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Exercise 1:

1. What is the difference between HR plans and HRM strategic plans? How are they the same?
How are they different?
Human resource strategy is an elaborate and systematic plan of action developed by a human
resource department. This definition tells us that an HR strategy includes detailed pathways to
implement HRM strategic plans and HR plans. Think of the HRM strategic plan as the major objectives
the organization wants to achieve, and the HR plan as the specific activities carried out to achieve the
strategic plan. In other words, the strategic plan may include long-term goals, while the HR plan may
include short-term objectives that are tied to the overall strategic plan.

2. Of the areas of focus in HRM, which one do you think is the most important? Rank them and
discuss the reasons for your rankings.

I think the most important area of focus of HRM in the modern time is understanding how
technology can be used. Much has been said about how people in an organization should be treated
given that most companies now understand that their greatest asset is their people. However, I think
that not all companies have fully embraced technology. I honestly believe that HRM can make this
happen given that HRM has an overall say as to the training of its people. They can make the company
lean on technology if they can train people how to embrace technology most especially now that we are
in the 21st century. I will put making the plan applicable second. It is imperative that plans are used to
practice as it is the only way to know whether the plan would really work. Third, is being a strategic
partner. Objectives of the HRM should be consistent with the company’s VGMO. Finally, involving
people. However, I believe that most companies have already learned this concept very well so there is
no need to remind them that much with regard to this that’s why I’m ranking it last. Companies know
very well that the people who would be in the frontline should have a say to the plan since they are the
ones who will be implementing it in the ground.

Exercise 2:

1. Of the parts of HR planning, which do you think is most difficult, and why? Which would you
enjoy the most, and why?

I think planning the compensation is the most difficult stage of HRM planning. In this aspect of
the HRM plan, the manager must determine pay scales and other compensation such as health care,
bonuses, and other perks. So, one has to be knowledgeable of labor laws since it is a well-known fact
that employees are protected by laws. This has to be planned meticulously. I think developing training is
the most enjoyable stage of HRM planning. If it’s done effectively, the company would benefit the most
as we already know that a skilled employee is indeed an asset of the company. It’s fun to do especially
when you start thinking of trainings that would upgrade the skills of your employees. I think, too, that
employees also look forward to trainings.

2. Why is it important to plan your staffing before you start to hire people?

Staffing includes the development of a strategic plan to determine how many people you might
need to hire. Based on the strategic plan, HRM then performs the hiring process to recruit and select the
right people for the right jobs. For an obvious reason, if you would fail to plan your staffing you might
hire people who are not qualified for a given task. Therefore, this has to be done meticulously perhaps
by really defining well the duties and responsibilities that a certain job position demands. By knowing
the specific duties and responsibilities, an HR may be guided in the hiring process.

3. What is the significance of training? Why do we need it in organizations?

Helping new employees develop skills needed for their jobs and helping current employees grow
their skills are also tasks for which the HRM department is responsible. Determination of training needs
and development and implementation of training programs are important tasks in any organization.
Obviously, the demands of the time are ever changing and people have to adapt. Same thing goes for
any company. Companies should ensure that their employees are apt to the demands of the time so
they have to constantly train them and ensure that they can be efficient in their job. Basically, training
can do it for them.

Exercise 3:

1. What are some ways an HR manager can keep up on legislative changes? Do a web search and list
specific publications that may help keep the HR manager aware of changes.

The following websites may prove to be useful to keep them abreast of legislative changes:


2. Why is it important to be able to measure strategic plans? What might happen if you don’t?

Obviously, when we measure it, it is already a form of an assessment. It’s like we are assessing
whether a strategic plan is really working or not. If we will not measure it, we would not know whether
it is effective or not. Should we find it effective, definitely we would pursue it. If it is not, then we will go
back to the drawing board and come up with another strategic plan.

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