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File: chS7, Supplement 7: Decision-Making Tools: Facility Location Models


1. The factors used to evaluate location of a manufacturing plant are usually different
from the factors used in locating a service facility.

Ans: True
Difficulty: Easy
Feedback: Site Selection: Where to Locate

er as
eH w
2. Railroad access is frequently a factor in locating a manufacturing plant.

Ans: True
rs e
ou urc
Difficulty: Easy
Feedback Site Selection: Where to Locate
aC s

3. Service facilities are usually the largest and most expensive type of facility.
vi y re

Ans: False
Difficulty: Easy
ed d

Feedback Site Selection: Type of Facility

ar stu

4. For a service operation being in the right place usually means being in a location that
sh is

is convenient and easily accessible.


Ans: True
Difficulty: Easy
Feedback Site Selection: Where to Locate

5. Service operations tend to make location decisions more frequently than

manufacturing facilities.

Ans: True
Difficulty: Easy
Feedback Types of Facilities

6. One reason foreign firms locate facilities in the United States is to reduce their supply
chain costs.

Ans: True
Difficulty: Easy
Feedback Global Supply Chain Factors

7. The cost and availability of labor is an important factor in a location decision.

er as
Ans: True

eH w
Difficulty: Easy
Feedback Site Selection: Where to Locate

rs e
ou urc
8. A location’s collection of physical support systems is known as its infrastructure.

Ans: True
aC s

Difficulty: Moderate
vi y re

Feedback Types of Facilities

ed d
ar stu

9. Inadequate infrastructure at a given location increases supply chain costs and

decreases customer service.

Ans: True
sh is

Difficulty: Moderate
Feedback Types of Facilities

10. Transportation costs are generally a function of distance, weight, and time.

Ans: True
Difficulty: Easy
Feedback Site Selection: Where to Locate
11. The center of gravity technique outlines a method for identifying and weighing
important location factors.

Ans: False
Difficulty: Moderate
Feedback: Location Analysis Techniques

12. The load-distance technique evaluated different locations based on load and transport

Ans: False

Difficulty: Moderate

er as
Feedback: Location Analysis Techniques

eH w
rs e
13. Facility location is often overlooked because it is not an important aspect of a firm’s
ou urc
strategic plan.

Ans: False

Difficulty: Moderate
Feedback: Site Selection: Where to Locate
aC s
vi y re

Multiple Choice
ed d
ar stu

14. Which of the following is not a primary factor in location decisions for manufacturing
sh is

a. proximity to raw materials

b. proximity to customers

c. proximity to different modes of transportation

d. proximity to significant labor pools

Ans: b
Difficulty: Moderate
Feedback: Site Selection: Where to Locate

15. Common location incentives include all of the following except
a. tax credits.
b. job training.
c. fixed exchange rates.
d. improvements to infrastructure.

Ans: c
Difficulty: Moderate
Feedback: Site Selection: Where to Locate

16. A company is deciding where to locate a new warehouse that will receive shipments
from three suppliers: 1, 3, and 3. The locations of the suppliers (xi, yi) and the annual
number of shipments from supplier i (Wi) are provided below:

1 2 3

er as
x1 = 250 x2= 100 x3= 500

eH w
y1 = 250 y2= 400 y3= 300

rs e W1 = 240 W2=205 W3= 300
ou urc
The coordinates for the new warehouse suggested by the center of gravity method are

a. x = 311.4 and y = 309.4

aC s

b. x = 309.4 and y = 311.4

vi y re

c. x = 291.2 and y =198.9

d. x = 193.2 and y = 219.4

Ans: b
ed d

Difficulty: Hard
ar stu

Feedback: Location Analysis Techniques

sh is

17. A package delivery service wants to build a new distribution center in Boise, Idaho.

The location of the center needs to be in the vicinity of Interstate-84,/Highway-55 and

the Boise Airport. The following table provides the coordinates of these three sites
and the number of weekly packages.

I-84 Highway-55 Airport

x = 20 x = 26 x = 36
y = 35 y = 13 y = 19
W = 16,000 W = 11,000 W = 8,000
The suggested coordinates for the new warehouse using the center of gravity method
a. x = 36.0 and y = 35.0
b. x = 27.3 and y = 22.3
c. x = 25.54 and y =24.4
d. x = 27.5 and y = 35.5

Ans: c
Difficulty: Hard
Feedback: Location Analysis Techniques

er as
18. Which type of facility is large and expensive?

eH w
a. light-industry facilities
b. retail and service facilities

c. heavy-manufacturing facilities
rs e
d. medium-site facilities
ou urc
Ans: c
Difficulty: Easy

Feedback: Types of Facilities

aC s
vi y re

19. The region experiencing the most growth in manufacturing facilities is currently the
a. Northeast.
ed d

b. West.
ar stu

c. South.
d. Midwest.
sh is

Ans d
Difficulty: Easy

Feedback: Site Selection: Where to Locate

20. ___________ attracts manufacturing facilities because of its transportation, skilled

labor, strong work ethic, incentive programs and social services?
a) Kansas
b) Arkansas
c) Ohio
d) Idaho
Ans: c
Difficulty: Easy
Feedback: Site Selection: Where to Locate

21. A technique based on transport weight and distance used for locating a facility at the
center of movement in a geographic area is known as the
a) load-distance technique.
b) center of gravity technique.
c) location factor rating.
d) location factor technique.

Ans: b

Difficulty: Moderate

er as
Feedback: Location Analysis Techniques

eH w
rs e
22. Which of the following is a type of facility addressed by the facility location
ou urc
a. heavy manufacturing
b. light manufacturing

c. retail facilities
d. all the above
aC s
vi y re

Ans: d
Difficulty: Moderate
Feedback: Types of Facilities
ed d
ar stu

23. Which of the following is not a facility location factor important in selecting a
sh is

a. Government stability
b. Export and import tariffs

c. Customer service
d. Culture

Ans: c
Difficulty: Moderate
Feedback: Global Supply Chain Factors
er as
eH w
rs e
ou urc
aC s
vi y re
ed d
ar stu
sh is

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