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Unit Plan Sports Performance 2020

Title of Unit: Nutrition/Full body Workouts

Grade Level: 9
Subject: Sport Performance
Time Frame: 10 days
Developed By: Hannah Evans
Date Planned to Teach Lesson Title GL SLO’ Assessment Learning Activities Equipment/
O’s s Resources/
Unit Plan Sports Performance 2020
September 1st Orientation C C9-6 Participation Tour of the fitness
Walking/getting to
know the students
September 9th Nutrition/Intro to B B9-1 Participation Class Discussions PowerPoint
working out D B9-3 Workout Training Room
September 11th Yoga Day A A9-7 Participation Group Workout Training Room
(Friday) A9- Mats
September 14th Food Guide vs D D9-1 Participation Food Guide PowerPoint
Food Guide D9-3 Exit question Activity Activity
Class Discussion Training Room
Group Workout
September 16th What are we B B9-6 Participation Group Workout PowerPoint
Eating D D9-1 Food Tracking Class Discussion Training Room
D9-3 Assignment
September 21st Eating & B B9-6 Participation Group Workout PowerPoint
Activity Class Discussion Training Room

September 23rd Fed Up Doc. B B9-1 Participation Group workout Documentary

Notes from the doc Training Room

September 28th Fed Up Doc. B B9-1 Participation Group workout Documentary

Notes from the doc Training Room

September 30th Fed Up Doc. A A9-3 Participation Group workout Documentary

B B9-1 Exit Notes from the doc Training Room
Question/Assignm Comparing notes
October 5th Fed Up Finale D D9-1 Participation -Finish Fed Up PowerPoint
-Discussion Fed Up
October 7th Body image B B9-4 Participation Fed Up Final PowerPoint
October 9th 1 Rep Max A A9-3 Participation Yoga-Runners Video – Yoga
Yoga B A9- Yoga
Unit Plan Sports Performance 2020

Learning Outcomes:
 GLOs:
o A: Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities; dance, games,
types of gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor
o B: Students will understand, experience and appreciate the health benefits that result from physical activity
o C: Students will interact positively with others
o D: Students will assume responsibility to lead an active way of life
 SLOs:
o A9-3: Apply and refine nonlocomotory skills and concepts to a variety of activities with increased control to improve
personal performance.
o A9-7: Apply and refine activity-specific skills in a variety of environments; e.g., hiking, wall climbing
o A9-13: Apply and refine activity-specific skills in a variety of individual pursuits; e.g., fitness activities.
o B9-1: Design, monitor and personally analyze nutrition programs that will affect physical performance.
o B9-3: Design and implement a personal fitness and activity plan, using the principles of training: frequency intensity,
o B9-6: analyze and explain the effects that nutrition, fitness, and physical activity have on body systems, before, during
and after exercise.
o B9-8: Select and perform appropriate physical activities for personal stress management and relaxation
o C9-6: Identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others
o D9-1: Participate regularly in, and realize the benefits of, an active lifestyle
o D9-3: Select and apply rules, routines and procedures for safety in a variety of activities from all movement

Student Knowledge:
 Students will know proper form and the different warm-up methods
 Students will know about the different equipment in the training room
 Students will have a base knowledge about nutrition and how it effects individuals with their daily lives
 Students will know the danger of childhood obesity
 Students will know about Full Body Workouts
 Students will know about overtraining and recovery (but with the way classes are laid out we do not have to worry about it)
 Students will know the media’s influence on body image and how they see themselves and others.
Unit Plan Sports Performance 2020

Student Skill:
 Students will be able to perform a warm-up before each work out
 Students will be able to use the equipment properly
 Students will be able to explain the Canada Food Guides
 Students will be able to distinguish between carbs, proteins, and fats.
 Students will be able to identify whether their eating habits are healthy or not and why
 Students will be able to perform the given workout of the day

 Participation: Students will be assessed in their daily participation in class, both in lecture and in workout. They are graded on
a 5 point scale. For the first two weeks the assessment will just be for the students’ knowledge and understanding of what kind
of effort they are putting into their participation. After the first couple weeks the mark will be a part of their grade.
 Exit Slip: Students will explain in an exit slip which Canada Food Guide is better and why. This will demonstrate their
knowledge from the past class and determine whether they are beginning to understand.
 Food Tracking Assignment: Students will track their food for 24 hours and record everything that they ate/drank. This will not
be shared with anyone but the teacher.
 Fed Up Assignment: Students will share their thoughts about the documentary. The students will discuss if they think that
Canada has a similar problem or if we are better than the United States and why.

Learning Plan:
 The students will have half of the class as lecture, and half the class as a workout. Except on Friday when students will have a
shorter time in class and therefore will complete a workout. The lecture portion will provide the students with information that
pertains to sport performance. Learning activities such as group discussions and activities will keep the students engaged in the
lesson. We will also watch a documentary to get students thinking about childhood obesity and complete an activity to go
along with it.
 Students motivation to complete the workout is to improve their own personal bests. The students will be working towards
improving their personal health and work towards an active lifestyle for the rest of their lives.
 Students who struggle with certain workouts because of injury or the skill level they are at will be given differentiated
exercises. This way they can build up to the exercise, and they do not feel excluded, or like they cannot take the class.
Unit Plan Sports Performance 2020

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