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® ®

Parametric Bridge Layout and Design

Volume I - User Manual

Version 09.00.00

This software program has been developed for use by professional engineers. It is the user’s
responsibility to ensure that the input for the software program is complete and correct, and that
the results provided by the software program are interpreted correctly and conform to any design
codes and government regulations that may apply.

Although this program has been written and tested by LEAP Software, Inc., no warranty,
expressed or implied, is made as to the accuracy or functioning of the program or related pro-
gram material. In no event will LEAP Software be liable for any damages for lost data or profits
arising out of the use of or inability to use the licensed program.

The GEOMATH® software is Copyright LEAP Software, Inc., 1990-2007. All rights reserved.
GEOMATH® is licensed to the original licensee for use only on the terms set forth in the License
and Confidentiality Agreement.

The GEOMATH® user manual is Copyright LEAP Software, Inc., 1990-2007. All rights reserved.
Unauthorized reproduction, display, modification, or distribution of this manual, or any portion of
it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the full extent permit-
ted by law.


GEOMATH® and the GEOMATH® logo are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
and are registered trademarks of LEAP Software, Inc., 1990-2007. All rights reserved. Integrated
Bridge Software, IBS, and the IBS logo are Copyright LEAP Software, Inc., 2007. All rights
reserved. LEAP and LEAP Software are registered trademarks of LEAP Software, Inc.

Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, and the Microsoft logo are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

Version: GEOMATH v7.0.0

Published by: LEAP Software, Inc.

Tampa, Florida
Updated May 2007

Editor: Douglas Schonenberg

Contributing Authors: Dave Hansen

Craig Harrington, P.E.
Jon Lea
Ady Liuta
Monica Seuleanu

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. IN-1

USING THE MANUAL ........................................................................................................................................................IN-3
TYPOGRAPHICAL CONVENTIONS .....................................................................................................................................IN-4
ABOUT GEOMATH ........................................................................................................................................................IN-4
PROGRAM CAPABILITIES ..................................................................................................................................................IN-4
GENERAL .......................................................................................................................................................................IN-4
GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE (GUI) ...............................................................................................................................IN-4
IMPORT AND/OR EXPORT FILES ......................................................................................................................................IN-5
ROADWAY ALIGNMENT DESIGN .......................................................................................................................................IN-5
BRIDGE LAYOUT DESIGN ................................................................................................................................................IN-5
VERTICAL GEOMETRY ....................................................................................................................................................IN-5
GIRDER LAYOUT ............................................................................................................................................................IN-6
SUPPORT LAYOUT ..........................................................................................................................................................IN-6
COLUMN LAYOUT ...........................................................................................................................................................IN-6
FOUNDATION LAYOUT .....................................................................................................................................................IN-6
WING WALL LAYOUT ......................................................................................................................................................IN-7
BRIDGE LAYOUT .............................................................................................................................................................IN-7
GROUND ........................................................................................................................................................................IN-7
REPORTS .......................................................................................................................................................................IN-7
ANGULAR AND LENGTH UNITS ........................................................................................................................................IN-7
GEOMETRY AIDS ............................................................................................................................................................IN-7
LIBRARIES ......................................................................................................................................................................IN-8
PROGRAM BOUNDARIES & CONVENTIONS ........................................................................................................................IN-8
MEASUREMENT UNITS .....................................................................................................................................................IN-9
PROGRAM INTERFACE .....................................................................................................................................................IN-9
USING ONLINE HELP .......................................................................................................................................................IN-9
GETTING STARTED...................................................................................................................... GS-1
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................... GS-1
LEAP SOFTWARE SECURITY ......................................................................................................................................... GS-1
TYPES OF LICENSES...................................................................................................................................................... GS-2
NETWORK SETUP .......................................................................................................................................................... GS-2
AUTHORIZATION WARNINGS........................................................................................................................................... GS-2
INSTALLING THE PROGRAM ............................................................................................................................................ GS-3
SERVER/HOST MACHINE INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................................... GS-3
CONFIGURING .NET FRAMEWORK ................................................................................................................................ GS-7
CONFIGURING .NET FRAMEWORK ................................................................................................................................. GS-8
MANAGING PRODUCT SITE KEYS ................................................................................................................................... GS-9
MULTIPLE FILE COPIES ............................................................................................................................................... GS-14
LEAP BRIDGE WORKFLOW ......................................................................................................................................... GS-14
PROGRAM CRASH/TEMPORARY LOSS OF LICENSE ........................................................................................................ GS-15
CONTACTING TECHNICAL SUPPORT ............................................................................................................................. GS-15
GENERAL OPERATION ............................................................................................................... GO-1
TYPICAL USAGE OF GEOMATH ...................................................................................................................................GO-1
GENERAL OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................................GO-2
PROGRAM MENU COMMANDS ......................................................................................................................................GO-2
STATUS BAR ...............................................................................................................................................................GO-2
EDITOR .......................................................................................................................................................................GO-3
LIST VIEW ...................................................................................................................................................................GO-4
GRAPHIC WINDOW ......................................................................................................................................................GO-4
BEGINNER INTERFACE ...............................................................................................................................................GO-4
ADVANCED INTERFACE ..............................................................................................................................................GO-5
PROJECT INFORMATION .................................................................................................................................................GO-8
HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT ...............................................................................................................................................GO-9
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION ...............................................................................................................................................GO-9

GEOMATH v7.0.0 i
© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
BC-TO-EC ALIGNMENT ..............................................................................................................................................GO-10
FIELD DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................GO-10
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................GO-11
PI-TO-PI ALIGNMENT ...................................................................................................................................................GO-11
FIELD DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................GO-12
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................GO-12
ALIGNMENT TIE DIALOG BOX .....................................................................................................................................GO-12
FIELD DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................GO-13
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................GO-13
VERTICAL CONTROL ...................................................................................................................................................GO-13
PROFILE DIAGRAMS ...................................................................................................................................................GO-13
FIELD DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................GO-14
SUPERELEVATION DIAGRAMS* ....................................................................................................................................GO-15
FIELD DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................GO-15
DELTA ELEVATION DIAGRAMS* ...................................................................................................................................GO-16
FIELD DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................GO-16
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................GO-16
CROSS SECTIONS .......................................................................................................................................................GO-17
FIELD DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................GO-17
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................GO-19
X-SECTION PROPERTIES DIALOG BOX ........................................................................................................................GO-20
FIELD DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................GO-20
ROADWAYS .................................................................................................................................................................GO-20
FIELD DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................GO-20
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................GO-21
BRIDGES .....................................................................................................................................................................GO-21
BOX GIRDER BRIDGE .................................................................................................................................................GO-21
OPEN GIRDER BRIDGE ...............................................................................................................................................GO-22
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................GO-22
GIRDER SECTIONS DIALOG BOX (BOX GIRDERS) .........................................................................................................GO-23
BOX GIRDER CROSS SECTION DIALOG BOX .................................................................................................................GO-24
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................GO-25
SUPPORTS ..................................................................................................................................................................GO-25
LAY OUT SUPPORTS ...................................................................................................................................................GO-26
PIER AT STATION WITH BEARING ................................................................................................................................GO-27
PIER AT STATION WITH DEFLECTION ..........................................................................................................................GO-27
PIER FROM PIER WITH BEARING ................................................................................................................................GO-28
PIER FROM PIER WITH DEFLECTION ...........................................................................................................................GO-28
PIER BETWEEN PIERS WITH BEARING .........................................................................................................................GO-28
PIER BETWEEN PIERS WITH DEFLECTION ...................................................................................................................GO-29
PIER BY OFFSET CLEARANCE ....................................................................................................................................GO-29
ABUTMENT ................................................................................................................................................................GO-30
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................GO-30
PIER PROPERTIES DIALOG BOX ..................................................................................................................................GO-31
FIELD DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................GO-32
ABUTMENT PROPERTIES DIALOG BOX .........................................................................................................................GO-32
FIELD DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................GO-33
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................GO-33
SUPPORT SECTIONS DIALOG BOX ...............................................................................................................................GO-34
FIELD DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................GO-34
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................GO-34
COLUMNS ...................................................................................................................................................................GO-34
COLUMN BY CAP-CENTERLINE ....................................................................................................................................GO-35

ii / Table of Contents GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
COLUMN BY NORMAL OFFSET ....................................................................................................................................GO-35
COLUMN BY STATION OFFSET ....................................................................................................................................GO-36
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................GO-36
COLUMN SECTIONS DIALOG BOX .................................................................................................................................GO-36
FIELD DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................GO-37
COLUMN PROPERTIES DIALOG BOX .............................................................................................................................GO-37
FIELD DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................GO-37
FOUNDATIONS .............................................................................................................................................................GO-37
LAYOUT FOOTINGS......................................................................................................................................................GO-38
FOOTING BY COLUMN OFFSET ....................................................................................................................................GO-38
FOOTING BY STATION OFFSET .....................................................................................................................................GO-39
FOOTING PROPERTIES DIALOG BOX ............................................................................................................................GO-39
FIELD DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................GO-39
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................GO-40
LAYOUT PILE GROUP .................................................................................................................................................GO-40
PILE PROPERTIES DIALOG BOX ...................................................................................................................................GO-41
PILES SECTIONS DIALOG BOX .....................................................................................................................................GO-41
FIELD DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................GO-41
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................GO-42
WING WALLS ..............................................................................................................................................................GO-42
LAY OUT WING WALLS................................................................................................................................................GO-43
STRAIGHT WING WALL WITH BEARING ........................................................................................................................GO-44
CURVED WING WALL WITH BEARING ...........................................................................................................................GO-44
STRAIGHT WING WALL WITH DEFLECTION ...................................................................................................................GO-45
CURVED WING WALL WITH DEFLECTION .....................................................................................................................GO-45
STRAIGHT WING WALL USING CHORD .........................................................................................................................GO-46
CURVED WING WALL USING CHORD ...........................................................................................................................GO-46
CURVILINEAR WING WALL ..........................................................................................................................................GO-47
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................GO-48
WING WALL PROPERTIES DIALOG BOX .......................................................................................................................GO-49
WING WALLS SECTIONS DIALOG BOX .........................................................................................................................GO-50
GIRDERS ....................................................................................................................................................................GO-51
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................GO-51
LAY OUT GIRDERS ......................................................................................................................................................GO-51
GIRDER BY NORMAL OFFSET .....................................................................................................................................GO-52
GIRDER BY BEARING POINT ........................................................................................................................................GO-53
GIRDER BY CAP CENTERLINE .....................................................................................................................................GO-53
GIRDER BY STATION AND OFFSET ..............................................................................................................................GO-54
CURVED GIRDER ........................................................................................................................................................GO-54
PARALLEL GIRDER .....................................................................................................................................................GO-55
FLARED GIRDER ........................................................................................................................................................GO-55
ALIGNMENT GIRDER ...................................................................................................................................................GO-55
GIRDER PROPERTIES DIALOG BOX .............................................................................................................................GO-56
CONCRETE DESIGN METHOD ......................................................................................................................................GO-56
PLATE STEEL DESIGN METHOD ..................................................................................................................................GO-57
ROLLED STEEL DESIGN METHOD ................................................................................................................................GO-57
GIRDER DATA POINTS DIALOG BOX .............................................................................................................................GO-58
FIELD DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................GO-58
GIRDER SECTIONS DIALOG BOX .................................................................................................................................GO-59
CROSS SECTIONS DIALOG BOX ................................................................................................................................GO-60
SECTION DETAIL DIALOG BOXES .................................................................................................................................GO-61
SECTION DRAWING DIALOG BOX .................................................................................................................................GO-62
DRAWING PROPERTIES DIALOG BOX ...........................................................................................................................GO-64
TEMPLATE DIALOG BOX .............................................................................................................................................GO-64

