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Artificial Intelligence

Table of Contents
1. Does Artificial intelligence improve human life?.......................................................4
PRO......................................................................................................................................... 4
CON......................................................................................................................................... 4
PRO......................................................................................................................................... 5
CON......................................................................................................................................... 5
PRO......................................................................................................................................... 6
CON......................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Does Artificial Intelligence improve productivity?....................................................7
PRO......................................................................................................................................... 7
CON......................................................................................................................................... 7
3. Is Artificial Intelligence dangerous for humanity?....................................................8
PRO......................................................................................................................................... 8
CON......................................................................................................................................... 8
PRO......................................................................................................................................... 9
CON......................................................................................................................................... 9
PRO....................................................................................................................................... 10
CON....................................................................................................................................... 10
DEVY..................................................................................................................................... 12
DRISS.................................................................................................................................... 12
With the 4 t h technological revolution closing in on us, we thought it would be a
brilliant idea to discuss the pros and the cons of artificial intelligence. Artificial
intelligence goes further than you might think, it is not only about robots and sci-fi
like processes, but it could also be as simple as ordering a cab or a pizza. We are
already surrounded by artificial intelligence without realizing it. It is more about
the future aspects of AI regarding how it would affect us as human beings in general.
There is a lot of tension between people that are for it or against it, but this was also
the case in the previous revolutions, although this might be the biggest one yet.
When they introduced mass production where humans were merely needed for
quality control people also thought everyone would lose jobs, that they are ruining
society etc. AI brings a lot of opportunities together with a lot of threats, but we
have to consider the cost-benefit analysis to humanity as a whole, instead of only
taking one aspect into consideration, and that is exactly what we did. We thought
about the most relevant aspects of AI; improvement of human life, productivity and
the threats to humanity. These are divided into sections where we can really dive
deeper in the certain topic of discussion. Which is important. You will notice by
reading this report, that there are endless things to consider, we simply cannot pick
one topic of discussion. The reason for this is pretty self-explanatory since AI could
be implemented in endless amounts of ways, a car drives, end of story, this is not
the case for AI. We will give the conclusion in the end, although we want to explain
very briefly why we have chosen these questions for our debate, document, and
presentation but also what the argumentations consist of. What do we mean with
“the improvement of human life”, well since this consists of many segments, we have
divided it into the following sub-questions such as; social, business/financial and
health care?
The social aspect is more about how people interact with each other, which
information is seen by whom and so on. Furthermore we questioned if this brought
us together, or perhaps further apart, politically speaking and socially speaking.
When it comes to business/financial topic we took a at marketing and sales, where
AI helps with personalized advertisements, personal promotions, AI enabled chat
bots and customer service. The economy is important to everyone’s day to day life
-this is certain- but to what cost? Now, how would you feel if you were able to be
scanned for your health accurately, precise and instant results from the analysis? AI
could enable this procedure when it reached full potential, although we do not know
its potential, do we? Furthermore, employee satisfaction is a crucial factor when it
comes to running a business smoothly, this is why we have to consider all factors
when it comes to AI.
This is how we proceed, currently we do not know, or “we know” how far AI is able
to go, and perhaps even on its own. Productivity is the next segment of our debate,
where we analyze productivity by means of data and employment. Why do we gather
this data, what is it meant for and again, to what cost? Now with knowing AI is
gathering data from us 24/7, we can move to our final segment which comes to mind
immediately when we speak on data gathering, is AI dangerous for humanity?
Regarding; security, safety, and privacy, since these are rather important aspects
about AI. We make the argument with examples from Shanghai, where there already
exists a scoring program for civilians.

Does all of this sound interesting to you and do you want to learn more? I highly
recommend watching our debate and read more in depth in our report.
1. Does Artificial intelligence improve human life?


