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[standards in a NUTSHELL] Koon Hoo Teo,

Zhifeng Tao,
and Jinyun Zhang

The Mobile Broadband WiMAX Standard

obile worldwide inter- are needed to greatly improve system per- the Mobile WiMAX standard. The first
operability for micro- formance and network scalability while version of the higher-layer networking
wave access (WiMAX) significantly reducing the cost of equip- specifications for the Mobile WiMAX
is a wireless standard ment and deployment. standard is expected to be finalized in
that introduces ortho- early 2007. A commercial system is
gonal frequency division multiple OBJECTIVES anticipated in the year 2008.
access (OFDMA) and other key features The objective of the Mobile WiMAX stan-
to enable mobile broadband services at dard is to fill the gap between the WLANs TARGET APPLICATIONS
a vehicular speed of up to 120 km/h. (which provide very high data rate but The Mobile WiMAX standard has tar-
WiMAX complements the and com- short-range coverage) and the 3G cellu- geted application areas for WiMAX sys-
petes with wireless local area networks lar systems (which provide highly mobile tems such as voice over Internet
(WLANs) and the third generation (3G) long-range coverage but low data rate) protocol (VoIP), video conferencing,
wireless standards on coverage and by providing a specification that supports streaming media, multiplayer interac-
data rate. More specifically, WiMAX a mobile broadband access system tive gaming, Web browsing, instant
supports a much larger coverage area [including functions to enable handoff messaging, and media content down-
than WLAN, does not require line of between base stations (BSs) or sectors]. loading. These applications consume
sight for a connection, and is signifi- Furthermore, the target is to greatly significant bandwidth and, in some
cantly less costly compared to the cur- reduce the cost of WiMAX infrastructure cases, require short end-to-end latency.
rent 3G cellular standards. Although per unit data rate by significantly
the WiMAX standard supports both increasing the system capacity compared STRUCTURE OF THE STANDARD
fixed and mobile broadband data serv- to the current 3G standard systems. The Mobile WiMAX specifications basi-
ices, the latter have a much larger cally consist of the document for the
market. Therefore, this article will ISSUING BODY AND SCHEDULE fixed system (IEEE 802.16-2004 Air
briefly present the Mobile WiMAX stan- Mobile WiMAX air interface specifica- Interface standard), the document for
dard, the technologies deployed for the tions are based on the IEEE 802.16- the mobile system (IEEE 802.16e
air interface and the network, and the 2004 Air Interface standard and the amendment), and the document for the
development of the standards to sup- IEEE 802.16e amendment, ratified in higher-layer networking from the
port mobile multihop relays in a late 2004 and 2005, respectively. WiMax Forum. The first two documents
WiMAX network. Although confined only to the physical define specifications for the PHY layer
(PHY) and medium access control (such as the frame structure, OFDMA,
BACKGROUND (MAC) layer specifications, these stan- modulation, and coding) and the MAC
dards are very extensive. The WiMAX layer (such as the data and control
MOTIVATION Forum, a nonprofit organization of 414 plane and the sleep mode for the termi-
Wireless broadband data communication member companies, was formed to nals). The higher-layer networking
is experiencing a rapid expansion, and trim down these specifications to a document includes the reference net-
WiMAX equipment sales are expected to manageable size and ensure interoper- work architecture and specifies how
hit US$3 billion by 2009. Mobile data ability of equipment among different wide-area roaming and handoff proto-
communication revenues, in particular, vendors through its certification col are being addressed.
already account for at least 20–30% of process. In addition, the WiMAX
carriers’ revenues in many affluent coun- Forum Network Working Group is TECHNOLOGY
tries. To keep up with this noteworthy developing the higher-level networking
growth in the demand for wireless broad- specifications that are not covered in FUNCTIONALITIES
band, new technologies and architectures the IEEE 802.16 standards. These com- The Mobile WiMAX standard addresses
bined efforts will help to define the all classes (fixed, nomadic, and mobile)
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSP.2007.904740 end-to-end system specifications for of users. The standard developed


