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You determine the danger distance of a lightning storm by counting the seconds
between the lightning flash and the sound of Thunder (3 seconds equivalent to a
kilometer). If the delay is 25 seconds or less, then that means you have a likely
chance of being struck, and thus must follow precautionary measures. Though even
at a distance of 16 kilometers you still have a chance of being struck by lightning.
Other effects of a thunderstorm along your environment can include deterioration
of buildings, power surges , and forest fires.

5. The path that a tropical cyclone takes depends on which hemisphere it is in.
According to the coriolis effect, wind currents in the northern hemisphere bend to
the right, while the currents in the southern hemisphere bend to the left.

6. First warm moist air rises due to warm sea temperatures. As the air mass rises
the atmospheric pressure below drops. The surrounding winds then flow to the low
pressure area, but due to the coriolis effect, they swirl around the area instead of
going straight through. Meanwhile, the rising humid air forms clouds in the colder
altitude. The clouds gets forms swirling air bands from the rotating force of the
airmass.. Eventually the water vapor in the clouds condenses and causes heavy rain
fall. At the same time drier air from higher altitudes goes to the center, forming a
calm “eye”. Finally, the entire cyclone follows the trade winds. The tropical cyclone
will remain, as long as there is a supply of warm air from the ocean. Once it hits
landfall, the winds will slow down.

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