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Group 1:





Deconstruction in Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm’s Cinderella Short Story

The original story of Cinderella by Jacob & Wilhelm Grim tells us mainly about the story
of Cinderella like any other Cinderella story movie that we have seen before. Although the story
is quite similar like the mainstream story of Cinderella, there are slight differences found in
Grimm Brothers’ story. It is from the state of Cinderella’s father that are still with them in the
house, distinguished from the popular storyline that her father went for a job afar from home.
Second difference is at the appearance birds and tree that help Cinderella facing her problems
and getting the chance to go to the ball (in the popular storyline, it was represented by the fairy
godmother). Thus, this story of Cinderella by Grimm is having a slight difference from the
popular story everyone has probably heard in childhood stories.

To begin with deconstruction, first of all we recognized the centered attention which the
author wants reader to see. It is based from the judgment of centered characters and
characterization. The centered character is Cinderella, Prince, step-sisters, and Step mother. The
‘far from center’ characters are the prince’s father (King), Tree, birds, and Cinderella’s father.
We recognized this so we can try to avoid to think as what the author wants us to consider. As
for it, regardless of the centered attention, the strange facts or characterization we found in
Cinderella are:

1. Fearful Cinderella

...when the evening came she wanted to go home, but the Prince said he would go with her to
take care of her, for he wanted to see where the beautiful maiden lived. But she escaped him, and
jumped up into the pigeon-house.

And when the evening came she wanted to go home, and the Prince followed her, for he wanted
to see to what house she belonged; but she broke away from him, and ran into the garden at the
back of the house.

This act represent that Cinderella is really afraid that the Prince would see her condition in home.
It is not written in the text that she must get back before midnight, she could have just stayed and
not telling where her house is. But rather doing that, she ran off in a rush, and always left the
prince to chase her. This fearful act of Cinderella is considered a little bit extreme. She could
have just tell the prince properly that he is not allowed to come with her, but instead she ran off
without saying anything. As a center of the story, this could be a bad example for people to ran
off and left without saying anything. This cannot present the right manner of leaving. Thus, this
side of Cinderella is not considered on giving a good example of manner as a centered character.

2. Anarchy King/father of the prince.

“It surely cannot be Cinderella,” and called for axes and hatchets, and had the pigeon-house
cut down.

“It surely cannot be Cinderella,” and called for an axe, and felled the tree.

This act represent how anarchy the King could be. Just because someone has hide behind the
tree, it is extremely abusive to cut down the tree only to seek for the truth. It may damage
anyone, in this case, Cinderella. As for it, the one who initiated it is the father of the prince,
which for sure is interpreted as a King, and it is such inappropriate manner and unwise behaviour
done by a King.

3. Big contribution from Tree & Birds for Cinderella

Cinderella went to her mother’s grave, under the hazel bush, and cried, “Little tree, little tree,
shake over me, that silver and gold may come down and cover me.” Then the bird threw down a
dress of gold and silver, and a pair of slippers embroidered with silk and silver.

The huge contribution done by Tree & Bird represent that these characters are just as important
as another centered character. As for their Contribution, it could change the fate of Cinderella for
letting her having dress and went to the festival. If they were not there, there would not be that
chance of Cinderella meeting the prince.

4. The disappearance of Cinderella's father in the story

“only my dead wife left behind her a little stunted Cinderella; it is impossible that she can be the

This line of Cinderella father suddenly appear in the event when the Prince asked for another
daughter after he has been missing in the whole narration and dialogues before it. In this line, it
tells us that Cinderella's father is fully aware that he still has Cinderella, and her condition being
suffered by his new wife and step daughters. But all these missing and nonsense disappearance
of his role as a father of Cinderella is truly odd since he did not do something at all for the sake
of Cinderella.

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