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Table of Contents / iii

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
BEARINGS ...................................................................................................................................................................GO-65
FIELD DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................GO-65
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................GO-66
DIAPHRAGMS ..............................................................................................................................................................GO-67
FIELD DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................GO-67
MEASUREMENTS .........................................................................................................................................................GO-67
DISTANCE .................................................................................................................................................................GO-68
ANGLE ......................................................................................................................................................................GO-69
STATION/OFFSET ......................................................................................................................................................GO-69
COORDINATE ............................................................................................................................................................GO-70
CLEARANCE ..............................................................................................................................................................GO-70
COORDINATE POINT ..................................................................................................................................................GO-71
DISTANCE/DIRECTION POINT .....................................................................................................................................GO-72
INTERSECTION POINT ................................................................................................................................................GO-73
OFFSET POINT ..........................................................................................................................................................GO-74
LINE OBJECT .............................................................................................................................................................GO-75
GORE LINE ...............................................................................................................................................................GO-75
CIRCLE OBJECT ........................................................................................................................................................GO-76
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................GO-76
GROUND .....................................................................................................................................................................GO-76
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................GO-77
FILE MENU..................................................................................................................................................................GO-77
NEW PROJECT ..........................................................................................................................................................GO-77
OPEN PROJECT ........................................................................................................................................................GO-77
CLOSE PROJECT .......................................................................................................................................................GO-78
SAVE ........................................................................................................................................................................GO-78
SAVE AS ...................................................................................................................................................................GO-78
REVERT TO SAVED ....................................................................................................................................................GO-78
IMPORT .....................................................................................................................................................................GO-78
EXPORT ....................................................................................................................................................................GO-78
PRINT .......................................................................................................................................................................GO-80
PRINT SETUP ............................................................................................................................................................GO-81
PAGE SETUP .............................................................................................................................................................GO-82
SECURITY .................................................................................................................................................................GO-82
EXIT .........................................................................................................................................................................GO-82
EDIT MENU ................................................................................................................................................................GO-83
UNDO ......................................................................................................................................................................GO-83
REDO .......................................................................................................................................................................GO-83
CUT ..........................................................................................................................................................................GO-83
COPY .......................................................................................................................................................................GO-83
PASTE ......................................................................................................................................................................GO-83
DELETE ....................................................................................................................................................................GO-83
ATTRIBUTES .............................................................................................................................................................GO-84
CHANGE ELEMENT ...................................................................................................................................................GO-84
MATCH ELEMENT ......................................................................................................................................................GO-84
SELECT .....................................................................................................................................................................GO-85
SELECT ALL ..............................................................................................................................................................GO-85
LENGTH UNITS ..........................................................................................................................................................GO-85
ANGLES .....................................................................................................................................................................GO-86
SCALE WHEN ZOOMING .............................................................................................................................................GO-86
SETTINGS ..................................................................................................................................................................GO-86
VIEW MENU ...............................................................................................................................................................GO-87

iv / Table of Contents GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
TOOLBAR ...................................................................................................................................................................GO-87
STATUS .....................................................................................................................................................................GO-87
LEVEL BAR ................................................................................................................................................................GO-87
PROJECT BAR ............................................................................................................................................................GO-87
FIT ALL .....................................................................................................................................................................GO-87
FIT SELECTION ..........................................................................................................................................................GO-88
FIT DESIGN ................................................................................................................................................................GO-88
ZOOM AREA ...............................................................................................................................................................GO-88
PAN ...........................................................................................................................................................................GO-88
QUICK REPORT ..........................................................................................................................................................GO-88
ELEMENT ..................................................................................................................................................................GO-89
LABELS .....................................................................................................................................................................GO-89
DEFINE MENU ...........................................................................................................................................................GO-89
PROJECT INFO* ..........................................................................................................................................................GO-89
ROADWAY ..................................................................................................................................................................GO-90
SUPPORT PROPERTIES ...............................................................................................................................................GO-90
GIRDERS ...................................................................................................................................................................GO-90
WING WALL PROPERTIES ...........................................................................................................................................GO-90
BEARING ....................................................................................................................................................................GO-91
MATERIAL PROPERTIES ..............................................................................................................................................GO-91
LAYOUT MENU*...........................................................................................................................................................GO-91
ALIGNMENT ................................................................................................................................................................GO-91
VERTICAL CONTROL ...................................................................................................................................................GO-92
CROSS SECTIONS ......................................................................................................................................................GO-92
SUPPORT ...................................................................................................................................................................GO-92
COLUMN ....................................................................................................................................................................GO-92
FOUNDATION ..............................................................................................................................................................GO-92
WING WALL ...............................................................................................................................................................GO-93
GIRDER .....................................................................................................................................................................GO-93
BRIDGE .....................................................................................................................................................................GO-93
BEARING ....................................................................................................................................................................GO-93
DIAPHRAGM ...............................................................................................................................................................GO-93
MEASURE ..................................................................................................................................................................GO-93
POINT ........................................................................................................................................................................GO-93
SHAPE .......................................................................................................................................................................GO-93
GROUND ....................................................................................................................................................................GO-94
BACKDROP IMAGE ......................................................................................................................................................GO-94
SPECIAL MENU ...........................................................................................................................................................GO-95
DECK CONTOURS .......................................................................................................................................................GO-95
3-D VIEWER ..............................................................................................................................................................GO-95
DEVELOPED ELEVATION .............................................................................................................................................GO-95
LEAP BRIDGE MENU ..................................................................................................................................................GO-95
WINDOW MENU* .........................................................................................................................................................GO-96
NEW ..........................................................................................................................................................................GO-96
CLOSE .......................................................................................................................................................................GO-96
CLOSE ALL ................................................................................................................................................................GO-96
NEXT .........................................................................................................................................................................GO-96
PREVIOUS ..................................................................................................................................................................GO-96
CASCADE ...................................................................................................................................................................GO-96
TILE HORIZONTALLY ...................................................................................................................................................GO-96
TILE VERTICALLY .......................................................................................................................................................GO-96
ARRANGE ICONS ........................................................................................................................................................GO-97
HELP MENU ................................................................................................................................................................GO-97
CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................................GO-97

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Table of Contents / v

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
SEARCH FOR HELP ON ...............................................................................................................................................GO-97
HOW TO USE HELP ....................................................................................................................................................GO-97
CONTACT LEAP TECHNICAL SUPPORT .......................................................................................................................GO-97
VISIT LEAP WEB SITE ...............................................................................................................................................GO-97
E-MAIL TECHNICAL SUPPORT ......................................................................................................................................GO-97
OTHER LEAP PRODUCTS ...........................................................................................................................................GO-98
ABOUT GEOMATH ....................................................................................................................................................GO-98
INTEGRATED BRIDGE SOFTWARE ............................................................................................. IB-1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................IB-1
CONCEPTUAL OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................IB-2
APPLICATION INTERACTION ..............................................................................................................................................IB-3
IBS SETUP DIALOG BOX ................................................................................................................................................IB-3
TYPICAL SCENARIOS .......................................................................................................................................................IB-9
DEFINING A BRIDGE USING GEOMATH AND CONBOX .................................................................................................IB-9
DEFINING A BRIDGE USING GEOMATH AND CONSPAN ...............................................................................................IB-9
DEFINING A PIER USING GEOMATH AND RC-PIER ....................................................................................................IB-11
SHARING GEOMATH ROADWAY DATA USING LANDXML .....................................................................................................IB-13
IBS SHARED DATA ITEMS ..............................................................................................................................................IB-14
NOTES .........................................................................................................................................................................IB-22
THEORY ......................................................................................................................................... TH-1
OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................................................... TH-2
SUGGESTED INPUT PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................... TH-2
STEP 1 - INITIAL PREPARATION ..................................................................................................................................... TH-2
STEP 2 - ALIGNMENT GEOMETRY .................................................................................................................................. TH-2
STEP - 3 STRUCTURE GEOMETRY ................................................................................................................................. TH-3
STEP - 4 VERTICAL GEOMETRY .................................................................................................................................... TH-3
CAD FILE OR MICROSTATION INTERFACE ...................................................................................................................... TH-5
GLOSSARY .................................................................................................................................... A1-1
NOMENCLATURE AND PRINTOUT EXPLANATION................................................................... A2-1
USER INPUT DATA REPORT ...........................................................................................................................................A2-1
ALIGNMENT REPORT (PI-TO-PI) .....................................................................................................................................A2-1
ALIGNMENT REPORT (BC-TO-EC)...................................................................................................................................A2-2
PROFILE/DELTA REPORT ................................................................................................................................................A2-3
SUPERELEVATION REPORT .............................................................................................................................................A2-3
ROADWAY TEMPLATE REPORT........................................................................................................................................A2-3
ROADWAY CROSS SECTIONS REPORT ............................................................................................................................A2-4
BRIDGE GEOMETRY REPORT ..........................................................................................................................................A2-4
ABUT/PIER AND BEAM SEAT REPORT..............................................................................................................................A2-4
PIER DIMS ....................................................................................................................................................................A2-4
ALN/PIER-CL ................................................................................................................................................................A2-5
PGL/PIER-CL ...............................................................................................................................................................A2-5
CAP SECTION DATA ......................................................................................................................................................A2-5
BEAM SEAT LOCATIONS ................................................................................................................................................A2-5
ABUT/PIER CAP BEAM SEAT REPORT .............................................................................................................................A2-5
COLUMN REPORT...........................................................................................................................................................A2-6
COLUMN SECTION DATA ................................................................................................................................................A2-6
FOOTING REPORT ..........................................................................................................................................................A2-7
PILE REPORT .................................................................................................................................................................A2-8
WING WALL REPORT......................................................................................................................................................A2-9

vi / Table of Contents GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
GROUND SURFACE REPORT ......................................................................................................................................... A2-10
SPAN BEAM SEAT ELEVATION REPORT ......................................................................................................................... A2-10
STEEL GIRDER BEARING SLOPE REPORT ...................................................................................................................... A2-10
SPAN AND GIRDER REPORT ......................................................................................................................................... A2-11
LENGTH ...................................................................................................................................................................... A2-11
COORDINATE REPORT .................................................................................................................................................. A2-11
DISTANCE REPORT ...................................................................................................................................................... A2-12
DECK ELEVATIONS REPORT (ALONG GIRDER)............................................................................................................... A2-12
DECK ELEVATIONS REPORT (ALONG OFFSETS)............................................................................................................. A2-12
GIRDER VERTICAL PLACEMENT REPORT ....................................................................................................................... A2-12
GIRDER DATA ............................................................................................................................................................. A2-13
BUILD-UP THICKNESS .................................................................................................................................................. A2-13
GIRDER VERTICAL GEOMETRY REPORT ........................................................................................................................ A2-13
BRG CO-ORDS ............................................................................................................................................................ A2-14
DECK SLOPE .............................................................................................................................................................. A2-14
DIAPHRAGM REPORT.................................................................................................................................................... A2-15
SPAN QUANTITIES REPORT .......................................................................................................................................... A2-15
UNIT WEIGHTS ............................................................................................................................................................ A2-15
DECK ......................................................................................................................................................................... A2-15
GIRDER ...................................................................................................................................................................... A2-15
BUILDUP ..................................................................................................................................................................... A2-16
SPAN CLEARANCE REPORT .......................................................................................................................................... A2-16
LEFT/RIGHT EDGE OF DECK ........................................................................................................................................ A2-16
MIN/MAX CLEARANCE ................................................................................................................................................. A2-16
STEEL BLOCKING REPORT............................................................................................................................................ A2-16
GORE ANALYSIS/REPORT ............................................................................................................................................. A2-17
GRADE REPORT ........................................................................................................................................................... A2-17
COORDINATE REPORT .................................................................................................................................................. A2-17
DISTANCE REPORT ...................................................................................................................................................... A2-17
COMMAND KEYS........................................................................................................................... A3-1
SECTION MANAGER ..................................................................................................................... A4-1
AASHTO GIRDER PROPERTIES .................................................................................................................................... A4-1
AASHTO GIRDER SECTION PROPERTIES ...................................................................................................................... A4-2
BULB TEE GIRDER PROPERTIES .................................................................................................................................... A4-2
BULB TEE SECTION PROPERTIES ................................................................................................................................... A4-3
BOX BEAM PROPERTIES ................................................................................................................................................ A4-3
BOX BEAM SECTION PROPERTIES .................................................................................................................................. A4-4
DOUBLE TEE PROPERTIES ............................................................................................................................................. A4-4
DOUBLE TEE SECTION PROPERTIES .............................................................................................................................. A4-4
GIRDER TYPES ............................................................................................................................................................. A4-5

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Table of Contents / vii

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
viii / Table of Contents GEOMATH v7.0.0
© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.


