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Living Discipline Photo Essay

CDPD 500
Brendan Peters
The Social Studies Program Rationale and
Philosophy encourages and promotes
student’s understanding and involvement
in practical and ethical issues that face
their communities, their culture and

Social Studies develops the key values and

attitudes, knowledge and understanding,
and skills and processes necessary for
students to become active and responsible
citizens and become aware of their capacity
to effect change in their communities,
society and world.
Studying controversial issues is
important in preparing students to
participate responsibly in a
democratic and pluralistic society.

Discussing controversial issues

provides opportunity for critical
thinking, logical reasoning,
rationalizing one’s position, and
promote open-minded and
respectful dialog.
The Controversial Topic of
Key Definitions:
Definition of pregnant Definition of life
1 : containing a developing embryo, fetus, 1a : the quality that distinguishes a vital and
or unborn offspring within the body : functional being from a dead body
b : a principle or force that is considered to
Definition of abortion underlie the distinctive quality of animate
1 : the termination of a pregnancy after, beings
accompanied by, resulting in, or closely c : an organismic state characterized by
followed by the death of the embryo or capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction
fetus: to stimuli, and reproduction

Definition of fetus Definition of death

: an unborn or unhatched vertebrate 1a : a permanent cessation of all vital
especially after attaining the basic structural functions : the end of life b : an instance
plan of its kind specifically : a developing of dying a disease causing many deaths
human from usually two months after lived there until her death
conception to birth 2a : the cause or occasion of loss of life
Key Definitions: Continued
Definition of value Definition of moral
3 : relative worth, utility, or importance 1a : of or relating to principles of right
a good value at the price the value of and wrong in behavior : ethical moral
base stealing in baseball had nothing of judgments
value to say b : expressing or teaching a conception
4 : something (such as a principle or of right behavior a moral poem
quality) intrinsically valuable or desirable c : conforming to a standard of right
behavior took a moral position on the
issue though it cost him the nomination
Definition of ethic
d : sanctioned by or operative on one's
1 ethics plural in form but singular or
conscience or ethical judgment a moral
plural in construction : the discipline
dealing with what is good and bad and
e : capable of right and wrong action
with moral duty and obligation
2a : a set of moral principles : a theory or
system of moral values
Fertilization happens when a sperm cell successfully meets an egg cell in the fallopian tube. Once
fertilization takes place, this newly fertilized cell is called a zygote. From here, the zygote will
move down the fallopian tube and into the uterus. The zygote then burrows into the uterus lining.

A zygote is a eukaryotic cell formed by a fertilization event between two gametes. The zygote's genome
is a combination of the DNA in each gamete, and contains all of the genetic information necessary to
form a new individual. In multicellular organisms, the zygote is the earliest developmental stage.
Why are zygotes
more valuable
than sperm?

Good question! A zygote is a

new, whole organism with
unique and complete human
DNA. The same DNA that you
have now.
From the moment of conception, a zygote is created. At approximately 4
weeks an embryo is formed. From 9-12 weeks, a fetus begins to develop.

The fetus continues to grow and develop over the course of the
next 30 weeks.

It is important to understand the

fetal development chart for context
behind the topic of abortion.

This scientific, biological chart

provides the framework in
understanding the growth and
development of a human being.
How can we have a moral discussion on
these sensitive and controversial topics?
What limitations could be/should be put in place for abortion?

When does the “fetus” become a “human being”?

When does life begin?

Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice
What determines ethics? What determines value?
What determines morality?
How are they applied?

What circumstances (if any) can abortion be “ethical”?

A Reproductive Right or a Moral Issue?
Does the value of human life
supersede the reproductive
rights of women?
What are your views on abortion?


How do our laws reflect our societys morals?
The Social Studies program allows us to
engage in thoughtful and civil dialog that
actively promotes and contributes to our

cultures structure.
“Social Studies is integral to the process of
enabling students to develop an
understanding of who they are, what they
want to become and the society in which they
want to live.”

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