specifications that provide: 1) a very The basic tenets of the Mobile WiMAX of AAA (authentication, authorization,
high capacity and high bandwidth capa- network architecture are: 1) separation accounting) servers, mobile IP (MIP)
ble of catering to both real time and data of the access architecture from the IP agents, IP multimedia subsystem (IMS)
traffic, 2) a flexible architecture to ease connectivity service, 2) organization in a servers, user databases, and interwork-
deployment, 3) wide area mobility and hierarchical, flat, or mesh topology, 3) ing gateway devices. IMS uses the
worldwide coverage, 4) quality of service support of fixed, nomadic, and mobile standard IP, which allows existing (e.g.,
(QoS) to prioritize and optimize traffic, subscribers, and 4) support of global VoIP and circuit-switched phone) and
and 5) interoperability of equipment. roaming and inter-working with other new services to be provided.
Systems using the WiMAX standard 3G wireless systems. Each of these basic Organization in a hierarchical, flat,
can provide ubiquitous mobile services. tenets is briefly explained next using the or mesh topology includes 1) sharing
A user may be using a wireless video- illustration of the basic WiMAX network of ASN(s) of a network access provider
phone, a laptop, or a PDA for data servic- architecture in Figure 1. This figure (NAP) among multiple network service
es and may also be performing video illustrates the roaming of the mobile providers (NSPs) and vice versa; 2)
streaming or uploading photos from a users within the overlapped coverage of NAP that consists of one or more
wireless digital camera. The user could two access stations connected to a ASNs; 3) most basic deploying of a sin-
be video conferencing on the run (for common core IP network. gle ASN together with a small number
instance, at the airport or on a train), Separation of the access architecture of CSN functions to provide basic
connected to a private or public network, from the IP connectivity service is Internet access without roaming; and
from home to office and anywhere achieved by delimiting the access service 4) different ASN topologies including
around the globe. In the area of public network (ASN) from the connectivity hierarchical or distributed (multihop
safety, a fire team could download the service network (CSN). The ASN pro- interconnects) for flexibility in scaling
internal maps of a building on fire while vides an aggregation of functional enti- the network. For example, Figure 1
the rescue vehicles are still on the road ties for the access services and shows each BS having its separate
and could transmit real-time informa- represents the boundary for functional gateway or both BSs sharing one gate-
tion on a patient before the ambulance interoperability with different classes of way, depending on their localities and
even reaches the hospital. Similarly, a WiMAX terminals such as laptops and traffic loading of the gateway.
teaching institution could provide cost- phones. The CSN provides a set of net- Support of fixed, nomadic, and
effective distance education to students work functions that help achieve IP con- mobile users means that the architec-
inside and outside the campus with dif- nectivity and related services to the ture supports both mobility and handoff.
ferent levels of service in voice, data, and WiMAX subscribers. A CSN may consist Handoff is a process by which an active
video provided for by the WiMAX built-in
QoS. For operators keen to capture a
slice of the underserved mobile broad-
band market, WiMAX offers a network
IEEE 802.16e Access Connectivity Ethernet
architecture that is highly scalable, low
Terminals Service Service Network
in cost, and easy to deploy in a licensed Network
or licensed-exempt spectrum. A licensed
spectrum is a spectrum leased by an AAA Content
operator(s) for a given locality, whereas Network
the licensed-exempt spectrum is the so- Router
called “free” spectrum in which anybody MIP
can use the spectrum provided certain
rules are followed. Mobile Station 1
Station Desktop
Billing IMS
Mobile WiMAX defines an all-Internet Gateway 2
protocol (IP) end-to-end network Station
architecture, which is an integrated Station 2
telecommunications network architec-
ture that uses IP for the end-to-end
transport of all user data and signaling
data. Core networks based on IP
routers and switches are easily scalable
[FIG1] IP-based WiMAX network architecture. AAA, IMS, MIP, MIP HA denote
and easier to install and operate than a
authentication, authorization, accounting servers; IP multimedia subsystems;
circuit switched network. mobile IP agents; and mobile IP home agents, respectively.


