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The woman who lived in the tree

Julia Hill, an American woman, was born in 1974. She was 23 years old when she
discovered that a company wanted to cut down part of a forest in California. In the forest
there were lots of redwood trees. One of the tree was 70 metres tall and 1.000 years old.
Julia wasn’t happy about this. She travelled to California and climbed up the tree. Julia
planned to stay in the trees for two weeks. She lived in a small tree house and her friends
were very helpful – they cooked for her. She used her mobile to talk to her family and news
reporters. She stayed in the tree day and night.
In the end she was successful. The company agreed not to cut the redwood tree. Julia
climbed down and walked on the ground again. She and her friends were very happy.
discover ( diskɅvƏ ) – otkriti helpful (helpful) – biti od pomoci
cut down (kɅt daun) posjeci use (ju:z) - koristiti
travel (trevl) – putovati successful (saksesful) - uspjesan
plan (plen) – planirati agree (Əgri) - sloziti se
climb up (klaim ‘Ʌp) – popeti se climb down (klaim daun) – sici
Complete with was or were.
1 …………….. Julia Hill British? 2 …………….the redwood tree very old?
3……………… Julia’s friends very helpful? 4 ……………. Julia and her friends very
happy in the end?
Past tense se koristi kada govorimo o nečemu sto se desilo u prošlosti i potpuno je završeno. ( juče, prije tri
dana, prošle godine, . .)

Past Simple : regular verbs = verb + ed /d

climb …………………. travel ……………………
cook ………………….. try …………………….
live …………………. use …………………..
plan …………………. walk …………………..
stay …………………. want ……………………
Complete the sentences with the Past tense of given verbs.
1 I …………………….. (want) to go to the cinema last night.
2 When I was young my family ……………………. (live) in London,
3 I ………………… (try) to phone you yesterday but nobody ……………….. (answer).
4 Last week we …………………… (plan) our summer holiday.
5 Last year we ………………….. (travel) to the USA.
6 When I ………………….. (play) with the baby, he …………………(stop) crying and
……………….. (smile) at me.
7 She …………………… (stop) the car when the light was red.
Tom: Hi , Ben! How are you?
Ben: Hi, Tom. I’m fine. Thank you? How is your brother? Is he at home?
Tom : No, he isn’t. He’s at granny’s. They are digging in the garden. They are planting
some flowers. What about your sister? What is she doing?
Ben: She is at home. She is learning the tests for driving licence. She is very busy. Where is
your father? Is he in the garage? I would like to ask him about my car.
Tom: Yes, he is. He is in the garage. He is repairing your car. There is something wrong with
it. Let’s go to the cinema. There is a good film on.
Ben: What time is it?
Tom: We have enough time. It’s half past six. Let’s call Monica to go with us.
Ben: I’m afraid she isn’t at home. She is helping her friend to clean the house because
she is ill.
Mom: Where are you going boys?
Tom: We are going to the cinema. There is a good film on. See you at ten. Bye.

Tom: Hi , Ben! How are you?

Ben: Hi, Tom. I’m fine. Thank you? How is your brother? Is he at home?
Tom : No, he isn’t. He’s at granny’s. They are digging in the garden. They are planting
some flowers. What about your sister? What is she doing?
Ben: She is at home. She is learning the tests for driving licence. She is very busy. Where is
your father? Is he in the garage? I would like to ask him about my car.
Tom: Yes, he is. He is in the garage. He is repairing your car. There is something wrong with
it. Let’s go to the cinema. There is a good film on.
Ben: What time is it?
Tom: We have enough time. It’s half past six. Let’s call Monica to go with us.
Ben: I’m afraid she isn’t at home. She is helping her friend to clean the house because
she is ill.
Mom: Where are you going boys?
Tom: We are going to the cinema. There is a good film on. See you at ten. Bye.

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