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Grace Times

Vol. XXIII/04 Grace Bible Church, C 930, Sector B Mahanagar, Lucknow, India December 2020

Dear Church Family,

Pulpit Calendar
December 2020 This advent is going to be a different
one. Perhaps, it may be similar to the
Check-in 10 minutes before service very first advent. Christians all over the
world are so accustomed to celebrate the
birth of Jesus in a grand fashion. But this
Morning Services at 10 am on Zoom.
year, we have been humbled. With the alert
of a second or third wave of the virus many
06 Pastor J T Raja churches including Grace Bible Church may
13 Pastor Ashish H Khan not meet in the sanctuary this whole
20 Pastor J T Raja Christmas season. There might not be a
25 Christmas Day Pastor Ashish H Khan Sunday School evening and the Christmas
27 Thanks giving service. Lunch. For decades, preachers have been
preaching on the 'real' meaning of
Christmas. That all the fanfare and festivi-
ties do not make a good representation of
true Christmas. While the people gladly
Thursdays at 6.30 p.m. hear and praise that thought, only a few
10 online on Zoom would celebrate Christmas in that true spirit.
17 online on Zoom While we had hoped and prayed that by
Christmas time we would regain our free-
dom of movement and to gather peacefully,
it is now apparent that the Lord is not going
to grant it to most.

Thursdays at 6.30 p.m. So now, how to celebrate Christmas 2020?

Recalling the first Christmas with all the de-
03 online on Zoom tails should help us to relate better to the
Christmas story. Mary and Joseph were too
poor to afford a good lodge. Moreover,
there was no room anywhere. After Jesus
was born, there was a limited gathering at
Women’s prayer the stable of mostly unimportant people.
online on Zoom There is no record of any grand feast or cel-
Saturday,19th at 5.00 p.m. ebration. No new clothes for the baby. But
all these spoilers could not dampen the
spirit of those who knew who baby Jesus is!
I believe, this will be the essence of this
year's Christmas season. The three wise
men made sure they found baby Jesus to
worship him. The shepherds got to know
“For to us a child is born, to us a son that their saviour has come. This year, let
is given, and the government will be us truly reflect on what the birth of Christ
on His shoulders. And He will be means to us personally. If that is clearly
called Wonderful counsellor, Mighty understood, then the smallest celebration
God, Everlasting Father Prince of will bring great joy and a renewed hope for
us and the world.
Isaiah 9:6 Akansha, Ashish, Jeba and Raja are wish-
ing you all a happy and blessed Christmas.
Income Nov 30 2020

Jan - Nov 2019 November 2020 Jan - Nov 2020 Budget 2020 Projection
General Offerings 3,03,855 22,000 1,93,297 3,85,000 2,05,000
Donations 5,800 38,600 75,000 erratic

Pledged Giving 5,46,100 1,05,350 5,78,450 7,00,000 5,67,,000

2nd Mile Pledges 1,26,600 30,500 1,90,200 2,00,000 1,91,000

Lent & Christmas offering 10,000 1,500 1,500 75,000 erratic

Church Scooter sale 10,100
Designated collections
Sunday School 20,159 6,530 erratic

Grace Church in Village 7,000 4,000 25,000 erratic

Medical Aid Fund

GRAND TOTAL 10,29,514 1,59,350 10,12,577 14,60,000 9,63,,000

Vijay Verma was tested Covid+.

Prabha Prakash is suffering from se-
vere backache.
Nalin Phillips was down with viral fever.
Manji Phillips had severe back ache.
Pooja Modwell had a minor ear sur-
Biak Guite was suffering from high BP. Birthdays in December

Kanta Singh has severe back pain. 07 Dr. Anju

13 Arnav Verma
21 Cnandralekha Nagarkar
Mrs. Yashoda John is not keeping well. 24 Triza Masih
29 Ravi Modwell
Manohar Antin lost his brother.
Dr. Rubin & Dr. Anju have moved to For Pastoral Care contact
Chennai. Rev. J T Raja 995 639 9835
Rev. Ashish H. Khan 964 843 1177

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