AI improves human lives on social level because in times of a pandemic, social media is the
key to most social interactions these days. Thanks to AI, the future looks very bright on these
social media channels like fb, insta etc. For instance: the LinkedIn platform uses AI to offer
job recommendations, interesting people you might like to connect with, and serves you
specific posts in your feed. Snapchat uses AI technology in their application with the goal to
improve the user experience. It can track your profile features and overlay filters that move
with your face in real-time. Also, when you’re typing a text message on social media or a
business-related e-mail on Outlook, you can notice that some words are corrected instantly,
that’s because artificial intelligence can correct commonly made grammar mistakes. Leading
to faster, better quality content deployment with minimal risk of mistakes and a better social
interaction in general![ CITATION Mik19 \l 2067 ]
Our smartphones are the devices which we use the most in our daily lives. More and more
people use facial recognition or fingerprint recognition to access their phones. These
recognition systems are AI-based. The apps which are used the most in general are social
media apps such as Facebook and Instagram. These apps use AI to generate a relevant feed
for you. Google Maps is AI-based as well and is used on a daily basis by a lot of people.
[ CITATION Ber19 \l 2067 ], [ CITATION Gar20 \l 2067 ]

All artificial intelligence products can bring about major advantages, but the other side of the
coin is that they can also be dangerous. We all know that Artificial intelligence could help
society in a lot of ways, but in the wrong hands it could also be used in a bad way. Artificial
intelligence algorithms are powered by data. As more and more data is collected about every
single minute of every person’s day, our privacy gets compromised. If businesses and
governments decide to make decisions based on the intelligence they gather about you like
China is doing with its social credit system, it could devolve into social oppression.[ CITATION
Ber \l 2067 ]
From a social point of view, as every A.I. is created by a human being, the algorithm that is
implemented should be developed responably. One problem I discovered was that
sometimes, these mechanisms have built-in bias. Which leads to online inequality conflicts
such as racism or gender inequality. [ CITATION Ber20 \l 1033 ]

Artificial intelligence has a lot of advantages for managers and the economy in general. The
benefits of implementing AI in finance can solve a lot of problems and automize many
processes like fraud detection, delivering personalized recommendations about investments,
securities, and shares. For managers, AI can automize jobs, so you don’t need to hire
employees who do a lot of repetitive work, you lower human error thus you save money in
general. Also the fact that AI can deliver 24/7 customer interaction through chatbots like they
already use on improves the availability and customer experience.[ CITATION Ali20 \l
2067 ]
AI can be used in quality control. When the quality of a large amount of products has to be
tested, is it usually cheaper, easier and more efficient to let AI based machines do this than to
let a human do it. [ CITATION The \l 2067 ]
Chatbots recognize words in sentences and generate automatic replies. This reduces the need
for a customer support and helps small business owners to focus on what really matters to
them. [ CITATION Ili19 \l 2067 ]
Our economic system is secured by AI. Without AI, it would be impossible to check whether
money is real or not. Counterfeit money on a large scale can be very bad for an economy, so
these AI based devices keep our economy safe. [ CITATION Art18 \l 2067 ]

A lot of people are worrying about their job stability. If businesses start implementing AI, a
lot of people will lose their jobs. AI will also create jobs but only for people with proper
training and education which a lot of people won’t have. AI could be beneficial for a company
but could also create problems when the company cannot find anyone qualified enough to
operate the AI.
As A.I. is creating various job opportunities, it is true that many people will lose their jobs to
robots. Financially speaking, more resources will be spent on training programs that will
need to be instaurated to make sure that humans learn how to work with advanced
technology. [ CITATION You20 \l 1033 ]

