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STORY: AMISOM renovates water wells to improve access

to safe water in Beletweyne

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1. Wide shot, women and children fetching water at a newly renovated well in
2. Med shot, children fetching water
3. Wide shot, AMISOM Djibouti contingent Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) officer,
Lieutenant Ibrahim Yussuf Ahmed and the mayor of Beletweyne, Nadar Tibah Maalin
looking on
4. Med shot, Lieutenant Ibrahim Yussuf Ahmed drinks some water
5. Close up shot, Lieutenant Ibrahim Yussuf Ahmed drinking water from the well
6. Wide shot, Lieutenant Ibrahim Yussuf Ahmed drinking water as women gather at
7. SOUNDBITE: (SOMALI) Lieutenant Ibrahim Yussuf Ahmed, AMISOM Djibouti
contingent Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) officer
“Water is vital and the public here really needs it. As you can see they are really
happy, they are fetching water and even their livestock is drinking the water. We
hope to bring more of such projects. Today we have opened these 5 wells and at the
end of the month we hope to inshaAllah renovate another well in Mahas town,”

8. Close up shot, water pouring into a jerrican

9. Med shot, Lieutenant Ibrahim Yussuf Ahmed pumping water
10. Close up shot, Nadar Tibah Maalin, the mayor of Beletweyne pumping water
11. Med shot, women and children fetching water
12. SOUNDBITE: (SOMALI) Nadar Tibah Maalin, Mayor of Beletweyne
“Human life depends on water. When I last came here this well was not operational
because it was filled up with a lot of debris and so it was renovated together with
other 4 wells and the renovation works was courtesy of our brothers AMISOM and
their support will benefit hundreds of people,”
13. Med shot, Nadar Tibah Maalin, Mayor of Beletweyne stamps the handover
14. Close up shot, Nadar Tibah Maalin, the Mayor of Beletweyne signing the
15. Close up shot, Lieutenant Ibrahim Yussuf Ahmed signing
16. Med shot, Nadar Tibah Maalin, the mayor of Beletweyne looking on
17. Wide shot, exchange of the signed handover documents
18. SOUNDBITE: (SOMALI) Ismail Ibrahim Habiye, the deputy chairperson of the
Domey IDP camp
“We thank the Djibouti contingent for the support extended to the needy people, we
have really benefited from the well they renovated and it was a present for us the
IDPs who were really suffering without water and we hope they will bring us even
much more support,”

18. Wide shot, women and children carrying water from the newly renovated well

AMISOM renovates water wells to improve access to safe water in Beletweyne

Beletweyne, 4 December 2020 – The Djiboutian contingent of the African Union

Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has handed over water wells to improve access to
clean and safe water for residents of Beletweyne, in Hiiraan region.

AMISOM funded the construction and renovation of five wells, to benefit needy
families in the internally displaced people’s (IDP) camps in Bundaweyn village, east
of Beletweyne district.

Speaking during the handover on Thursday, the AMISOM Djibouti contingent Civil-
Military Cooperation (CIMIC) officer, Lieutenant Ibrahim Yussuf Ahmed said the
project would improve health and sanitation in the camps.

“Water is vital and the public here really needs it. As you can see they are really
happy, they are fetching water and even their livestock is drinking the water. We
hope to bring more of such projects. Today we have opened these 5 wells and at the
end of the month we hope to inshaAllah renovate another well in Mahas town,” Lt.
Ibrahim said.

The mayor of Beletweyne, Nadar Tibah Maalin, hailed the AMISOM Djibouti
contingent for the support, adding that the wells would alleviate water shortages
and improve access to safe drinking.
“Human life depends on water. When I last came here this well was not operational
because it was filled up with a lot of debris and so it was renovated together with
other 4 wells and the renovation work was courtesy of our brothers AMISOM and
their support will benefit hundreds of people,” said mayor Nadar.

Ismail Ibrahim Habiye, the deputy chairperson of the Domey IDP camp, hailed the
AMISOM Djibouti contingent for the support through the “Hiil Walaal” initiative and
asked for more Quick Impact Projects in the IDP camps.

“We thank the Djibouti contingent for the support extended to the needy people, we
have really benefited from the well they renovated and it was a present for us the
IDPs who were really suffering without water and we hope they will bring us even
much more support,” said Habiye.


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