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School: Liceul Pedagogic “Matei Basarab” Slobozia

Date: the 08th of June 2017
Grade: 5th
Level: Beginners (L2)
Number of students: 31
Text Book: Snapshot Starter
Unit: 13 What’s Daniel doing?
Lesson: Rooms and Parts of the House
Content: Vocabulary: words related to houses (living room, dining room, kitchen, study room,
bedroom, bathroom, attic, garage)
Grammar: There is/There are and Present Continuous
Communication: talk about rooms and objects in the rooms
Type of lesson: Mixed lesson
Methods and techniques:
a) main method: Communicative Approach
b) techniques: presentation, conversation, matching, gap-filling, multiple choice
Skills developed: listening, speaking, writing, reading
a) cognitive: At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
 recognize the rooms of a house;
 use the vocabulary in sentences;
 state a sentence when pictures are shown;
 use the structures there is/there are
 use Present Continuous
b) affective:
 making the students confident in the ability to use the language;
 creating interest in the topic;
 using English while playing
Materials: textbook, blackboard, handouts
Time: 50 minutes
Assumptions: - the students know the vocabulary related to furniture and objects in the house
- the students remember the structures there is/there are
Lesson stage Teacher Students Interaction
Time Aims
1. Warm up The teacher greets the The children T – S3 min To introduce
students and asks them answer the S-T students in the
about their day. Also asks questions and atmosphere of the
students to write their write their English class
names on a piece of paper. names.
2. Checking The teacher asks the The students T – S7 min To make the
previous students a few questions answer the S-T students aware of
knowledge related to the Present questions and the importance of
Perfect Continuous. come up with the previous
How do you form it? their own lesson and to
Can you give me an examples. clarify any
example? possible
The teacher offers misunderstandings
additional explanation if
3. Lead in The teacher asks the The children T – S3 min To practice
students to open their answer the S-S speaking and
textbooks at page 79 and questions S-T remember the
look at the image of the objects of the
house and asks some house
questions related to their
houses: How many rooms
are there in your house?
Can you name a few
rooms? What objects are
there in your room?
4. Presentation The teacher writes the The students T – S10 min To remember the
name of the lesson on the open their S–T rooms and objects
blackboard “Rooms and notebooks and S-S of the house
Parts of the House” write the title To learn some
The teacher asks the The students new words related
students to look carefully work in groups to the house
at the image of the house. in order to solve
The teacher divides the the request
students in groups of 4 and
asks them to close the
textbooks and draw a
house; they will write all
the objects they remember
in the appropriate rooms
Based on the drawn The students
houses, the teacher asks answer the
the children to name the questions and
rooms and writes them on copy the words
the blackboard together in their
with the Romanian notebooks;
translation The students
The teacher also asks the answer the
students to make a request and
sentence with each new write examples
word. on the
5. Practice The students are given a The children T – S20 min To use Past Tense
worksheet with riddles and listen to the S–T in exercises
a crossword and are asked explanations and S - S recognize the
to solve them. complete the verbs in the Past
They will be given 5-7 requested tense in the song
min order to solve them; information
after they have finished a
few students will be asked
to read the answers out
Any unknown words will
be written on the
The teacher divides the The children
students in pairs and asks pay attention to
them to play a game. Each the explanations
student gets a blank sheet and play the
of paper. One student takes game
a card with a word written
on it, he/she has to draw
that word so that the rest of
the colleagues may guess
If time allows, the teacher
will ask the students to
write a few sentences
about their own homes.
6. Feedback The teacher thanks the The students T – S2 min To let students
students for their listen S–T know how well
participation and offers they have
feedback. performed
Sofa Living room Dining room Study room Attic

Chair Vase Flower Clock Garage

Armchair Painting Carpet Glass Wardrobe

Kitchen Window Mirror Knife Shelf

Table Door Telephone Fork Poster

Bed T.V. Lamp Spoon Cd player

Sink Computer Fridge Shower Radio

Bathroom Toys Books Cup Laptop

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