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Ro-540113, Târgu-Mureş

Str. Lăcrămioarei, Nr. 4, Ap. 20

Cod fiscal:21869643
Tel: 004-0744-519678

Performance Contract
Contract de prestari servicii/Onorarii

No. NG-5 Date 29.10.2020

THIS CONTRACT for the personal services of musicians on the engagement

below is made according to the law 8/1996, on the day of 29.10.2020, by and between
the PERFORMER and BUYER identified below (collectively, the “PARTIES”).

ACEST CONTRACT pentru serviciile personale ale muzicienilor din angajamentul

de mai jos este facut conform legii 8/1996, in ziua de 29.10.2020, de catre si intre ARTIST si
BENEFICIAR, identificati mai jos (sau “PARTILE” contractului).

OBIECTUL CONTRACTULUI : reprezentație artistică unică la manifestarea

culturală publică, nepatrimonială și nonprpfit.

Object of the contract: unique artistic performance at the public manifestation,

non-patrimonial and non-profit.

IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises set forth herein, and for other
good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the
BUYER hereby engages PERFORMER to provide a Performance upon the following

LUAND IN CONSIDERARE promisiunile bilaterale si alte aspecte valoroase
stabilite in prezentul contract BENEFICIARUL il contracteaza pe ARTIST sa sustina
un concert in termenii urmatori :

1) Performer Name and Data / Numele Artistului: si datele François-Xavier

Dangremont, datele 07.09.1990, ID. Number: 110272300923
2) BUYER Name and Data / BENEFICIAR Nume si datele: Asociaţia
HARMONIA CORDIS, cu sediul în Jud. Mureş, Mun. Târgu-Mureş, Str. Lăcrămioarei,
Nr. 4, Ap. 20, codul fiscal 21869643,
3) Number of performances/ Numarul concertelor: 1
4) Place of Performance/ Locul concertului: Casino, Cluj Napoca, Romania
5) Date of Performance/ Data concertului: 30.10.2020
6) Time of Performance/ Ora concertului: one concert with one part of 45
minutes/un concert cu parti de 45 minute
7) Cession terms/Termenii cesiunii:
7.1. The Performer agrees to/ 7.1.Artistul se angajeaza sa:
7.1.1. realize the musical compositions/and/or the musical adaptations from his
program in an original manner, creations and performances that will be recorded as part
of the Novum Generatio International Guitar Festival and will be broadcasted live and
7.1.1. sa produca compozitiile muzicale/si/sau adaptarile muzicale din programul lui
intr-o maniera originala, creatii si productii care vor fi inregistrate drept parte a
Festivalului International de Chitara Novum Generatio si vor fi transmise in direct sau
7.1.2 and to perform the created artistic composition.
7.1.2 sa sustina compozitia artistica creata
7.2. The Performer declares that his work is all new.
7.2. Artistul declara ca opera lui este in totalitate noua
7.3. The Performer guarantees that the work mentioned at art. 7.1.1. does not affect in
any way the rights possessed by third persons and especially it does not affect the rights
of the protected works’ authors.
7.3. Artistul garanteaza ca opera mentionata la punctul 7.1.1. nu afecteaza in nici un fel
drepturile partilor terte si mai ales ca nu afecteaza drepturile autorilor operelor protejate
7.4. At Buyer’s request, the Performer agrees to make the possible changes.

7.4. La cererea Beneficiarului, Artistul se angajeaza sa faca posibilele schimbari
7.5. The Performer licences/cessions the copyrights and additions to Buyer exclusively
from the moment of the creation and performing of the work/composition, on the
territory of Romania and internationally, without limiting the number of performances
or the territory. The present contract also includes the authorization of the Performer,
in the terms of art. 38 of the law no. 8/1996, to Buyer, to establish the work, including
its performance and to broadcast it again, not limited as number of broadcastings or
territory, for the modalities foreseen at art.7.
7.5. Artistul cedeaza/cesioneaza drepturile de autor Beneficiarului exclusiv din
momentul crearii si executarii operei/compozitiei, pe teritoriul Romaniei si in afara,
fara sa limiteze numarul concertelor (reprezentarilor) sau teritoriul. Prezentul contract
include de asemenea autorizatia Artistului, in termenii articolului 38 ai legii no. 8/1996,
ca Beneficiarul sa organizeze evenimentul, inclusiv concertul si sa-l retransmita, intr-
un numar nelimitat de transmisii sau teritorii, pentru modalitatile prevazute in articolul
7.7. The Performer agrees to receive the remuneration for the licensed/cessed rights
only by in the situations and on the conditions established by the law and by the
methodologies valid at the moment of each use, including the licences emitted
according to these methodologies by the joint administration authority;
7.7. Artistul este de acord sa primeasca remunerarea pentru drepturile cesionate/cedate
doar in situatiile si in conditiile stabilite de lege si de metodologiile valabile in
momentul fiecarei utilizari, inclusiv licentele emise in conformitate cu aceste
metodologii ale autoritatii adiministrative aferente
7.8. The Performer gives up his/her right to separate use of the work and its
performance, as well as the right to license and/or deny its use except for the specific
ones, wholly or partially, like the use of fragments of the audiovisual work for publicity.
The present article constitutes contrary rider concerning art. 70 paragraph 2 of the law
no. 8/1996;
7.8. Artistul renunta la dreptul ei/lui de a utiliza in mod separat opera si executarea
acesteia, precum si la dreptul de a oferi licenta si/sau de a-i refuza utilizarea cu exceptia
cazurilor specifice, partial sau in intergime, precum folosirea unor fragmente a operei
audiovizuale pentru publicitate. Prezentul articol a fost constituit in conformitate cu art
70 paragraful 2 al legii 8/1996