[standards in a NUTSHELL] continued

call is transferred from one cell to ing the symbol duration and thereby each connection. A higher modulation
another. As depicted in Figure 1, a reducing the relative multipath delay index offers a larger throughput and
mobile station (MS) can move from one spread. By introducing a guard time can be easily exploited by users near
cell to another (indicated by the red that is greater than the delay spread for the BS where the signal-to-noise ratio
arrow), and a handoff between the BSs each OFDM symbol, the intersymbol is generally high.
through the network can be executed. interference due to delay spread can be 3) Fine granularity QoS can be pro-
MIP at its core network includes almost eliminated. vided over the air interface for both
elements such as home agents (HAs) Impact of frequency-selective fading downlink and uplink because Mobile
that would allow seamless handoff of is minimized when using OFDMA with WiMAX is connection oriented and its
services when a user moves from one frequency-selective scheduling (that is, QoS is defined on a per-service-flow
cell coverage to another. The WiMAX simply by selecting the right subcarri- basis. In addition, OFDMA plus the
architecture also supports dynamic and ers for each user). very high system capacity and flexible
static home address configurations and Bandwidth scalability is made possi- mechanism of optimal scheduling of
dynamic assignment of the HA to ble by proportionate adjustment of the space, frequency, and time resources
optimize routing and load balancing. fast Fourier transform (FFT) size to the on a frame-by-frame basis enables bet-
Support of global roaming and channel bandwidth with fixed subcarrier ter enforcement of QoS. As a result,
interworking with other 3G wireless frequency spacing and symbol duration, Mobile WiMAX systems can support a
systems means that the architecture thereby incurring minimum additional wide range of services, such as voice
allows and supports roaming among implementation complexity and simul- and video with vastly different QoS
NSPs and enables both vertical and taneously maintaining transparency to requirements.
intertechnology handoffs with such the higher layers. Therefore, Mobile
networks as WLAN and 3G partnership WiMAX can deliver truly “worldwide COMPARISON WITH
project (3GPP). interoperability,” as it adjusts its band- OTHER STANDARDS
width to adapt to the spectrum alloca- WLAN standards such as IEEE 802.11a
TOOLS tion in different countries and regions and IEEE 802.11g provide user
The superior system capacity perform- and to a wide variety of traffic loading throughput of 1 Mb/s or more, and
ance of Mobile WiMAX is made possible requirements. allow broadband access to the Internet
by the combination of OFDMA and Compatibility of OFDM/OFDMA with within a cell radius of a couple of hun-
advanced antenna technologies, adaptive advanced antenna technology is a dred meters. On the other hand, cur-
modulation and coding techniques, and notable strength. OFDM/OFDMA trans- rent 3G cellular networks, which are
fine granularity QoS. lates a wideband frequency-selective optimized for voice, provide paging and
1) OFDMA is an extended, multi- channel into a number of flat narrow low-data-rate services within a very
user orthogonal frequency division band subcarriers. This allows antenna large area. As stated earlier, Mobile
multiplexing (OFDM) that can accom- technology processing to be performed WiMAX is a metropolitan access tech-
modate many users at the same time on on a flat subcarrier vector without the nique that was developed to provide
the same channel. This technique has need for complex equalizers that are not only broadband wireless access but
also been adopted by Mobile WiMAX often required in a wideband frequency- also larger area coverage. Both WLAN
where multiplexing of sets of OFDM selective fading channel. Currently, and Mobile WiMAX provide high-data-
subcarriers within the same channel is Mobile WiMAX supports space time rate services but with quite different
provided to data streams from multiple coding (STC), spatial multiplexing area of coverage; therefore, they com-
users. OFDMA has been used because it (SM), and smart antenna beamforming, plement each other. However, in the
provides tolerance to multipath, fre- which are some of the most powerful long run, the existing 3G networks
quency-selective fading, scalable chan- techniques to significantly improve may be threatened by the emergence of
nel bandwidth, and high compatibility spectral efficiency and system capacity. a successful Mobile WiMAX.
with advanced antenna technology. OFDMA and advanced antenna technol- To respond to this threat, another
Tolerance to multipath in OFDMA is ogy will help further boost Mobile competing standard—3GPP long-term
accomplished because OFDM is an effi- WiMAX spectral efficiency, coverage, evolution (LTE)—is currently being
cient technique to resolve the multipath and system capacity. developed to include—among others—
delay spread that often occurs in a non- 2) Adaptive modulation and coding advanced antenna technology, OFDMA,
line-of-sight wireless channel. OFDM techniques, and coding ranging from and flexible transmission bandwidth. In
subdivides the bandwidth of a signal half-rate QPSK to 5/6 64 QAM, were short, 3GPP LTE and Mobile WiMAX
into a number of orthogonal frequency deployed by Mobile WiMAX to further share many common technologies and
subcarriers. By doing so, an input data boost the level of system capacity. The architectures, but also exhibit differ-
stream is branched into several data amount of error tolerated depends on ences. One of the main differences is in
paths with lower data rate, thus increas- the reliability and QoS requirement of the uplink, where the single-carrier