AI improves healthcare on a lot of different levels, and it improves human lives in this crucial
sector during times of a pandemic. For example: virtual healthcare technology, more familiar
as telemedicine or telehealth, allows doctors and their patients to touch remotely through the
use of video conferences or other mobile apps, without the need of a physical meeting place
such as the hospital or the doctor’s office. This new experience will enable devices and the
environment in general to be more adaptable in these changing times. Since a few years, 3D
printers can be seen in every company for various purposes, this is also the case in hospitals.
Hospitals are basically run like a normal business so 3D printing and virtual simulations are
creating new strengths and opportunities where it can improve the quality and safety of
treatment with the goal of optimizing the patient experience. The most important fact is that
thanks to 3D printing technology, doctor and surgeons can offer faster prototypes and the
creation of personalized prosthetics.[ CITATION Dis20 \l 2067 ]
AI is crucial in healthcare in many different apects. AI based learning machines are used to
analyze blood samples. [ CITATION AIa20 \l 2067 ]. Image processing is one of the many
subcategories of AI and is often used for recognizing diseases such as skin cancer (With a
proven higher succes rate than doctors). [ CITATION Che20 \l 2067 ]. AI based machines are
also used to check whether a person does or does not have Covid19, which is globally
considered to be a vital tool at the moment. [ CITATION Usi20 \l 2067 ]

Having AI in healthcare can also involve a few risks. AI systems can be wrong which could
lead to patient injury or other health problems. What if an AI system gives the wrong
medicine to a patient or fails to notice symptoms? Another Con of having AI in healthcare is
the loss of emotion and human touch. While treating a patient, doctors do build a connection
on an emotional level which does help in keeping the morale of patients high.
The biggest disadvatage is the big unemployment rates in the industry. With robots doing
more and more tasks acurately, such as analyzing the condition of a patient or helping people
with mental heath issues, there are doctors and nurses who have created emotional
attachments to patients they may never see again. However, it is not likely that A.I. will
replace doctors in the nearest future. We can only make good use of these machines that
started to predict more and more acurately than doctors.
But, a major issue in the healthcare department that sometimes doctors, but more often A.I.
makes is misdiagnostication. When the system does not have enough points for each patient
in order to make a clear diagnosis, risks appear, and are higher than ever, speaking about
health. The lack of training in A.I. mechanisms has resulted in 200.000 deaths each year.
[ CITATION Val20 \l 1033 ]
2. Does Artificial Intelligence improve productivity?
Artificial intelligence improves a lot in terms of productivity for businesses. And there are
many benefits linked to AI for businesses. To start, AI has the ability to gather vast amounts
of data. This is crucial for businesses and their productivity. Instead of using employees’ their
work hours to gather data in a manual way, AI can collect it for them automatically in a more
efficient manner. Also, it takes skill and a lot of work hours in order to understand the data
gathered and implemented it correctly. AI programs are able to digest collected info quickly
and understand patterns in a way human employees seldom can. This definitely increases
productivity and production by giving a company an advantage when it comes to collecting
insights to drive marketing decisions. From this collection of insights and data, AI can
provide companies a prediction of future opportunities they need to grab and recommend
how to take action. Not only is it offering data in a faster and more efficient way, but AI also
gives useful information for companies to act on and use in their strategic decisions.
[ CITATION Sar18 \l 2067 ]
When there is enough high qualitative input, AI can be used for more accurate demand
forecasting in businesses, which is crusial for companies that work with a Just-In-Time
supply flow. The system can notify managers when to purchase which materials and can even
do automated material procurement. [ CITATION Jav18 \l 2067 ]

When we see A.I. doing jobs more efficient than humans we think that it’s a peak of
productivity. While this might be true in some organizations, others would disagree. AI needs
skilled employees to use the technology effectively. If you don’t have any employees with
those skills AI will not make your company more productive. Using AI that is not being used
properly won’t increase productivity. [ CITATION Wil20 \l 2067 ]
Putting people on the side on their jobs or giving them less to do, decreases productivity
among human beings and is a loss to society as a whole. [ CITATION Ber \l 1033 ]
3. Is Artificial Intelligence dangerous for humanity?


