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Carol Cruz, the owner of Sea Breeze Paradise situated in Nueva Valencia, Guimaras, watched

her investment grow from a small, seaside resort to a thriving 3-star year-round resort in just a
few years. Atop a cliff overlooking the Guimaras coast, Sea Breeze Paradise had attracted
thousands of visitors but recently faced a tremendous downturn in business.  "But, given the
variety of tourism destinations on the island, the aggressive promotion of the Department of
Tourism, and our close proximity to Iloilo port," Carol added, "I couldn't understand why visitors
stopped coming to our resort!"   Currently, Sea Breeze Paradise targets middle to upper-income
families and positions the business as a relaxing family get-away.  

Carol Cruz saw the urgency of engaging the services of a Marketing consultant to help her craft
a Marketing Plan, which will be implemented in the year 2021.  When she learned that you have
earned your Master in Management (Business Management) degree from UP Visayas, she
immediately sought your services to help her improve the performance of her business.

1. Perform an Environment Analysis to identify the opportunities and threats facing Sea
Breeze Paradise (Note: Be specific in describing the developments and/or new trends in
the macro-environment that impact on the competitiveness of the company)

There are outside forces that a business must look to maximize the potential of its brand.
According to Kotler and Armstrong (2013), the marketing environment of a company or
organization is composed of actors and forces outside marketing that affect the
marketing management’s decisions for the sustainability of the brand. As the marketing
consultant of the Sea Breeze, I will be looking at the Macro-environment and the Micro-
environment forces and actors and sift through the information to identify the
opportunities and threats for the business. 

The Macro-environment

The macro-environment forces that will affect my decisions as a marketing consultant

may be categorized into four. These are the political environment, economic
environment, social environment, technological environment, and natural environment. I
will be looking at the recent developments in these environments and identify if they are
threat or an opportunity for the business.

Political Factors

Part of the Guimaras Provincial Government initiatives is the ongoing updating of the
Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan (PDPFP) which started in 2015.
This plan, according to the Reyes, Espanueva & Necosia (2017), serves as the blueprint
for the province’s development. In the recent update of this plan, the government
enhanced the province’s vision to incorporate the potential of the government when it
comes to eco-tourism. This is the enhanced vision of the province according to its

“Guimaras as the agri-eco-tourism capital of the region with empowered, selfreliant,

resilient and healthy families enjoying a progressive economy and safe environment
anchored on the principles of sustainable development".

This is a vital information for Sea Breeze Paradise resort because this means that the
administration will be promoting community and nature-based tourism. This becomes an
opportunity for the resort to focus on the natural elements of its resort, knowing that it will
be supported and promoted by the government.
Another development in the political environment is the recent decision of the Governor
to tighten control of its borders in the midst of rising cases of COVID-19 in Western
Visayas [ CITATION INF20 \l 1033 ]. Because Sea Breeze is in the hospitality industry
where a large chunk of its customers are composed of tourists, it will become more
difficult for people to reach the island because of border restrictions.

Economic Factors

According to the State of the Province Address of the Guimaras LGU for the year 2019,
one of the major economic activities of the province is tourism. Manggahan festival
remains to be the major attraction for tourists to visit the island. This is an opportunity for
the business to participate actively in the events of the festival to increase brand
awareness and engagement with its target market. In the chance that this festival will no
longer be celebrated because of the pandemic, the business still has the opportunity to
participate in online celebrations through sponsorship of Facebook live performances.

At the same time, because of the pandemic, the country faced a dip in its tourism
revenue by 35% according to Aguilar (2020) of This is a threat Sea Breeze
Paradise resort since a large chunk of its customers are tourists. The business must
therefore innovate or target a different market segment.

Socio-Cultural / Demographic Factors

According to the province’s official website (2018). Guimaras can be reached by air and
boat from Manila and other origins, via Iloilo City and Pulupandan, Negros Occidental. It
can be reached by ferryboats, pump boats and other sea-going vessels via Iloilo Strait
which is about 2.5 km [ CITATION Pro18 \l 1033 ]. Because its tourist customers will travel
through or from these cities, Sea Breeze has the opportunity to focus its promotional
efforts in the key areas of these cities, such as the malls, terminals, airports, and sea
ports. It also has the opportunity to partner with transport services or travel agencies in
these areas to broaden its reach.

