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Body, Mind & Soul Retreat, BALI

10th – 18th March 2011

5 Elements through the 5 Senses

5 elements from Nature: fire, water, earth, air & space | 5 senses: hear, taste, smell, touch & see

I love my trips to Chiang Mai. For me it’s a place to recharge and enjoy being in the company of my
Dharma family. Yearly trips are complimented by a visit to the local Quan Yin temple to make
offerings. This year was no exception. Upon arrival, we realized our timing coincided with Chinese
New Year. Our normal place of retreat, peace and quiet was in full celebration.

We too joined in the festivities. But, very quickly, we experience something outside of our own
expectation. Each time we walked to a statue to pay our respects and make offerings, a person
interrupted to correct us to the ‘right’ way of doing something. At the fortune telling bamboo
cylinder, lucky #25 straw dropped out for me. The reading… “Not good time for marriage, not good
time for business, no luck” and our experience continued. I relied on a dear Thai, English speaking
woman, to tell me of my fortune from this small piece of yellow paper. Everybody looked busy and
there was communication breakdown. What we usually liked to buy didn’t appeal to us anymore
and when we moved to quiet places within the temple, they were not quiet for very long. There
were always interruptions and great clouds of incense smoke, making it unbearable to be there.
Our eyes stung and we had to move on. To sum things up, being at our normally quiet and
reflective temple ended up as a visit that felt rushed, chaotic and disorganized.

The above is an example of what year 2011 has in store. Time feels quicker. There are never
enough hours in the day. Finding time to spend moments on your own are rare. As you get whirl
winded into different directions you are lead into a life without balance. Imbalances in your body,
mind and soul manifest as dis-ease, drama and seriousness.

As a student of life you sometimes need to be reminded - play with energy! You are already
perfect. Did you forget this? When you hear your inner voice calling out “What is my purpose?
Who am I? What am I doing here?”, it’s time to find time to work on yourself. You are in control
and only you can stop to wake-up now. No one else can make this decision for you.

With the right tools you can have FUN and feel JOY. Inner joy leads to compassion and acceptance
of any situation life can throw at you. We are all different and we start to understand that
everyone is doing the best they can with what they know.

Beautiful words from a Russian Shaman: when you balance body, mind and soul we start to enjoy
our lives. Having all three gives you enough energy for you to experience happiness, miracles and
the beauty of creation. We find purpose in life and magic in our hearts.

Simple words of wisdom from a wonderful Balinese Shaman: you have to work hard on your health
(balance your body), without health you cannot work (balance your mind), without work there is no
money and without money there is no choice (balance your soul). Simple!

ORACLE is an opportunity for you to take a break from your life, stay and experience a place of
beauty. Slow down, simplify & embrace the moment. Remember what nourishes & inspires you
and step back into your life renewed, replenished and balanced. Oracle’s purpose is to restore your
body, mind and soul, indulging in self-care practices to open your heart and guide you on your
Your home will be based at the magical Spa Village of Tembok Bali. Hidden along the exotic coast
of black sand and the powerful Volcanoes of Mount Agung and Mount Batur, where they have
created a beautiful sanctuary from the pressures of the world, where guests are the centre of care
and focus.

Daily Program (7 nights/8 days)

(Monday is a free day)
8am – 9am Restore your body & rest your mind with gentle exercise
9am – 10am Breakfast
10am Workshop session 1
1pm Lunch
2pm - 4pm Workshop session 2
4pm – 6pm Free time for Spa or optional Oracle Treatments
7pm Evening Meal
8.30pm Close with sound meditation

Facilitators Diana Manilova/Marc Cofer!

Wanny Winsloe!
! ! ! Mike Tan
Dewi Hopley

Free Day A mid-week break to enjoy the beauty of Bali and to do as much or as little
as you like.

Availability 10 rooms (possible x10/x20 pax)


• Welcome Foot Ritual

• Welcome Gathering Dinner
• 2 daily workshop sessions from our Oracles
• 1 Balinese Massage (50 minutes)
• 1 Heaven & Earth outdoor massage (50 minutes)
• 1 Agung & Parvati healing session (50 minutes)
• Evening Sound meditations
• 1 tailor made aromatherapy oil blend for burner/bath
• Group holistic activities – yoga, Qi Gong and daily Balinese activities
• Use of swimming pool and Lumba Lumbar Fitness Centre
• 3 Spa Village healthy meals per day
• All juices and beverages (excluding alcohol)
• 7 nights accommodation
• Celebration farewell dinner
Costs USD$1400.00++ Double Occupancy
USD$1190.00++ Single Occupancy
Note: ++subject to government tax 11% and service charge 10%

Extend your stay Choose to add extra night’s accommodation to your retreat.
USD$170++ Single Occupancy
USD$200++ Double Occupancy
Includes: Room, Juices, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, unlimited tea and
Note: ++subject to government tax 11% and service charge 10%

Further Information We will give a handy information sheet on Spa Village accommodation,
facilities, what to bring, what to expect, location and how to get there.

