FT20080818 Zebra (6 Max) - $0 10-$0 25 - No Limit Hold'em

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Full Tilt Poker Game #7699562840: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.

25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:17:14 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.70)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25)
Seat 3: PREAUX ($8.80)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($28.30)
Seat 6: jsunken ($24.40)
AQZ1234 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose has 5 seconds left to act
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qs Js]
PREAUX calls $0.25
gramps43 folds
jsunken raises to $0.50
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose calls $0.25
PREAUX calls $0.25
*** FLOP *** [6s 7s 9h]
DanielRose checks
PREAUX checks
jsunken checks
*** TURN *** [6s 7s 9h] [5s]
DanielRose bets $1
PREAUX folds
jsunken folds
Uncalled bet of $1 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($1.55)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.60 | Rake $0.05
Board: [6s 7s 9h 5s]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) collected ($1.55), mucked
Seat 3: PREAUX folded on the Turn
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken (button) folded on the Turn

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699571934: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:18:11 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.60)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($26.05)
Seat 3: PREAUX ($8.30)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($28.30)
Seat 6: jsunken ($23.90)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
PREAUX posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8s Ad]
gramps43 folds
jsunken folds
AQZ1234 raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
PREAUX calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [Ac 2h 4c]
PREAUX checks
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 has timed out
AQZ1234 checks
*** TURN *** [Ac 2h 4c] [3h]
PREAUX checks
AQZ1234 checks
*** RIVER *** [Ac 2h 4c 3h] [Qs]
PREAUX bets $0.65
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 adds $0.25
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.65 returned to PREAUX
PREAUX mucks
PREAUX wins the pot ($1.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.80 | Rake $0.05
Board: [Ac 2h 4c 3h Qs]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) folded on the River
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: PREAUX (big blind) collected ($1.75), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699585391: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:19:36 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.95)
Seat 3: PREAUX ($9.20)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($28.30)
Seat 6: jsunken ($23.90)
PREAUX posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6s 7h]
jsunken folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
PREAUX folds
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to AQZ1234
AQZ1234 mucks
AQZ1234 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: PREAUX (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: jsunken didn't bet (folded)
Full Tilt Poker Game #7699589186: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:20:00 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.35)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.95)
Seat 3: PREAUX ($9.10)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($28.05)
Seat 6: jsunken ($23.90)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
jsunken posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qh 6s]
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
PREAUX folds
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to jsunken
jsunken mucks
jsunken wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: PREAUX (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: jsunken (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699590959: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:20:12 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.35)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.95)
Seat 3: PREAUX ($9.10)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($27.95)
Seat 6: jsunken ($24)
jsunken posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4d Jd]
DanielRose folds
PREAUX raises to $0.90
gramps43 raises to $3.50
jsunken has 15 seconds left to act
jsunken folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
AQZ1234 has timed out
AQZ1234 folds
PREAUX calls $2.60
*** FLOP *** [6h 2s 8c]
PREAUX checks
gramps43 bets $6
PREAUX calls $5.60, and is all in
gramps43 shows [Ah Ks]
PREAUX shows [Th Ts]
Uncalled bet of $0.40 returned to gramps43
*** TURN *** [6h 2s 8c] [Td]
*** RIVER *** [6h 2s 8c Td] [3c]
gramps43 shows Ace King high
PREAUX shows three of a kind, Tens
PREAUX wins the pot ($17.65) with three of a kind, Tens
Fedraaa sits down
gramps43 adds $6.15
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $18.55 | Rake $0.90
Board: [6h 2s 8c Td 3c]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: PREAUX showed [Th Ts] and won ($17.65) with three of a kind, Tens
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) showed [Ah Ks] and lost with Ace King high
Seat 6: jsunken (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699601645: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:21:19 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.10), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.95)
Seat 3: PREAUX ($17.65)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: jsunken ($23.90)
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7h 4d]
Fedraaa stands up
PREAUX folds
Fedraaa sits down
gramps43 raises to $0.75
jsunken folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
gramps43 wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: PREAUX didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 6: jsunken (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699604304: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:21:32 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.10), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.70)
Seat 3: PREAUX ($17.65)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.25)
Seat 6: jsunken ($23.90)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
PREAUX posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
Fedraaa stands up
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6c Ks]
gramps43 raises to $0.85
jsunken folds
DanielRose folds
PREAUX folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
gramps43 wins the pot ($0.60)
AQZ1234 has returned
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: PREAUX (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 6: jsunken didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699607290: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:21:51 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.10)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.60)
Seat 3: PREAUX ($17.40)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.60)
Seat 6: jsunken ($23.90)
PREAUX has 5 seconds left to act
PREAUX stands up
PREAUX has timed out
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
5 seconds left to act
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kd 3s]
jsunken has 15 seconds left to act
jsunken folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: PREAUX (small blind) is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699613936: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:22:32 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.10)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.60)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.60)
Seat 6: jsunken ($23.90)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
jsunken posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7h 7s]
DanielRose raises to $0.85
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 folds
jsunken calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [3h 2d 9h]
jsunken bets $2
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $2 returned to jsunken
jsunken mucks
jsunken wins the pot ($1.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.80 | Rake $0.05
Board: [3h 2d 9h]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose folded on the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: jsunken (big blind) collected ($1.75), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699621243: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:23:16 ET - 2008/08/18
Wmasuxass sits down
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.10)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.75)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.50)
Seat 6: jsunken ($24.80)
jsunken posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Th 5d]
Wmasuxass stands up
boyvveluwen sits down
DanielRose folds
boyvveluwen adds $10
gramps43 folds
FloormanBob sits down
jsunken folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to AQZ1234
AQZ1234 mucks
AQZ1234 wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699625164: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:23:39 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.20)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.75)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($10)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.50)
Seat 6: jsunken ($24.70)
AQZ1234 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
5 seconds left to act
boyvveluwen posts $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7s 3d]
boyvveluwen checks
gramps43 folds
jsunken folds
FloormanBob adds $25
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 calls $0.15
DanielRose checks
*** FLOP *** [4h 3s Kc]
AQZ1234 checks
DanielRose checks
boyvveluwen bets $1.75
AQZ1234 adds $0.05
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $1.75 returned to boyvveluwen
boyvveluwen mucks
boyvveluwen wins the pot ($0.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.75 | Rake $0
Board: [4h 3s Kc]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: boyvveluwen collected ($0.75), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699635027: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:24:37 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.50)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($10.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($25)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.50)
Seat 6: jsunken ($24.70)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
boyvveluwen posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2h Jd]
gramps43 folds
jsunken folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
AQZ1234 has timed out
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to boyvveluwen
boyvveluwen mucks
boyvveluwen wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: boyvveluwen (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699642649: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:25:21 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.40)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($10.60)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($25)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.50)
Seat 6: jsunken ($24.70)
boyvveluwen posts the small blind of $0.10
FloormanBob posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ks 2h]
AQZ1234 has returned
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 folds
jsunken has 15 seconds left to act
jsunken folds
DanielRose raises to $1
boyvveluwen folds
FloormanBob folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: boyvveluwen (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699649336: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:25:59 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.75)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($10.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.75)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.50)
Seat 6: jsunken ($24.70)
FloormanBob posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kh 8d]
jsunken has 15 seconds left to act
jsunken folds
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
boyvveluwen has 15 seconds left to act
boyvveluwen folds
FloormanBob folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
gramps43 wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 6: jsunken didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699654792: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:26:31 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.75)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($10.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.65)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.60)
Seat 6: jsunken ($24.70)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
jsunken posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9h 3c]
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
boyvveluwen folds
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to jsunken
jsunken mucks
jsunken wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: jsunken (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Full Tilt Poker Game #7699658513: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:26:52 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.75)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($10.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.65)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.50)
Seat 6: jsunken ($24.80)
jsunken posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7s 9h]
DanielRose folds
boyvveluwen calls $0.25
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
jsunken has 15 seconds left to act
jsunken folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 checks
*** FLOP *** [As Js 2d]
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 checks
boyvveluwen bets $0.25
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 adds $0.25
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to boyvveluwen
boyvveluwen mucks
boyvveluwen wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Board: [As Js 2d]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699670763: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:28:02 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.75)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($10.85)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.65)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.50)
Seat 6: jsunken ($24.70)
AQZ1234 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3h 8d]
boyvveluwen calls $0.25
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
jsunken folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 adds $0.10
AQZ1234 is sitting out
AQZ1234 has timed out
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose checks
*** FLOP *** [4h Js Jd]
DanielRose checks
boyvveluwen checks
*** TURN *** [4h Js Jd] [Tc]
DanielRose checks
boyvveluwen bets $0.25
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to boyvveluwen
boyvveluwen mucks
boyvveluwen wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Board: [4h Js Jd Tc]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 3: boyvveluwen collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699681113: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:29:02 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.50)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($11.20)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.65)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.50)
Seat 6: jsunken ($24.70)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
boyvveluwen posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7s Ks]
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
jsunken folds
DanielRose raises to $1
boyvveluwen calls $0.75
*** FLOP *** [2c Qh 8c]
DanielRose bets $1.25
boyvveluwen calls $1.25
*** TURN *** [2c Qh 8c] [8d]
DanielRose checks
boyvveluwen bets $1.25
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $1.25 returned to boyvveluwen
boyvveluwen mucks
boyvveluwen wins the pot ($4.30)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $4.50 | Rake $0.20
Board: [2c Qh 8c 8d]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 3: boyvveluwen (big blind) collected ($4.30), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699688123: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:29:43 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($22.25)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($13.25)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.65)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.50)
Seat 6: jsunken ($24.70)
boyvveluwen posts the small blind of $0.10
FloormanBob posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6d 6c]
gramps43 folds
jsunken folds
DanielRose raises to $1
boyvveluwen folds
FloormanBob folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: boyvveluwen (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699691555: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:30:03 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($22.60)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($13.15)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.40)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.50)
Seat 6: jsunken ($24.70)
FloormanBob posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5s 7s]
jsunken folds
DanielRose folds
boyvveluwen calls $0.25
AQZ1234 has returned
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 checks
*** FLOP *** [As 4s Ts]
gramps43 checks
boyvveluwen has 15 seconds left to act
boyvveluwen bets $0.25
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to boyvveluwen
boyvveluwen mucks
boyvveluwen wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Board: [As 4s Ts]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 6: jsunken didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699701229: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:30:58 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($22.60)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($13.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.30)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.25)
Seat 6: jsunken ($24.70)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
jsunken posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ks 3c]
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
boyvveluwen calls $0.25
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
jsunken checks
*** FLOP *** [2h 6h Qh]
jsunken has 15 seconds left to act
jsunken bets $0.25
boyvveluwen raises to $0.50
jsunken calls $0.25
*** TURN *** [2h 6h Qh] [Qc]
jsunken checks
boyvveluwen bets $0.25
jsunken calls $0.25