GEOMATH® is the only geometry application designed exclusively for

bridge engineers for real-world projects of any scope and complexity, from
single level crossings to multi-level complex interchanges with multiple
horizontal alignments (including spirals) and vertical profiles simultaneously.
GEOMATH keeps track of critical information pertinent to each project
component. For example, if a pier is designed as perpendicular to an
alignment, it will remain perpendicular even if the alignment is modified or the
station of the pier is changed. More importantly, when an item's information is
changed, GEOMATH automatically updates every related item in the data set,
thereby maintaining the original design constraints throughout a project's life-
cycle. Workflow associated with project alterations is therefore reduced and
errors associated with redundant or multiple data entry are reduced or

Key Features
• Covers full array of bridge types, design technologies and construction
methods. Users may lay out conventional prestressed and post-tensions
concrete girders, steel plate and steel rolled girders, as well as complex
curved steel and segmental concrete box girders. Choose from pre-
defined library sections or create new sections using powerful drawing
tools. GEOMATH also offers a variety of automated tools for
parametric structural framing and layout. Piers can be placed by
station, bearing, or relative or offset position. Girders can be defined
individually or in batches using offsets, bearing points, pier cap
centerline, or other references.
• Powerful design capabilities. Users may employ unlimited spans, piers
and girders and specify multiple alignments and roadways (using a PI
to PI or BC to EC segmental notations). GEOMATH handles curved
girder layouts and piers with single or double bearing lines. Columns
may have prismatic or non-prismatic sections. Users may calculate
abutment, pier cap pedestal, beam seat, screed and final deck
elevations at user-specified points along the span. Deck contours are
generated to identify drainage areas of concern. Diaphragms and input

GEOMATH v7.0.0 IN-1

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
beam cambers and deck deflections can be entered to calculate geometric
information for ramps, including gore area. GEOMATH automatically locates
abutment considering full slope requirements, structure depth and cross slop
and beam design, and calculates material quantities, including deck concrete,
haunch build up and deck reinforcing.
• Parametrically adjusts changes in bridge geometry and component design. As
a truly parametric solution, GEOMATH enables the placement of beam seats
and bearings based on slab depth, haunch, or member plus bearing thickness,
in relation to both the pier cap and girders, automatically adjusting the seat
elevations for vertical curvature, camber and deflections. Users may copy,
move or translate entire bridge models or selected data from one area to
• Networking and import features enhance collaborative work environments.
GEOMATH is a truly integrated and collaborative application, promoting
greater productivity in a workgroup environment, regardless of the CAD
platform employed. By importing data from CAD programs, GEOMATH
simplifies the layout of bridge geometry because users are not required to
recreate the work of roadway engineers. GEOMATH seamlessly imports
DXF, DGN, Microsoft Excel, aerial photography, topographic information
and tab-delineated input formats to aid in the collaborative processes.
• Intuitive interface and 3D presentation aids in project visualization.
GEOMATH's interface is highly visual and intuitive, using powerful
relational abilities to compute elevations, deck contours, beams, girders and
piers in stunning interactive 3D views. For complex interchange design,
GEOMATH's relational power supports the creation and integration of
multiple bridges in one file.
• Comprehensive analysis and reporting to screen, paper, file or HTML.
GEOMATH features a robust set of reporting options, covering finished deck
grade elevations, vertical girder placement and geometry, four-corners beam
seat elevations, or any one of 21 pre-defined reports. Or, create a custom
report from the database. In addition, GEOMATH provides practical data for
plan production, including plan, section and elevation detail. Reports can be
exported to spreadsheet and tab-delineated file formats.

IN-2 / Introduction GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Using the Manual

Using the Manual

The intent of the GEOMATH user manual is to help you become familiar with the
program and its capabilities. We recommend first reading the General Operation
chapter to get an overview of the program’s intended functionality and operational
procedures. Review the Theory chapter for an in-depth description of the program’s
technical material. The nomenclature in the Appendices describes the definitions of
terms used in GEOMATH.
Table of Contents The Table of Contents lists the overall layout and topics of the
GEOMATH user manual. It is advised when trying to find a
particular topic in the manual, to scan through the Table of
Introduction This chapter contains information that is helpful to know before
attempting to use GEOMATH, such as program capabilities,
intended use, and key features. It also includes helpful information
about using the manual. Reviewing this material prior to running the
program helps to ensure smooth operation.
Getting Started This chapter contains information related to program installation,
authorization, and network setup. It also includes how to transfer
authorization and how to contact technical support. You should read
this chapter completely before installing and running the program.
General Operation The General Operation chapter includes information about each of
the different input fields, dialog boxes, and screens in GEOMATH.
You can also find related information in the online help system.
Tutorials The best way to become acquainted with the program is by actually
using it to lay out a few bridge geometry problems. In the Tutorials
chapter, we walk you through a number of actual bridge layout/
geometry projects. We encourage you to run the tutorials on your
own computer and compare monitor displays with the illustrations in
this manual. By closely following these tutorials, you can quickly
become familiar with a number of typical bridge geometry layout
situations and most of the computer data input/output process.
We have tried to make GEOMATH as user-friendly as possible;
however, there are some features that cannot be made apparent by a
headlong approach to using the software. The extra time it takes to
go through the tutorials will be compensated for by the knowledge
gained. It is advisable for you to check several previous bridge
layouts and geometry using GEOMATH. This will serve to
confirm your knowledge of the operation and assumptions of the
Theory This chapter contains details on the assumptions and methods used
in GEOMATH. Most in-depth technical questions can be answered
by referring to this chapter.
Appendices The Appendices include the glossary, nomenclature and printout
explanation, hand calculations, and section manager.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Introduction / IN-3

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.

Typographical Conventions
For your convenience, many of the commonly used terms and references throughout
the manual appear in special styles. The following are examples of these
typographical conventions that allow you to easily recognize key information.
Article/Equation References ACI Art.
Button References Cancel
Keyboard References
Options, Icons, Check Boxes
Pull-Down Menus, Drop-Down Lists,
Columns, Field References Beam ID drop-down list
Screens, Dialog Boxes, Tabs, Libraries
System Information screen

To understand what GEOMATH does and how its relational geometry and parametric
design benefits users, it is helpful to look at the software concept—introduced more
than twenty years ago—that single-handedly opened the doors of the business world
to personal computers. The software was called VisiCalc, and it was the world’s first
spreadsheet. Accountants, engineers, and professionals from every corner of the
business world embraced it. Today, most engineers use spreadsheets on a daily basis.
Embedding engineering theory in a set of cell formulas lets the engineer develop not
just an answer, but simply varying the input data, an optimized answer. Change a
number and an entire sequence of calculations is automatically rerun. GEOMATH’s
relational geometry and parametric design developed from the idea that if a
spreadsheet program could let an engineer automate a sequence of calculations, why
not do the same thing and lay out and solve geometry problems?

Program Capabilities
• LEAP Integrated Bridge Software (IBS) enabled application
• Read and Write Roadway data in LandXML format.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

• Choose between two GUIs, tabbed or CAD-like interface
• Zoom in or out on window
• Magnify display
• Pan and scroll display
• Control object-level color, line weight, and/or style
• Copy and paste to other applications using the clipboard
• Mouse-controlled cursor movement
• Immediate visual check in graphic display for error reduction

IN-4 / Introduction GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Program Capabilities

• Invalid input data is checked

Import and/or Export Files

• Ability to import and/or export multi-layered CAD (*dxf) or Microstation 5.0
data files (*.dgn)

Roadway Alignment Design

• Unlimited tangents, arcs, and spirals for each alignment
• Specify multiple alignments and roadways
• Enter alignment segments via point of intersections (PI’s) or using curve data
specified as tangents, curves, or spirals
• Unlimited cross-section templates and cross slope planes
• Cross slopes and nodes can be specified in percentage (%), vertical offsets or
referenced to other alignments and delta controls
• Tie multiple alignments together using X- and Y-coordinates or station offset

Bridge Layout Design

• Layout of unlimited spans, piers, and girders
• Parallel and/or flared girder layouts
• Curved girder layouts
• Bearing layout (single or multiple)
• Input of beam cambers and deck deflections
• Specify single or double bearing lines
• Specify individual or global pier dimensions and properties
• Layout diaphragms between beams/girders
• Vertical design methods available for concrete, steel plate, or rolled types of

Vertical Geometry
• Compute the following elevations at user-specified locations
- Final deck elevations
- Beam Seat or pedestal elevations
- Top of pier cap or abutment elevations
- Screed elevations
• Vertical profiles consist of grades equal parabolas and unequal parabolas.
• Specify superelevation controls for the left or right roadway edges.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Introduction / IN-5

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Program Capabilities

• Bearing slope report used for selection of bearing device

Girder Layout
Girders are laid out using one of the following methods:
• Normal Offset
• Bearing Point
• Cap Centerline
• Station and Offset
• Curved
• Parallel
• Flared
• Alignment

Support Layout
Supports are laid out using one of the following methods:
• Station-Bearing
• Station-Deflection
• From-Bearing
• From-Deflection
• Between Bearing
• Between Deflection
• Offset Clearance
• Abutments

Column Layout
Columns are laid out using one of the following methods:
• Cap-Centerline
• Normal-Offset
• Station-Offset

Foundation Layout
Footings and Piles are laid out using one of the following methods:
• Footing using Column and Offset
• Footing using Station and Offset
• Pile or group of piles by offsets to footing

IN-6 / Introduction GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Program Capabilities

Wing Wall Layout

Wing walls are laid out using one of the following methods:
• Straight Bearing
• Curved Bearing
• Straight Deflection
• Curved Deflection
• Straight Chord
• Curved Chord
• Curvilinear

Bridge Layout
Two types of bridges can be defined:
• Open Girder bridge
• Box Girder bridge

Irregular surfaces can be described using contours and used as a reference.

• Reports can be printed to a printer, file, the screen, or exported to a tab-
delimited (*.xls) file.
• An Enhanced Reports option is available for producing reports in HTML
• Numerous reports available to document your designs.

Angular and Length Units

• Select angular units in degrees-minutes-seconds, degrees, grads, or radians.
• Choose between Bearing, North Azimuth, South Azimuth, or standard math
for angular form.
• Coordinates are orientated by Northing or Easting or X-Y data.
• Horizontal curves can be entered using either radius or degree-of-curvature.
• Units can be specified in meters, decimeters, centimeters, millimeters, feet,
feet-inches, or inches

Geometry Aids
• Produce deck elevation contours
• Lay out points by intersection, station offset, coordinates
• Measure distances and angles between objects

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Introduction / IN-7

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Program Boundaries & Conventions

• Compute vertical or horizontal clearances

• Compute GORE area cross slopes between mainline and ramp alignments

• Reduce input time using predefined library of beam section types or modify/
add custom beam sections.

Program Boundaries & Conventions

The following is a list of GEOMATH boundaries and conventions:
• GEOMATH computes the minimum vertical clearance measured from the
centerline along the bottom flange of the girder (i.e., bottom of girder) to the
top of the roadway surface directly under the bridge.
• Spiral Curves are approximated by using 40 linear segments along the spiral
transition segment from the tangent-to-spiral (TS) to spiral-to-curve (SC).
Spirals must be defined between tangent segments (infinite radius) and curve
segments (fixed radius). GEOMATH cannot currently define compound
spirals connecting one fixed radius curve to another fixed radius curve,
although reversing spirals are possible.
• GEOMATH is optimized to lay out simple span girders. The input of
continuous steel beams can be accomplished in GEOMATH by selecting the
Girder by Cap Centerline layout method for girders and laying out the girders
on a span-by-span basis. To ensure the girders are butted back to the back at
the pier, in the Pier Properties dialog box, enter zeros in the input fields for
the following: LT Brg Offset, Rt Brg Offset, Lt Girder Clr., and Rt Girder Clr.
• Users are required to manually add additional cross section templates for box
girder bridges where a horizontal reference has been used in a cross section
template to capture the non-linear effects on the bridge width.

IN-8 / Introduction GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Measurement Units

Measurement Units
GEOMATH works with either U.S. or Metric (SI) units. Following is a list of units
and the conversion between both systems.
English Metric Conversion Factor*
ft m 0.3048
in mm 25.4
in2/ft mm2/m 2116.6667
in 2
mm2 645.16
in 4 4
mm *10 6 0.41623
k kN 4.44822
k-ft kN-m 1.35582
klf kN/m 14.5939
ksi MPa 6.89476
psi kPa 6.89476
pcf kg/m3 16.0185
plf N/m 14.4939
psf Pa 47.8803

* For example, 1 ft = 0.3048 m

Program Interface
GEOMATH uses the Microsoft Windows interface conventions such as tabbed dialog
boxes, pull-down menus, dialog boxes, buttons, scroll bars, etc. This interface is very
intuitive; it eliminates the need to memorize keystrokes or commands. The icons
located at the top of the screen can be accessed by placing the mouse over them and
clicking the left mouse button.
GEOMATH contains two interfaces: the Beginner Interface, with a tabular form
containing dialog boxes and text/data entry and less mouse/graphical features, and the
Advanced Interface for users who want to take full advantage of the complete set of
drawing and data entry tools available. The main difference between the two
interfaces is that the user cannot input or modify information directly in the display
area with the mouse in the Beginner Interface. The user will only be able to zoom,
pan, and select objects in the Beginner display window, while in the Advanced data
entry can be entered in manually as well as with the mouse.

