Academic Reading and Writing

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University of Education Lahore

Department of English

Course Title: Academic Reading and Writing

Programme: BS ENGLISH

Course Code: ENGL1116

Instructor Name: Miss Atia Rehman

T e P r s of pee
• Traditional grammar classifies words based on eight parts of
1. Noun
2. Pronoun
3. Verb
4. Adverb
5. Adjective
6. Preposition
7. Conjunction
8. interjection

• Each part of speech explains not what the word is, but how the word
is used.
• In fact, the same word can be a noun in one sentence and a verb or
adjective in the next.
• Getting meaning
• They are encouraging reports. (Is it meaningful?)
• A noun is the name of any thing.

• Nouns are usually the first words which small children learn.
• Late last year our neighbors bought a goat.
• Portia White was an opera singer.
• The bus inspector looked at all the passengers' passes.
• According to Plutarch, the library at Alexandria was destroyed in 48
• Philosophy is of little comfort to the starving.
• A noun can function in a sentence as
• a subject, (e.g, Emma baked a cake.)
• a direct object, (e.g, Emma baked a cake.)
• an indirect object: (e.g, Emma backed Kate a cake.)
• a subject complement, (e.g, Peter is an honest banker.)
• an object complement, (e.g, Chocolate makes Tania happy.)
• an appositive, (e.g, My teacher, Miss Liza, is from England.)
• an adjective, (e.g, Andi purchased a mountain bike.)
• or an adverb, (e.g,I can barely see a foot in front of me in this fog.

1. Noun Plurals,(e.g, truth/ truths, echo/ echoes, etc)

2. Noun Gender,(Male,Female)
3. Possessive Nouns,(e.g, prime minister's, Passenger’s pass.etc)

A noun or pronoun changes its form to show that it owns or is closely related to
something else. Usually, nouns become possessive by adding a combination of
an apostrophe and the letter "s."
• The red suitcase is Cassandra's.
• The miner's face was covered in coal dust.
1. A common noun is a noun referring to a person, place, or thing in a general
sense -- usually, you should write it with a capital letter only when it begins a
• Use with specific person, place, or thing.
• The names of days of the week, months, historical documents, institutions,
organizations, religions, their holy texts and their adherents are proper nouns.
1. Many people dread Monday mornings.
2. Beltane is celebrated on the first of May.
• which you can not perceive through your five physical senses.
• Buying the fire extinguisher was an afterthought.
• Tillie is amused by people who are nostalgic about childhood.
• Justice often seems to slip out of our grasp.
• Some scientists believe that schizophrenia is transmitted genetically.
• Noun with both a singular and a plural form.

1. We painted the table red and the chairs blue.
2. Since he inherited his aunt's library, Jerome spends every
weekend indexing his books.
• Naming a group of things, animals, or persons.
• Think of the group as a whole .

1. The flock of geese spends most of its time in the pasture
2. The steering committee meets every Wednesday afternoon.
3. The class was startled by the bursting light bulb.
A pronoun can replace a noun or another pronoun to avoid repetition.
1. I was glad to find the bus pass in the bottom of the green knapsack.
2. You are surely the strangest child I have ever met.
3. He stole the selkie's skin and forced her to live with him.
• The verb is perhaps the most important part of the sentence.
• A verb or compound verb asserts something about the subject of the
sentence and express actions, events, or states of being.

• The verb or compound verb is the critical element of the predicate of a


In each of the following sentences, the verb or compound verb is

1. Dracula bites his victims on the neck.
2. In early October, Giselle will plant twenty tulip bulbs.
3. My first teacher was Miss Crawford, but I remember the janitor Mr.
Weather bee more vividly.
4. Karl Creelman bicycled around the world in 1899, but his diaries
and his bicycle were destroyed.
Adverb are the words that modify
▪ A verb (He drove slowly –— How did he drive ?)
• An adjective (He drove a very fast car. — How fast was his car?)
• Another adverb (She moved quite slowly down the aisle. — How
slowly did she move?)
• Phrase (I parked the car right here.)
• Clause(Your face becomes red when you are angry.)
Kinds of Adverb
• Adverb of manner
• Adverb of place
• Adverb of time
• Adverb of frequency
➢Adverb of Manner