*** RIVER *** [2h 6h Qh Qc] [5d]
jsunken checks
boyvveluwen bets $0.25
jsunken calls $0.25
*** SHOW DOWN ***
boyvveluwen shows [Tc 6c] two pair, Queens and Sixes
jsunken mucks
boyvveluwen wins the pot ($2.50) with two pair, Queens and Sixes
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.60 | Rake $0.10
Board: [2h 6h Qh Qc 5d]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen showed [Tc 6c] and won ($2.50) with two pair, Queens and Sixes
Seat 4: FloormanBob (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: jsunken (big blind) mucked [2c Ts] - two pair, Queens and Twos

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699710773: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:31:53 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($22.60)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($14.75)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.30)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.15)
Seat 6: jsunken ($23.45)
jsunken posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ts Jc]
DanielRose folds
boyvveluwen calls $0.25
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 folds
jsunken folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 checks
*** FLOP *** [Th 9s 7d]
AQZ1234 checks
boyvveluwen bets $0.60
AQZ1234 adds $0.25
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to boyvveluwen
boyvveluwen mucks
boyvveluwen wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Board: [Th 9s 7d]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken (small blind) folded before the Flop
Full Tilt Poker Game #7699719518: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:32:44 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($22.60)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($15.10)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.30)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.15)
Seat 6: jsunken ($23.35)
AQZ1234 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2h 7h]
boyvveluwen raises to $0.50
FloormanBob raises to $1.85
gramps43 calls $1.85
jsunken folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 adds $0.10
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
boyvveluwen calls $1.35
*** FLOP *** [Kh 8c 7c]
boyvveluwen bets $0.25
FloormanBob calls $0.25
gramps43 calls $0.25
*** TURN *** [Kh 8c 7c] [3c]
boyvveluwen bets $1.50
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 adds $1.95
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to boyvveluwen
boyvveluwen mucks
boyvveluwen wins the pot ($6.35)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $6.65 | Rake $0.30
Board: [Kh 8c 7c 3c]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: boyvveluwen collected ($6.35), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob folded on the Turn
Seat 5: gramps43 folded on the Turn
Seat 6: jsunken (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699729782: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:33:45 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($22.35)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($19.35)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($22.20)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: jsunken ($23.35)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
boyvveluwen posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8s 3d]
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 raises to $0.85
jsunken folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
boyvveluwen calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [9s 8d 5d]
boyvveluwen bets $0.25
gramps43 raises to $2.55
boyvveluwen folds
Uncalled bet of $2.30 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
gramps43 wins the pot ($2.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.30 | Rake $0.10
Board: [9s 8d 5d]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: boyvveluwen (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 collected ($2.20), mucked
Seat 6: jsunken didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699738340: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:34:37 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($22.25)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($18.25)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($22.20)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($26.10)
Seat 6: jsunken ($23.35)
boyvveluwen posts the small blind of $0.10
FloormanBob posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kd Ks]
gramps43 folds
jsunken has 15 seconds left to act
jsunken folds
AQZ1234 raises to $0.85
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose raises to $3.15
boyvveluwen folds
FloormanBob folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 adds $0.85
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $2.30 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($2.05)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.05 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) collected ($2.05), mucked
Seat 3: boyvveluwen (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699747037: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:35:28 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($23.45)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($18.15)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($21.95)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($26.10)
Seat 6: jsunken ($23.35)
FloormanBob posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Jd 7c]
jsunken folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
AQZ1234 has timed out
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
boyvveluwen folds
FloormanBob folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
gramps43 wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 6: jsunken didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699752980: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:36:03 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($23.45)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($18.15)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($21.85)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($26.20)
Seat 6: jsunken ($23.35)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
jsunken posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3d 7d]
DanielRose folds
boyvveluwen folds
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to jsunken
jsunken mucks
jsunken wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: jsunken (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699755399: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:36:18 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($23.45)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($18.15)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($21.85)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($26.10)
Seat 6: jsunken ($23.45)
jsunken posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9d Qh]
boyvveluwen raises to $0.50
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
AQZ1234 has returned
jsunken folds
DanielRose calls $0.25
*** FLOP *** [Js Kd Kh]
DanielRose checks
boyvveluwen bets $1.10
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $1.10 returned to boyvveluwen
boyvveluwen mucks
boyvveluwen wins the pot ($1.05)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.10 | Rake $0.05
Board: [Js Kd Kh]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: boyvveluwen collected ($1.05), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699760072: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:36:45 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($22.95)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($18.70)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($21.85)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($26.10)
Seat 6: jsunken ($23.35)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
boyvveluwen posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kh 5s]
FloormanBob raises to $0.85
gramps43 folds
jsunken folds
DanielRose folds
boyvveluwen calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [9d As Qd]
boyvveluwen bets $0.25
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob raises to $1.75
boyvveluwen folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to FloormanBob
FloormanBob mucks
FloormanBob wins the pot ($2.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.30 | Rake $0.10
Board: [9d As Qd]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: boyvveluwen (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob collected ($2.20), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699766384: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:37:22 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($22.85)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($17.60)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($22.95)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($26.10)
Seat 6: jsunken ($23.35)
boyvveluwen posts the small blind of $0.10
FloormanBob posts the big blind of $0.25
5 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
Time has expired
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2h Qc]
gramps43 folds
jsunken folds
DanielRose folds
boyvveluwen raises to $0.50
FloormanBob folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to boyvveluwen
boyvveluwen mucks
boyvveluwen wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699771497: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:37:52 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($22.85)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($17.85)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($22.70)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($26.10)
Seat 6: jsunken ($23.35)
FloormanBob posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qh Th]
jsunken raises to $0.50
DanielRose folds
boyvveluwen folds
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 raises to $1.60
jsunken calls $1.10
*** FLOP *** [2c 4s 5c]
gramps43 checks
jsunken checks
*** TURN *** [2c 4s 5c] [3h]
gramps43 bets $2
jsunken calls $2
*** RIVER *** [2c 4s 5c 3h] [8s]
gramps43 bets $2
jsunken calls $2
*** SHOW DOWN ***
gramps43 shows [Kh Ad] a straight, Five high
jsunken shows [Ah 2h] a straight, Five high
gramps43 ties for the pot ($5.40) with a straight, Five high
jsunken ties for the pot ($5.35) with a straight, Five high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $11.30 | Rake $0.55
Board: [2c 4s 5c 3h 8s]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) showed [Kh Ad] and won ($5.40) with a straight, Five
Seat 6: jsunken showed [Ah 2h] and won ($5.35) with a straight, Five high
Full Tilt Poker Game #7699779598: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:38:40 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($22.85)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($17.85)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($22.60)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.90)
Seat 6: jsunken ($23.10)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
jsunken posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6c 6h]
DanielRose raises to $1
boyvveluwen folds
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
jsunken folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: boyvveluwen didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: jsunken (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699784363: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:39:08 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($23.20)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($17.85)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($22.60)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.80)
Seat 6: jsunken ($22.85)
jsunken posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9s 3s]
AQZ1234 has returned
boyvveluwen has 15 seconds left to act
boyvveluwen calls $0.25
FloormanBob calls $0.25
gramps43 folds
jsunken folds
DanielRose checks
*** FLOP *** [3c Ks Tc]
DanielRose checks
boyvveluwen bets $0.85
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob has requested TIME
FloormanBob calls $0.85
DanielRose folds
*** TURN *** [3c Ks Tc] [5c]
boyvveluwen bets $0.25
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob has requested TIME
FloormanBob raises to $2.50
boyvveluwen folds
Uncalled bet of $2.25 returned to FloormanBob
FloormanBob mucks
FloormanBob wins the pot ($2.90)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $3.05 | Rake $0.15
Board: [3c Ks Tc 5c]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: boyvveluwen folded on the Turn
Seat 4: FloormanBob collected ($2.90), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699800512: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:40:43 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($22.95)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($16.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.15)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.80)
Seat 6: jsunken ($22.75)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
boyvveluwen posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Tc 5c]
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
jsunken folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to boyvveluwen
boyvveluwen mucks
boyvveluwen wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: boyvveluwen (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699802603: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:40:55 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($22.85)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen ($16.60)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.15)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.80)
Seat 6: jsunken ($22.75)
boyvveluwen has 5 seconds left to act
boyvveluwen stands up
boyvveluwen has timed out
FloormanBob posts the big blind of $0.25
5 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
Time has expired
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4c Th]
gramps43 folds
jsunken folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to FloormanBob
AQZ1234 has returned
r_opmanis sits down
FloormanBob mucks
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: boyvveluwen (small blind) is sitting out
Seat 4: FloormanBob (big blind) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699808173: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:41:27 ET - 2008/08/18
r_opmanis adds $25
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($22.85)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.15)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.80)
Seat 6: jsunken ($22.75)
FloormanBob posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
5 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
Time has expired
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Td 9h]
jsunken folds
AQZ1234 has returned
DanielRose raises to $0.85
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: r_opmanis (button) Seat 4: FloormanBob (small blind) folded before the
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: jsunken didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699812551: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:41:53 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($23.20)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($25)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.05)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.55)
Seat 6: jsunken ($22.75)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
jsunken posts the big blind of $0.25
r_opmanis posts $0.25
5 seconds left to act
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2c 4c]
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis has 15 seconds left to act
r_opmanis raises to $0.85
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
jsunken calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [6h Qs 3c]
jsunken checks
r_opmanis checks
*** TURN *** [6h Qs 3c] [5c]
jsunken checks
r_opmanis bets $1.80
jsunken folds
Uncalled bet of $1.80 returned to r_opmanis
r_opmanis mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($1.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.80 | Rake $0.05
Board: [6h Qs 3c 5c]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis collected ($1.75), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: jsunken (big blind) folded on the Turn

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699820927: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:42:42 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($23.20)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($25.90)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.05)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.45)
Seat 6: jsunken ($21.90)
jsunken posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6c 6h]
DanielRose raises to $0.85
r_opmanis calls $0.85
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
jsunken folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 adds $0.25
AQZ1234 folds
*** FLOP *** [4d Th Jh]
DanielRose bets $1.25
r_opmanis folds
Uncalled bet of $1.25 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($1.95)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.05 | Rake $0.10
Board: [4d Th Jh]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose collected ($1.95), mucked
Seat 3: r_opmanis folded on the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699827642: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:43:22 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.30)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($25.05)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.05)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.45)
Seat 6: jsunken ($21.80)
AQZ1234 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Js 9h]
r_opmanis raises to $0.85
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
jsunken has 15 seconds left to act
jsunken calls $0.85
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 adds $0.10
AQZ1234 is sitting out
AQZ1234 has timed out
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
*** FLOP *** [6d 4h 9s]
r_opmanis has 15 seconds left to act
r_opmanis bets $2.05
jsunken folds
Uncalled bet of $2.05 returned to r_opmanis
r_opmanis mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($1.95)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.05 | Rake $0.10
Board: [6d 4h 9s]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: r_opmanis collected ($1.95), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken (button) folded on the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699838851: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:44:27 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.05)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($26.15)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.05)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.45)
