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1. Read the text about the things Javier did on Friday.

Highlight the verbs in past


On Friday morning, Javier got up and rushed to the bathroom

and took a shower. He ate eggs and milk and caught the bus to
go to school. When he came back in the afternoon he had lunch
and later, he studied English. After that, he played soccer in the
park with his friends. At night, he had dinner and he watched
TV. Later, he brushed his teeth and went to bed.

2. Complete the past or present form of the following verbs found in the previous
text. Write the meaning of each verb:

Get up= =Rushed =Took Eat= Catch=

=Came =Had =Studied =Played Watch=

Brush= Go=

3. Form sentences with some of the activities Javier did on Friday:

a) Javier _______ a shower. e) Javier _______ ___________

b) Javier _______ breakfast. f) Javier _______ ___________

c) Javier __________________ g) Javier __________________

d) Javier _______ __________ h) Javier _______ ___________

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