Using Online Help

This program uses the Microsoft Windows online help interface. To access
GEOMATH Online Help, select the Contents command from the Help menu or click
the Help icon on the toolbar.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Introduction / IN-9

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Using Online Help

IN-10 / Introduction GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.

Getting Started

This chapter contains information about installing and authorizing the

program, network setup and technical support. Before installing this program,
it is recommended to read this chapter.

System Requirements
The minimum system requirements are as follows:
• Microsoft® Windows® , NT, 2000, XP, or Server 2003
• 128 MB RAM
• Mouse or other pointing device
• 100 MB available uncompressed hard disk space
• CD-ROM drive
• Internet access (recommended)
• 800 × 600 dpi with 256 colors minimum (1024 × 768 dpi with
thousands or millions of colors recommended, particularly when using
backdrop images)
• Microsoft® .NET Framework v1.1 (Refer “Configuring .NET
Framework” on page GS-8 for more information.)

LEAP Software Security

LEAP Software protects all programs with software security keys which
prevent the use of unauthorized copies.
To run this program, an authorization code must be obtained from LEAP
Software. This procedure is detailed in “Managing Product Site Keys” on
page GS-9.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 GS-1

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Types of Licenses

Types of Licenses
LEAP Software offers multiuser network capabilities. All GEOMATH licenses are
network licenses, allowing either a single user or multiple users the flexibility to access
the program simultaneously. A predetermined number of copies of the program may
run concurrently on client machines from a single network server hosting the source
copy. The program may be run from a local hard drive after obtaining the licensing
information from the server.
A multiuser license authorizes a limited number of users to use the program at the same
time. With a multiuser license, anyone can use the program on any networked
computer; however, the number of people actually running the program at any given
time may not exceed the maximum number of users specified by the license.

Network Setup
GEOMATH supports the following configurations:
Host/Server Client Computers

Windows® NT/2000/XP Windows®, NT, 2000, and XP

When installing the program for network use, select one computer to be the host/Server
machine. The host will be the computer from which the program will run on network
clients. The program must be installed on the host/Server machine.
Note: Please consult the appropriate installation instructions which pertain to the
operating system on the host computer.
After installation of the program, the program must be authorized for network use.
(Refer to “Managing Product Site Keys” on page GS-9.) When requesting an
authorization code, make sure to notify LEAP Software of the number of licensed users
being requested.

Authorization Warnings
It is possible to permanently lose an authorization when changing configurations
without taking the necessary precautionary steps. A few actions which may adversely
affect an authorization are listed below. If any of these actions need to be taken, contact
LEAP Software for assistance.
• Formatting the hard drive.
• Replacing the hard drive.
• Defragmenting the hard drive, without excluding the program directory from the
defragmentation path.
• Installing a new operating system.
• Upgrading the operating system.
• Changing the system time by more than 75 minutes.
• Compressing the directory where the program is located.
• Moving the program to another directory or computer without first transferring

GS-2 / Getting Started GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Installing the Program

• Installing the program on mirrored drives.

Note: The restoration of a license lost resulting from any of the above actions, without
first consulting LEAP Software, may result in additional reauthorization fees.

Installing the Program

Before installing the application it is recommended to determine the type of
installation. Stand-alone and server installations require no options to be selected.
However, a client installation requires that the application on the client be provided a
path to the security file on the server..
Note: This program requires Nocrosoft .NET Framework v1.1. To insall the program,
login as an Administrator on the machine you want to do the installation. Remote
installation is not allowed.

Server/Host Machine Installation

1. Download the program from the LEAP Software web site
( and run the executable file. Follow the on-screen
instructions to install the program.
2. When the Welcome screen displays, click Next and follow the on-screen
instructions to complete the installation.

3. The Choose Destination Location screen displays. Choose Destination

Location. . Then Click Next to continue.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Getting Started / GS-3

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Server/Host Machine Installation

4. The Security Directory screen displays. This screen is used to select the
location of security files for a client-server configuration.
• If the installation is in a stand-alone configuration or on a Server, do not
select the check box and click Next
• If the installation is on a client, select the check box and use the Browse
button to select the licence directory on the Server. Click Next..

GS-4 / Getting Started GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Server/Host Machine Installation

5. The Ready to Insall the Program window displays. Click Install to start the

6. The Select Program Folder screen installs the program icons and shortcuts
to the default folder named LEAP Software. Click Next to accept and

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Getting Started / GS-5

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Server/Host Machine Installation

7. The Start Copying Files screen displays the current installation settings.
Click Next to continue.

8. Upon successful installation Authorize now? dialog is displayed.

• If you select Yes, then refer to “Authorizing a Program” on page GS-9.
• If you select No, the program will prompt for authorization when started.

Note: The program must be authorized before it can be used.

GS-6 / Getting Started GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Server/Host Machine Installation

9. When the last screen is displayed, click Finish to exit the Install wizard.


LEAP Software does not make any guarantees about installations in Novell Netware
environments. (Occasionally, network license users have experienced difficulties with
compatibility of workstations using a Windows operation system in Novell Netware
The installation process is the same as described above for a Novell installation.
However, one file needs to be loaded as described in the note below.
Note: A driver called CKSERVER.NLM is copied to the program directory. On
the Novell Server, load the driver and reference it in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file
for automatic startup.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Getting Started / GS-7

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Configuring .NET Framework

Configuring .NET Framework

Refer to following table for instructions on how to access the .NET Framework v1.1
Operating System Access Configuration Wizard

Search for ConfigWizards.exe and double-click to start

Windows 98 (typically found in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\
Framework\ folder).

Windows NT Start > Programs > Administrative tools

Windows 2000 Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative tools

Windows XP Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative tools

Once the .NET Framework v1.1 Wizard is open, perform the following steps to
configure the framework.

1. Select the Adjust .NET Security icon to open the Security Adjustment

2. Select the Make changes to this computer option and click Next.
3. Select the Local Intranet icon, change the level to Full Trust, and click

GS-8 / Getting Started GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Managing Product Site Keys

4. Click Finish to accept the changes and close the .NET Framework Wizard.

Managing Product Site Keys

The LEAP Software Online Authorization System is the recommended method for
obtaining an authorization code.
Note: Only the Primary Key Holder may login on the Online Authorization System.

Authorizing a Program
1. From the Start menu select the program from the LEAP Software folder.
2. When the Authorization warning dialog opens, click Yes.
3. When the LEAP Software Security screen displays, complete the information
in the Company Information tab.

4. Go to the LEAP Software web site ( and login.

5. Select Online Authorization.
6. When prompted, login with the appropriate email address and password.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Getting Started / GS-9

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Managing Product Site Keys

7. At the Client Product Licenses window, click Manage Site Keys for the
product for which the Site Key is required.

8. At the Created Site Key window, click Authorize. The Create License
window opens.

9. Cut and paste the site code from the Authorization tab of the Security
window. Enter the number of user accounts required and click GetSiteKey.

10. Cut and paste the Site Key into the Site Key field of the Authorization tab.
Click Authorize Program.

GS-10 / Getting Started GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Managing Product Site Keys

Demo Authorization
Upon request, LEAP Software issues special demonstration licenses. A demonstration
license is a preview of the fully functional version of the program. The demonstration
version of the program is the same as the purchased version of the program; however, a
demonstration version only lasts for a limited time. To learn more about obtaining a
demonstration license, please contact LEAP Software Sales Representatives at (800)
To authorize a demonstration version of the program, follow the instructions above for
Program Authorization.

Transferring Authorization
Authorizations may be transferred to different directories and computers. Essentially,
there are three ways to transfer authorizations:
• Direct Transfer on a Single Computer: Transfer the authorization from one
directory to another directory on the same computer.
• Floppy Disk Transfer: Transfer the authorization from one computer to another
computer when a network license is not present.
• Direct Transfer to a Network Computer: Transfer the authorization from one
computer to another computer on a network when a network license is present.

Direct Transfer on a Single Computer

To move the program to a new directory, authorization must be transferred before the
program in the new location can be run.
For example, if GEOMATH is installed in C:\Programs Files\LEAP Software\Geomath
(source directory) and it needs to be moved to D:\Programs (target directory), first
install the program on the new target directory (that is, D:\Programs). After the
installation completes, transfer authorization to the target directory as follows:
1. Start the original authorized copy of the program located in the source
directory. Make sure the copy of the program on the target directory is not

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Getting Started / GS-11

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Managing Product Site Keys

2. Select Security from the File menu to open the LEAP Software Security
screen. Select the Direct Transfer tab.

3. Enter the location of the target directory in the text box or click Browse to
locate it and click Transfer. The authorization instantly transfers from the
original installation (source directory) to the new installation (target
directory). Now the original program is the unauthorized program and the
new program is the authorized program.
4. Uninstall the copy of the program no longer using (in this case, C:\Program
Files\LEAP Software\Geomath).

Floppy Disk Transfer

If a network license is not available and the program must be moved to another
computer, first transfer the authorization. This can be easily accomplished via floppy
disk transfer by performing the following steps:
1. Install the program on the target computer.
2. Take a blank, formatted floppy disk to the target computer that contains the
unauthorized copy of the program. This blank floppy disk will be called the
transfer disk.
3. Insert the transfer disk into the floppy drive and start the unauthorized copy
of the program.
4. Authorize the program when prompted.

GS-12 / Getting Started GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Managing Product Site Keys

5. When the LEAP Software Security screen displays, select the Register
Transfer tab to open the appropriate screen.

6. Enter the path to the transfer disk (A:\ on most computers), and click
7. Once the disk automatically initializes, a notification appears to transfer
authorization from an authorized version of the program. When this message
appears, remove the transfer disk and exit the program.
8. Insert the transfer disk into the floppy drive of the source computer and start
the authorized copy of the program.
9. Select Security from the File menu to activate the LEAP Software Security
screen. Select the Transfer Out tab.
10. Enter the path location of the transfer disk (A:\), and click Transfer. At this
point, the original authorized copy of the program is unauthorized and the
authorization is on the transfer disk.
11. Take this transfer disk back to the target computer and insert it into the
floppy drive.
12. Start the program. Click Yes when prompted to Authorize the program.
13. When the LEAP Software Security screen appears, select the Transfer In tab.
14. Enter the location path of the transfer disk (A:\), and click Transfer.
15. The authorization instantly transfers from the original installation (source
directory) to the new installation (target directory). At this point, the original
program is the unauthorized program and the new program is the authorized

Direct Transfer to a Network Computer

To transfer the authorization to another server/host computer on the network, follow
the steps below. (A network license is required.)

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Getting Started / GS-13

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Multiple File Copies

1. Make sure that the program is installed on the source computer using the
shared option. To check this, open the program and activate the LEAP
Software Security screen. Select the Authorization tab and confirm that
“Floating License” is in the Current Status field. If it says, “Fixed License,”
then the current license is not a network license.
2. Install the program on the target computer using the same setup type as on
the source computer (e.g., shared). If necessary, restart the target computer to
enable the network protocols.
3. Depending on the operating system, follow the steps outlined in “Network
Setup” on page GS-2, to share (with full access) the directory on the target
computer where the program was installed.
4. From the source program, open the LEAP Software Security screen and
select the Direct Transfer tab. Type the location of the newly mapped
network drive or click Browse.
5. Make sure the program on the target computer is not active. Click Transfer
on the LEAP Software Security screen to transfer the license from the source
computer to the new target server/host computer.
6. At this point, the program authorized on the server/host computer becomes
unauthorized and the new server/host computer becomes authorized.
7. Follow the setup procedures outlined in Network Setup to complete the
setup process.

Multiple File Copies

Please note that LEAP Software allows multiple users to simultaneously use a single
file. This also applies to other types of GEOMATH files such as libraries and other
savable files.
Note: To prevent users from accidentally overwriting files, it is recommended to
establish different directories for each individual user.

LEAP Bridge Workflow

Using Geomath from within LEAP Bridge
Starting with v6.0, LEAP Bridge suite component applications, such as GEOMATH
Graphical Bridge Layout & Geometry Solution, licensed and activated for use with
LEAP Bridge, can only be launched from within the LEAP Bridge application.
Start up the LEAP Bridge application by clicking on LEAPBridge.exe, and then access
the Geometry tab, and click on GEOMATH to start up the geometry design module.
Upon completing work with the geometry file, it can be saved as an independent
GEOMATH file (*.gmd) by explicitly clicking on File/Save or can be automatically
prompted to be saved to a LEAP Bridge file format (*.xml) when the GEOMATH
application exits. For more details please refer to the LEAP Bridge Users manual.