Seat 6: jsunken ($20.95)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
r_opmanis posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5s 9h]
FloormanBob raises to $0.85
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 folds
jsunken calls $0.85
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis folds
*** FLOP *** [Qh 8s 5d]
FloormanBob bets $1.50
jsunken folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to FloormanBob
jsunken stands up
FloormanBob mucks
FloormanBob wins the pot ($1.95)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.05 | Rake $0.10
Board: [Qh 8s 5d]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: r_opmanis (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob collected ($1.95), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jsunken folded on the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699844386: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:45:00 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($23.95)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($25.90)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($25.15)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.45)
r_opmanis posts the small blind of $0.10
FloormanBob posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Js Ks]
gramps43 folds
DanielRose raises to $0.85
r_opmanis folds
Ghago sits down
FloormanBob folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: r_opmanis (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699846957: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:45:15 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.30)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($25.80)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.90)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.45)
FloormanBob posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ks Qd]
DanielRose raises to $0.85
Ghago adds $25
AQZ1234 has returned
r_opmanis folds
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [6s 5s Td]
gramps43 checks
DanielRose bets $1.25
gramps43 adds $0.40
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.25 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($1.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.80 | Rake $0.05
Board: [6s 5s Td]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose collected ($1.75), mucked
Seat 3: r_opmanis (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) folded on the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699851984: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:45:44 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.20)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($25.80)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.80)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
Ghago posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4s Ah]
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis folds
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 adds $0.10
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to Ghago
Ghago mucks
Ghago wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699854783: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:46:00 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.20)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($25.80)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.80)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25.10)
Ghago posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9h 8d]
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis calls $0.25
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 checks
*** FLOP *** [Jd 7s 6h]
AQZ1234 bets $0.60
r_opmanis calls $0.60
*** TURN *** [Jd 7s 6h] [3h]
AQZ1234 bets $1.50
r_opmanis calls $1.50
*** RIVER *** [Jd 7s 6h 3h] [5s]
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 bets $3
r_opmanis raises to $6
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 has requested TIME
AQZ1234 calls $3
*** SHOW DOWN ***
r_opmanis shows [9d 8h] a straight, Nine high
AQZ1234 mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($16) with a straight, Nine high
AQZ1234 adds $8.35
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $16.80 | Rake $0.80
Board: [Jd 7s 6h 3h 5s]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) mucked [6d Jc] - two pair, Jacks and Sixes
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis showed [9d 8h] and won ($16) with a straight, Nine high
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699869048: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:47:23 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.20)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($33.45)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.80)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25)
AQZ1234 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2d Ah]
r_opmanis calls $0.25
FloormanBob calls $0.25
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 adds $0.10
AQZ1234 is sitting out
AQZ1234 has timed out
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose checks
*** FLOP *** [Kc 5c Js]
DanielRose checks
r_opmanis checks
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob bets $0.50
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis calls $0.50
*** TURN *** [Kc 5c Js] [9c]
r_opmanis bets $1.85
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob has requested TIME
FloormanBob raises to $7
r_opmanis has 15 seconds left to act
r_opmanis has requested TIME
r_opmanis folds
Uncalled bet of $5.15 returned to FloormanBob
FloormanBob shows [8c 6c] a flush, King high
FloormanBob wins the pot ($5.30)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $5.55 | Rake $0.25
Board: [Kc 5c Js 9c]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: r_opmanis folded on the Turn
Seat 4: FloormanBob collected ($5.30)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699888529: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:49:16 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.95)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($30.85)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($27.50)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
r_opmanis posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5d 3c]
AQZ1234 has returned
FloormanBob raises to $0.85
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [Kd 3h Qc]
r_opmanis checks
FloormanBob bets $1.50
r_opmanis folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to FloormanBob
FloormanBob shows [7h 9h] King Queen high
FloormanBob wins the pot ($1.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.80 | Rake $0.05
Board: [Kd 3h Qc]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: r_opmanis (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob collected ($1.75)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699894123: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:49:48 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.85)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($30)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($28.40)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25)
r_opmanis posts the small blind of $0.10
FloormanBob posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9d 4h]
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis folds
FloormanBob folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to AQZ1234
AQZ1234 mucks
AQZ1234 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699897235: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:50:06 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.35)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.85)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($29.90)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($28.15)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25)
FloormanBob posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qs 9h]
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis folds
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob calls $0.75
gramps43 adds $0.25
gramps43 folds
*** FLOP *** [8s 5c Kc]
FloormanBob checks
AQZ1234 checks
*** TURN *** [8s 5c Kc] [5h]
FloormanBob bets $1
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 adds $0.50
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $1 returned to FloormanBob
FloormanBob mucks
FloormanBob wins the pot ($1.90)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.95 | Rake $0.05
Board: [8s 5c Kc 5h]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 folded on the Turn
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob (small blind) collected ($1.90), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699907238: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:51:03 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.85)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($29.90)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.20)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
Ghago posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qd Jh]
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis folds
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 adds $0.10
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to Ghago
Ghago mucks
Ghago wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Full Tilt Poker Game #7699911198: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:51:26 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.85)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($29.90)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.20)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25.10)
Ghago posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ks Kc]
DanielRose raises to $1
r_opmanis folds
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 adds $0.25
AQZ1234 is sitting out
AQZ1234 has timed out
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: r_opmanis didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699917651: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:52:02 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.20)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($29.90)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.20)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25)
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4d 6c]
r_opmanis calls $0.25
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
DanielRose checks
*** FLOP *** [7s 9h 3h]
DanielRose checks
r_opmanis checks
*** TURN *** [7s 9h 3h] [Tc]
DanielRose checks
r_opmanis checks
*** RIVER *** [7s 9h 3h Tc] [3s]
DanielRose checks
r_opmanis checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
DanielRose shows [4d 6c] a pair of Threes
r_opmanis shows [6s Kh] a pair of Threes
r_opmanis wins the pot ($0.50) with a pair of Threes
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Board: [7s 9h 3h Tc 3s]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) showed [4d 6c] and lost with a pair of Threes
Seat 3: r_opmanis showed [6s Kh] and won ($0.50) with a pair of Threes
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699924577: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:52:42 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.95)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($30.15)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.20)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
r_opmanis posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4c 6d]
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
FloormanBob is sitting out
FloormanBob has returned
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to r_opmanis
r_opmanis mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($0.20)
FloormanBob is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: r_opmanis (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699927327: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:52:57 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.85)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($30.25)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.20), is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25)
r_opmanis posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9s 4d]
Ghago calls $0.25
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis calls $0.15
gramps43 checks
*** FLOP *** [8h 2s 3s]
r_opmanis checks
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 checks
Ghago checks
*** TURN *** [8h 2s 3s] [Qs]
r_opmanis checks
gramps43 checks
Ghago bets $0.50
r_opmanis folds
gramps43 adds $0.25
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to Ghago
Ghago mucks
Ghago wins the pot ($0.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.75 | Rake $0
Board: [8h 2s 3s Qs]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis (small blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 4: FloormanBob is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 6: Ghago collected ($0.75), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699934700: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:53:39 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.85)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($30)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.20), is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25.50)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
Ghago posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [As 3s]
DanielRose raises to $0.85
r_opmanis folds
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 adds $0.10
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: r_opmanis (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699939400: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:54:05 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.20)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($30)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.20), is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25.25)
Ghago posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kd 6h]
r_opmanis raises to $0.85
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to r_opmanis
r_opmanis mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: r_opmanis collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699942037: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:54:20 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.95)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($30.35)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.20), is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25.15)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
r_opmanis posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2c As]
AQZ1234 has returned
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
DanielRose calls $0.15
r_opmanis checks
*** FLOP *** [7s 5s 7d]
DanielRose checks
r_opmanis bets $0.50
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to r_opmanis
r_opmanis mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Board: [7s 5s 7d]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: r_opmanis (big blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699946012: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:54:43 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.70)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($30.60)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.20), is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25.15)
r_opmanis posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
5 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
Time has expired
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kd 5h]
AQZ1234 has returned
Ghago has 15 seconds left to act
Ghago calls $0.25
DanielRose raises to $1.25
r_opmanis folds
gramps43 adds $0.25
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
Uncalled bet of $1 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.85)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.85 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) collected ($0.85), mucked
Seat 3: r_opmanis (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699952317: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:55:19 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.30)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($30.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.20), is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.90)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
Ghago posts the big blind of $0.25
5 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
Time has expired
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qs 3s]
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis raises to $0.85
gramps43 adds $0.10
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to r_opmanis
r_opmanis mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699956902: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:55:44 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.30)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($30.85)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.20), is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.65)
Ghago posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Th Qc]
r_opmanis raises to $0.85
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to r_opmanis
r_opmanis mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: r_opmanis collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699960240: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:56:03 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.05)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($31.20)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.20), is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.55)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
r_opmanis posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6s 2s]
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to r_opmanis
r_opmanis mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: r_opmanis (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699962722: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:56:17 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.95)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($31.30)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.20), is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.55)
r_opmanis posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qc 8c]
Ghago raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis raises to $2.80
gramps43 adds $0.25
gramps43 folds
Ghago calls $1.95
AQZ1234 has returned
*** FLOP *** [9c As Th]
r_opmanis bets $5.85
FloormanBob has returned