FDMA (SC-FDMA) is being adopted. to 120 km/h with handoff. In general, FURTHER TECHNICAL
The SC-FDMA signal carries a lower except for the mobility speed, many of DEVELOPMENTS
peak-to-average power ratio and hence the performance targets of Mobile A new task group, IEEE 802.16j, was
has better power efficiency for the sub- WiMAX are comparable to 3GPP LTE. officially established in March 2006 to
scriber units compared to OFDMA (as
used in the Mobile WiMAX standard).
3GPP LTE targets a 100-Mb/s downlink
and 50-Mb/s uplink peak data rate Tutorials
throughput at 20-MHz channel band- • A. Ghosh, D.R. Wolter, J.G. Andrews, and R. Chen, “Broadband wireless access with
width. Peak data rate throughput WiMAX/802.16: Current performance benchmarks and future potential,” IEEE
Commun. Mag., vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 129–136, Feb. 2005.
implies that the mobile resides near the
• I. Koffman and V. Roman, “Broadband wireless access solution based on OFDM
BS and operates at its peak perform-
access,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 96–103, Apr. 2002.
ance. The targeted peak spectra effi-
ciencies are 5 b/Hz/s for downlink and
• “Mobile WiMAX—Part I: A Technical Overview and Performance Evaluation,”
2.5 b/Hz/s for the uplink. The targeted
WiMAX Forum, August 2006 [Online]. Available:
speed with handoff of the mobile units
is about 350 km/h. Alhough 3GPP LTE • “Mobile WiMAX—Part II: A Comparative Analysis,” WiMAX Forum, May 2006
is expected to compete against Mobile [Online]. Available:
WiMAX, the 3GPP LTE system is not
expected to become commercial before Books
2010, i.e., at least a year or two later • C. Eklund, R. Marks, S. Ponnuswamy, K.L. Stanwood, and N.J.M. Van Waaes,
than Mobile WiMAX. WirelessMAN: Inside the IEEE 802.16 Standard for Wireless Metropolitan Area
Networks. New York: IEEE Press, May 2006.
PERFORMANCE Resources for Further Developments
The performance of a wireless data sys- • WiMAX Forum white papers [Online].
tem is often measured in terms of the Available:
peak or average data throughput of a • IEEE 802.16’s Mobile Multihop Relay (MMR) Study Group [Online].
BS and throughput for a user at the Available:
cell edge. WiMAX with a two-antenna • WiMAX, NLOS, and Broadband Wireless Access Worldwide Market Analysis
configuration (2 × 2) MIMO at 10-MHz 2004–2008 [Online].
channel bandwidth can achieve a theo-
• WiMAX and RAN equipment sales [Online].
retical peak data rate of 60 Mb/s for a
total downlink operation (without
uplink) and 28 Mb/s for a total uplink
operation. The cell coverage ranges
from a few hundred meters to less
than 1 km in a dense urban area, 1 to
3 km in a suburban area, and beyond MS RS MS RS BS RS MS
10 km in a rural area. In general, sys-
tem capacity is heavily dependent on
the geographical distribution of the
users in the coverage area and the
scheduler that determines the distri-
bution of the capacity to each user.
Relay Link Relay Link
The best case is when all users are very
close and within the line of sight of
the BSs. The worst case is when all
users are at the cell edges. For exam-
ple, the cell edge rate is expected to
achieve 1–2 Mb/s for downlink and
300–400 kb/s for the uplink for a sin-
gle user at a 2% outage (probability of
user not achieving the expected data
rate). As far as mobility is concerned,
it is expected to support a speed of up [FIG2] A topology of future IEEE 802.16j MMR networks.