8) Permits: BUYER warrants and represents that it has obtained all approvals,
permits, licenses and/or variances necessary for the Performance.
8) Permite: Beneficiarul garanteaza ca a obtinut toate aprobarile, permise,
licentes si/ori variatiile necesare concertului
9) Performance Fee. BUYER shall pay PG a Performance Fee of 200 Euro
net, paid cash after the concert. BUYER is responsible for withholding and payment of
all the taxes generated by the Performance Fee, according to Romanian laws.
9) Taxe de concert. BENEFICIARUL trebuie sa plateasca PG o taxa de concert
de 200 Euro net, platiti in bani lichizi dupa concert. BENEFICIARUL e responsabil
de retinerea sau plata tuturor taxelor generate de Taxa de Concert, in conformitate cu
legile romane
10) Accommodations. BUYER shall provide PERFORMER with:
- lodging and meals for all the duration of his staying in Romania
10) Cazarea. BENEFICIARUOL va pune la dispozitia Artistului:
- cazarea si mesele pe toata durata sederii lui in Romania
11) Broadcast: PERFORMER will allow the BUYER to record and broadcast
his Performance like Promotional Material anytime it is necessary for an unlimited
period of time. The recording is the sole and unencumbered (apart from any
responsibilities to composers of any works performed) property of BUYER.
11) Transmisiuni TV: ARTISTUL ii va permite BENEFICIARULUI sa
inregistreze si sa transmita concertul lui oricand va fi necesar, pe perioada nelimitata.
Inregistrarea este doar (in afara de orice responsabilitati ale compozitorilor ale operelor
cantate) proprietate a Beneficiarului.
12) Promotion. BUYER shall be responsible for promotion of the Performance.
PERFORMER shall provide BUYER with a press kit and camera-ready copies of
PERFORMER promotional materials.
12) Promovare. BENEFECIARUL va fi responsabil de promovarea
Concertului. ARTISTUL va pune la dispozitia BENEFICIARULUI materialele de
presa si inregistrarile video promotionale ale artistului.
13) Sound and Set-Up: The BUYER shall provide PERFORMER and his
designated representatives sufficient access to the Place of Performance for set-up and
sound check.

13) Sunet si decor: BENEFICIARUL va furniza ARTISTULUI si
reprezentantilor desemnati suficient acces la sala concertului in vederea pregatirii
decorului si verificarii sonorizarii
14) Security. BUYER shall take reasonable precautions for the safety of
PERFORMER and PERFORMER’s equipment before, during, and after the
14) Securitate. Beneficiarul isi va lua masurile de precautie necesare pentru
siguranta Artistului si echipamentul Artistului inainte, in timpul si dupa concert.
15) Insurance. BUYER warrants and represents that it has, or shall obtain,
sufficient personal injury and property damage liability insurance with respect to the
activities of PERFORMER at the Place of Performance.
15) Asigurare Beneficiarul garanteaza ca are sau va obtine asigurarea necesara
privind accidente personale si deteriorarea bunurilor implicate in activitatile
ARTISTULUI la locul concertului
16) Contract Termination:
16) Anularea contractului
`Either PARTY may refuse or terminate the Performance due to violation of any
law or regulation by the other PARTY, or any situation that the PARTY reasonably
believes may be hazardous to any person or property. The obligation of the PARTIES
shall be excused by detention of key personnel by sickness, accident, riot, strike,
epidemic, act of God, Force Majeure or any other legitimate condition beyond the
control of the obliged PARTY. If the Performance is cancelled due to any of
If the Performance is cancelled by BUYER during one week before the event,
PERFORMER will not refund the money from the deposit. If the Performance is
cancelled by BUYER during the duration of their staying in Romania, PERFORMER
will receive full compensation.
Fiecare parte poate refuza sau anula Concertul in caz de nerespectare a unei legi
sau regulament de catre cealalta PARTE sau oricare situatie pe care una din PARTI o
considera in mod rezonabil riscanta pentru persoana sau proprietatile ei. Obligatia
PARTILOR va fi anulata de lipsa unor persoane cheie, de boala, accident, revolta,
greva, epidemie, calamitati naturale, Forta Majora sau orice alta conditie legitima care
nu poate fi controlata de PARTEA obligata. Daca concertul este anulat din cauza
oricarui motiv mai sus mentionat sau cu consimtamantul ambelor PARTI, ARTISTUL
va rambursa banii din depozit. Daca concertul este anulat de catre BENEFICIAR in

timpul sederii artistului in Romania atunci ARTISTULUI va fi recompensat in
17) Merchandise. PERFORMER shall, at his option, sell albums and other
promotional material on the premises during the Performance, retaining all proceeds
associated therewith.
17) Aspecte comerciale ARTISTUL, la libera sa alegere, va vinde albume si
alte materiale promotionale din locatia si din perioada concertului, respectand toate
procedurile asociate acestora.
18) Additional Provisions. The Parties agree to the following additional terms:
PERFORMER will perform in master classes by a schedule agreed by each PARTY.
18) Prevederi aditionale Partile sunt de accord cu urmatoarele conditii
aditionale: ARTISTUL va canta in master classes conform unui program stabilit de
ambele parti

I have read and agree to all terms as written in this Agreement.

Am citit si sunt de acord cu toti termenii mentionati in acest contract

By/De: Beke István Ferenc, president of Harmonia Cordis Association /
preşedintele asociaţiei Harmonia Cordis

By/De: François-Xavier Dangremont

Date/ Data: 29.10.2020

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