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4E Superheroes

Brain​ (warlock) 
Brains gain power though some focus either arcane or technological by using their intellect, knowledge 
and skill. 
Role:​ Support 
Favored Power Source:​ Martial, Tech or Artifact 
Key Abilities:​ Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma 
Defense Bonus:​ +2 Fortitude and Will 
HP at 1​st​ Level:​ 10 + Constitution score 
HP per Level Gained:​ 4 
Healing Surges per Day:​ 3 + Constitution modifier 
Heroic Surges per Day:​ 2 + Wisdom modifier 
Trained Skills:​ Athletics, Insight…From the class skill list below, choose 3 more trained skills 
                ​Class Skills:​ Science, Arcana, Mechanics, Perception, Heal 
Build Options:​ ​Heroic: ​Inventor, Occultist, Iron Monger – ​Villainous:​ Mastermind, Mad Scientist 
Class Features:​ Uncanny Invention, Innate Knowledge, Eidetic Memory 
Class Powers:​ Amazing Attribute (Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma), Jury Rigging, Enigma Device, 
Masterful Creation, Imbue Power, Ultimate Focus 
Favored Iconic Powers:​ Stretching, Powered Armor, Magic, Gadget 
Sample Heroes:​ Iron Man, Reed Richards, Dr. Strange 

Brawler​ (Fighter) 
Brawlers are melee combatants, close quarters fighting, and usually tough to some degree. 
Role:​ Defender 
Favored Power Source:​ Martial and Primal 
Key Abilities:​ Strength, Dexterity, Constitution 
Defense Bonus:​ +4 Fortitude and + 2 Reflexes 
HP at 1​st​ Level:​ 25 + Constitution score 
HP per Level Gained:​ 12 
Healing Surges per Day:​ 7 + Constitution modifier 
Heroic Surges per Day:​ 1 + Wisdom modifier 
Trained Skills:​ Athletics, X…From the class skill list below, choose 3 more trained skills 
                ​Class Skills:​ Acrobatics, X, X, Perception, Heal 
Build Options:​ ​Heroic: ​Brute, Acrobat, Weapon Master – ​Villainous:​ Monster 
Class Features:​ X, X, X, X 
Class Powers:​ Amazing Attribute (Strength, Dexterity and Constitution), Durable, X, X 
Favored Iconic Powers:​ Fighting, Recovery, Resilience 
Sample Heroes:​ Spider-Man, Luke Cage, Wolverine 

Marksman (ranger) 
Marksmen are masters of ranged combat, the opposite of a Brawler, less tough more firepower. 
Role:​ Striker 
Favored Power Source:​ Martial, Tech and Energy 
Key Abilities:​ Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom 
Defense Bonus:​ +2 Fortitude and Reflexes 
HP at 1​st​ Level:​ 20 + Constitution score 
HP per Level Gained:​ 10 
Healing Surges per Day:​ 6 + Constitution modifier 
Heroic Surges per Day:​ 1 + Wisdom modifier 
Trained Skills:​ Athletics, Perception…From the class skill list below, choose 3 more trained skills 
                ​Class Skills:​ Acrobatics, X, X, X, Heal 
Build Options:​ ​Heroic: ​Gun Slinger, Archer, Blaster – ​Villainous:​ none 
Class Features:​ Quick Shot, X, X, X 
Class Powers:​ Amazing Attribute (Dexterity, Constitution and Wisdom), Bullseye, X, X 
Favored Iconic Powers:​ Fighting, Recovery, Resilience 
Sample Heroes:​ Hawkeye, Banshee, Punisher 

