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City and village

Teacher: Let’s talk about the city and village:

I want two teams ,the first consists of four boy students and the
second consists of four girl s students.

Girl students; we are talking about the city;

Teacher; boy students talk about the village and the girl students talk
about the city. You start.

Boy student no 1: In the village house are small and few. And the
the streets are narrow and empty.

Teacher; who replie ?

Girl student no 1. In the city large and high building and the streets
and wide and crowded with people and cars.

Teacher; well done. We turn to a new idea. Second Students your turn.

Boy student no 2. In the village farms where cattle,sheep,donkey and

horses.chicken,duck,buffalo and sheep.

Girl students no 2; In the city cars,buses; trucks;and subway.

Schools and companies.factories and clubs and places for cinemas games cities circus and zoo.

Teacher;well done.who will speak now.

Boy students no 3;The village air is pure and healthy and its trees
are green.its smells is quiet.
Girl students no 3;The city air is contaminated with factory exhausts,noise.

Teacher;It’s the fourth and last speaker in each team.

Boy students no 4;The village offers people wheat from which they
make bread and vegetables and fruit and meat.

Girl students no 4;The city gives people different manufactures like

clothes and household and others.

Teacher;yes, the village need a city,the city does not dispense with
the village.After we heard this oral discussion.Here we write atopic in
about a hundred words.

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