Ghago folds
Uncalled bet of $5.85 returned to r_opmanis
r_opmanis mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($5.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $5.85 | Rake $0.25
Board: [9c As Th]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis (small blind) collected ($5.60), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago folded on the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699970874: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:57:04 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.95)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($34.10)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.20)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($21.75)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
Ghago posts the big blind of $0.25
5 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
Time has expired
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [As Tc]
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis raises to $0.85
AQZ1234 has returned
gramps43 adds $0.10
gramps43 folds
Ghago calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [Jd 3s 7s]
Ghago checks
r_opmanis bets $1.80
Ghago calls $1.80
*** TURN *** [Jd 3s 7s] [Ah]
Ghago checks
r_opmanis checks
*** RIVER *** [Jd 3s 7s Ah] [Qd]
Ghago checks
r_opmanis bets $5.40
Ghago folds
Uncalled bet of $5.40 returned to r_opmanis
r_opmanis mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($5.15)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $5.40 | Rake $0.25
Board: [Jd 3s 7s Ah Qd]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis (button) collected ($5.15), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago (big blind) folded on the River

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699981083: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:58:02 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.95)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($36.60)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.20)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($19.10)
Ghago posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
5 seconds left to act
FloormanBob is sitting out
Time has expired
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kd 7h]
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis raises to $0.85
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 adds $0.25
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to r_opmanis
r_opmanis mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699985737: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:58:29 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.95)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($36.95)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.20), is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($19)
AQZ1234 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8s As]
FloormanBob has returned
r_opmanis raises to $0.85
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
Ghago adds $6
AQZ1234 calls $0.75
DanielRose folds
*** FLOP *** [Tc 4s 6s]
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 checks
r_opmanis bets $1.95
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 adds $0.85
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.95 returned to r_opmanis
r_opmanis mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($1.90)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.95 | Rake $0.05
Board: [Tc 4s 6s]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: r_opmanis collected ($1.90), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7699994816: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 13:59:20 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.70)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($38)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.20)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
r_opmanis posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7c 3h]
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [2c 4c 4s]
r_opmanis bets $1.80
AQZ1234 calls $1.80
*** TURN *** [2c 4c 4s] [6h]
r_opmanis bets $5.40
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 adds $2.65
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $5.40 returned to r_opmanis
r_opmanis mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($5.15)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $5.40 | Rake $0.25
Board: [2c 4c 4s 6h]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) folded on the Turn
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: r_opmanis (big blind) collected ($5.15), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700004900: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:00:18 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.60)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($40.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.20)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25)
r_opmanis posts the small blind of $0.10
FloormanBob posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4d 9s]
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis calls $0.75
FloormanBob folds
*** FLOP *** [8c Kh 6s]
r_opmanis checks
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 bets $1.50
r_opmanis folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to AQZ1234
AQZ1234 mucks
AQZ1234 wins the pot ($1.90)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.95 | Rake $0.05
Board: [8c Kh 6s]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 collected ($1.90), mucked
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)
Full Tilt Poker Game #7700012169: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:00:59 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($26.05)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.60)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($39.65)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($28.95)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25)
FloormanBob posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5d Tc]
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
AQZ1234 has timed out
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis folds
FloormanBob raises to $0.75
AQZ1234 has returned
gramps43 calls $0.50
*** FLOP *** [2c 3h 5h]
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob bets $1.50
gramps43 adds $0.75
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to FloormanBob
FloormanBob mucks
FloormanBob wins the pot ($1.45)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.50 | Rake $0.05
Board: [2c 3h 5h]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob (small blind) collected ($1.45), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700022323: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:01:57 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($26.05)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.60)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($39.65)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.65)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
Ghago posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4h Ah]
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis raises to $0.85
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 adds $0.10
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to r_opmanis
r_opmanis mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700026061: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:02:18 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($26.05)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.60)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($40)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.65)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.75)
Ghago posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4s 2h]
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis calls $0.25
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 checks
*** FLOP *** [8d Qd 3h]
AQZ1234 checks
r_opmanis bets $0.60
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to r_opmanis
r_opmanis mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Board: [8d Qd 3h]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago (small blind) folded before the Flop
Full Tilt Poker Game #7700033996: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:03:03 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.80)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.60)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($40.35)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.65)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.65)
AQZ1234 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7d 8s]
r_opmanis raises to $0.85
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to r_opmanis
r_opmanis mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: r_opmanis collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700037944: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:03:25 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.70)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.35)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($40.70)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.65)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.65)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
r_opmanis posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qh 8c]
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [3h 4s 8s]
r_opmanis bets $1.80
AQZ1234 adds $0.15
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.80 returned to r_opmanis
r_opmanis mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($1.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.80 | Rake $0.05
Board: [3h 4s 8s]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: r_opmanis (big blind) collected ($1.75), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700044985: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:04:05 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.25)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($41.60)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.65)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.65)
r_opmanis posts the small blind of $0.10
FloormanBob posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kh Qh]
gramps43 folds
Ghago raises to $0.85
AQZ1234 calls $0.85
DanielRose calls $0.85
r_opmanis raises to $4.50
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob folds
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 adds $0.85
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $3.65 returned to r_opmanis
r_opmanis mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($3.65)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $3.65 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: r_opmanis (small blind) collected ($3.65), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700052035: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:04:45 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($23.40)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($44.40)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.40)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($23.80)
FloormanBob posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Tc 3s]
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis calls $0.85
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 adds $0.25
gramps43 folds
*** FLOP *** [6d Kd 2s]
AQZ1234 bets $1.50
r_opmanis folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to AQZ1234
AQZ1234 mucks
AQZ1234 wins the pot ($1.95)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.05 | Rake $0.10
Board: [6d Kd 2s]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 collected ($1.95), mucked
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis (button) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700060312: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:05:32 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($26.10)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($23.40)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($43.55)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.30)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($23.80)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
Ghago posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8h 3h]
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis calls $0.25
FloormanBob calls $0.25
gramps43 raises to $1.25
Ghago folds
r_opmanis folds
FloormanBob folds
Uncalled bet of $1 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
gramps43 wins the pot ($1)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis folded before the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) collected ($1), mucked
Seat 6: Ghago (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700066942: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:06:07 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($26.10)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($23.40)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($43.30)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.05)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.75)
Seat 6: Ghago ($23.55)
Ghago posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3s Ah]
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis raises to $0.85
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to r_opmanis
r_opmanis mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700072556: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:06:39 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.85)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($23.40)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($43.65)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.05)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.75)
Seat 6: Ghago ($23.45)
AQZ1234 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9s Qs]
r_opmanis folds
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 raises to $0.85
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
gramps43 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: r_opmanis didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 6: Ghago (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700077193: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:07:05 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.75)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($23.15)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($43.65)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.05)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($26.10)
Seat 6: Ghago ($23.45)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
r_opmanis posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2s Jh]
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to r_opmanis
r_opmanis mucks
r_opmanis wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: r_opmanis (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700080250: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:07:23 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.75)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($23.05)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($43.75)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($29.05)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($26.10)
Seat 6: Ghago ($23.45)
r_opmanis posts the small blind of $0.10
FloormanBob posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8s 5d]
gramps43 raises to $0.85
Ghago folds
Ghago adds $1.55
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
AQZ1234 has timed out
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis calls $0.75
AQZ1234 has returned
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [As Qs 9s]
r_opmanis bets $2.55
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob calls $2.55
gramps43 folds
*** TURN *** [As Qs 9s] [7h]
r_opmanis bets $7.65
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob has requested TIME
FloormanBob raises to $25.65, and is all in
r_opmanis calls $18
FloormanBob shows [Ad Qc]
r_opmanis shows [7s Ah]
*** RIVER *** [As Qs 9s 7h] [3s]
FloormanBob shows two pair, Aces and Queens
r_opmanis shows a flush, Ace high
r_opmanis wins the pot ($56.05) with a flush, Ace high
FloormanBob is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $58.95 | Rake $2.90
Board: [As Qs 9s 7h 3s]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis (small blind) showed [7s Ah] and won ($56.05) with a flush, Ace
Seat 4: FloormanBob (big blind) showed [Ad Qc] and lost with two pair, Aces and
Seat 5: gramps43 folded on the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700098876: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:09:05 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.75)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($23.05)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($70.75)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($0), is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25)
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3h 9s]
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
r_opmanis is sitting out
r_opmanis folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob (small blind) is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700101414: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:09:19 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.75)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($23.05)
Seat 3: r_opmanis ($70.75), is sitting out
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($0), is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
Ghago posts the big blind of $0.25
r_opmanis stands up
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4s 3s]
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
ulyanovec adds $10
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to Ghago
Ghago mucks
Ghago wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: r_opmanis is sitting out
Seat 4: FloormanBob (button) is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Full Tilt Poker Game #7700104505: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:09:35 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.75)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($23.05)
Seat 3: ulyanovec ($10)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($0), is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.15)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25.10)
Ghago posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
5 seconds left to act
ulyanovec posts $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8d Ts]
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose folds
ulyanovec checks
gramps43 folds
Ghago calls $0.15
AQZ1234 checks