• Adverbs of manner tell us how something happens. They are usually

placed either after the main verb or after the object.
• E.g,happily,sadly.nicely,rudely,carefully.harshly,decently,carelesly,sypat
hetically etc.
▪ He swims well.
▪ He runs fast.
▪ He swims extremely quickly.
➢Adverb of place

• Place of an occurrence
• usually placed after the main verb or after the clause that they modify.
• E.g, here,there,near,outside,inside,bottom,top,ahead,somewhere,beneath etc.
•He went downstairs.
• I'm going back to school.
• They built a house nearby.
➢Adverb of Time

• Time of occurrence of an action

• E.g, soon,late,today,tonight,early,tomorrow,yesterday,then,now,still, etc


▪ I am still waiting for my friend.

▪ I am going on vacation for a week.

▪ This magazine is published monthly.

➢Adverb of frequency

• How many time an action occurs

• Frequency of an utterance of an action
e.g. daily,weekly,seldom,frequently,usually,sometimes,most of the
times,again and again,often,etc.
• I meet him daily.
• They came here too often.
• An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying, or
quantifying words. An adjective usually precedes the noun or the pronoun
which it modifies.
1. The truck-shaped balloon floated over the treetops.
2. Mrs. Morrison papered her kitchen walls with hideous wall paper.
3. The small boat foundered on the wine dark sea.
4. The coal mines are dark and dank.
• Conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, clauses or sentences.
1. I ate the pizza and the pasta.
2. Call the movers when you are ready.
3. Lilacs and violets are usually purple.
4. Jack and john went up the hill.
5. Either Monday or Tuesday is fine.
Kinds of conjunction
• There are two main kinds of conjunctions.
1.Coordinating conjunctions.
2. Subordinating conjunctions.
❖Coordinating conjunctions
❖A kind of conjunction which joins two independent clauses.
❖He like tea and coffee.
❖John like tea but jack like coffee.
❖Some common coordinating conjunctions are
• And, but, for, nor, but, yet, so, or [FANBOYS]
➢Subordinating conjunctions

• A kind of conjunction which joins a dependent clause to an

independent clause.
• john went swimming although it was raining.
• Whether or not you agree, I think it looks fine.
➢Some of the common subordinating conjunctions are:
▪ although, after, as, whether, when, because, before, if, since,
whereas, while etc.
• A preposition links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words
in a sentence.
• The word or phrase that the preposition introduces is called the
object of the preposition.
1. The book is on the table.
2. The book is beneath the table.
3. The book is leaning against the table.
4. The book is beside the table.
Kinds of preposition
1.Preposition of location
2.Preposition of time
3.Preposition of direction

➢Preposition of location
▪ It is used to indicate the location or position of the objects.
▪ Examples are on, in, under, in front of, among, between
➢Prepositions of time

• Are used to show when things happen.

• By, for, after, before, after, since, at
and during.
➢ Prepositions of direction
• Are used to show direction of movement to and from a fixed point.
▪ To, from, into, along, over, through, across and around.
• An interjection is a word added to a sentence to convey
emotion. It is not grammatically related to any other part of the
• The have no grammatical relation to any word in the sentence.
• Interjections at the beginning of the sentence is followed by the
exclamation mark.
1. Ouch, that hurt!
2. Oh no, I forgot that the exam was today.
3. Hey! Put that down!
4. Alas! This is the end.

1. Read the following sentences and name the parts of speech of

each word.
a) The doctor immediately gave him the certificate of health.
b) Both he and his sister attended the marriage ceremony.
c) Co-operation is nothing but superficial manifestation of love.
d) The way to receive is to give.
e) Activity is life and inactivity means death.





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