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Interview Guide Questions

1. Company Profile, Vision, Mission, and Core Values

2. Is the company ISO certified? Latest ISO (Internationaal Organization for
Standardization )
3. What are the challenges encountered on the process of becoming ISO certified company?
4. If the company is ISO certified, How to manage workers as being a known ISO certified
5. How is the efficiency of outputs measured? (employee ---- > product (students) )
6. Is there a centralized system used to maintain total quality of output? (i.e. kaizen,
7. Do you have a continuous improvement as an organization?
8. In situations like customer complaints, how do you solve and handle the problem?
9. What department deals with customer complaints?
10. Waste management of raw materials
11. Challenges in Operations Management maintaining the company’s quality brand.
12. Have you encountered error margin for productions and how are defects dealt after
13. Often Problems of operations department and solutions done. (i.e. fruit season, operating
costs, fruit riping etc. )
14. Were there any circumstances that the company didn’t hit its targeted production volume
in the past and present?
15. Do you provide training to all of the employees?
16. Do your chef instructors/professors have to be a graduate from school itself? Does their
performance need to be outstanding?
17. I’ve read in your website that your company is record breaker in the Guinness Book of
World Records, how does it affect to your company?

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