Getting There: Flights into Ngurai International Airport, Denpasar, Bali

We can arrange transfer USD$65++ one-way with other participants on
the retreat once you confirm your booking.

For Bookings: YTL Travel Center

& Enquiries Tel: +603 2783 1000 Fax: +603 2148 7397
Brainstate Training
Where Spirituality meets Technology

...the spiritual
Meditation is not what you Think
Know yourself. Don’t just do something, sit there. Good advice from the great
sages of Asia. But, how do you get to know yourself and what do you do when
you are just sit there. Do you feel meditation should be hard?

Not thinking, feeling

There is a way to know things that do not come from books. All the libraries of
the world are filled with knowledge, but where do you find wisdom? How can
you tap into our own inner-knowledge, your inner-voice or your own natural
state of mind? If only we could keep a guru at home in our closet...

...the technical
Buddha in a Box
Brainstate training uses neurofeedback technology to map different states of mind. There is no state
you don’t already know, but much has been forgotten since you were born. Imagine having a tool
that may guide you to a harmonious and balanced state of mind. At any time you may train yourself
to go to any special place and sustain it. Your brain wants to be in balance. Brainstate training helps
you to map healthy states of mind and sustain them in everyday life. We call it... Buddha in a Box.

! Oracle Retreat at Spa Village, Tembok Bali from 10th -18th March, 2011
Biofeedback for your Mind

Brainwave Training
Quiet Mind
A brainwave training designed to put to rest your
monkey mind. 20 minutes and you may find sates of
relaxation you’ve totally forgot about. Are you amazed
the average person goes to sleep within 6 minutes? Is
your mind overactive? Quiet Mind will help you
remember where inner peace comes from.

A 20 minute brainwave training
designed to balance right and left
sides of your brain to find happiness,
bliss and joy. Some keys to this
training are remembering bubbling
laughter of your childhood, a place
without any judgement or perceiving
the events of the outer world without attachment. A
vital training for you to re-learn flexibility of thought
and to remove all stubbornness associated with
illusions from your ego.

The most special 20 minute brainwave training. The
Unspeakable state. Remember how to ‘be here now.’
Discover what is beyond duality. No thinking, no
intuitive insight, only being. If you have good success
with Quiet Mind and Happiness, you may naturally
graduate to this state of inner harmony and peace.

Your Facilitator
Marc Cofer
Having researched the 5 major schools of
Neurofeedback in the non-clinical arena, Marc
adopted a Braintraining Practice most like Yin Yoga.
All trainings are soft-designs; they to tell you brain
‘what’ to do without telling your brain ‘how’ to do it.

! Oracle Retreat at Spa Village, Tembok Bali from 10th -18th March, 2011
Structural Energy Awakening (SEA) is a system of therapeutic bodywork and body
maintenance focusing on the correction of problems in the Structural Energy
benefiting the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and joints of the physical body.


Three Steps for Change: Body Rolling is a therapeutic self-care
practice that empowers participants to
1. DIAGNOSIS of problems in the
develop a deeper and more subtle
structural and energy body
relationship with their own bodies.
2. CORRECTION of problems via
deep bodywork session(s) This guided workshop will provide
body rolling tools (rollers, balls, etc.)
3. BODY MAINTENANCE training and guided instruction in body rolling
via body rolling, stretching techniques for releasing muscle & joint
and other balancing methods blockages throughout the entire body.

Correctable Problems:

• Foot, ankle, knee, leg and groin Mike Tan

(Adductor & Iliopsoas) tightness, SEA Therapy
injury and sprains
• Lower back, sacrum and hip
Chiang Mai, Thailand
(Abductor) tightness, injury,
Sciatica, ITB Syndrome and other
vertebrae displacing problems Mike has given over 5,000 hours of
therapeutic bodywork and body
• Wrist, arm, elbow and shoulder maintenance advice since 2003. He is
tightness, injury, CTS, RSI and the founder and main teacher of
Golfer or Tennis Elbow Structural Energy Awakening (SEA)
founded in 2009. His interests include
• Upper back (Trapezius), Shoulder Spiritual Practices, Health Maintenance,
Blade (Scapula), Rhomboid, chest Martial Arts, Energy Work, Hand
and neck tightness, injury and Drumming and Latin Dance.
Tension Headaches
My body, My longing, My ecstasy
A dance meditation for the Healer Within You

A space for expressive movement, cardio workout and relaxation.

An invitation for your body to:

• surrender to the music
• move from your heart
• dance from inside out
• release repressed and conflicting emotions
• awaken and discover your true self for healing and balance.

To bring sound into your movement is to give voice to your feelings and
stories. Immerse entirely in the experience of the moment to give yourself
over to sensation, feeling, image or thought. Move through a spectrum of
feminine and masculine archetypes, get inside them and give them

We begin our journey with curiosity: “What is happening in my body?” “How

is my body carrying my life story?” “What is calling for change?” There will be
sharing in between movement improvisations to allow reflection on your
movement experience.

No choreography to follow. Move according to your own inner rhythms.

