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The current covid-19 situation has made a great negative impact on the education system of our

country. Many of the institutional institutes has chosen to go online including our university. But
the matter of the fact is that there’s a massive difference between online and offline teaching
which has impacted the grades. So many of my classmates has signed a petition which will late
be submitted to the VC to suspend the semester until the situation calms. I was also asked to sign
the petition but I found myself in a dilemma of signing the petition or not.

My grades aren’t that good for this semester also the courses were short and there’s a lot of this I
haven’t learn many projects were cancelled which impacted my practical knowledge. That’s
why, it is wise for to drop this semester and properly learn the courses the following semester.
But what if there is no summer semester? Also I find it immoral to waste the efforts of teachers
and faculty who worked very hard to tutor the students online in this difficult situation. On the
other hand, since I was transferred to ULAB from another University where I wasted two
semester learning courses that I didn’t needed. It is not wise for me to waste another semester it
will delay my graduation time and I cannot afford it. Also if I decide not to sign the petition there
is a possibility my classmates will think I’m a nerd and boycott me from the meets and greets.

If I look into the ethical frameworks, Objectivism says “Man as a heroic being, with his own
happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity,
and reason as his only absolute”. On the other hand, from a Religious point of view it is immoral
to go against the teachers. But as a social being I cannot afford to be cast aside by my peers.
According to consequentialism, “The right act is that which provides the best for the most
individuals” and “The moral worth of an action is judge by its consequences, not its intensions”.
The most important matter while deciding on an ethical dilemma is my own sense if judgement
of god and bad. According to David Hume, “Humans have an inherent sense of morality that
directs our interpretation of what is good and evil” and according to Thomas Hobbes, “Nothing
is objectively good or evil; what pleases us we say good”.

One possible way of solving this dilemma would be, to tell my peers about my situations and tell
them about why I cannot afford to waste another semester while also enlighten them about the
situation and ask them not to apply for cancellation since the future is unforeseen. Another
possible way would be, to sign the petition and leave the matter to the higher authority if they are
going to cancel the semester or not.

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