Sentinel​ (rogue) 
Sentinels rely upon their multitude of skills to get things done along with their uncanny fighting. 
Role:​ Striker 
Favored Power Source:​ Martial and Tech 
Key Abilities:​ Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom 
Defense Bonus:​ +2 Fortitude, Reflexes and Will 
HP at 1​st​ Level:​ 15 + Constitution score 
HP per Level Gained:​ 6 
Healing Surges per Day:​ 5 + Constitution modifier 
Heroic Surges per Day:​ 1 + Wisdom modifier 
Trained Skills:​ Athletics, Perception…From the class skill list below, choose 3 more trained skills 
                ​Class Skills:​ Acrobatics, Insight, Bluff, X, Heal 
Build Options:​ ​Heroic: D ​ etective, Crusader, X – ​Villainous:​ Assassin 
Class Features:​ Fearsome, Die Hard, X, X 
Class Powers:​ Amazing Attribute (Dexterity, Intelligence and Wisdom), Ultimate Skill, X, X 
Favored Iconic Powers:​ Fighting, Gadget, Cross Class Power 
Sample Heroes:​ Daredevil, Moon Knight, Black Widow 

Weaver​ (wizard) – Weavers manipulate energy magic, elemental or whatever. 

Sentinels rely upon their multitude of skills to get things done along with their uncanny fighting. 
Role:​ Striker 
Favored Power Source:​ Energy, Elemental, Psionic and Magic 
Key Abilities:​ Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom 
Defense Bonus:​ +2 Fortitude and Will 
HP at 1​st​ Level:​ 15 + Constitution score 
HP per Level Gained:​ 6 
Healing Surges per Day:​ 6 + Constitution modifier 
Heroic Surges per Day:​ 1 + Wisdom modifier 
Trained Skills:​ Athletics, Perception…From the class skill list below, choose 3 more trained skills 
                ​Class Skills:​ X, Insight, X, X, Heal 
Build Options:​ ​Heroic: D ​ etective, Crusader, X – ​Villainous:​ Assassin 
Class Features:​ X, Sense Power, X, X 
Class Powers:​ Amazing Attribute (Dexterity, Constitution and Wisdom), X, X, X 
Favored Iconic Powers:​ Energy Control, Elemental Control, Strom Powers, Dimensional Powers (dark 
force), Telekinesis, Telepathy 
Sample Heroes:​ Jean Grey, Johnny Storm, Scarlet Witch 

Visionary​ (Cleric) 
Visionaries serve a Cause (like a deity) and use their talents to inspire and protect. 
Role:​ Leader 
Favored Power Source:​ Martial, Energy, Psionic 
Key Abilities:​ Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma 
Defense Bonus:​ +2 Fortitude and Will 
HP at 1​st​ Level:​ 20 + Constitution score 
HP per Level Gained:​ 10 
Healing Surges per Day:​ 7 + Constitution modifier 
Heroic Surges per Day:​ 2 + Wisdom modifier 
Trained Skills:​ Athletics, Perception…From the class skill list below, choose 3 more trained skills 
                ​Class Skills:​ Acrobatics, Insight, Bluff, X, Heal 
​ atriot, Company Man, X – ​Villainous:​ Anarchist 
Build Options:​ ​Heroic: P
Class Features:​ Inspiring, Relentless, Awe, Endure 
Class Powers:​ Amazing Attribute (Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma), Fame, For the Cause, Divine 
Favored Iconic Powers:​ Psionic Powers, Fighting, X 
Sample Heroes:​ Captain America, Professor-X, X 
Causes:​ All leaders must serve a cause no matter what their alignment is. This cause is what causes 
them to be inspirations and to push on beyond their capable limits. 
Heroic Causes:​ Super Patriot, Advocate, Agency 
Villainous Causes:​ Megalomania, Greed, Power 

Avenger​ (Paladin) 
Avengers fight for the greater good, always doing right and gifted with powerful defenses. 
Role:​ Defender 
Favored Power Source:​ Martial, Energy, Magic 
Key Abilities:​ Strength, Constitution, Charisma 
Defense Bonus:​ +2 Fortitude and Will 
HP at 1​st​ Level:​ 30 + Constitution score 
HP per Level Gained:​ 15 
Healing Surges per Day:​ 8 + Constitution modifier 
Heroic Surges per Day:​ 2 + Wisdom modifier 
Trained Skills:​ Athletics, Insight…From the class skill list below, choose 3 more trained skills 
                ​Class Skills:​ Acrobatics, X, X, X, Heal 
Build Options:​ ​Heroic: X ​ , X, X – ​Villainous:​ Destroyer 
Class Features:​ Iconic, X, X, X 
Class Powers:​ Amazing Attribute (Strength, Constitution, Charisma), X, X, X 
Favored Iconic Powers:​ Flight, Resilience, Boost, Healing 
Sample Heroes:​ Sun Guy, Thor, X 