*** FLOP *** [Jd 3d 4s]
Ghago checks
AQZ1234 bets $0.75
ulyanovec calls $0.75
Ghago folds
*** TURN *** [Jd 3d 4s] [Kd]
AQZ1234 checks
ulyanovec bets $2.25
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 adds $0.25
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $2.25 returned to ulyanovec
ulyanovec mucks
ulyanovec wins the pot ($2.15)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.25 | Rake $0.10
Board: [Jd 3d 4s Kd]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ulyanovec collected ($2.15), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago (small blind) folded on the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700117657: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:10:46 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($23.05)
Seat 3: ulyanovec ($11.15)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($0), is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.15)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.85)
AQZ1234 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8c 8s]
ulyanovec has 15 seconds left to act
ulyanovec calls $0.25
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
FloormanBob adds $25
FloormanBob has returned
AQZ1234 calls $0.15
DanielRose raises to $1.25
ulyanovec has 15 seconds left to act
ulyanovec folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 adds $0.25
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $1 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.75 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) collected ($0.75), mucked
Seat 3: ulyanovec folded before the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700126299: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:11:32 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($23.55)
Seat 3: ulyanovec ($10.90)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($25)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.15)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.85)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
ulyanovec posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8s Ts]
gramps43 raises to $0.85
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
AQZ1234 has timed out
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose calls $0.75
ulyanovec folds
*** FLOP *** [6s Kd Td]
DanielRose checks
gramps43 bets $1.50
DanielRose calls $1.50
*** TURN *** [6s Kd Td] [Qh]
DanielRose checks
gramps43 checks
*** RIVER *** [6s Kd Td Qh] [2s]
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose checks
gramps43 checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
gramps43 shows [Ad 9h] Ace King high
DanielRose shows [8s Ts] a pair of Tens
DanielRose wins the pot ($4.75) with a pair of Tens
gramps43 adds $2.20
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $4.95 | Rake $0.20
Board: [6s Kd Td Qh 2s]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) showed [8s Ts] and won ($4.75) with a pair of
Seat 3: ulyanovec (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 showed [Ad 9h] and lost with Ace King high
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700138125: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:12:36 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.95)
Seat 3: ulyanovec ($10.65)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($25)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.85)
ulyanovec posts the small blind of $0.10
FloormanBob posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Jc Qd]
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
DanielRose raises to $0.85
AQZ1234 has returned
ulyanovec has 15 seconds left to act
ulyanovec calls $0.75
FloormanBob folds
*** FLOP *** [Td 5s 3h]
ulyanovec checks
DanielRose checks
*** TURN *** [Td 5s 3h] [6s]
ulyanovec has 15 seconds left to act
ulyanovec checks
DanielRose checks
*** RIVER *** [Td 5s 3h 6s] [7s]
ulyanovec has 15 seconds left to act
ulyanovec bets $0.25
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to ulyanovec
ulyanovec mucks
ulyanovec wins the pot ($1.90)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.95 | Rake $0.05
Board: [Td 5s 3h 6s 7s]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) folded on the River
Seat 3: ulyanovec (small blind) collected ($1.90), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700150933: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:13:45 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.10)
Seat 3: ulyanovec ($11.70)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.75)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.85)
FloormanBob posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qh 8d]
Ghago calls $0.25
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
ulyanovec folds
FloormanBob folds
Ghago has been disconnected
Ghago has reconnected
gramps43 raises to $0.85
Ghago calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [Ac 6d Ts]
gramps43 bets $1.25
Ghago has 15 seconds left to act
Ghago has been disconnected
Ghago folds
Ghago has reconnected
Uncalled bet of $1.25 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
gramps43 wins the pot ($1.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.80 | Rake $0.05
Board: [Ac 6d Ts]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ulyanovec (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) collected ($1.75), mucked
Seat 6: Ghago folded on the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700159243: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:14:30 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.10)
Seat 3: ulyanovec ($11.70)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.65)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.90)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
Ghago posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8c 7c]
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
ulyanovec calls $0.25
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob raises to $1.10
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
ulyanovec calls $0.85
*** FLOP *** [8h 6h Ac]
ulyanovec bets $0.25
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob raises to $2
Ghago has been disconnected
ulyanovec calls $1.75
*** TURN *** [8h 6h Ac] [Jc]
ulyanovec checks
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
Ghago has reconnected
FloormanBob bets $21.55, and is all in
ulyanovec has 15 seconds left to act
ulyanovec calls $8.60, and is all in
FloormanBob shows [Ts Qc]
ulyanovec shows [3d Ad]
Uncalled bet of $12.95 returned to FloormanBob
*** RIVER *** [8h 6h Ac Jc] [2h]
FloormanBob shows Ace Queen high
ulyanovec shows a pair of Aces
ulyanovec wins the pot ($22.60) with a pair of Aces
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $23.75 | Rake $1.15
Board: [8h 6h Ac Jc 2h]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ulyanovec showed [3d Ad] and won ($22.60) with a pair of Aces
Seat 4: FloormanBob (button) showed [Ts Qc] and lost with Ace Queen high
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700177271: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:16:06 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.10)
Seat 3: ulyanovec ($22.60)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($12.95)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.80)
Seat 6: Ghago ($23.75)
Ghago has 5 seconds left to act
Ghago has been disconnected
Ghago has reconnected
Ghago posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9s 6c]
DanielRose folds
ulyanovec calls $0.25
FloormanBob adds $7.75
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 raises to $1.10
Ghago raises to $3.80
AQZ1234 adds $0.25
AQZ1234 folds
ulyanovec has 15 seconds left to act
ulyanovec is sitting out
ulyanovec folds
gramps43 adds $0.30
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $2.70 returned to Ghago
Ghago mucks
Ghago wins the pot ($2.70)
ulyanovec stands up
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.70 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ulyanovec folded before the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago (small blind) collected ($2.70), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700184674: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:16:46 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.10)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($20.70)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25.35)
AQZ1234 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6c Ah]
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 adds $0.10
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700186783: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:16:57 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.20)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($20.70)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25.35)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
FloormanBob posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Jd 3d]
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
ArtVandelay02 adds $17.50
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
AQZ1234 has timed out
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to FloormanBob
FloormanBob mucks
FloormanBob wins the pot ($0.20)
AQZ1234 has returned
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700192959: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:17:30 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.10)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($20.80)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25.35)
FloormanBob posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Js Ts]
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose raises to $1
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 adds $0.25
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 is sitting out
Seat 4: FloormanBob (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700197036: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:17:53 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.45)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($20.70)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($25.35)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
Ghago posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8d 5c]
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
FloormanBob raises to $0.85
gramps43 adds $0.10
gramps43 folds
Ghago calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [3d 6d Qh]
Ghago checks
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob bets $1.50
Ghago folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to FloormanBob
FloormanBob mucks
FloormanBob wins the pot ($1.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.80 | Rake $0.05
Board: [3d 6d Qh]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 is sitting out
Seat 4: FloormanBob (button) collected ($1.75), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago (big blind) folded on the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700205558: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:18:39 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.45)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($21.60)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.50)
Ghago posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4d Js]
DanielRose folds
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 raises to $0.85
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 raises to $3
gramps43 adds $0.85
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $2.15 returned to AQZ1234
AQZ1234 mucks
AQZ1234 wins the pot ($1.80)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.80 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) collected ($1.80), mucked
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 is sitting out
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700211997: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:19:13 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.95)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.45)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($21.60)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.40)
AQZ1234 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3c 5s]
FloormanBob raises to $0.85
gramps43 raises to $2.90
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
AQZ1234 has timed out
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob raises to $8
gramps43 adds $2.90
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $5.10 returned to FloormanBob
FloormanBob mucks
FloormanBob wins the pot ($6.15)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $6.15 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 is sitting out
Seat 4: FloormanBob collected ($6.15), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700222153: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:20:09 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.85), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.20)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.85)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.40)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
ArtVandelay02 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4h Qh]
AQZ1234 has returned
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 raises to $0.85
Ghago folds
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 adds $0.25
ArtVandelay02 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
gramps43 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700225653: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:20:28 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.85)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.10)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.85)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.35)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.40)
ArtVandelay02 posts the small blind of $0.10
FloormanBob posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Td 9s]
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 adds $0.10
ArtVandelay02 folds
FloormanBob calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [Kc 6s Ah]
FloormanBob checks
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 checks
*** TURN *** [Kc 6s Ah] [5d]
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob bets $1.40
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.40 returned to FloormanBob
FloormanBob mucks
FloormanBob wins the pot ($1.75)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.80 | Rake $0.05
Board: [Kc 6s Ah 5d]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 folded on the Turn
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob (big blind) collected ($1.75), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700240244: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:21:44 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.10)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($25.75)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.35)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.40)
FloormanBob posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7d 9h]
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 has 15 seconds left to act
ArtVandelay02 is sitting out
ArtVandelay02 has timed out
ArtVandelay02 folds
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to AQZ1234
ArtVandelay02 has returned
AQZ1234 mucks
AQZ1234 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700247326: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:22:23 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.35)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.10)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($25.65)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.10)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.40)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
Ghago posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4d 8h]
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 raises to $0.75
Ghago folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
gramps43 wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 6: Ghago (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700250479: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:22:40 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.35)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.10)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($25.65)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.35)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.15)
Ghago posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5h 9s]
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
FloormanBob raises to $0.85
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to FloormanBob
FloormanBob mucks
FloormanBob wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700253880: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:22:59 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.10)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.10)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($26)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.35)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.05)
AQZ1234 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Jd Qh]
ArtVandelay02 folds
FloormanBob raises to $0.85
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to FloormanBob
FloormanBob mucks
FloormanBob wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700260086: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:23:32 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.85)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($26.35)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.35)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.05)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
ArtVandelay02 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8s 5h]
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
AQZ1234 has timed out
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to ArtVandelay02
ArtVandelay02 mucks
ArtVandelay02 wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700266976: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:24:08 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.75)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.60)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($26.35)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25.35)
Seat 6: Ghago ($24.05)
ArtVandelay02 posts the small blind of $0.10
FloormanBob posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kh Jd]
gramps43 raises to $0.85
Ghago calls $0.85
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 has 15 seconds left to act
ArtVandelay02 folds
FloormanBob folds
*** FLOP *** [Th Jh 5h]
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 bets $1.50