GS-14 / Getting Started GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Program Crash/Temporary Loss of License

Using GEOMATH as a standalone application outside of the LEAP

Bridge environment
This is the current traditional method of working with GEOMATH. You start up
GEOMATH by clicking on the shortcut in the Start menu or clicking on the executable
file in the GEOMATH file folder. While data is saved to a native GEOMATH data file
format (*.gmd). You could still take some advantage of the integrated applications (not
to the extent that LEAP Bridge product offers i.e. tighter integration, integrated reports,
3D graphics, etc.) by using the LEAP Bridge menu and associated functionality in the
independent component programs. Please refer to the “Using IBS Technology” section
of this manual for more details on using the integration features of applications outside
of the LEAP Bridge product.

Program Crash/Temporary Loss of License

In case of an unexpected event such as a program crash, fix the problem may be
corrected by deleting the appropriate cna.tb2, cnla.tb2, cnl.tb2, or cnle.tb2 file from the
program directory. In most cases, this restores authorization. If deleting this file does
not correct the problem, contact the Technical Support Department at LEAP Software.

Contacting Technical Support

Technical support is available Monday through Friday (except holidays) from 8:00 AM
to 5:00 PM EST at the following numbers:
Tampa (813) 985-9170
U.S./Canada Toll-Free (800) 451-5327
International (813) 985-9170
FAX (813) 980-3642
Web Site

Calls are always welcome, but before calling, please consider the following:
• Have you checked the user manual and online help system? Did you refer to the
index for all references to the problem item?
• If you encounter a problem, retrace your steps and check for incorrectly entered
Also, please have the following items with you:
• Have your input data ready.
• Have the user manual at hand.
• If you think that you have found an error in the program, have the steps that we
should follow to reproduce the error.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Getting Started / GS-15

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Contacting Technical Support

GS-16 / Getting Started GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.

General Operation

This chapter covers the concepts and operation procedures for GEOMATH
screen by screen. Prior to using GEOMATH to solve geometric applications
and problems, it is recommended that you fully explore this chapter to gain a
thorough understanding of the functionality and capabilities of the program.

Typical Usage of GEOMATH

Start a typical session by choosing the interface level for the working
environment (Beginner or Advanced) and defining the horizontal alignment,
vertical profile, and cross section. Creating the roadway and place the piers and
girders. This information can also be brought up from a previous file, and
modified. Due to the parametric definition of data, any changes made to the
information loaded will instantaneously be updated on the screen. A typical
input consists of the following:
1. Define a roadway by creating and selecting the alignment, vertical
profile, and cross section set.
2. Locate the supports using one of the eight methods available (e.g.
station-bearing, station-deflection, etc.).
3. Place girders on the piers using one of the eight methods available
(normal offset, bearing point, cap centerline, parallel, curved, etc.).
4. Specify unique information for the bearings or pedestals using the
diaphragm layout.
5. As each one of the geometry elements are defined, their actual
location in space (X-Y-Z coordinates) are automatically calculated.
6. At the user’s request the program will be able to display and print all
the information pertinent to the bridge geometry: length of girders,
girder locations, pedestal elevations, finished deck elevations, etc.,
including advanced options like deck contours, 3-D bridge view,
material quantities, etc.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 GO-1

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
General Overview

7. The results can then be printed to any printer supported by the operating
system, and the input data and results may be saved on disk files to be
recovered for use at a later time.
8. Vertical clearances, horizontal clearances, and the deck overhang distances
are computed and can be printed.
9. Geometry results can be exported to spreadsheet files, and the plan view,
profile view, and transverse cross sections to DXF and DGN format.

General Overview
GEOMATH uses an interface that includes menu items and toolbar shortcuts. The
interface functionality is different depending on the mode selected: Beginner or
Advanced. A typical session will start by choosing the interface type (beginner or
advanced) and proceed to define a horizontal alignment, a vertical profile, and cross
section information. This information can also be brought up from a previous file and
modified on the screen.
NOTE: The manual covers the entire GEOMATH program through the use of
commands listed in the menu bar. Although, both interfaces are similar there are
notable differences. Features pertaining only to the Advanced Interface are marked
with an asterisk (*).
Tools are used to assist in the creation of GEOMATH objects. Tools are activated by
clicking the appropriate button in the toolbar or by selecting the desired tool listed in
the Layout menu (Advanced Interface only).
In the Beginner Interface, all data is entered and modified using the editor and the
graphic window updates automatically. The same concept applies for the Advanced
Interface; however, elements can also be added and modified in the graphic window
by using the mouse and the available tools. For both interfaces, as the elements are
entered into the fields in the Editor, they will appear in the List View as well as the
graphic window. For example, users can graphically “draw” an alignment in the
graphic window or enter data into the Editor fields.

Program Menu Commands

GEOMATH uses several commands located in pull-down menus at the top of the
screen. A more detailed discussion of these commands can be found beginning in
“File Menu” on page GO-63. Being familiar with these features maximizes your
ability to take advantage of GEOMATH’s many options. Please note that some menus
are available only in the Advanced Interface. This program includes the following
pull-down menus: File, Edit, View, Define, Layout*, Special, LEAP Bridge, Window*, and
NOTE: Other methods for using commands (i.e., keyboard commands, toolbar icons,
etc.) are listed where applicable. Refer to Appendix 3 for a complete listing of
keyboard shortcuts.

Status Bar
The status bar appears at the bottom of the program window. This bar allows you to
change interfaces, change the units, or set the view options for the graphic window.

GO-2 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
General Overview

Following is a description of the different options available. The left side of the status
bar also summarizes the steps needed wherever the cursor is placed.

A The state of the database connection for Integrated Bridge Software. Refer to
Chapter 4 for more information on this feature.
B The type of data synchronization selected for Integrated Bridge Software. For
more information, refer to "Data Synchronization" on page IB-5.
C Select either the Beginner or Advanced Interfaces.

D Maintain scale while zooming.

E Set the measurement units for the project.

F View the alignments in the graphic window.

G View piers, columns, footings, piles, and wing walls in the graphic window.

H View girders and bridges in the graphic window.

I View bearings in the graphic window.

J View diaphragms in the graphic window.

K View geometric objects in the graphic window.

L View backdrop in the graphic window.

M View element labels in the graphic window.

In both interfaces, the Editor is used to display design object data as well as modify
object values. When you create or select an item, its properties are displayed in the
Editor. The display varies depending to the object type selected. Only one object at a
time can be displayed in the editor and edited.

To accept changes made to an element in the Editor click the Accept button . To
cancel any changes made to an alignment, click the Cancel button and the element
will be reset back to its previous values. If the data in the editor is invalid, the Accept
button will be unavailable.
NOTE: The Accept and Cancel buttons are only visible when the Editor is active.
To change an object value, simply click in the desired field (or use the TAB key on
your keyboard to advance to it). Click the Accept button (green check mark) in the
Editor or press the ENTER key on your keyboard to accept changes and update the
graphic window; click the X button or press the ESC key on your keyboard to cancel
changes. If an invalid entry is made in a field, e.g., a non-numeric character, the
Accept button is unavailable and remains disabled until you enter the data correctly.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-3

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General Overview

NOTE: Depending on the local settings of your computer, numeric fields are
displayed with separators, and angle fields with degrees/minutes/seconds characters;
you can omit these characters when editing, but multiple value fields, such as angles,
require a space between values.
Many item properties (such as point coordinates) can be locked so their values are not
accidentally altered by modifying or dragging display elements. The current state of
such properties is indicated with a miniature padlock icon. Clicking the padlock
button will toggle it from unlocked to locked. You can also use the TAB key to select a
padlock and toggle it using the SPACEBAR. Locks can be very useful when used in
conjunction with dragging. For example, you can lock a point a specified offset from
an alignment, then when you drag the point, it will follow the mouse but will always
remain at the proper offset distance from the alignment.

List View
The List View displays the
element’s properties as entered
in the Editor. You can also
add, insert, or delete elements
as necessary by right-clicking in this view. For example, to add a segment or begin a
new element, right-click on a row in the List View and select the appropriate
command from the pop-up menu. A new row appears following the previously
selected segment in numeric order (Seg-1, Seg-2, etc.). A horizontal line appears in
the pop-up menus to separate segments from elements.
NOTE: Some objects, such as supports and bridges, consist of several types of
components. These components can be displayed in the List View by making the
appropriate selection in the object editor.

Graphic Window
The graphic window displays all the elements as they are entered in the Editor. In the
Beginner Interface, users cannot enter or modify information in the graphic window
using the mouse. They can only zoom, pan, and select objects. In the Advanced
Interface, users can either enter data in the appropriate Editor or enter it by using the
mouse in the graphic window. Right-clicking anywhere in the graphic window
without any objects selected opens a pop-up menus with the options to copy, print, and
export the current view or select all elements.
Right-clicking when an object is selected opens a pop-up menu that includes options
to modify the attributes, match and/or change element style and level, cut/copy/delete,
and print a Quick Report on the selected element’s properties. Additional options are
available depending on the type of element selected.

Beginner Interface
The Beginner Interface
consists of tabs that allow
users to enter the
appropriate data in the editor and review the input results in the graphic window.
Selecting the appropriate method in on the left side of the screen opens the appropriate
editor. Whenever the default geometric options are changed and the program is closed,

GO-4 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
General Overview

these options will be saved in the program registry. The next time the program is
opened, the registry options will be retained. To revert to the default setting options,
click Defaults. Only one project at a time can be active in the Beginner Interface.
The tabs available in this program include the following:
• Project. This tab allows you to enter a general description about the project.
• Roadways. This tab allows you to define the horizontal alignment, vertical
profile, cross section, and roadway information.
• Piers, Columns, and Foundations. This tab allows you to lay out piers,
columns, and foundations using one of several different placement methods
available for each type of object. You can also define the pier, column, and
foundation sections and properties, including the actual relationships between
the pier caps and the location of bearing lines.
• Girders and Bridges. This tab allows you to lay out girders and bridges and
define the girder properties and sections.
• Measurements. This tab allows you to measure the distance, angle, and
station/offset between any two selected objects. You can also determine the
coordinates of a selected point and the clearance of a point at an intersection.

Advanced Interface
The Advanced Interface provides the features as the Beginner Interface without using
the tabular format, thus allowing users to take full advantage of the complete set of
drawing and data entry tools. The Advanced Interface also supports multiple projects
being open at the same time.
The display area is now a working area, where geometric input can be specified by
using the mouse. From left to right, the buttons on the toolbar follow the normal step-
by-step geometry data input (e.g. first a horizontal alignment, then the vertical profile,
etc.). The Interface is designed for users who want to enter or modify geometry data
using the mouse in the display area, customize object/element displays using the Level
Palette, and obtain a summary list of active project elements using the Project List.
NOTE: The main difference between the two interfaces is that, in the Beginner
Interface, users cannot enter or modify information in the graphic window using the
mouse. They can only zoom, pan, and select objects.
The Advanced Interface also includes several design windows that allow you to
construct your geometric design. These windows are sizable and can be moved in the
workspace. It is possible to have multiple windows open at the same time.
GEOMATH provides a full complement of viewing controls, commands, and tools
that make it easy to navigate around your design. Design windows provide scroll bars
sized to the active page limit boundaries. Because the active page limit rectangle may
not enclose your entire design, you can override the scroll bar limits by pressing the
ALT key on your keyboard when scrolling.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-5

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
General Overview

File Toolbar
The Advanced Interface of this program includes a toolbar that includes several
commonly used commands as well as tools used in program functionality. To use any
of these items, click the appropriate icon.
• New. Select this icon to clear a currently active workspace and
prepare GEOMATH for a new project. Refer to "New
Project" on page GO-77 for more information.
• Open. Select this icon to open a previously saved file. Refer to "Open
Project" on page GO-77 for more information.
• Save. Select this icon to save the existing project using the current name.
Refer to "Save" on page GO-78 for more information.