Races ​(origin) 
Alien () 
Ancient (Tiefling) 
Android () 
Deviant () 
Human (human) 
Magi (Eladrin) 

Class Powers – each class has base powers to choose from that only that class can access. 
Iconic Powers – Iconic powers are special powers that can not be set by class and have unique effects. 
A hero can only have a few iconic powers, but each comes as a cluster of sub-powers. 

Examples of Class Powers (Brawler) 

Amazing Strength 
Uncanny Fighting 

Examples of Iconic Powers 

Insect Powers (webs, wall crawling, insect sense, venom, bio-bolts, armor) 
Energy Powers (cone, rapid fire, bolt, beam, explosive, intercepting bolt, absorb, alter energy) 
Nature Powers 
Magical Powers 
Power Sources 

Vice & Virtue 

All heroes and villains have a single virtue and a vice. These affect things like alignment, healing surges 
and action points. Doing right by a virtue gains and doing wrong by a vice looses (for heroes). 
Spider-Man has: 
Virtue - Dedicated 
Vice – Vengeful 

Agent – You are loyal to the causes of an agency that determines your cause for you 
Super Patriot – you are dedicated to a way of government and fight for its causes 
Order – you seek to bring peace and order to the chaos of the world and/or universe 
Justice – you employ justice for those who can not making the world or universe a safer place 
Protection (of the Weak) – You defend those who can not defend themselves at all costs 
Truth – You are a seeker of truth and live by a code, you are often called a boy scout 

Villainous Causes 
Deception – You are a master of trickery and lies and deceive to push your agenda 
Super Patriot – as above but for an evil empire or your own empire 
Megalomainia – You seek grand scheme after grand scheme and often threaten cities, worlds and 
Greed – You want cash and lots of it anyway you can get it 
Power – you seek power over others and to flaunt that power, power comes no matter the cost to 
Chaos – You seek anarchy and disruption to the peace and order of the natural world 
Destruction – You are only here to destroy and bash things into ruin 

1 Square in the rules descriptions is considered an area of 25 x 25 feet or 5x5 actual squares. 
Movement is this reduced. 1 square is 5 feet so you can simply note that there are 5 squares in one 
area and you can move anywhere in those 5 squares on your move. 

Anyone below your level and not a super is considered a minion. This will entail most normal people, 
but recall that a thug can be up to level 10 and still be normal so for street-level heroes this means 
they may often fight normal people with possibly some type of power usually through technology and 
that they will still be minions if their level is less than the street-level heroes level. 

So if a level 10 Street-Level Spider-Man was attacked by 3 well armed (with super killer rifles) and had 
flight via a jet pack (technically making them a superhero) but were level 5 agents, they count as 
minions to Spider-Man, but if they were level 10 henchmen working for Doc Oc, they count as 
superheroes to Spider-Man. If a Level 12 Luke Cage assisted, the henchmen would count as minions to 

AC is replaced by Fortitude, Reflexes and Will, AC is no longer used. Armor adds to Fortitude saves for 
example. All attacks are made against one of those defenses. 

Power Scaling 
Powers scale up in power as you level up. Adding a rank to a power means that you do more damage 
for example. To represent this you have a higher level bonus at each tier that scales up your powers 
effects. All powers will list effects that scale which are normally range, damage, duration, area and 
resistance. You can choose not to scale up an aspect of a power and instead use the scale to raise 
another aspect. Example, if you don’t want damage increased by your full level, it can remain at ½ 
your level and instead range can go up to your full level (x2) by using its scale up plus the damage scale 
up. If you scale up to the next tier, your damage can only scale up to your full level not full + ½ and 
your range cannot scale up at all. You can only add one extra scale to a powers aspect. 