AQZ1234 has returned
Ghago calls $1.50
*** TURN *** [Th Jh 5h] [Js]
gramps43 checks
Ghago checks
*** RIVER *** [Th Jh 5h Js] [4d]
gramps43 checks
Ghago checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
gramps43 shows [2c 2d] two pair, Jacks and Twos
Ghago shows [Tc Ks] two pair, Jacks and Tens
Ghago wins the pot ($4.80) with two pair, Jacks and Tens
gramps43 adds $2
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $5.05 | Rake $0.25
Board: [Th Jh 5h Js 4d]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 showed [2c 2d] and lost with two pair, Jacks and Twos
Seat 6: Ghago showed [Tc Ks] and won ($4.80) with two pair, Jacks and Tens

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700277415: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:25:03 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.75)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($26.10)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: Ghago ($26.50)
FloormanBob posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3d Th]
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
AQZ1234 has timed out
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
FloormanBob raises to $0.75
gramps43 calls $0.50
*** FLOP *** [Qc Ah 2h]
AQZ1234 has returned
FloormanBob bets $1
gramps43 calls $1
*** TURN *** [Qc Ah 2h] [8d]
FloormanBob checks
gramps43 bets $2
FloormanBob folds
Uncalled bet of $2 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
gramps43 wins the pot ($3.35)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $3.50 | Rake $0.15
Board: [Qc Ah 2h 8d]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob (small blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) collected ($3.35), mucked
Seat 6: Ghago didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700291234: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:26:15 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.75)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.35)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($26.60)
Seat 6: Ghago ($26.50)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
Ghago posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2d Qh]
AQZ1234 has been disconnected
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 has reconnected
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
AQZ1234 has timed out
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 raises to $0.75
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
AQZ1234 has returned
Ghago folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to ArtVandelay02
ArtVandelay02 mucks
ArtVandelay02 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: FloormanBob (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Ghago (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700300420: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:27:02 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.75)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.85)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($24.35)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($26.50)
Seat 6: Ghago ($26.25)
Ghago posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 has 5 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Kd 3h]
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 has 15 seconds left to act
ArtVandelay02 folds
FloormanBob raises to $0.85
gramps43 calls $0.85
Ghago folds
AQZ1234 adds $0.25
AQZ1234 folds
*** FLOP *** [5c Qc 2h]
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob bets $1.50
Ghago stands up
gramps43 calls $1.50
*** TURN *** [5c Qc 2h] [Jh]
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
- Tilted Rag3 - adds $25
FloormanBob checks
gramps43 bets $4
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob has requested TIME
FloormanBob folds
Uncalled bet of $4 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
gramps43 wins the pot ($4.80)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $5.05 | Rake $0.25
Board: [5c Qc 2h Jh]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob folded on the Turn
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) collected ($4.80), mucked
Seat 6: Ghago (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700319003: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:28:37 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.75)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.85)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($22)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($28.95)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($25)
AQZ1234 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Jd Kh]
ArtVandelay02 folds
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
AQZ1234 adds $0.10
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (button) is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700322992: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:28:58 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.85)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.85)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($22)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($28.95)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($25)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
ArtVandelay02 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2d 3h]
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 raises to $0.85
AQZ1234 calls $0.85
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
*** FLOP *** [8s 8h 2s]
gramps43 checks
AQZ1234 checks
*** TURN *** [8s 8h 2s] [6d]
gramps43 checks
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 bets $1.75
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.75 returned to AQZ1234
AQZ1234 mucks
AQZ1234 wins the pot ($1.95)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.05 | Rake $0.10
Board: [8s 8h 2s 6d]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) collected ($1.95), mucked
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 folded on the Turn
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700333040: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:29:49 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($26.10)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.75)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.60)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($22)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($28.10)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($25)
ArtVandelay02 posts the small blind of $0.10
FloormanBob posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6d 7d]
gramps43 folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose raises to $0.85
ArtVandelay02 folds
FloormanBob folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700338364: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:30:17 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($26.10)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.10)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($21.75)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($28.10)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($25)
FloormanBob posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7h 6d]
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
FloormanBob raises to $0.75
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to FloormanBob
FloormanBob mucks
FloormanBob wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - is sitting out

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700341798: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:30:34 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($26.10)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.10)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($22)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($27.85)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($25)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
- Tilted Rag3 - posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9s 3h]
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
AQZ1234 has timed out
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to - Tilted Rag3 -
- Tilted Rag3 - mucks
- Tilted Rag3 - wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700348417: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:31:08 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($26.10), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($25.10)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($22)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($27.75)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($25.10)
- Tilted Rag3 - posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
AQZ1234 has returned
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3h Ah]
ArtVandelay02 folds
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 raises to $0.85
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
gramps43 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700353407: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:31:34 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($26.10)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($24.85)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($22)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($28.10)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($25)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
ArtVandelay02 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2s 2d]
FloormanBob folds
gramps43 raises to $0.85
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
DanielRose calls $0.75
ArtVandelay02 adds $0.25
ArtVandelay02 folds
*** FLOP *** [9d Kd 4h]
DanielRose checks
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 checks
*** TURN *** [9d Kd 4h] [Kc]
DanielRose checks
gramps43 bets $1.25
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose raises to $3.50
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $2.25 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($4.25)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $4.45 | Rake $0.20
Board: [9d Kd 4h Kc]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) collected ($4.25), mucked
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 folded on the Turn
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (button) didn't bet (folded)
Full Tilt Poker Game #7700364395: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:32:30 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($26.10)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($27)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($22)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($26)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($25)
ArtVandelay02 posts the small blind of $0.10
FloormanBob posts the big blind of $0.25
5 seconds left to act
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8c 6h]
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 has 15 seconds left to act
ArtVandelay02 adds $0.10
ArtVandelay02 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to FloormanBob
FloormanBob mucks
FloormanBob wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: FloormanBob (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700370002: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:32:59 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($26.10)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($27)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($22.10)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($26)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($25)
FloormanBob posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5d 7c]
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
FloormanBob raises to $0.75
gramps43 calls $0.50
*** FLOP *** [4d 2c 9h]
FloormanBob bets $1
gramps43 raises to $3
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob calls $2
*** TURN *** [4d 2c 9h] [Js]
FloormanBob checks
gramps43 bets $6
FloormanBob has 15 seconds left to act
FloormanBob has requested TIME
FloormanBob raises to $18.35, and is all in
gramps43 calls $12.35
FloormanBob shows [3s As]
gramps43 shows [2s 2h]
*** RIVER *** [4d 2c 9h Js] [Ts]
FloormanBob shows Ace Jack high
gramps43 shows three of a kind, Twos
gramps43 wins the pot ($42) with three of a kind, Twos
FloormanBob is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $44.20 | Rake $2.20
Board: [4d 2c 9h Js Ts]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob (small blind) showed [3s As] and lost with Ace Jack high
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) showed [2s 2h] and won ($42) with three of a kind,
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700384764: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:34:15 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($26.10)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($27)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($0), is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 ($45.90)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($25)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
- Tilted Rag3 - posts the big blind of $0.25
5 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
Time has expired
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ad Jc]
AQZ1234 has returned
DanielRose raises to $0.85
ArtVandelay02 folds
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob (button) is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700390033: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:34:43 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($26.10)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($27.35)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($0), is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 ($45.80)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($24.75)
- Tilted Rag3 - posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9h 2c]
DanielRose folds
FloormanBob: nh
ArtVandelay02 folds
gramps43 raises to $0.85
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
gramps43 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700396121: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:35:14 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.85)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($27.35)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: FloormanBob ($0), is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 ($46.15)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($24.65)
AQZ1234 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9s Th]
ArtVandelay02 folds
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.20)
FloormanBob stands up
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: FloormanBob is sitting out
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700399923: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:35:34 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.75)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($27.45)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($46.15)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($24.65)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
ArtVandelay02 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Td 8d]
RussianFlower sits down
RussianFlower adds $25
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose calls $0.15
ArtVandelay02 has 15 seconds left to act
ArtVandelay02 checks
*** FLOP *** [2h Js 2c]
DanielRose checks
ArtVandelay02 checks
*** TURN *** [2h Js 2c] [8c]
DanielRose checks
ArtVandelay02 has 15 seconds left to act
ArtVandelay02 bets $0.50
DanielRose calls $0.50
*** RIVER *** [2h Js 2c 8c] [2d]
DanielRose checks
ArtVandelay02 checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ArtVandelay02 shows [8s Kh] a full house, Twos full of Eights
DanielRose shows [Td 8d] a full house, Twos full of Eights
DanielRose ties for the pot ($0.75) with a full house, Twos full of Eights
ArtVandelay02 ties for the pot ($0.70) with a full house, Twos full of Eights
ArtVandelay02 adds $0.05
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.50 | Rake $0.05
Board: [2h Js 2c 8c 2d]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) showed [Td 8d] and won ($0.75) with a full house,
Twos full of Eights
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (big blind) showed [8s Kh] and won ($0.70) with a full
house, Twos full of Eights
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700417820: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:37:05 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.75)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($27.45)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($25)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($46.15)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($24.65)
ArtVandelay02 posts the small blind of $0.10
RussianFlower posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8c 3c]
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 has 15 seconds left to act
ArtVandelay02 adds $0.10
ArtVandelay02 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to RussianFlower
RussianFlower mucks
RussianFlower wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: RussianFlower (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700423266: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:37:33 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.75)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($27.45)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($25.10)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($46.15)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($24.65)
RussianFlower posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [As 3d]
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
AQZ1234 has timed out
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
gramps43 wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700429227: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:38:03 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.75), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($27.45)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($25)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($46.25)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($24.65)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
- Tilted Rag3 - posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Th Jc]
DanielRose has 15 seconds left to act
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 has 15 seconds left to act
ArtVandelay02 raises to $0.85
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to ArtVandelay02
ArtVandelay02 mucks