Bridge Toolbar

• Align. Select this icon to define the project’s horizontal alignment using the
methods available. Refer to "Horizontal Alignment" on page GO-9 for more
• Vert. Select this icon to define the project’s vertical profile using the methods
available. Refer to "Vertical Control" on page GO-13 for more information.
• Section. Select this icon to define the cross section of the project. Refer to
"Cross Sections" on page GO-17 for more information.
• Roads. Select this icon to define the roadway. Refer to "Roadways" on page
GO-20 for more information.
• Bridges. Select this icon to define a bridge using the available methods. Refer
to "Bridges" on page GO-21 and "Integrated Bridge Software" on page IB-1
for more information.
• Support. Select this icon to define the supports using the available methods.
Refer to "Supports" on page GO-25 for more information.
• Column. Select this icon to define the support columns using the available
methods. Refer to "Columns" on page GO-34 for more information.
• Foundation. Select this icon to define footings and piles using the available
methods. Refer to "Foundations" on page GO-37 for more information.
• Wing Wall. Select this icon to define wing walls using the available methods.
Refer to “Wing Walls” on page GO-41.
• Girder. Select this icon to define the girders using the available methods.
Refer to "Girders" on page GO-51 for more information.
• Brng. Select this icon to define the bearing for the project. Refer to
"Bearings" on page GO-65 for more information.

GO-6 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
General Overview

• Diaph. Select this icon to define the project’s diaphragms. Refer to

"Diaphragms" on page GO-67 for more information.
• Meas. Select this icon to measure the distance, angle, station and offset
between any two objects, determine the coordinates of a point, and determine
the clearance at a point of intersection. Refer to "Measurements" on page GO-
67 for more information.Geometry Toolbar.

Geometry Toolbar
• Pt. Select this icon to create a coordinate point, distance/
direction point, intersection point, or offset point. Refer
to "Points*" on page GO-70 for more information.
• Shape. Select this icon to create a line object, circle, or gore line. Refer to
"Shapes*" on page GO-74 for more information.
• Ground. Select this icon to create a ground object from imported elevation
contours. Refer to "Ground" on page GO-76 for more information.

Graphic Toolbar
• Select. Select this icon to select one or
more elements in the graphic window.
Refer to "Select" on page GO-85 for
more information on using this command.
• Zoom. Select this icon to zoom in or out on a part of the active design
window. Refer to "Zoom Area" on page GO-88 for more information on using
this command.
• Pan. Select this icon to pan the image in the active design window. Refer to
"Pan" on page GO-88 for more information on using this command.
• Color. Select this icon to assign a color to the selected or newly-created
element. Refer to "Color" on page GO-84 for more information on using this
• Weight. Select this icon to assign a line weight to the selected or newly-
created element. Refer to "Line Weight" on page GO-84 for more information
on using this command.
• Style. Select this icon to assign a line style to the selected or newly-created
element. Refer to "Line Style" on page GO-84 for more information on using
this command.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-7

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Project Information

Project List
The project list provides a representation of all the design
data in the project. This list is normally docked in the
lower right side of the application window, but can also
be “undocked” and operated as a floating palette or can be
docked along any edge of the application window. This
list simplifies browsing, selecting, and editing component
elements of a project and provides clean, simple access to
all defined project elements. Clicking an item displays it
in the appropriate design window; right-clicking the
selected element opens a pop-up menu that allows you to
perform various activities such as changing an item’s
color or level.

Level Palette
The Level Palette allows the user to organize their project by creating objects on
separate levels. This window is normally docked in the upper right side of the
application window, but can be “undocked” and operated as a floating palette or can
be docked along any edge of the application window. GEOMATH provides 64 levels
that can be turned on or off at any time and elements can be easily moved between
One level is always active (displayed) and is the level in which a
newly-created object is placed; this level is indicated with a black
border around the level number. To make a level active, double-
click its number. To display or hide a level, click its button. If a
level’s button is down, the level is displayed in the graphic
window; if the button is down, the level is hidden. The active
level cannot be hidden until you select a different level. Levels
that contain graphical elements have a small square dot in the
lower right corner of their button so you can quickly see which
levels contain data. If you press and hold the left mouse button, and drag the mouse
pointer across a range of buttons, all the buttons that were touched by the mouse will
be set to the same state. If you press the SHIFT key while dragging, all the buttons
inside a rectangle inscribed by the mouse are affected.

Project Information
In the Beginner Interface, the Project tab allows you to enter general information
about the project. You can return to this tab at any time and make changes. To access

GO-8 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Horizontal Alignment

this information in the Advanced Interface, select the Project Info command from the
Define menu to open the Project Information dialog box.

Horizontal Alignment
An alignment is used to provide horizontal control and is typically composed of a
series of connected tangents with arcs, including spirals. GEOMATH’s alignment
automatically maintains continuity and tangency requirements as well as station
labeling when changes are made. There are two methods (BC-to-EC and PI-to-PI)
available to construct and/or edit an alignment. Choose the method that best fits the
design data that is available.
The methods and tools available for defining the horizontal alignment of the structure
• BC-to-EC Alignment. Refer to "BC-to-EC Alignment" on page GO-10 for
more information.
• PI-to-PI Alignment. Refer to "PI-to-PI Alignment" on page GO-11 for more
• Alignment Tie Dialog Box. Refer to "Alignment Tie Dialog Box" on page
GO-12 for more information.

Technical Discussion
GEOMATH maintains an alignment as a series of Points-of-Intersection (PIs). PIs
other than the first or the last PI can also have information describing an arc and, if
necessary, include spiral data. Arcs are forced to remain parallel to lines (tangents)
connecting the PIs. The two points where the arc meets the tangent are called either
Tangent-to-Curve (TC), which is at the beginning of the arc, or Curve-to-Tangent
(CT), which falls at the end of the arc. Spirals, if present, are placed at each end of the
arc and provide a linear transition in the radius from the tangent to the circular arc
radius. Spirals are approximated by using 40 curved segments along the spiral
transition segment from the Tangent-to-Spiral (TS) to Spiral-to-Curve (SC). Spirals
must be defined between tangent segments (infinite radius) and curve segments (fixed
radius). GEOMATH cannot currently define compound spirals connecting one fixed
radius curve to another fixed radius curve, although reversing spirals are possible.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-9

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
BC-to-EC Alignment

BC-to-EC Alignment
In the Beginner Interface, click the BC-to-EC Alignment button on the Roadways tab.
In the Advanced Interface, select the Alignment command from the Layout menu or
click the Align icon in the toolbar and select this method.
Although GEOMATH stores all alignments as a series of PIs, it is possible to describe
an alignment as a series of tangent and/or arc segments. This approach is similar to
describing a typical transverse.
Segments can be added, inserted, and deleted. The List View is used to show the
segments of the currently selected alignment. The selected segment is shown with an
arrow in the List View and data for the active segment appears in the Editor. To add a
segment, right-click in the List View and select the Add Alignment Segment option.
Similar options are available for inserting and deleting segments.
Users can cut and copy selected alignments accordingly, modify the alignments
attributes, change or modify its elements, and print a report on the alignments
properties. In general, modifications to segments will affect the modified segment as
well as the segments that follow it.

Field Descriptions

• Alignment. The alignment ID or object name.
• Description. Optional description of the object.
• Lvl. The drawing level the object is located in.
• Starting Sta. The station of the Point-of-Beginning
(POB, i.e., the first PI) of the alignment. This value is
entered once for the entire alignment.

• Ending Sta. The station at the end of the segment.
• Shape. The type of segment, either the Tangent or
• Start Direction. The starting direction of the segment.
GEOMATH will automatically prefill this value for all segments after the
starting segment.
If the shape is an arc, the following fields will be available:
• Radius. The radius or Degree-of-Curvature (DOC) of the arc segment.
NOTE: If the curve specification in the Length Units dialog box is set to
Degree-of-Curvature, this field will be called DOC. Check the settings by
selecting the Length Units command from the Edit menu.
• Sense. Direction of the arc, either Left or Right.
• Spiral-In. The length of the spiral segment leading into the arc segment.

GO-10 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
PI-to-PI Alignment

• Spiral-Out. The length of the spiral segment exiting out the arc segment.
• Alignment Tie. Click this button to open the Alignment Tie dialog box. Refer
to "Alignment Tie Dialog Box" on page GO-12 for more information on using
this screen.

Technical Discussion
Typically, the BC-to-EC method is used when the available data is in the form of a
survey traverse. This usually consists of tangents or curves described by coordinates at
its ends and directions or bearings and lengths. Arcs normally are described with the
tangent directions at the beginning and end of the arc as well as the coordinate of the
arc center. In GEOMATH, spirals are included at the ends of an arc segment by
describing the length of the spiral. A separate segment is not required for each spiral.

PI-to-PI Alignment
In the Beginner Interface, click the PI-to-PI Alignment button on the Roadways tab. In
the Advanced Interface, select the Alignment command from the Layout menu or
click the Align icon in the toolbar and select this method.
GEOMATH stores all alignments as a series of PIs. PIs can be added, inserted, and
deleted. The List View is used to show the PIs composing the currently selected
alignment. The selected PI is shown with an arrow in the List View and data for the
active segment appears in the Editor. To add a PI, right-click in the List View and
select the Add Alignment PI option. Similar options are available for inserting and
deleting PIs.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-11

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Alignment Tie Dialog Box

Field Descriptions

• Alignment. The alignment ID or object name.
• Description. Optional description of the object.
• Lvl. The drawing level the object is located in.
• Starting Sta. The station of the POB (the first PI) of
the alignment. This value is entered once for the entire

• North. Northing or Y value.
• East. Easting or X value.
• Transition. The type of transition, None or Arc.
If there is a transition arc, the following fields will be available.
• Radius. If the Arc option is selected, you must enter a value in this field.
• Spiral-In. The length of the spiral leading into the arc. For arc segments only.
• Spiral-Out. The length of the spiral leading out of the arc. For arc segments
• Alignment Tie. Click this button to open the Alignment Tie dialog box. Refer
to "Alignment Tie Dialog Box" on page GO-12 for more information on using
this screen.

Technical Discussion
Typically, the PI-to-PI method is used when the available data is in the form of a series
of coordinate points at the intersection of the alignment arc tangents. In GEOMATH,
spirals are included at the ends of an arc transition by describing the length of the
spiral. A separate transition is not required for each spiral.

Alignment Tie Dialog Box

To tie the selected alignment to a
coordinate or another alignment, click
Alignment Tie. Selecting the Coordinate
option from the Tie Method drop-down list
allows you to tie an alignment to a
particular coordinate. Selecting the
Alignment option allows you to tie the
selected alignment to another alignment.

GO-12 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Vertical Control

Field Descriptions
NOTE: Depending on the tie method selected, some of the fields listed below may not
be available.
• Station. Station at the tie location.
• Tie Method. Coordinate or
If the coordinate method is selected, the
following fields will be available:
• North. Northing or Y value.
• East. Easting or X value.
If the alignment method is selected, the following fields will be available:
• Ref. Alignment. Tie alignment.
• Ref. Station. Tie alignment station at the tie location.
• Ref. Offset. Offset to the tie alignment at the tie location.

Technical Discussion
The alignment tie process is a one-time operation that moves the selected alignment to
a new coordinate location. The alignment is not actively “tied” and will need to be
moved again if the referenced object moves.

Vertical Control
The vertical control methods provide three forms of vertical control information:
profile diagrams, superelevation diagrams, and delta elevation diagrams. These
methods provide vertical control for roadways and can be used to control the cross-
slope of cross section planes.
NOTE: In the Beginner Interface, only the profile diagram is available.
The methods available for defining vertical control are:
• Profile Diagrams. Refer to "Profile Diagrams" on page GO-13 for more
information about using this method.
• Superelevation Diagrams. Refer to "Superelevation Diagrams*" on page
GO-15 for more information about using this method.
• Delta Elevation Diagrams. Refer to "Delta Elevation Diagrams*" on page
GO-16 for more information about using this method.

Profile Diagrams
Profiles can be used as the primary vertical control for a roadway, or may be used to
define the elevation along a breakpoint in a template definition, thus simplifying the
modeling of retaining walls or conform lines on existing surfaces.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-13

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Profile Diagrams

In the Beginner Interface, click Vertical Profile on the Roadways tab. In the Advanced
Interface, select the Vertical Control command from the Layout menu or click the
Vert icon in the toolbar and select this method.
This method allows you to create a vertical profile by entering the station and
elevation of the Vertical Point-of-Intersection (VPI). A parabola of arbitrary length
will be created automatically.

Field Descriptions

• Profile ID. The Profile ID or name.
• Description. Optional description of the profile.

Vertical Profile (VP)

• Station. The station at the VPI.
• Elevation. The elevation at the VPI.
• LVC. The total length of the balanced vertical
curve (i.e., one-half of the curve is before the VPI).
If the vertical curve is unbalanced (i.e., the length of the curve preceding the VPI is
different than the length following the VPI), then click the Unequal Lengths check
box. The LVC field will change to LVC1 and an additional LVC2 field will be visible.
• LVC1. The length of the vertical curve preceding the VPI.
• LVC2. The length of the vertical curve following the VPI.

