Reflection On Personal Goals

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Samantha Bickley

Throughout this course, my goal is to be able to expand the ways I write in order to get my point across to
the reader more fluently and easily than ever before. I think I personally learn best by writing things
down to actually end up understanding how I can gain the knowledge of how to do this. After writing
down the different theories and terms that will help me better my skills, I will be able to start attempting
to apply them in my future writing assignments throughout the semester, and hopefully by the end of the
semester be able to fluently write with rhetoric like it is natural. Creating my own personal work has
never really been an issue for me, but I think with this course it can only improve how my writing sounds
to the reader.

My goals have changed slightly, but not drastically since the beginning of this course. My main goal is
still to get my point across to my reader fluently, but I now want to adjust it so that I get my point across
simply short and sweet and to the point. I do not want to continue to be as wordy when it comes to
explaining certain things to my reader so that they become uninterested in what I am talking about. My
goal of attempting to improve how I relay information to the reader remains the same though, that is
definitely still something I would like to see myself grow better at throughout this course. I think this
most recent project for the VDA really opened my eyes as to how I need to slim my words and sentences
down and get to the point, which I will definitely be taking with me throughout the second half of the

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