[standards in a NUTSHELL] continued

accommodate several interfaces with

traditional Ethernet and optional POTS
(VoIP) interface. The products, which
• Base station: Airspan’s MacroMAX and MicroMAX, Alvarion’s BreezeMAX, Redline
include both indoor and outdoor ver-
Communications’ RedMAX, Telsima’s StarMAX, Aperto’s PacketWave 1000,
sions, cater to both residential and
Axxcelera’s ExcelMax
business users. The network products
• Subscriber unit: Airspan’s EasyST, SR Telecom’s SymmetryOne, Aperto’s PacketWave
100&200, Axxcelara’s ExcelMax CPE, Telsima’s StarMAX give operators the capability to easily
• Network: Airspan’s Netspan, Alvarion’s WALKair and eMGW, SR Telecom’s Angel deploy, expand, control, collect, and
• For product references, please refer to analyze traffic statistics and monitor with friendly graphical user interfaces.
The network also allows equipment
software to be upgraded through the
central office. Relevant software and
amend the current IEEE 802.16e stan- WiMAX Release-1 profile certifications hardware in WiMAX products are
dard to support mobile multihop relay when the first products are expected to included “WiMAX Products.”
(MMR) operation in wireless broadband roll out in mid-2007. Mobile WiMAX is
networks. The objective of this standard expected to operate in the licensed 2.3-, AUTHORS
is to improve the capacity and coverage 2.5-, and 3.5-GHz bands. Koon Hoo Teo ( is a sen-
of the current Mobile WiMAX standard. Fixed WiMAX BS products are avail- ior principal technical staff at Mitsubishi
The uplink is the weaker link because able especially for last-mile broadband Electric Research Lab (MERL), Cam-
of the limited transmitted power of the access for single office home office and bridge, USA.
terminal. An envisioned topology of a residential customers operating mostly Zhifeng Tao ( is a
future IEEE 802.16j MMR network is in the 3.5-GHz spectrum to compete member of the technical staff at MERL.
depicted in Figure 2. against connection with a digital sub- Jinyun Zhang ( is
One natural consequence of relay is scriber line or cable modem. Some the manager of the digital communica-
traffic “aggregation” on these relay links vendors also provide QoS settings for tion and networking group at MERL. All
between a BS and a relay station (RS), or video, voice, and data services. The of the authors are active members of the
between a pair of RSs. As RSs have to fixed WiMAX subscriber products can IEEE 802.16 standards organization. [SP]
carry traffic originated from and destined
to multiple MSs, the notion of “aggrega-
tion” of traffic in a relay link is simply
inherent and tends to grow larger with
the number of hops. Given the inherent
complexity of MMR networks, it is con-
ceivable that numerous technical chal-
lenges need to be addressed, which
include, but are not limited to, OFDMA
frame structure design, path manage-
ment and routing, handoff, security
architecture, and relay link reliability.

Relevant WiMAX resources are included
in “WiMAX Resources.”

Fixed WiMAX-compliant products are
now available on the market and were
deployed in the licensed 3.5-GHz band
and license-exempt 5.8-GHz band after
the first certification test lab was estab-
lished in Malaga, Spain, in July 2005. A
second certification lab has also recent-
ly been established in Korea, and both
labs will be fully ready for the Mobile


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