GO-14 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Superelevation Diagrams*

Superelevation Diagrams*
Superelevation diagrams define the cross slope at the defined alignment stations. This
method is used to define the varying slope of a cross section plane and is used in
conjunction with cross section definitions to simplify modeling structure surfaces that
do not employ constant cross slopes.
In the Advanced Interface, select the Vertical Control command from the Layout
menu or click the Vert icon in the toolbar and select this method.
NOTE: This method is not available in the Beginner Interface.

Field Descriptions

• Super ID. The superelevation ID or name.
• Description. Optional description of the

Superelevation Profile (SP)

• Station. The station where the superelevation slope is
being defined.
• Slope. The cross-slope value.
• LVC. The total length of the smoothing curve (i.e., one-half of the curve is
before the VPI).
If the smoothing curve is unbalanced (i.e., the length of the curve preceding the VPI is
different than the length following the VPI), then click the Unequal Lengths check
box. The LVC field will change to LVC1 and an additional LVC2 field will be visible.
• LVC1. The length of the smoothing curve preceding the VPI.
• LVC2. The length of the smoothing curve following the VPI.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-15

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Delta Elevation Diagrams*

Delta Elevation Diagrams*

Delta elevation diagrams describe a relative vertical offset of a cross section node with
respect to the previous node. This method is used to define the ending elevation of a
cross section plane and is used in conjunction with the roadway templates to simplify
modeling the edge of a plane that is defined by a variable vertical distance from
another element.
In the Advanced Interface, select the Vertical Control command from the Layout
menu or click the Vert icon in the toolbar and select this method.
NOTE: This method is not available in the Beginner Interface.

Field Descriptions

• Delta ID. The Delta ID or name.
• Description. Optional description of the delta

Delta Elevation Profile (DP)

• Station. The station at the Delta elevation.
• Delta Elev. The elevation of the Delta.
• LVC. The total length of the balanced vertical curve (i.e., one-half of the
curve is before the VPI).
If the vertical curve is unbalanced (i.e., the length of the curve preceding the VPI is
different than the length following the VPI), then click the Unequal Lengths check
box. The LVC field will change to LVC1 and an additional LVC2 field will be visible.
• LVC1. The length of the vertical curve preceding the VPI.
• LVC2. The length of the vertical curve following the VPI.

Technical Discussion
A Delta elevation diagram can be used to model the “soffit” of a haunched girder
bridge whose deck is on a vertical curve or the top of a retaining wall or sound barrier.
The elevation at a particular station of a template breakpoint defined by a Delta
Elevation is computed by taking the breakpoint’s reference elevation at the station and
adding the instantaneous delta elevation at the same station.

GO-16 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Cross Sections

Cross Sections
Cross sections are used in GEOMATH to describe the roadway surface. Individual
cross sections are referred to as templates and the collection of templates constitute a
cross section set. Templates are composed of planes defined from left to right for the
template looking up-station.
In the Beginner Interface, click Cross Section on the Roadways tab. In the Advanced
Interface, select the Cross Sections command from the Layout menu or click the
Section icon in the toolbar.
A roadway cross section set consists of one or more template definitions to be applied
from a beginning station and continuing to an end station.
Each template definition describes a series of connected planes representing the
roadway surface. The user must define the station at which the cross section template
is to apply. GEOMATH uses adjacent template definitions and linearly interpolates
between them (if they have the same number of planes) to develop the instantaneous
section at a station. The distance from alignment centerline to profile grade must also
be specified; it may be specified as a fixed distance, or the user may define the profile
grade position by specifying a plane reference element.
The slider lets the user view the instantaneous form of the template at any station by
moving the slider with the mouse cursor back and forth accordingly.

Field Descriptions

Cross Section Set

• Section Set. Section Set ID or name.
• Description. Optional description of the cross section set.

Cross Section
• Template. This drop-down list displays the templates
defined in the cross section set. Selecting a template from
the list displays the plane definitions and a graphic
representation of the template.
• Description. Optional description of the template.
• Station. Station location of the template.
• Properties. Click this button to open the X-Section
Properties dialog box. Refer to "X-Section Properties
Dialog Box" on page GO-20 for more information.

Plane Data

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-17

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Cross Sections

• Desc. Optional description of the plane.

• Width Type. Distance or Reference. Distance
indicates that the width value follows.
Reference indicates that the plane width is
controlled by referencing a horizontal control
• Width Val. Horizontal width of the selected
• Width Ref. Horizontal reference object. Refer to the Technical Discussion
below for more information.
• Vert Type. The following methods are available for describing the vertical
location at the end of the selected plane.
- Slope. The values that follow define the percentage cross-slope of the
selected plane with a positive slope defining a plane whose end is
higher than its beginning.
- Delta. The value that follows defines the relative change in elevation at
the end of the plane from the beginning.
- Elevation. The value that follows is the absolute elevation of the end of
the plane.
- Reference. The vertical elevation of the selected plane is controlled by
a vertical control object.
• Vert Val. Vertical plane value based upon the vertical plane type.
• Vert Ref. Vertical reference object. Refer to the Technical Discussion below
for more information.

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Cross Sections

Technical Discussion
GEOMATH’s cross section template has the ability to use separate objects to control
both the horizontal and/or vertical location of the template plane nodes (i.e., ends of
plane). This allows complex variations in cross section definitions to be described.
Some examples of possible uses include:
• Cross section describing roadway gore area. This situation involves
independent horizontal and vertical control. In this case, it is possible to use
roadway alignment to control the basic section location and introduce a
separate alignment to independently control nodes in the template describing,
for example, a cross section including a main line and ramp.
• Cross section in an area including superelevation transitions. This situation
typically involves defining numerous cross section templates to describe
variations in plane slopes. In this case, it is possible to use superelevation
objects, thus eliminating the need for numerous templates.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-19

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X-Section Properties Dialog Box

X-Section Properties Dialog Box

This dialog box is used to orient the cross section with
the horizontal control alignment and the vertical
control profile. A node in the cross section must be
identified as the point where the profile grade is valid.
In addition, the horizontal distance from the alignment
to the profile grade must be specified.
To open this dialog box, click Properties in the Cross
Section Editor. By default, the profile grade is set to Node 1 and the offset is set to
zero; however, users can enter in the node and offset of their choice to tie-in the profile

Field Descriptions
• PG Offset. Horizontal offset from alignment to the profile grade. If the profile
grade is along the alignment, this value is zero.
• PG Node. The node in the cross section template representing the profile
grade line.

GEOMATH allows users to tie together horizontal alignment elements, vertical
profile elements, and cross section elements to form roadways.
In the Beginner Interface, click Define Roadway on the Roadways tab or select the
Roadways command from the Define menu. In the Advanced Interface, select the
Roadways command from the Define menu or click the Roads icon in the toolbar.

Field Descriptions

• Roadway ID. Roadway ID or name.
• Description. Optional description of the roadway.
• Lvl. The drawing level the object is located in.

• Alignment. ID or name of the roadway alignment.
• Profile. ID or name of the roadway profile.
• X-Section. ID or name of the roadway cross section.
• Delta. ID or name of the optional delta elevation diagram.
• View. To view the selected roadways, click either the Plan, Sect, or Elev
buttons and the graphic window will update accordingly. For example,
clicking Sect opens the cross section view of the selected roadway.

GO-20 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Technical Discussion
By using the Delta reference, the roadway surface produced from the set of
alignments, profiles, and cross sections can be offset vertically by the amount
described in the Delta Elevation diagram.

GEOMATH allows users to define bridge objects. Bridges are used to organize
various other GEOMATH objects, such as supports, girders, columns, and girder
bearings into a logical bridge group. Users can define a box girder bridge, which can
parametrically describe a box girder cross section, or an open girder bridge. Users can
also interact with other LEAP Software bridge programs using Integrated Bridge
Software (IBS). Refer to Chapter 4 for more detailed information on using this
In the Beginner Interface, click Layout Bridge on the Girders tab. In the Advanced
Interface, click the Bridges icon in the toolbar.

Field Descriptions
For all bridges, the following fields are available:
• Bridge ID. Bridge ID or name also. Used as an
identifier for Integrated Bridge Software.
• Description. Optional description of the bridge.
• Lvl. The drawing level the object is located in.
• View. To view the selected bridge, click either the Plan, Sect, or Elev buttons
and the graphic window will update accordingly. For example, clicking Sect
opens the cross section view of the selected bridge.

Box Girder Bridge

Select this method to define a box girder bridge. A box girder bridge defines a
complete bridge cross section using nineteen section parameters. Exterior girders can
be one of five types. The width of the bridge cross section is defined by the width of
the roadway at the location of the cross section. The List View indicates piers that are
part of the bridge. Supports can be added and deleted from the bridge.

Field Descriptions
• Layout Refs. The roadway or alignment reference.
• Beg Refs. The beginning pier reference.
• End Refs. The ending pier reference.
• BB Sta. The station of the beginning of the bridge.
The bearing of the BB is equal to the beginning pier

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-21

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• EB Sta. The station of the end of the bridge. The

bearing of the EB is equal to the ending pier
• Sections. Click this button to open the Girder
Sections dialog box. Refer to "Girder Sections
Dialog Box" on page GO-59 for more information
on using this screen.

Open Girder Bridge

An open girder bridge defines the deck slab of a bridge. The width of the bridge cross
section is defined by the width of the roadway. The List View indicates the supports
and girders that are part of the bridge. Supports and girders can be added and deleted
from the bridge.

Field Descriptions
• Layout Refs. The roadway or alignment reference.
• Beg Refs. The beginning pier reference.
• End Refs. The ending pier reference.
• BB Sta. The station of the beginning of the bridge.
The bearing of the BB is equal to the beginning pier
• EB Sta. The station of the end of the bridge. The bearing of the EB is equal to
the ending pier reference.
• Deck Thickness. The thickness of the deck slab.
• Lists. Select Supports to view the supports included
in the bridge. Select Girders to view the girders
included in the bridge.

Technical Discussion
The bridge object can be used to organize individual GEOMATH objects into a set
considered to be “the bridge.” The beginning and ending support references must be
included in the bridge support list. Any of the intermediate support between the
beginning and ending support can be added or deleted by right-clicking in the List
View. The open girder bridge also has the option of including any girder referencing a
support in the support list. Girders continuous over consecutive supports cannot be
Objects included in the bridge are printed in a sorted order when the bridge is selected
for printing. When using LEAP Software’s Integrated Bridge Software (IBS), the
bridge serves to identify the related GEOMATH objects to other IBS-enabled
applications for analyzing superstructure and substructure elements. Refer to Chapter
4 for more information on this feature.

GO-22 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Girder Sections Dialog Box (Box Girders)

Girder Sections Dialog Box (Box Girders)

This dialog box allows the user to specify the shape of the box girder bridge. Cross
sections are defined and stored in the GEOMATH data file.
In both interfaces, you can open this dialog box by clicking Sections in the Bridge

Field Descriptions
• Define Box Girder Cross Section. Click this button to open the Box Girder
Cross Section dialog box. Refer to "Box Girder Cross Section Dialog Box" on
page GO-24 for more information on using this screen.
• Distance Along%. The distance along the girder to the section location.
Measured in current design units or as a percentage.
• Distance in Percent. When this option is selected, the distance is measured as
a percentage.
• Measure from Tail. When this option is selected, the distance is measured
from the end of the girder.
• Splice PT. When this option is selected, the location is a splice point.
• Deflection. The deflection angle at a splice point.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-23

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Box Girder Cross Section Dialog Box

Box Girder Cross Section Dialog Box

The box girder cross section can be used to describe a typical multi-cell box girder
bridge. The width of the bridge is controlled by the outer nodes of a referenced
roadway. Define a box girder object by clicking Define Box Girder Cross Section on
the Girder Sections dialog box.