Many people think that AI is dangerous for humanity. Sadly, it’s the other way around. When
used in a good way like it is intended to, AI can improve security for businesses and the
human race. For instance, you have cybersecurity with AI. AI in cybersecurity refers to a set
of capabilities very similar to human abilities that allow organizations including companies
and government agencies like police departments to detect, predict and respond to
cyberthreats created by hackers and other cybercriminals. Cyberthreats created by humans
are dangerous for humanity, but not cybersecurity made possible by Artificial intelligence.
[ CITATION Lol20 \l 2067 ]
AI is crucial in keeping us all safe. Image processing, which is a subcategory of AI, is used for
facial recognition. This facial recognition is used by police worldwide. Cameras with facial
recognition are not only used to recognize criminals via security cameras, but also to find
back missing people. [ CITATION AIi20 \l 2067 ] AI can run military units without needing any
crew (Good example is the USA Sea Hunter), by this way security can be guaranteed without
risking human life. [ CITATION Ama20 \l 2067 ]

A.I. can be both helpful and dangerous at the sime time. And we need to be aware of this
danger in order to help optimize its functionality. AI could be dangerous if it is used
maliciously. It could be used to threaten digital security, there could be machines trained to
hack. It could also endanger physical security, by weaponizing artificial intelligence.
[ CITATION Mike19 \l 2067 ] You might have a few AI technologies at home for example Alexa,
or other apps that could be hacked to maybe spy on you.
Furthermore, any camera or microphone can be dangerous, and not only. Hacking is
becoming more and more popular and powerful as these systems evolve. And I doubt that
there is one person who did not think at some point that they are being listened or spied on in
their own house.
Take the example of the U.S. company, ADT, who produced home security systems for inside
and outside homes. Not one, but several families were spyed upon for more than 7 years by a
so-called trusted employee who was later charged for criminal behaviour. [ CITATION KAL20 \l
1033 ]

This is very delicate because some people want more privacy than others. As long as artificial
intelligence evolves, it continues to keep magnifying the ability to use our personal data and
information in ways that can feel like these devices intrude our privacy by analyzing our personal
information to unknown data gatherers.[ CITATION Cam20 \l 2067 ]

Facial recognition systems for businesses and public areas offer a preview of the privacy issues
that emerge. cams with a blurred view can easily be altered so the face is recognizable again
thanks to artificial intelligence. They make this possible by checking smartphones in the
neighborhood of the camera and the time you were there with your smartphone in your pocket.
Then they can access your social media channels and determine whether your face fits the blurred
image or not. Some people see this as a serious violation of their privacy, but the police and other
security agencies can catch dangerous people in return that might be a threat to businesses and
financial institutions thanks to this technology.
First of all it is important to mention that not all AI breaches privacy. For exemple an AI based
device which checks whether money is real of fake only has benefits and does not breach anyone’s
privacy. A device that recognizes skin cancer saves lives without breaching privacy. The question
shouldn’t be does AI breach privacy, it should be ‘Which specific AI applications breach privacy?’.
Some applications of AI breach privacy, but in those cases we should do a cost benefit analysis.
The police can use facial recognition in camera’s in public places and yes, they breach your
privacy when doing that. However, it is not unreasonable to allow a small breach of privacy if in
the end they can catch a terrorist before he does an attack and kills dozens of innocent people.

Privacy is a qualified and fundamental human right, but how much privacy do we have nowadays? Not
much I would say. For example, look at what China is doing. China is using Artificial intelligence to
collect data from their citizens. The data that is being collected affects your social credit. The higher
the social credit the better. So basically, China is collecting data and implementing a social credit
system to make sure no one is doing anything bad. The AI collects data like not paying fines when
you're deemed fully able to, misbehaving on a train, standing up a taxi, or driving through a red light.
You lose social credits for doing something wrong and by having a low social score you won’t be able to
do certain things. AI surveillance could be used to intrude your privacy. [ CITATION Nic19 \l 2067 ]