ArtVandelay02 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: RussianFlower (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700435900: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:38:37 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.75), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($27.45)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.85)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($25)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($46.15)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($24.40)
- Tilted Rag3 - posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6h Kd]
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 raises to $0.85
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
gramps43 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700438618: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:38:50 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.75), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($27.20)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.85)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($25)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($46.50)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($24.30)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
ArtVandelay02 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ad Qd]
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 has returned
DanielRose raises to $1
ArtVandelay02 has 15 seconds left to act
ArtVandelay02 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: RussianFlower didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (button) didn't bet (folded)
Full Tilt Poker Game #7700443868: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:39:16 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.75)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($27.45)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.60)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($25)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($46.50)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($24.30)
ArtVandelay02 posts the small blind of $0.10
RussianFlower posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [4h 4c]
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
DanielRose raises to $0.85
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower adds $0.25
RussianFlower folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: RussianFlower (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700448038: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:39:38 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.75)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($27.80)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($25)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($46.50)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($24.30)
RussianFlower posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2s 5d]
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower raises to $0.75
gramps43 calls $0.50
*** FLOP *** [Ah 5s Qd]
RussianFlower bets $1
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $1 returned to RussianFlower
RussianFlower mucks
RussianFlower wins the pot ($1.45)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.50 | Rake $0.05
Board: [Ah 5s Qd]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower (small blind) collected ($1.45), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700453076: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:40:03 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.75)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($27.80)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($25.70)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($45.75)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($24.30)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
- Tilted Rag3 - posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Js 4h]
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower raises to $0.85
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to RussianFlower
RussianFlower mucks
RussianFlower wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700456622: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:40:21 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.75)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($27.80)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($26.05)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($45.65)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($24.05)
- Tilted Rag3 - posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9h 4c]
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 raises to $0.75
RussianFlower raises to $2.60
gramps43 calls $2.60
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 folds
ArtVandelay02 has 15 seconds left to act
ArtVandelay02 adds $0.75
ArtVandelay02 folds
*** FLOP *** [6h 8h Jc]
RussianFlower bets $4
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $4 returned to RussianFlower
RussianFlower mucks
RussianFlower wins the pot ($6)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $6.30 | Rake $0.30
Board: [6h 8h Jc]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 folded before the Flop
Seat 4: RussianFlower collected ($6), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) folded on the Flop
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700472870: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:41:44 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.50)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($27.80)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($29.45)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($43.05)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($23.95)
AQZ1234 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qc Ks]
ArtVandelay02 has 15 seconds left to act
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower calls $0.25
gramps43 raises to $1.10
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 raises to $3.50
DanielRose folds
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 calls $2.40
*** FLOP *** [9h 4d Kh]
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 bets $5
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $5 returned to AQZ1234
AQZ1234 mucks
AQZ1234 wins the pot ($7.15)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $7.50 | Rake $0.35
Board: [9h 4d Kh]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) collected ($7.15), mucked
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 folded on the Flop
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700483316: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:42:37 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($29.15)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($27.55)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($29.20)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($39.55)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($23.95)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
ArtVandelay02 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ad Td]
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 raises to $0.85
DanielRose raises to $2.80
ArtVandelay02 adds $0.25
ArtVandelay02 folds
AQZ1234 calls $1.95
*** FLOP *** [7h Js 5s]
DanielRose bets $4
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $4 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($5.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $5.85 | Rake $0.25
Board: [7h Js 5s]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) collected ($5.60), mucked
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: RussianFlower didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700491587: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:43:19 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($26.35)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.35)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($29.20)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($39.55)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($23.95)
ArtVandelay02 posts the small blind of $0.10
RussianFlower posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Ah 3h]
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - raises to $1.10
AQZ1234 calls $1.10
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 adds $0.10
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower folds
*** FLOP *** [5d 2c Js]
- Tilted Rag3 - bets $2.10
AQZ1234 calls $2.10
*** TURN *** [5d 2c Js] [Ad]
- Tilted Rag3 - checks
AQZ1234 checks
*** RIVER *** [5d 2c Js Ad] [Ac]
- Tilted Rag3 - has 15 seconds left to act
- Tilted Rag3 - bets $3.10
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 has requested TIME
AQZ1234 calls $3.10
*** SHOW DOWN ***
- Tilted Rag3 - shows [Qd Qc] two pair, Aces and Queens
AQZ1234 mucks
- Tilted Rag3 - wins the pot ($12.35) with two pair, Aces and Queens
AQZ1234 adds $4.95
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $12.95 | Rake $0.60
Board: [5d 2c Js Ad Ac]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 mucked [8s 8d] - two pair, Aces and Eights
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: RussianFlower (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - showed [Qd Qc] and won ($12.35) with two pair, Aces and

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700505535: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:44:31 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.35)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($28.95)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($39.55)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($30)
RussianFlower posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5c 9h]
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 raises to $0.85
RussianFlower has 15 seconds left to act
RussianFlower raises to $3
gramps43 folds
ArtVandelay02 adds $0.85
ArtVandelay02 folds
Uncalled bet of $2.15 returned to RussianFlower
RussianFlower mucks
RussianFlower wins the pot ($1.95)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.95 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: RussianFlower (small blind) collected ($1.95), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700512411: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:45:06 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.35)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($30.05)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($39.30)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($30)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
- Tilted Rag3 - posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9s Jd]
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 has 15 seconds left to act
ArtVandelay02 raises to $0.75
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to ArtVandelay02
ArtVandelay02 mucks
ArtVandelay02 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: RussianFlower (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700517497: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:45:32 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.35)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.85)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($30.05)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($39.20)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($29.75)
- Tilted Rag3 - posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2h 7c]
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to AQZ1234
AQZ1234 mucks
AQZ1234 wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700520497: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:45:47 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.10)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.35)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.85)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($30.05)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($39.20)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($29.65)
AQZ1234 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [As Th]
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
AQZ1234 has timed out
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700527389: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:46:22 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.45)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.85)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($30.05)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($39.20)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($29.65)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
ArtVandelay02 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Tc 9d]
AQZ1234 has returned
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - has 15 seconds left to act
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to ArtVandelay02
ArtVandelay02 mucks
ArtVandelay02 wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 4: RussianFlower didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700531641: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:46:43 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.35)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.95)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($30.05)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($39.20)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($29.65)
ArtVandelay02 posts the small blind of $0.10
RussianFlower posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Js Ah]
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to AQZ1234
AQZ1234 mucks
AQZ1234 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: RussianFlower (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700538651: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:47:19 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.35)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.35)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.85)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($29.80)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($39.20)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($29.65)
RussianFlower posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9h Jh]
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose raises to $0.75
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700543668: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:47:45 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.35)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.70)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.85)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($29.70)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($38.95)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($29.65)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
- Tilted Rag3 - posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5h 2c]
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 raises to $0.75
RussianFlower calls $0.75
gramps43 calls $0.65
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
*** FLOP *** [8s 2h Jd]
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 checks
ArtVandelay02 bets $1.75
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.75 returned to ArtVandelay02
ArtVandelay02 mucks
ArtVandelay02 wins the pot ($2.40)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.50 | Rake $0.10
Board: [8s 2h Jd]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 collected ($2.40), mucked
Seat 4: RussianFlower (button) folded on the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700553818: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:48:36 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.35)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.70)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($19.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($28.95)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($38.20)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($29.40)
- Tilted Rag3 - posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6c Qs]
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 calls $0.25
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 has timed out
AQZ1234 checks
*** FLOP *** [2d 9s 7d]
AQZ1234 checks
ArtVandelay02 has 15 seconds left to act
ArtVandelay02 checks
*** TURN *** [2d 9s 7d] [8h]
AQZ1234 checks
ArtVandelay02 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
ArtVandelay02 bets $0.75
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to ArtVandelay02
ArtVandelay02 mucks
ArtVandelay02 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Board: [2d 9s 7d 8h]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 4: RussianFlower didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700566220: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:49:39 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.10), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.70)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($19.85)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($28.95)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($38.20)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($29.30)
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6c 5s]
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
Uncalled bet of $0.25 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700569264: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:49:54 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.10), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.70)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($19.85)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($28.95)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($38.20)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($29.30)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
ArtVandelay02 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Jd 4h]
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 raises to $0.85
AQZ1234 has returned
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
gramps43 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: RussianFlower didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700573134: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:50:14 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.10)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.60)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($19.60)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($28.95)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($38.55)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($29.30)
ArtVandelay02 posts the small blind of $0.10
RussianFlower posts the big blind of $0.25
5 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 is sitting out
Time has expired
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [As 3c]
AQZ1234 has returned