Street: as per 4E rules (1/2 level) 

                Max Bonus: +5, Max Skill: +5, Max Defense: +20, Attribute Max: 50 
Paragon: Add your full level 
                Max Bonus: +10, Max Skill: +10, Max Defense: +30, Attribute Max: 100 
Epic: Add your full level + ½ your level 
                Max Bonus: +20, Max Skill: +20, Max Defense: +40, Attribute Max: 200 
Cosmic: Add triple your level 
                Max Bonus: none, Max Skill: none, Max Defense: none, Attribute Max: none 

Heroic Tiers (Potential) 

Level caps determine when you stop gaining powers and HP, but you can still level up your other traits. 
All PC’s start at street-level. Their Tier or Hero Type tells them how high they can climb and what level 
of foes they fight against. Powers after level 10 generally plateau and are simply more advanced and 
mighty versions of other powers, usually some form of stunt. Level 30 (epic) is the exception, you can 
access some major powers here and many are new. 

Problem is that some lower level characters can have powers, street-level does not mean you can’t 
have powers, only that you are limited in your growth and potential power. This is why all possible 
powers are available at level 1-10 and level 20+ only expands those powers with level 30 adding new 
cosmic level powers and expanding on existing ones making them cosmic level. 

Street-Level – You are a common man that is above human potential (level cap 10) 
Example: Daredevil 

Paragon – you are a very powerful superhero capable of amazing feats (level cap 20) 
Example: Spider-Man 

Epic – Universe traveling, planet crushing, city devouring power houses. All the way to the Epic Tier 
(level cap 30) 
Example: Silver Surfer 

Cosmic – These beings are beyond statistics and traits and are never PC’s. They have no level limits and 
can usually do just about anything within the bounds of their Concept. 

Sample Powers 
Durable​ ​(Brawler) 
At-Will * Martial 
Action:​ automatic 
Range:​ self 
You are much tougher than a normal person and gain +5 to your Fortitude saves. 

Wall Crawling​ ​(Street-Level) 

At-Will * Insect Power, Primal 
Action:​ Move 
Range:​ Move rate 
You can cling to sheer surfaces and use your normal movement rate to travel over them. Your clinging 
strength is equal to your strength + your power scale. 

Danger Sense​ ​(Street-Level) 

At-Will * Insect Power, Primal 
Action:​ Simple 
Range:​ 10 square radius + power scale 
You can’t be surprised, make notice roll to sense direction of the threat and its intensity. You also gain 
+5 Ref save against all attacks as long as you are not immobilized. You can also use this power to 
identify threats by making a notice roll against a DR of 10 for all threats in your area. 

Webs​ ​(Street-Level) 
At-Will * Insect Power, Primal, Ranged Grapple 
Action:​ Standard 
Area:​ any shape (cone, radius, cube) up to the powers range 
Range:​ 3 squares ​(unless otherwise noted) 
You can generate webs that disintegrate after 1 hour and have the following abilities: 
Immobilize:​ You can entangle a target by wrapping them in webs. Make a Ref save to avoid. If caught 
webs strength is your Power Scale + 20. A strength roll vs. the web strength breaks you out as a 
standard action. 
Shield:​ You can make a thick shield of web that adds +4 to your Fort. 
Web Line:​ You can make a long line of web to swing on. You can travel 5 Squares per turn + your 
power scale. 
Web Zip:​ You can shot a web at a target and sling yourself adding to your normal movement rate. You 
gain +3 squares of movement. 
Projectile:​ You can fire balls of solid web that do crushing damage equal to 1d8. 

Spiders Web ​(Paragon) 

Encounter * Insect Power, Primal 
Prerequisites:​ Webs Power 
Requirements:​ none 
Action:​ Standard 
Range:​ 5 squares ​(unless otherwise noted) 
You can generate a huge web that can trap large objects. The webs strength is your power scale + 20 
and it can cover up to 4 squares. 

Sling Strike ​(Paragon) 

Encounter * Martial 
Prerequisites:​ None 
Requirements:​ ranged grapple attack 
Action:​ Standard 
Range:​ 3 squares ​(unless otherwise noted) 
You can generate a web or some other line that grapples a single target and then you sling towards 
that target performing an acrobatic attack on them. The attack does +3 damage plus your power scale 
and leaves the target knocked down. 

