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[All Members] FRAUD - FRAUD - FRAUD

Inbox x via  Sun, Aug 23, 6:21 PM (9 days ago)

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John Darash has sent you a group email from National Liberty Alliance.

This message is from one of NLA's founder, John Darash.

You are receiving this email because you are an NLA member.

This past Thursday I sent the message below and when you click on our embedded
link in the email you get the message -

Internet fraud alert!

You clicked on
You will link to:

This is "NOT TRUE" we are being targeted and assulted "I persume by google"
because they do not want We the People to find out how to have "Government by
Consent" and certainly does not want our Sheriffs to understand the "true powers
they were vested with."

By clicking the link and clicking "OK" in the warning you will go to our page
"Campaign for Constitutional Sheriffs" Or you can go to our web site then click on "Donate to Save Our Republic to
NLA's Campaign for Constitutional Sheriffs"


The Following is the Origional Message


President Trump is taking out the “DEEP” State but if We the People do not take back
control of our courts and political process all his work is in vain! Only We the People
can save our Republic!
In order to save our Republic it is critical that we have Sheriffs that know the
Constitution, therefore we are running a “Campaign for Constitutional Sheriffs”.
Many People see the problem but are not doing anything about it. We “Must” educate
our Sheriffs therefore we wrote the book called “Government by Consent.”

It is imperative, it is our duty, and it is the least that “everybody” can do to help save
our Republic by getting “Your Sheriff” a copy of this book. This book covers
“everything” Sheriffs need to know to honor their oath, over 1000 pages. We are
working with a few Sheriffs, who will write a letter to introduce their fellow Sheriffs
to our book “Government by Consent” as they work to organize “Constitutional
Sheriffs” across America.

Please, help save our Union go to

sheriff-project to watch our 7 minute video, learn more details about this campaign,
read the “Table of Contents,” and read the “Preface” that I believe will prove this
book’s worth and ability to provide our Sheriffs and you with a proper education and
thereby the ability to defend the People and our Constitution, because right now
Sheriffs are as ignorant to the Constitution as most everybody else is. People “perish
from lack of knowledge.”

In 1938 through the “Rules Enabling Act” traitorous BAR members, a/k/a minions of
the New World Order “overtly” abolished the “Law of the Land” and replaced it with
civil law; we were too “ignorant/blind to see” what they did. The Lord warned us, in
that lawyers reject the counsel of God, (Luke 7:30). The Only Solution is to educate
ourselves, our children and our Sheriffs in Natural Law. This will cultivate within the
People a moral compass and nurture the social maturity necessary to develop and
sustain a “True Peoples’ Republic.”

“The creation of the United States is the greatest of all human adventures.” Let’s
“NOT” lose it! George Washington called the American political ideal “The Great
Experiment.” Thomas Jefferson warned us that, “An enlightened citizenry is
indispensable for the proper functioning of a republic. Self-government is not possible
unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight. It is
therefore imperative that the nation see to it that a suitable education be provided for
all its citizens.”

For the “Great Experiment” to be successful, the whole mass of People must be
educated and informed; this campaign is the beginning of that education! The
preservation of our liberty depends upon this! Only We the People can correct the
abuses of constitutional power. The ultimate powers of the society must rest upon the
People themselves. Please respond, it is the least we can all do! 

Go to We are
counting on you!

John Darash

NLA Co-Founder and author

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from our mailing list you would need to cancel your account. To cancel your account: Sign in;
Click on "My Account" under the blue bar; Click on "Edit"; Scroll to the bottom of the page and
click on "Cancel Account"; then click on "Confirm".

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