Tourists are more likely to research their

Technological Factors

According to a survey among internet users between 16 and 64 years old, 96 percent
stated that they used Facebook, followed by YouTube, FB messenger, and Instagram as
of 3rd quarter 2019[ CITATION Mar20 \l 1033 ]. This is an opportunity for See Breeze to
focus its online promotional strategies on these social media platforms. Because these
platforms will be saturated, the business must maximize each platform tools and
features, and study the algorithms to standout from its competitors.

Another factor is the speed of data transfer or internet connection. Philippines has been
known to have one of the slowest internet connections in the world. This poses as a
threat for the business as it will be more challenging to use and maximize the platforms
to reach its customers. Sea Breeze must therefore focus on maximizing text or captions
in its social media content because this aspect loads and displays faster than photos
and videos.

Search Engine Optimization has been a growing trend for many years which only the big
companies are able to execute because of its complexity. This is an opportunity for the
business to be accessible to its online consumers. Sea Breeze can launch a website
with blogs, updates, and other information that allows consumers to research the
business through Google.

The emergence of online booking websites such as TripAdvisor, Traveloka,, and Agoda is an opportunity for the business to have wider reach, and
getting faster bookings. These websites review and rate resorts and hotels, and provide
a full list of the amenities each one has. It also allows the customer to book hotels ahead
of time. Sea Breeze’s partnership with these websites will grow its reach and sales, but it
also faces the challenge of standing out from its competitors.

Natural Factors

Local fishermen in Guimaras have complained of volumes of dead fish in the aftermath
of the July 3 oil spill in Iloilo City [ CITATION Yap20 \l 1033 ]. This is a threat for the resort
because this oil spill will affect the supply of the seafood that the resort will be serving to
its guests. Sea Breeze will have to look for safer sources of supply until this issue has
been addressed.

Located along the typhoon belt in the Pacific, the Philippines is visited by an average of
20 typhoons every year, five of which are destructive [ CITATION Asi201 \l 1033 ]. Because
Guimaras is an island, and can only be reached by ferry boats and pump boats, there is
a certain risk for tourists to visit the province. One most recent incident that is vital to the
business was the capsizing of three motorbancas in August 2019 which led to a total of
31 casualties [ CITATION Pro19 \l 1033 ]. This particular incident poses as a threat for the
business because of the fear that will be instilled in tourists, thinking that the current
transportation system is not safe. The business has the opportunity to participate in
initiatives to improve the transportation system of the province, as well as in the
promotion of the island’s safety and security.

The Micro-environment

In the micro-environment, we will look at the actors that will help or challenge the
marketing goal to create value for the consumers of Sea Breeze Paradise resort.
Opportunities and threats will be identified from the company, suppliers, marketing
intermediaries, competitors, publics, and customers.

Assuming that Sea Breeze Paradise is a sole-proprietorship, we will only be considering

the priorities and the objectives that the owner, Carol Cruz, has for the business. The
marketing plan will consider the budget that the owner has allotted for marketing. We will
also align the marketing strategies with the company mission, vision, values and annual
objectives. The significant development that will impact the supplier aspect of the
business is the recent oil spill in the province, which means supply in seafood will be
affected. The business must therefore look for other sources for this. The marketing
intermediaries will help brand reach its customers. Aside from online booking sites such
as Traveloka, Trivago, and, the business has the opportunity to partner
with AirBnB, which has a niche market of personalized hospitality. The business can
also partner with travel agencies and transportation agencies to make it easier for their
consumers to reach the business. Sea Breeze must also identify its competitors. Resorts
such as Andana, Raymen, and Cabaling Beach resort already have their share of the
market. Upon researching, these competitors make use of vloggers and online booking
websites to promote their services. There is little Facebook presence so the business
can standout by focusing on releasing consistent content regularly. The publics that will
help the brand reach more customers is composed of vloggers and social media
influencers. The resort can sponsor a local influencer with great online following to
increase brand awareness and customer interest. Of course, the most important actor in
the microenvironment of this business is its customers. Because the tourist customer
base is slowly deflating, the business must start looking at other market segments for its

2. Using as reference the results of your environmental scanning, develop a Customer-

driven Marketing Strategy for Sea Breeze Paradise (Note: Please make sure you
cover/include the four (4) key elements of a customer-driven marketing strategy)

The most significant development that will greatly affect the business is the pandemic
that we are in right now. The strategies below will focus on addressing the main issue
that business is currently facing, which is the decline in its tourist customers. The
business can target local individuals instead. The main objective of the strategies will be
changing the positioning of its brand from a relaxing family-getaway to a rejuvenation of
the mind, body and soul through nature. This allows the business strategies to focus on
individuals instead of a group, and offers an exclusivity brand to its middle to upper
income earner customers.

