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Journal of Xidian University

5/086 ISSN No:1001-2400

College Information Chat-Bot System Based on

Natural Language Processing
Raju Shanmugam#1,Soumya Ranjan Jena#2,Vishvaketan Gaur#3
Professor and Dean, #2Assistant Professor, #3Under Graduate Student
School of Computing Science & Engineering, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, U.P., India

Abstract— There is a lots of format for a user interface application software i.e. command line, graphical, and traditional
ones. We can consider even voice as the user interface application. Basically, Chat-Bots system can be defined as the
virtual agents who interact with the human beings. Chat-Bot System is an interface application which allows a user to
interact with the text-based commands as well as the speech responses. It’s an integrated system with the web-pages
which helps to utilize by the larger dividends.

Keywords— College Information, Chat-Bot, Natural Language Processing, Porter Stemmer Algorithm.

Chat-Bot, is an artificial individual or human who interacts with the human beings. Conversation can be of
a text-based conservation, verbal or non-verbal conversation. It can be accessed through Desktop, Mobile
Phones or other peripheral devices, It works on the active connection of an Internet. We can see these
systems from old classical HTML- based website to modern day E-commerce as well as the food ordering

It Works on the algorithm of NPL (Natural Processing Language), hard to distinguish the module so it is
refers as the “Chat-Bot System”. With the help of the Chat-Bot system, we can talk or convey the
complaint as well can give the feedback to the respective organization as well as to the institution.

Basically, this paper is regarding to the College Information Chat-Bot System, which can help the students
to overcome from the helpdesk chaos. The rest of the papers is written in the following manner. Section-II
describes the modules and description. Section-III tells us regarding related research works. Research
challenges and research requirements are highlighted in Section-IV and Section-V respectively. Research
set-up has been given in Section-VI. Section-VII tells about system framework. The proposed method has
been given in Section-VIII. Output has been narrated in Section-IX. Proposed system advantages,
disadvantages and applications are given in Section-X. Last but not the list conclusion and future research
directions has been given in Section-XI.


Admin Login
User has to login with their credentials (i.e. User Id and Password) on the portal to access the various
pages and to ask the queries or to complain with the assistance of the bots.

Chat with Bot

User can interact with the bot which allows asking or to enquire about the college related activities rather
than help from the college helpdesk or college staff.

VOLUME 14, ISSUE 5, 2020 825

Journal of Xidian University ISSN No:1001-2400

Text to Speech
This module describes that, it converts the text to the speech which helps to get the response in the verbal
form. So it can be called as the verbal conversation.


Eliza [1] is considered as the first Chat-Bot which chips away at the example coordinating framework. It is
created by the MIT Professor Joseph Weizenbaum in 1964. A.L.I.C.E [1] (Artifical Linguistic Internet
Computer Entity), is created in 1995, is an all inclusive language handling visit bot that utilizes, Heuristic
Pattern coordinating to convey discussions. It has more than 40,000 characterizations, where each order
has mix of model and its response. Md. Shahriare Satu and Shamim-AI-Mamun [2] demonstrated the
overview of uses of the Chatbot which are made using the AIML substance. Thomas N. T. also, Amrita
Vishwa [4] organized an AIML and LSA based chatbot to give the customer care organization over the E-
exchange destinations. Their philosophy shows we can improve the chatbot limit by adding various
models to it. In android working structure, we can execute the chatbot using the various systems.

One of the methodologies is showed up by Rushabh Jain and Burhanuddin Lokhandwal [4] in their
Android based Chat-Bot paper. Parry was constructed by Psychiatrist Kenneth Colby in 1972. It attempts
to stimulate the disease. Jabberwacky, was created by developer in 1988 by Rollo Carpenter which is to
stimulate a human conversation. Mitsuku [10] is in creative Labs for Ms-Dos in the year 1992. Also, this
was the first step towards the A.I. Siri, was created by the tech giant Apple Inc. in the year 2010. It was as
the personal assistant inbuilt into the mobile phones (i-phones). OK Google was developed by the Google
Inc. in the year 2012. It is also the personal assistant which answers the questions asked by the users as
well as performs the action. Cortona is a personal assistant which was developed by the Microsoft into
their desktop systems. Alexa is just like the personal assistant as like the OK Google and Cortona which
was developed by the Amazon.
This system is for those who’re not indulged into the technology or not active into this term and the
inaccurate answers to the respected questions. It helps to fill up the communication gap between students
and college. Traditionally, Students no need to go to the college from miles away just to enquire about any
information related to college.

The different requirements of this research work are:

Hardware Requirements:

-i3 Processor (Or advanced version) required

-4GB (Or more) required

- Display monitor

Software Requirements:

-Windows version 7 (Or higher version OS) required

VOLUME 14, ISSUE 5, 2020 826

Journal of Xidian University ISSN No:1001-2400

-Kernel Version 3.0.16 or Higher

- Active Internet Connection


Once the Chat-Bot comprehends the client's message, the subsequent stage is to produce a reply. One route
is to produce a straightforward static reply. Another route is to get a format dependent on aim and put in
certain factors. The Chat-Bot improvement organization picks the strategy for creating the reply relying
upon the reason for which Chat-Bots are utilized. On the off chance that the appropriate responses
discovered invalid answer of the accompanying inquiry, at that point the client a snap on the invalid catch,
which illuminates the executive about the mistaken answer. Be that as it may, Admin can take a gander at
the mistaken/invalid answers. Similarly allows executive to delete the invalid answer or to incorporate the
particular answers. It assists a student asking any question in regards to school exercises through the
framework. Initially, the framework examines the inquiries and answer to the understudy. Likewise,
update the understudies about the school exercises.