Every A.I. system gathers data, and that is what we give in exchange of using all these free platforms,
such as Facebook, Google, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. Data is an important factor for companies as they
get to learn more about us. But some past events have proven that it can be easily used against us and
against our will. Cambridge Analitica, for example, was a British company that gathered data from
people around the world through platforms like the ones mentioned before. They had several (illegal)
programs, such as the 2016 election where they helped the Trump campaign by spreading customized
adds to several users that they thought where persuadable based on their personal data to change their
minds about the elections. They did the same with the Leave.EU campaign from Brexit or other
political campaigns around the world. [ CITATION Wha17 \l 1033 ]

Another good example where privacy is lacking is the “Just walk out” Amazon store in San Francisco.
Their concept is based on a ‘no more staying in line’ style where people can simply enter when
scanning an app and leave with no physical receipt of cash exchange. Everything is payed online, and
no scanning is necessary as they have sensors everywhere. In exchange, you give them access to your
shopping behavior, what you buy, what you put back on the shelves, etc. The store is fully equipped
with cameras and sensors to register every move you make. – [ CITATION You20 \l 1033 ]

First of all, we can link safety and security in terms of cybersecurity because it makes us safer
in general because since it protects us against cyberthreats and against the abuse of our
personal private data.
Secondly, When I think about safety, I think about the workplace. The human element is a
crucial aspect in workplace safety. We can’t ignore from the fact that fatigue and stress
contribute to and cause a lot of workplace accidents. Therefore, one of the key advantages of
AI is its ability to stay, focused, alert and relaxed at all times, in any environment. Elsewhere,
thank to complex AI algorithms, robots and other devices reduce manual work so employees
can focus on more important tasks. This creates freer headspace and minimizes the error rate
of each employee while it also improves efficiencies
Thirdly, AI vehicles that might be used by salespeople or taxi companies in the future
improve road safety when properly used. [ CITATION PRZ20 \l 2067 ] They can reduce human
error by taking over the wheel or these Artificial devices can remind human drivers to be
more careful and drive more safely. The conclusion is easy: AI can help identify and reduce
dangerous situations, even teaching drivers to drive their car with more care. AI can remind
salespeople on the road for instance to follow traffic rules or notify the taxi driver when he
needs to lower speed or needs to create more distance between vehicles and much more will
reveal itself in the coming years in terms of AI cars and vehicles.
AI is used in security cameras which are used in shopping malls, the parliament, museums et
cetera. [ CITATION Met20 \l 2067 ]
Drones are being deployed in the construction industry to do tasks which are dangerous for
humans. [ CITATION Hay19 \l 2067 ]

AI could be dangerous for the safety of humanity if it’s used to make lethal autonomous
weapons. It can be used in terrorist attacks which already happened in the past. AI could also
become dangerous if it becomes too intelligent. If it becomes too smart for people to handle.
Because AI is a product of human intelligence, it can be programmed to do either good or
bad. I see the beneficial parts, but isn’t it scary to know that anyone smart enough could use
the powerful technology against us? Even more scary is the idea of the creator losing control
over that A.I. mechanism. Imagine a situation where no one has the power to stop it and it
does devastating things. Or if the A.I. is not used efficiently it can do the literal job you asked
for without taking into consideration the various ways it can damage the environment and
surroundings. [ CITATION Til19 \l 1033 ]
Writing an official conclusion when it comes to AI is not as simple as it seems. As you already
might have guessed, there still are quite many uncertainties when it comes to AI. Although
we always have to consider -as previously mentioned- the cost-benefit analysis, which shows
us that when it comes to the following topics, artificial intelligence certainly will benefit all of
humanity, such as healthcare, productivity, business analysis and general observations of
society. Every single person would benefit from these aspects of AI. We would be able to see
cancer instantly without guessing or uncertainties, AI can analyze date faster than a human
being -which is pretty obvious- and we are simply not able to observe as AI can by means of
smart street cameras with facial recognition etc.
The cost of this is privacy -to some extend- security and our social life. All considering the
fact humans will not be free anymore, or at least not to the extend of what used to be, which
is already the case now compared to 50 years ago.