3. Using your proposed customer-driven strategy as guide, formulate an Integrated

Marketing Mix (Note: please make sure you cover the 7 P’s, namely; Product, Price,
Place, Promotion, People, Process, and Physical Evidence)

Product Strategy

The business can start offering day-tours and activities that will not necessarily require
its customers to spend the night. Instead of being a hotel, the resort can charge an
entrance fee to its customers inclusive of a welcome drink and a snack. The main
“product” that the business can focus on is the view of the Guimaras coast atop of a cliff.
This also includes developing the resort to make it look more peaceful and serene for its

Because it focuses on the wellbeing of the customers, Sea Breeze Paradise can offer
yoga classes that observe social distancing and proper sanitation. They can also start
releasing online yoga classes so customers can still participate at the comfort of their
own home. Furthermore, the business can improve its menu which can contain healthy
choices aside from the common seafood choices. They can also partner with the
Trappist Monastery for the merchandise that they can sell to its customers.

Place Strategy

Facebook, Instagram and Youtube will be the main platforms for promotions. The
business can set up a booking feature in Facebook messenger and Instagram, while
Youtube will mostly be used for online content.

Promotions Strategy

Sea Breeze will partner with Guimarasnon vloggers and online influencers to increase
awareness about the repositioning of the brand. They can also use Facebook ads to
promote the new services. The brand will implement content marketing strategies which
includes testimonies, stories, and informative articles. The key is not to promote the
business outright to gain more engagement from its customers. Blogs, videos, and
stories will be published online. The business will also partner with booking agencies for
its day-tour services.

Price Strategy

For the price, the resort will charge a fee of Php120 per person for its entrance fee,
inclusive of a snack and a welcome drink. This gains them full access of the resort


Sea Breeze Paradise will be promoting wellness through its employees as well. The
employees will be educated on customer service and the benefits of living healthy,
especially in this pandemic. They themselves will be healthy individuals who can
promote not only the services of the resort, but the effects of a healthy lifestyle not just
physically, but also mentally and spiritually.


The resort will be making use of Facebook Messenger, Instagram and online booking
services to manage the bookings. There will be a maximum number of people that the
resort will be accommodating, to ensure proper measures to avoid physical contact will
be observed. Therefore, it will be communicated that while the business will be
accepting walk-ins, it is better if they will book ahead to avoid not being able to enter.

Physical Evidence

Picnic areas where a small family can spend time with each other or even just an
individual can sit down and relax can be developed. Activities such as outdoor tic-tac-
toe, fishing, bird watching, biking, and other activities that don’t require a large group will
also be developed in the resort. As mentioned, the menu will also be revised or
improved to cater healthier choices. The resort grounds will also developed to be more
Asian Disaster Reduction Center. (2020). Information on Disaster Risk Reduction of the Member
Countries. Asian Disaster Reduction Center.

Asian Disaster Reduction Center. (2020). Information on Disaster Risk Reduction of the Member
Countries. Retrieved from Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC):

INFORMATION SECTION-OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR. (2020, August). Guimaras Reverts Strict Border
Control, Quarantine Protocols. Retrieved from Province of Guimaras Official Website:

Provincial Government of Guimaras. (2018). How to Get There. Retrieved from Province of Guimaras
Official Website:

Provincial Government of Guimaras. (2019, August 4). Capsized Motorbancas Incident Updates.
Retrieved from Provincial Government of Guimaras:

Sanchez, M. J. (2020, July 17). Leading social media platforms among internet users in the Philippines as
of 3rd quarter of 2019. Retrieved from Statista:

Yap, T. (2020). Governor raises alarm over spread of oil spill to Guimaras. Manila Bulletin.

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