System Design
It is characterized as the way toward defining the segments for example designs, modules, interface, and
information for an offered framework to fulfil determined necessities. Framework configuration could be
viewed as the use of framework hypothesis to item advancement. It covers with the control of a framework
investigation, framework design and framework building.

Principles of System Design

Try not to be a human:

Playing lure switch with a client can cause them to feel that they been tricked, or that they don't see how a
framework functions; both are terrible encounters. Maintain a strategic distance from, Indicators or fake
postponements to cause the UI to appear to be increasingly human, Interaction between the client and the
bot framework plainly marked in a manner that conveys progressively human.

Keep It Simple:
Discussion ought to be limited to specific subjects and follow straight discussions streams and do maintain
a strategic distance from muddled stretching ways. It's alright to uncover and clarify confinements as users
will tire of complicated passage of dialogue.

Give a getaway incubate:

Continuously have a human fallback alternative, permitting the client to communicate for example

"I would preferably pause and converse with a genuine human, cause this robot thing to leave."

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Journal of Xidian University ISSN No:1001-2400

Utilize structured information when conceivable:

Try not to put clients in a circumstance where they have to figure the right mantra required to continue.
Custom Soft consoles license a restricted scope of information and can spare a lot of composing. For
example as opposed to requesting that the end client type ''Yes'' or "No''.

System Design Architecture

Fig. 1 System Design for College Information Chat-Bot System

The system architecture of college information Chat-Bot given in Fig.1 consists of 7 modules which can
be described as follows.

Add User:
Add user adds clients to the framework where every client is given as a username and password to get into
the framework.
Database Server:
Database server contains the record for the number of client’s login credentials, similar to College Data,
User Queries and so forth.

Manage Course:

In manage course module the administrator plays out the different assignments to get into the database
different school data like placement cell information, department information, class schedule and so forth.

View Chat:
In view chart module, inquiry is give as input by the user and the Chat-Bot answers to the user questions in
like manner. In this way, user can see the visit which the client had with the Chat-Bot framework.

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Journal of Xidian University ISSN No:1001-2400

Administrator in upload module transfers the general notification like schedule, exam dates, fee structure,
events and fests, seminar-conference notice and so forth.

In this module, if the client believes that answer doesn't fulfill in regards to the client inquiry then he can
stamp that answer as invalid. Afterward, It can be seen by the administrator and can erase or include or
adjust explicit answer.

This is where client subsequent to completing his work signs out from the framework.


Algorithm Used: Porter Stemmer Algorithm:

This algorithmic program is utilized for fixing or expelling the postfixes naturally from words in English.

 Get free off plurals and - ed and - ing postfixes.

 Turns Terminals y to I when there is another
 Maps two fold postfixes to single ones: - ization , - ational, and so forth..
 Deals with postfixes, - full, - ness, - and so forth. Take off – insect, - ence, and so forth. Evacuates
a last - e.

This algorithm is utilized in the undertaking and developed by the Micahel Maudlin in 1994.

So when client presents its Questions, We store that in a variable "Inquiry".

- After that we bring all the fundamental catchphrases from question table of the "Database", and check if
"Inquiry" through 4 watchword in it.
- If "No" at that point we state no answer found.
- If "Yes" at that point we carry all the sub-watchword with its answer of that coordinating fundamental
- Then, We have to pass the “Query" through 4-Keywords check technique **4Keyword checks all the 4
Sub-Keywords are in "Inquiry".-

Code Snippet: if(strops($query.$k1)!==false&&strops($query.$k2)!==

False && strops($query.$k3)!==false && strops($query.$k4)!==false)
- If the entry matches with the keyword then we have to take that answer and then submit it to the user.
- if not matches then we pass the ”Query” through 3-Keyword match algorithm.
- And also for 2 and 1 keyword match.
- If we didn’t get the output then,” NO” answer found

VOLUME 14, ISSUE 5, 2020 829

Journal of Xidian University ISSN No:1001-2400


The output results of the proposed Chat-Bot system are given in Fig, 2 and 3.

Fig. 2 Chat-Bot login panel

Fig. 3 Chat-Bot output


 With the help of Chat-Bot a student need not have to physically present to college office for the
 Chat-Bot helps students to get information day-to-day college news and different cultural
 This assists with sparing time for the understudies just as educating and non-instructing staff.
 It helps to save time from the crowd outside the enquiry office.

VOLUME 14, ISSUE 5, 2020 830

Journal of Xidian University ISSN No:1001-2400

 24 * 7 active internet connection is required.
 Language issue may arise.


 Artificial Intelligent based Chat-Bot framework helps the universities/colleges around the nation
and furthermore can be utilized in different firms.
 This Chat-Bot can likewise be installed on the site of the corporate areas, lodging and the
executives businesses and so on.


After interacting with the lots of users for taking the different questions and feedbacks about the related
query or issues we can say the future scope of the Chat-Bot system, which will help us to get rid of the
lazy typing, as well as in the upcoming era we can introduce the speech recognition system for the easiness
of the users. Thereafter, we can expect that we got the reliable and satisfied answers in the multiple spoken
languages. The fundamental goal of this research is to build up that will be utilized to distinguish answers
identified by client submitted questions.

The need is to build up a database with all the related information will be put away and build up a web
interface which consists of two sections: one for the basic client and the other for the administrator. The
need is to develop a database which stores data about college related stuffs. A coordinate system will be
made and passed on the web server for the interaction between Chat-Bots and the users. If there will be
any unsatisfied answer of the related query, so it is directed to pass on the administrator in the sense of
invalid answer, which will help to add, delete or modify these. It will help to increase the relevancy and
efficiency of the proposed system on Chat-Bot.


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