“With great power comes great responsibility”

- [ CITATION quo \l 2057 ]

This quote from Stan Lee, who an American comic writer could perfectly apply to AI. When
AI would reach its full potential it receives -or has- great power, which has to be used
responsible. It should not be used for warfare, it certainly could be, but we believe this
opposes a threat to more than just our “enemy”. It would well be hacked and re-programmed
in a way we might have to battle our own invention. This might seem farfetched, but it
remains a possibility.
We suggest to embrace AI, since it has the possibility of helping or developing humans and
the earth as a whole, we just have to keep in mind the risks that come along with it, to prevent
them before it is essentially too late. This debate showcased the different opinions on
artificial intelligence and we hope to have reached the goal of making you think about the
possible side effects, as well as the possible opportunities.
In this table we want to conclude in which aspect the pros weight out the cons and the other
way around, in a very brief manner.

Productivity AI is able to act faster, adapt quicker and more

accurate than humans will ever be able to do.
Financial/business perspective AI has extraordinary capabilities when it comes to
analyzing data and improving efficiency.
Healthcare The technologies and possibilities AI will bring
forward in healthcare are groundbreaking.
Social aspect Could be used positively for society, although we find
more diversification on many aspects due to
personalized content.
Security AI could provide the ultimate security, but it will
always have errors that enable cyber-attacks.
Safety Safety is a broad aspect, peoples homes could be
hacked, smart cities could shut-down, but criminals
would be tracked down as never before.
Privacy Our privacy will be almost non-existent to some
Thank you,

I found this assignment very interesting. At first, I was afraid to dive into the A.I. world because I
always thought it was very complicated to understand. Then I realized that I was just afraid of the
unknown. It was satisfying to actually see how these mechanisms and algorithms work. I watched
several documentaries and read some articles that were very useful for my part of the report. I found
that the link between A.I. and business environment can be easily identified. All in all, working in this
team has turned out to be both fun and efficient. The idea of a debate was very interesting to all of
us and we did not feel like we had to work hard but work smart.

Working on this assignment was mind-broadening in different ways. I learned a lot from my own
research that I had to conduct for this assignment. This led me to watching the documentary about
the Amazon Empire and Jeff Bezos’ role in the development in AI. The research other conducted and
added in the word document was sometimes shocking as well because now I realize that AI is closer
than you think in business life but also in your private life. As I am used in this team, the group work
went very smooth and everybody completed their parts before the deadline so I can conclude that
this was again an efficient and effective cooperation. Not only for the debate video and the
presentation in class but also in terms of the word document.

I think this assignment was really nice and interesting. I am pro AI, because my company is in AI, but
this assignment gave me some clear insights in why people fear AI. I think overall working on this
assignment was interesting, and the debate was really nice to do.

I enjoyed working on this task with my team. Before I started on this assignment, I thought this
would be quite boring but after doing research and reading all our arguments, I realized that was and
is super interesting. We got the idea to do a debate with all the con and pro arguments we could
find, and our debate ended up being over 40 minutes.

Personally, I really enjoyed this assignment. I have always been on the opposing side of AI and almost
“futuristic” technologies in general. But I am not going to deny all the benefits it could bring us. To
say it quite frankly, honestly I am scared. I am scared to where the priorities of AI are, is it really to
improve human life? Or is this merely a consequence of capitalism? I am grateful for everything
brought to us by technology and I will also make use of it, since it does improve my life. But it
remains unknown for what its real intended use really is. And I hope we can turn the ties, and use it
for the greater good. This debate and research also showed me even more benefits such as
healthcare and productivity, it is certain that I have learned a lot during this assignment, although it
did not change my mind completely.
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