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Program & Semester: MBA IV Semester

Month & Year: May 2020
` Course Code – 6MBA411
Course Title – Data Visualization & Tools

Date: 20-May-2020
Duration: 1 hour Total Marks: 20

General Instructions
a) Original thought process answers to be provided by the students
b) Students can write the answers in A4 sheets writing name, registration number on the top
right corner of every page.
c) Completed answers in the ordered sequence to be scanned and uploaded in Google
Classroom link within the prescribed time, and if there are genuine issues then it can be sent
to teacher’s official mail id.
d) Original answer sheets should be preserved carefully neatly pinned for submission on
commencement of the classes for University Documentation. In case, failure to submit
hardcopy, results may be withheld.
e) If any students’ answers resemble the same then course teacher has complete discretion to
take any action against such answer scripts.
a) Students must submit the scan copy of answers scripts from the official mail provided by
the University within prescribed time.

Answer any four of the following. (4 x 5 = 20)

1. Explain the purpose of Tableau Dashboard and how it can be created.

2. Describe Story in Tableau and its usefulness.
3. List the formatting and calculation features available in Tableau.
4. Explain the following types of Filters: (i) Basic (ii) Quick (iii) Context (iv) Condition (v)
Top Filters.
5. If a company wants to visually display number of its customers across globe, what option
would you suggest? If additional locations are needed for a specific country/state/city level
later on, how can that be added?

Course Faculty: Prof. Arun Kumar N


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