Sling Slam ​(Paragon) 

Encounter * Martial 
Prerequisites:​ None 
Requirements:​ ranged grapple attack, strength to lift target 
Action:​ Standard 
Range:​ 3 squares ​(unless otherwise noted) 
You can generate a web or some other line that grapples a single target and then you sling them up 
into the air and slam them into the ground. The attack does +5 damage plus your power scale and is -2 
to hit. It leaves the target knocked down. You can also slam object into targets this way. Grappling an 
object counts as a move action and using it to bash a target follows the rules for improvised weaponry. 

Constricting Web ​(Epic) 

Daily * Insect Power, Primal 
Prerequisites:​ Web Power 
Requirements:​ none 
Action:​ Standard 
Range:​ power scale 
You can generate a web line that grapples and constricts the target doing continuous damage over 5 
turns. The constriction does 2d10 damage + your power scale per turn. The webs strength is equal to 
your power scale (x2). After the 5th turn the web remains but has reached its maximum construction. 
If the target tries to escape and fails they take damage again, but if they remain still or escape 
successfully they no longer take damage. 

Chained Sling Strike ​(Epic) 

Daily * Martial 
Prerequisites:​ Sling Strike 
Requirements:​ none 
Action:​ Standard 
Range:​ 5 squares 
This power works like the sling strike power but does +8 damage plus your power scale and can be 
chained to another target up to the powers range away from the end of your move or attack. Each 
additional target builds up momentum and adds a further +2 damage to the hit. So the second target 
would be +10 damage and the third +12 and so on. If you miss a target or they make their ref save, 
counter or avoid the strike in any way the attack ends with you standing in front of the target. 

Invulnerability​ ​(Brawler - Paragon) 

At-Will * Martial 
Action:​ automatic 
Range:​ self 
You are incredibly though and gain +10 to your Fortitude saves. This power adds to the Durable power 
for a total of +15 if you have them both. 

Invincibility​ ​(Brawler - Epic) 

At-Will * Martial 
Action:​ automatic 
Range:​ self 
You are nearly impossible to harm and gain +25 to your Fortitude saves. You must also select a single 
attack type (such as magic, ice, irradiated rock, etc.) that surpasses your defenses. Against this attack 
you gain only +5 to your Fortitude if the attack type is common and +0 if it’s very rare. This power adds 
to the Invulnerability and Durable powers for a total of +40 if you have them all. 

Cosmic Invincibility​ ​(Brawler - Cosmic) 

At-Will * Martial 
Action:​ automatic 
Range:​ self 
You are impossible to harm. Add your power scale to Invincible, Invulnerability or Durable powers. If 
you have all these powers you only add your power scale once to the +40 bonus not three times, one 
for each power. 

Level 1 
Class:​ Brawler (Ref) 
Race:​ Human 
Str: 45     Int: 19 
Dex: 50   Wis: 15 
Con: 24   Chr: 22 
Healing Surge: 15 
HP: 35 
Fort: +10 (+5) 
Ref: +20 (+7) 
Wil: +7 
Skills:​ Science (+5), Craft (+3), Intimidation (+1), Knowledge (City) (+4), Acrobatics (+5), Athletics (+5) 
Feats:​ Lightning Reflexes, Uncanny Dodge, Last Ditch Defense, Taunt 
Class Feats: 
Uncanny Defense (+2 Ref Save) 
Class Powers: 
*Amazing Strength: +35 
*Amazing Dexterity: +40 
*Durable: +5 Fort 
Iconic powers 
Insect powers (spider): 
Spider Sense: Can’t be surprised, make notice roll to sense direction, +5 Ref 
Webs: Str 20, range: 3 squares, any area (swing, entangle, shield) 
                Web Net (Encounter): create a huge web net to catch objects of larger sizes 
                Web Strike (enc): web enemy, pull toward them and do acrobatic attack +5 damage, +2 to 
                Web Slam (enc): web enemy and lift and slam them into the ground +3 damage and knock 
Wall Crawling: walk on sheer surface at move rate and strength. 

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