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
DanielRose raises to $0.75
ArtVandelay02 has 15 seconds left to act
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: RussianFlower (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)
Full Tilt Poker Game #7700579852: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:50:47 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.10)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.95)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($19.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($28.70)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($38.55)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($29.30)
RussianFlower posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7s 6d]
- Tilted Rag3 - raises to $1.10
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.85 returned to - Tilted Rag3 -
- Tilted Rag3 - mucks
- Tilted Rag3 - wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - collected ($0.60), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700583259: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:51:04 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.10)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.95)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($19.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($28.60)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($38.30)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($29.65)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
- Tilted Rag3 - posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [As 8c]
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower raises to $0.85
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to RussianFlower
RussianFlower mucks
RussianFlower wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700586746: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:51:22 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.10)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.95)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($19.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($28.95)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($38.20)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($29.40)
- Tilted Rag3 - posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5s Kh]
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower raises to $1
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 calls $0.75
*** FLOP *** [6d Jh 7h]
AQZ1234 checks
RussianFlower bets $1.50
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 adds $0.90
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to RussianFlower
RussianFlower mucks
RussianFlower wins the pot ($2)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.10 | Rake $0.10
Board: [6d Jh 7h]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower collected ($2), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700595930: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:52:08 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.95)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($19.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($29.95)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($38.20)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($29.30)
AQZ1234 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [9c Qc]
ArtVandelay02 has 15 seconds left to act
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 raises to $1
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to AQZ1234
AQZ1234 mucks
AQZ1234 wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700602298: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:52:40 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.70)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($19.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($29.95)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($38.20)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($29.30)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
ArtVandelay02 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7h Jc]
RussianFlower raises to $1
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 raises to $3.35
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower calls $2.35
*** FLOP *** [Tc 4d Kd]
RussianFlower checks
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 bets $4.50
RussianFlower folds
Uncalled bet of $4.50 returned to AQZ1234
AQZ1234 mucks
AQZ1234 wins the pot ($6.70)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $7.05 | Rake $0.35
Board: [Tc 4d Kd]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) collected ($6.70), mucked
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: RussianFlower folded on the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700613202: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:53:35 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($28.60)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.60)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($19.25)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($26.60)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($38.20)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($29.30)
ArtVandelay02 posts the small blind of $0.10
RussianFlower posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2d 6d]
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to RussianFlower
RussianFlower mucks
RussianFlower wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: RussianFlower (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700618328: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:54:01 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($28.60)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.60)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($19.15)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($26.70)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($38.20)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($29.30)
RussianFlower posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6c 4d]
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
gramps43 wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700623193: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:54:25 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($28.60)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.60)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($19.15)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($26.60)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($38.30)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($29.30)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
- Tilted Rag3 - posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [8h 5s]
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower raises to $0.85
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to RussianFlower
RussianFlower mucks
RussianFlower wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700626893: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:54:43 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($28.60)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.60)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($19.15)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($26.95)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($38.20)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($29.05)
- Tilted Rag3 - posts the small blind of $0.10
AQZ1234 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [5h Qs]
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower raises to $0.85
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 calls $0.60
*** FLOP *** [8d 4c 3c]
AQZ1234 checks
RussianFlower bets $1.50
AQZ1234 raises to $5
RussianFlower raises to $10.25
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 has requested TIME
AQZ1234 adds $2.25
AQZ1234 folds
Uncalled bet of $5.25 returned to RussianFlower
RussianFlower mucks
RussianFlower wins the pot ($11.25)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $11.80 | Rake $0.55
Board: [8d 4c 3c]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower collected ($11.25), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700641666: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:55:57 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.60)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($19.15)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($32.35)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($38.20)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($28.95)
AQZ1234 posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Th 2s]
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 raises to $0.85
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 adds $0.10
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
gramps43 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700646353: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:56:21 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.35)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($19.15)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($32.35)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($38.55)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($28.95)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
ArtVandelay02 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [2d 9c]
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.60 returned to AQZ1234
AQZ1234 mucks
AQZ1234 wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: RussianFlower didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700651090: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:56:44 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.35)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.25)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($18.90)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($32.35)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($38.55)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($28.95)
ArtVandelay02 posts the small blind of $0.10
RussianFlower posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6h Ah]
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose raises to $0.75
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower folds
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.60)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.60 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) collected ($0.60), mucked
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: RussianFlower (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700658479: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:57:21 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.35)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.60)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($18.80)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($32.10)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($38.55)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($28.95)
RussianFlower posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [3c Kd]
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 folds
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower raises to $0.75
gramps43 calls $0.50
*** FLOP *** [7h Qs 9s]
RussianFlower checks
gramps43 bets $1.25
RussianFlower folds
Uncalled bet of $1.25 returned to gramps43
gramps43 mucks
gramps43 wins the pot ($1.45)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.50 | Rake $0.05
Board: [7h Qs 9s]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) collected ($1.45), mucked
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700667944: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:58:09 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($25.35)
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.60)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($18.80)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($31.35)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($39.25)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($28.95)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
- Tilted Rag3 - posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [6h 5s]
AQZ1234 raises to $0.85
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 calls $0.85
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
*** FLOP *** [6s 4c 4h]
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 bets $1.50
ArtVandelay02 calls $1.50
*** TURN *** [6s 4c 4h] [4d]
AQZ1234 bets $3.50
ArtVandelay02 calls $3.50
*** RIVER *** [6s 4c 4h 4d] [4s]
AQZ1234 has 15 seconds left to act
AQZ1234 checks
ArtVandelay02 checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
AQZ1234 shows [8c 8s] four of a kind, Fours
ArtVandelay02 mucks
AQZ1234 wins the pot ($11.45) with four of a kind, Fours
AQZ1234 is sitting out
ArtVandelay02 adds $4.55
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $12.05 | Rake $0.60
Board: [6s 4c 4h 4d 4s]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 showed [8c 8s] and won ($11.45) with four of a kind, Fours
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 mucked [6c 6d] - four of a kind, Fours
Seat 4: RussianFlower (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700680969: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:59:14 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($30.95), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.60)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($31.35)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($39.15)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($28.70)
- Tilted Rag3 - posts the small blind of $0.10
DanielRose posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Td 9s]
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - raises to $1
DanielRose folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to - Tilted Rag3 -
- Tilted Rag3 - mucks
- Tilted Rag3 - wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700685933: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:59:39 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($30.95), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.35)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($31.35)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($39.15)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($28.95)
DanielRose posts the small blind of $0.10
ArtVandelay02 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qd Ac]
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
DanielRose raises to $1
ArtVandelay02 adds $0.25
ArtVandelay02 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.75 returned to DanielRose
DanielRose mucks
DanielRose wins the pot ($0.50)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.50 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (small blind) collected ($0.50), mucked
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: RussianFlower didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (button) didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700689788: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 14:59:58 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($30.95), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.60)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($31.35)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($39.15)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($28.95)
ArtVandelay02 posts the small blind of $0.10
RussianFlower posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Qd 8c]
gramps43 folds
- Tilted Rag3 - folds
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 adds $0.10
ArtVandelay02 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to RussianFlower
RussianFlower mucks
RussianFlower wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: RussianFlower (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked
Seat 5: gramps43 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700694135: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 15:00:21 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($30.95), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.60)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($31.45)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($39.15)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($28.95)
RussianFlower posts the small blind of $0.10
gramps43 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [Jd 2c]
- Tilted Rag3 - raises to $1.10
DanielRose folds
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower folds
gramps43 raises to $3.40
- Tilted Rag3 - calls $2.30
*** FLOP *** [7c 5h 4s]
gramps43 checks
- Tilted Rag3 - has 15 seconds left to act
- Tilted Rag3 - checks
*** TURN *** [7c 5h 4s] [7d]
gramps43 has 15 seconds left to act
gramps43 checks
- Tilted Rag3 - has 15 seconds left to act
- Tilted Rag3 - bets $3.30
gramps43 calls $3.30
*** RIVER *** [7c 5h 4s 7d] [9s]
gramps43 bets $8
- Tilted Rag3 - calls $8
*** SHOW DOWN ***
gramps43 shows [Kd Ac] a pair of Sevens
- Tilted Rag3 - shows [Js Jh] two pair, Jacks and Sevens
- Tilted Rag3 - wins the pot ($28.05) with two pair, Jacks and Sevens
gramps43 adds $0.55
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $29.50 | Rake $1.45
Board: [7c 5h 4s 7d 9s]
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: gramps43 (big blind) showed [Kd Ac] and lost with a pair of Sevens
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - showed [Js Jh] and won ($28.05) with two pair, Jacks and

Full Tilt Poker Game #7700709402: Table Zebra (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit
Hold'em - 15:01:37 ET - 2008/08/18
Seat 1: AQZ1234 ($30.95), is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose ($30.60)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 ($17.50)
Seat 4: RussianFlower ($31.35)
Seat 5: gramps43 ($25)
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - ($42.30)
gramps43 posts the small blind of $0.10
- Tilted Rag3 - posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DanielRose [7d 3s]
AQZ1234 stands up
DanielRose folds
DanielRose is sitting out
DanielRose has returned
ArtVandelay02 folds
RussianFlower folds
DanielRose is sitting out
gramps43 adds $0.10
gramps43 folds
Uncalled bet of $0.15 returned to - Tilted Rag3 -
- Tilted Rag3 - mucks
- Tilted Rag3 - wins the pot ($0.20)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.20 | Rake $0
Seat 1: AQZ1234 is sitting out
Seat 2: DanielRose didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ArtVandelay02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: RussianFlower (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: gramps43 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: - Tilted Rag3 - (big blind) collected ($0.20), mucked

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