How Does Poetry Influence Our Brain.

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How does poetry influence our brain

SUBMITED BY: Maheen Rahman


DATE: 2 December 2019

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Poetry is an expression of thoughts, a way to elaborate
feelings and indeed a blessing in disguise. A piece of poetry is
not necessarily generic. Poetry can be specific or it can be as
general as a global law. A poet can be considered a person who
has a unique perspective of everything, if normal person sees
something, he or she just passes by but a poet, he or she looks
at it, understands it, relates it to something and then
implements it on life judging whether the outcome is beautiful
and remember able or not. As compared to western culture, in
Pakistan poetry is considered a quality and a skill. If a person
has a significant vocabulary of poetry and skill to use it at the
right place and at the right time, he or she is considered to be
more intellectual and sensible as compared to a simple speaker.
Poetry consists of a rhythm, a rhyme, a presenting style, a tone
and an aftereffect, all of these things when combined in correct
amounts, makes up a perfect piece of poetry. There are 5 basic
senses of a human being and if anything effects even one of
those 5 senses, the person is affected. Poetry effects those
senses in a way that one feels comfortable and relaxed. Poetry
reconsiders a thought in a way that before implementing that
thought, a person can see all the aspects and possible
consequences of that particular action to be done, which
minimizes the hazards possible.

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There is a saying:
“Poetry is an ordinary language raised to the nth power…”

History is evident that those who spoke with the help or support
of poetry were more effective and audible as compared to those
who just followed the trend of intense speech and unconditional
statements. For example, Allama Iqbal is considered a legend,
an inspiration and a role model, same as Muhammad Ali
Jinnah. It is true that the vision was Quaid’s, the struggle was
his doing, Allama Iqbal only explained and conveyed that vision
through poetry however both of them are respected and seen
equally. The works of Allama Iqbal are still read, followed and
looked up to, for inspiration and knowledge. Poetry has a direct
link with music and a similar effect as well; an example is, when
Noor Jehan sang on the warfront during Pakistan-India War in
1965, that poetry and the intense music lit a fire in the hearts
and minds of our army. This very well explains the effect and
stimulations caused by poetry on our hearts and minds. In all of
the 3rd-world heritage, poetry has a significant role and
importance. Beginning from 2500 B.C till the present day,
poetry has been a significant source of enjoyment, knowledge
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and even depression because it unveils things and truths that
are indeed dark, but it someone accepts them and believes in
them, he or she sees the world from a whole new perspective.
In Aristotle’s times, poetry was basically divided amongst three
categories, the epic, the comic and the tragic however;
nowadays poetry is divided in three different terms i.e epic,
lyric and dramatic each of these having respective meanings
and definitions.

The effect of poetry on our brain is quite noticeable and
significant. MRI scans have shown that a good and intense
piece of poetry stimulates the right hemisphere of the brain
which causes shivers down the spine or goose bumps, linking
poetry to emotions and feelings directly. Reading poetry helps
us relax and enjoy in difficult times, reducing and minimizing
the effect of depression, anxiety and self-restriction. In addition,
interaction with poetry also strengthens the overall cognitive
health and power of the brain. When a person comes across a
difficult and multi-meaning piece of poetry, he or she thinks
endlessly until a correct perception or understanding of the
poetry is achieved. This brain storming increases and improves
the overall capability and stamina of the brain. Another thing is
that a person who understand and reads poetry on a daily basis
tends to see things, situations, events and even problems from

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different and unique aspects which makes him more patient
and confident on whatever he or she decides. Some people read
poetry to increase their speaking quality and emphasis as
poetry serves as a supporting material in daily arguments and
It is an understood fact that memorizing things increases the
memory quality of the brain. It also puts a person into self-
reflection, which is when a person meets himself or herself
through thoughts and emotions which were triggered by poetry
in the first place. Self-reflection improves patience, increases
self-confidence and eliminates character and personality flaws.
Self-reflection is also a good way to criticize your own actions
and their unwanted consequences in a way that you do not
repeat them. Apart from this phenomena, the stimulation in
brain caused by poetry releases hormones that trigger
happiness and satisfaction. So it is better to read a good piece
of poetry than take a bunch of body relaxants or anti-
depression pills.

In conclusion, there are only a few things in the world that can
act as a support, sources of enjoyment, distractions from the
worldly depression and problems and good habits, poetry is
indeed one of them. So if something has such a capability, it
should be respected, taken care of and preserved so that it
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remains. A genuine problem of the society, we take beneficial
things for granted, up to the extent that they achieve
extinction. The use and hype of poetry is decreasing as we move
forward and I can very well see that one people will consider
those fools who speak in a majestic way or deliver a piece of
poetry. So it is better that we conserve poetry and respect it
before it’s too late.

Word count: 1000 words

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