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Question I — Sexual Harassment Introduction Business ethics represents for the philosophy and the core of business, in managerial view, business ethic is considered as a norm that regulate the business decision and behavior. According to Friedman (1970), the standard business objectives should be able to generate profit for the company, meanwhile conform the social moral rules ‘That the reason why the bu ness ethic is emerging as a very important factor need closely managing and handling, In business world, there’re many business ethical dilemma in which sexual harassment always presents to be the most sensitive & challenge one. In fact, sexual harassment is a tough is sue required a wise and experienced combination of business management approaches and multiple methodologies. On-the-job sexual harassment is not only an ethical problem, but also a legal liability for it is, a recent news indicated that sexual harassment has been reaching the higher levels of management (Barry & Richard, 2015). With respect to this given “heat” topic, this e y is going to scrutinize a case of sexual harassment in order to produce a standard solving procedure for the business managers'leaders. Defining and understanding the situation is the first step that all managerv/leaders need to do, in this case, a manager have just been aware of sexual harassment complaint raised by one of his staff member — Rachel, also the most beautiful staff in the company. Rachel accuse another id that it occurred female member in the team — David of harassing her in the office. She s several time this month, David sent email to her and said that he love her and she was So sexy that he could not help himself, moreover, he sometime pummeled her butt and even tried to grab her in canteen. Yesterday, he overcame the last politeness border and show his “boy” to Rachel right at the door of female restroom. She was so are that she left office immediately to go home, but more dangerously he followed her till she reached her house. Rachel think that the case was developed to the level that she could not bear anymore, so she decided to tell her managers and asked for proper intervention. If anything happened was exacily like what Rachel shared with him, the manager think that David might be accused of sexual harassment, There’re two types of sexual harassment were legally defined and prohibited by EEOC (1980) in “Guideline on sexual harassment’, the first one is sexual black mail where law agai st sodomy were exploited by producing the series and continuous threat to an individual till his/her sexual

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