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PE Unit Plan 2020

Date Planned to Lesson Title GLO’s SLO’s Assessment Learning Activities Equipment/ Resources/

November 17th Intro to Conflict & Conflict Relationship R-9.4 -Discussion PowerPoint
Resolution Choices -Apology Activity Scenarios
November 19th Practicing how to do Conflict -Wellness W- Answers in -Scenarios  Video PowerPoint
Resolution Choices 9.8 Snowball clips: passive, FOURTH-R Scenarios
-Relationship R-9.4 Activity-Exit aggressive or assertive Snowball Scenarios
Choices Slip -FOURTH-R Scenarios Video Clips
-Snowball Activity
November 24th Glory Road Day 1 Relationship R-9.7 Glory Road -Review PowerPoint
Choices R-9.8 Assignment -“Glory Road” “Glory Road” Movie
November 26th Glory Road Day 2 Relationship R-9.8 Glory Road -“Glory Road” PowerPoint
Choice R-9.9 Assignment “Glory Road” Movie

Title of Unit: Conflict/ Conflict Resolution

Grade Level: 9
Subject: Physical Education
Time Frame: 4 Days
Developed by: Hannah Evans

Learning Outcomes:
PE Unit Plan 2020

 GLOs:
o Wellness: Students will make responsible and informed choices to maintain health and to promote safety for self and
 Safety and Responsibility
o Relationship Choices: Students will develop effective interpersonal skills that demonstrate responsibility, respect and
caring in order to establish and maintain healthy interactions
 Understanding and Expressing Feelings
 Interactions
 SLOs:
o W-9.8: develop strategies to promote harm reduction/risk management; e.g., differentiate between choosing personal
challenges or acting impulsively, encouraging others to evaluate risks.
o R-9.4: analyze, evaluate and refine personal communication patterns
o R-9.7: refine personal conflict management skills; e.g., negotiation, mediation strategies.
o R-9.8: analyze skills required to maintain individuality within a group; e.g., self-respect, assertiveness, refusal skills
o R-9.9: evaluate group effectiveness, and generate strategies to improve group effectiveness; e.g., develop skills in
facilitation discussions or meetings.

 Snowball Activity: this is a fun activity to do with the students. The students write down how they would react to a scenario if
they were delaying, negotiating or refusing. This will be taken in as formative assessment to ensure that the students are
understanding what each of those skills are.
 Glory Road Assignment: These questions are in response to the movie “Glory Road.” By answering these questions the
students are showing me that they can see and pick out conflict from something other than in class examples and talk about it.
They should be able to explain what types of communication they saw (passive, assertive and aggressive) and which characters
had it.

Student Knowledge:
 Students will know the difference between conflict and violence
 Students will know the difference between passive, aggressive and assertive
 Students will know the difference between negotiation, refusal and delay and when to use them in certain situations.
 Students will know what FOURTH-R stands for and when to use it.
PE Unit Plan 2020

Student Skills:
 Students will be able to negotiate, refuse and delay in the appropriate situations.
 Students will be able to distinguish when someone is passive, aggressive and assertive.
 Students will be able to use the FOURTH-R acronym to be able to use assertive communication.

Learning Planning:
 We use discussion because this way students can use real life examples, which can allow for other students to make their own
connections to the topic being discussed.
 The activities in this unit are scenario based so that students have a safe space to practice the skills being introduced. If
students are able to practice these skills, then they will more likely be able to use the skills in real life scenarios.
 Glory Road – this movie has a lot of examples of conflict and violence and how to deal with it. The movie allows for the
students to learn and make connections. The assignment just helps the teacher to see that the students are making those

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