
the all-purpose scapegoat for the second half of the century, blamed for everything, but above all,
eagerly watched. For no matter how much we despised it, feared it, were bored by it, or felt that it
took us away from the old paradise of family conversation and hobbies such as collecting stamps,
we never turned it off. We kept staring at the screen, aware that our own tiny _____(70)_____ was
in if we looked carefully.
Question 66. A. prolong B. exist C. be D. stay
Question 67. A. on B. with C. over D. by
Question 68. A. perhaps B. consequently C. programmes D. comedies
Question 69. A. Thus B. All C. Taken D. Somewhat
Question 70. A. situation B. consciousness C. fault D. reflection

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