Perfect for those who love music and want to dance but have trouble learning

Wanny Winsloe is a Somatic and Psychodynamic Oriented Psychotherapist from
London, UK with a background in dance and drama. She is the founder of, which offers residential workshops of “Living a Vital Life”.
Healing Sounds Meditation
Recycling and Transforming Negative Energy

A simple and easy-to-follow sound meditation which works first time and
every time.

Based on the ancient Chinese healing principles, each of our healthy organs
has a specific sound, color and energetic quality. The state of these organs
can be affected and weakened by negative emotions, poor food choices,
pollution or injuries.

This Healing Sounds Meditation teaches you how to use specific sounds,
movement and imagery to transform the negative emotions stored in your
organs into positive and loving energy. When the organ energies are
balanced, their virtue energies are restored and nurtured. This in turn helps
maintain the chi balance throughout your body.

Practicing this meditation in the evening helps induce deep relaxation in the
body thus encouraging a good night sleep.

Wanny Winsloe, London, UK studied cosmic healing practices from Master Mantak
Chia, Universal Tao System. She is the founder of which
offers residential workshops of “Living a Vital Life”.
Dewi Hopley is a gifted Clinical and Holistic Aromatherapist and Massage Therapist from the UK. Simply
put, she loves what she does! Her work is all about listening very carefully to her client as well as their body
and then connects with them by using touch and aroma. On a more subtle level, she offers her time with an
open heart and a non-judgemental ear and finds this allows for a much more profound healing experience,
especially in today’s fast-paced living.

Dewi will be offering the following treatments on our ORACLE retreat:

Aromatherapy Massage
Full Aromatherapy Massage (75 minutes)
Target Zone Massage (focuses on specific problem areas) (45 minutes)
Back Massage (30 minutes)

This is a slow and rhythmical massage that lulls the body into complete mental and physical relaxation,
aiming to treat the WHOLE person: mind, body and soul. It soothes the nervous system, relieves muscle
tension and pain caused by stress and strain on the body, and helps to stimulate blood circulation and the
lymphatic system. A unique essential oil blend is made for each client depending on their current physical
and mental wellbeing at the time of consultation.

Aromatherapy is very effective in supporting, maintaining and optimising an individual’s health and wellbeing
and is excellent at relieving stress.

Indian Head Massage (45 minutes)

This is a massage that invigorates the senses and consequently raises energy levels, yet at the same time
induces a feeling of calm and clarity of mind – excellent for those afflicted with tension headaches. The
massage is firstly done without oil to help boost blood circulation. Later on oil (compatible with your skin and
scalp) is added to nourish the skin and alleviate any aches and pains. Alternate use of vigorous and relaxing
massage techniques are used to achieve this result, leaving you wonderfully stimulated and at rest!

TSUBOKI® Japanese Face Massage (45 minutes)

This is a wonderfully relaxing yet gently energising treatment suitable for men or women who want to feel
good on the inside and the outside. Based in part on the principles of acupressure, it is a modern take on
meridian theory, which goes back thousands of years in Japan and China. It works on improving skin tone
and appearance as well as enhancing muscle tone and lymph flow. It also clears the meridians (energy
channels) of any blockages, which in turn affect the balance of health of the whole body.

Even better, many of the techniques can help to prevent lines, wrinkles, and puffiness - a natural facelift!
NSRT/Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy (45 minutes)

NSRT is an effective therapy that aims to relieve pain by re-aligning your muscular and skeletal system. The
Therapist achieves this by gently placing their fingers on specific points along the central nervous system to
help relax the muscles. The brain then picks up any abnormalities in the body and then adjusts the skeletal
and system and the surrounding muscular tissues accordingly.

This is a non-manipulative treatment so it cannot worsen your condition and is completely safe. It is deeply
relaxing and most patients tend to fall asleep during a treatment. Most patients feel an immediate relief from
pain and in some cases need only have 3 treatments.

Conditions that can be helped include the following:

- whiplash
- sciatic pain
- disc problems
- scoliosis
- spondyloliesthesis
- pain and joint problems
- arthritis management
- headaches/migraines

For older injuries, degenerative conditions or where nerve damage has occurred, NSRT can still help as a
pain management treatment. Obviously the latter will take a bit longer to respond due to stiffened tissues.
This is particularly effective after remedial massage.

Remedial Massage (30-45 minutes)

This is a very deep tissue massage aimed to address and alleviate muscle pain. It involves techniques that
increase blood circulation and lymph flow and helps to disperse lactic acid which can cause tense muscles.
The treatment will focus on specific problem areas and is particularly effective for those with back pain,
sports injuries and persistent aches and pains that may be caused by knots in muscles (Trigger Points).

Remedial massage and Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy Combination (60 minutes)

This is a treatment that really covers everything:

- addresses pain
- works on knots and tense muscles
- aligns the spine and thus helps to address postural imbalances as well as aligning the surrounding
- the NSRT is deeply relaxing as it works directly with the Central Nervous System

The first half of the treatment focuses on Remedial massage which works on areas of muscular tension
related to the problem area. Then Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy is done in the second half,
which is a treatment that goes deeper than normal massage yet at the same time is very relaxing for the

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