Field Descriptions
• Width (w). The computed width of the structure between the outer nodes of
the referenced roadway. In addition to defining the size of the cross section,
these fields are also used in the calculation of the Live Load Distribution
• Depth (d). Enter the overall depth of the structure from the top of the deck
slab to the bottom of the soffit slab.
• Top Thick (tt). Enter the thickness of the deck (top) slab.
• Bottom Thick (bt). Enter the thickness of the soffit (bottom) slab.
• Number. Enter the number of interior guides.
• Web Thick (tw). Enter the web thickness to be used for all interior girders.
• Top Fillet (tf). Enter the horizontal/vertical delta for all top slab fillets.
• Bottom Fillet (bf). Enter the horizontal/vertical delta for all bottom slab

GO-24 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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• Type. Select the exterior girder type from the drop-down list.
- Vertical. The girder edge will be defined vertical.
- Slope. The girder will edge will be sloped by defining the factor “f”.
- Chamfer. The girder will edge will vertical and the bottom corner will
be chamfered by defining the distance “f”.
- Vert Round. The girder edge will be defined vertical and a rounded
bottom corner of radius “r” will be defined.
- Slope Round. The girder will edge will be sloped by defining the
factor “f” and a rounded bottom corner of radius “r” will be defined.
The distance “f” measures from the overhang length “l” to the PI of the
rounded corner.
• Thickness (t). The web thickness for the exterior girder.
• Factor (f). The factor for the exterior girder.
• Radius (r). The radius for the exterior girder.
• Len (l). The horizontal length of the overhang.
• Interior Thickness (ti). The interior thickness of the overhang.
• Exterior Thickness (te). The exterior thickness of the overhang.
• CGz. The center of gravity location along the z-axis.
• Cgy. The center of gravity location along the y-axis.
• Area. The area of the section.
• Izz. The moment of inertia of the section.
• Vol/Area. The volume-to-area ratio of the section.

Technical Discussion
The box girder cross section is generated by constructing the left and right exterior
girders using the outer nodes of the referenced roadway. The left girder is composed
of Nodes 1 through 5. (Refer to the graphic located on "Box Girder Cross Section
Dialog Box" on page GO-24.) The left outermost roadway node looking in the
direction of the girder definition is used to locate Node 1. Nodes 2 through 5 are
constructed relative to this node using the box section parameters. The right exterior
girder (Nodes 7 through 11) is located by placing Node 11 at the right outermost
roadway node and using the box section parameters to construct Nodes 7 through 10.
Node 6 is located on a straight line connecting Nodes 5 and 7.

GEOMATH supports (piers and abutments) placed on alignments or roadways are
referenced by girders. These supports recognize the vertical clearance requirements of
the girders placed in them so that they can determine proper cap elevations
automatically. Piers can support single or continuous girders making use of a single or
double row of bearings. Abutments can automatically locate themselves based upon

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-25

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Lay Out Supports

fill slope requirements. Columns and bearings referencing a support can be included
as components of the support.
The following features are used in the process of implementing a support:
• Layout Supports. Lay out supports using one of eight available methods.
Refer to "Lay Out Supports" on page GO-26 for more information.
• Pier Properties. Click this button to open the Pier Properties dialog box.
Refer to "Pier Properties Dialog Box" on page GO-31 for more information.
Pier properties are common parameters used by all pier methods.
• Abutment Properties. Click this button to open the Abutment Properties
dialog box. Refer to "Abutment Properties Dialog Box" on page GO-32 for
more information. Abutment properties are parameters used only by abutment
• Support Sections. Click this button to open the Support Sections dialog box.
Refer to "Support Sections Dialog Box" on page GO-34 for more information.

Lay Out Supports

There are eight methods available for laying out the supports. You can define supports
from a station, pier, or between piers with bearing, from a station, pier, or between
piers with deflection, from an offset clearance, or an abutment. In the Beginner
Interface, click Layout Pier on the Piers/Columns/Foundations tab. In the Advanced
Interface, select the Support Properties command from the Define menu or click the
Supports icon in the toolbar.

Field Descriptions
For all supports, the following fields are available:
• Pier ID. The Pier ID or name.
• Description. Optional description of the pier.
• Lvl. The drawing level the object is located in.
• Roadway. The roadway or alignment that the pier
references. Note that if a pier references an
alignment, all objects referring the pier will assume a zero roadway surface
• Sections. Click this button to open the Support
Sections dialog box. Refer to "Support Sections
Dialog Box" on page GO-34 for more information.
• Properties. Click this button to open the Pier
Properties dialog box. Refer to "Pier Properties Dialog Box" on page GO-31
for more information.
NOTE: When defining an abutment, this button will open the Abutment
Properties dialog box. Refer to "Abutment Properties Dialog Box" on page
GO-32 for more information.

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Lay Out Supports

• Lists. Select the support components to view in the

List View. You can view defined bearings,
columns footings or piles. For more information,
refer to "Columns" on page GO-34 , "Bearings" on
page GO-65 ,"Layout Footings" on page GO-38 or
"Layout Pile Group" on page GO-40.
• View. Click the button to view the pier in plan
or elevation. The graphic window will update to
fit the selected pier in plan view or show an
elevation of the selected pier.

Pier at Station with Bearing

Select this method to create a pier at a given station along a roadway or alignment and
defining the pier centerline bearing.

Field Descriptions
• Station. The station at the intersection of the pier
centerline and the alignment or roadway.
• Bearing. The bearing of the pier centerline looking in
the positive direction along the pier.

Pier at Station with Deflection

Select this method to create a pier at a given station along a roadway or alignment and
defining the pier centerline as a deflection angle from a specified object.

Field Descriptions
• Station. The station at the intersection of the pier
centerline and the alignment or roadway.
• Defl Ref. The deflection reference object. The
reference can be another pier, alignment, roadway, or
line shape.
• Deflection. The deflection (counter-clockwise positive) from the deflection
reference to the pier centerline.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-27

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Lay Out Supports

Pier from Pier with Bearing

Select this method to create a pier on a specified roadway located a specified distance
from another pier and defining the pier centerline bearing.

Field Descriptions
• Pier Ref. The pier reference to measure the distance
• Dist From. The distance that the pier should be
located from the reference.
• Bearing. The bearing of the pier centerline looking in the positive direction
along the pier.

Pier from Pier with Deflection

Select this method to create a pier on a specified roadway located a specified distance
from another pier and defining the pier centerline as a deflection angle from a
specified object.

Field Descriptions
• Pier Ref. The pier reference to measure the distance
• Dist From. The distance that the pier should be
located from the reference.
• Defl Ref. The deflection reference object. The reference can be another pier,
alignment, roadway, or line shape.
• Deflection. The deflection (counter-clockwise positive) from the deflection
reference to the pier centerline.

Pier between Piers with Bearing

Select this method to create a pier located between two reference piers and defining
the pier centerline bearing. The mid-position of the pier is specified as a percentage of
the distance between the reference piers.

Field Descriptions
• Pier 1 Ref. The first pier reference.
• Pier 2 Ref. The second pier reference.
• Mid Pos. The percentage position between the two
reference objects.
• Bearing. The bearing of the pier centerline looking in the positive direction
along the pier.

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Lay Out Supports

Pier between Piers with Deflection

Select this method to create a pier located between two reference piers and defining
the pier centerline as a deflection angle from a specified object. The mid-position of
the pier is specified as a percentage of the distance between the reference piers.

Field Descriptions
• Pier 1 Ref. The first pier reference.
• Pier 2 Ref. The second pier reference.
• Mid Pos. The percentage position between the two
reference objects.
• Defl Ref. The deflection reference object. The
reference can be another pier, alignment, roadway, or
line shape.
• Deflection. The deflection (counter-clockwise positive) from the deflection
reference to the pier centerline.

Pier by Offset Clearance

Select this method to create a pier whose centerline is established by connecting a line
between two working points (beginning and end). The working points are defined at
the intersection of two reference objects with user-defined offsets.

Right Reference

-40 1

CL Pier Node 2

Left Reference

Field Descriptions
• Beg Ref1. Reference 1 object defining the beginning
working point.
• Beg Ref2. Reference 2 object defining the beginning
working point.
• Beg Offsets. Optional offsets to the beginning
working point references. The left field defines the
offset to Reference 1. The right field defines the offset
to Reference 2.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-29

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Lay Out Supports

• End Ref1. Reference 1 object defining the ending working point.

• End Ref2. Reference 2 object defining the ending working point.
• End Offsets. Optional offsets to the ending working point references. The left
field defines the offset to Reference 1. The right field defines the offset to
Reference 2.

Select this method to create an abutment on a specified roadway, which is located by
determining the proper offsets to a roadway such that the specified fill slope
requirement is met. Optionally, the abutment can be located by defining a station and a
centerline bearing (similar to a pier at station with bearing). The abutment cap differs
from a pier cap in that it defines a back wall, footing, and only a centerline bearing

Field Descriptions
• Abutment ID. Abutment ID or name.
• Auto-Design. Check this option to automatically locate
the abutment.
• Toe Roadway. Reference object at the toe of the
abutment fill slope.
• Toe Node/Off. Reference object node.
• EOD Offset. Offset to the outer nodes of the reference
roadway to the auto-design check points.
• Fill Slope. Horizontal distance component of the design fill slope.
• Station. The station at the intersection of the pier centerline and the alignment
or roadway.
• Bearing. The bearing of the pier centerline looking in the positive direction
along the pier.

Technical Discussion
Abutment auto-design is based upon locating two points (check points) at the face of
the abutment seat so that the design fill slope specification is met. The fill slope is
assumed to be perpendicular to the toe roadway. The base of the fill slope can be any
roadway or line reference, which can optionally be offset and/or include a V-ditch.
The top of the fill slope at the face of the abutment seat can optionally include a
horizontal portion (berm). The elevation at the check points is determined by locating
the roadway elevation over the check point and subtracting the structure depth and
berm vertical clearance. The abutment location is determined by adjusting the two
check points so the horizontal distance divided by the difference in elevation between
the check point and the top of the fill is equal to the design fill slope value. This
calculation is performed at each of the two check points.
If the auto-design feature is not used, the abutment location is based upon a station
locating the centerline of bearing along the station line and a bearing of the abutment

GO-30 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Pier Properties Dialog Box

centerline. If this approach is used, then the resulting clearance at each of the two
check points can be reviewed in the Abutment and Beam Seat Report.
The support object can be used to organize columns and bearings. Columns and
bearings can be added or deleted by right-clicking in the List View. Objects included
in the support are printed in a sorted order when the support is selected for printing.
When using LEAP Software’s Integrated Bridge Software, the support serves to
identify the related GEOMATH objects to other IBS-enabled products for analyzing
substructure elements. Refer to Chapter 4 for more information on this feature.
The top of the footing elevation is determined by locating the minimum vertical fill
slope elevation over three points of the footing toe (end points plus the midpoint) and
subtracting the specified top of footing clearance. The bottom of the footing results
from subtracting the footing depth.

Pier Properties Dialog Box

This dialog box allows you to define several standard properties related to the pier. In
the Beginner Interface, click Pier Properties on the Piers/Columns/Foundations tab,
click Properties in the Pier Editor, or select the Pier Properties command from the
Define menu. In the Advanced Interface, click the Piers icon in the toolbar and then
click Properties in the Editor or select the Pier Properties command from the Define

The circle in the plan view denotes the start of the pier and is defined by the pier
length (L1). The + symbol in the Plan View denotes the end of the pier and is defined
by the pier length (L2). L1 + L2 distances are measured along the centerline of the
pier where positive values indicate a distance to the right of the station line and
negative values are to the left of the station line looking up-station.
Measurements along the pier are positive from the start of the pier (defined by L1) to
the end of the pier (defined by L2). The pier section (A-A) and the nodes (1-7) are a
slice through the pier looking in the positive direction of the pier. Offsets to the pier
centerline or bearing lines are negative to the left of the centerline and positive to the
right of the centerline.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-31

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Abutment Properties Dialog Box

Field Descriptions
• Cap Width. The width of the cap.
• Default Depth. The support cap depth used when a support is first created.
• L1. The distance along the pier centerline to the start of the pier. Denoted with
a circle.
• L2. The distance along the pier centerline to the end of the pier. Denoted with
a +.
• Lt. Brg. Offset. The left bearing offset. Measured normal to the pier
• Rt. Brg. Offset. The right bearing offset. Measured normal to the pier
• Lt. Girder Clr. Clearance from the pier centerline to the physical end of the
girder for girders framing into the pier from the left (negative) side. Measured
normal to the pier centerline.
• Rt. Girder Clr. Clearance from the pier centerline to the physical end of the
girder for girders framing into the pier from the right (positive) side.
Measured normal to the pier centerline.
• Cap Type. Determines whether a cap is dropped or integral. This
specification affects the way GEOMATH draws the support as well as
identifying the cap type to other IBS-enabled applications.

Abutment Properties Dialog Box

This dialog box allows you to define several standard properties related to the
abutment. In the Beginner Interface, click Abutment Properties on the Piers/ Columns/
Foundations tab, click the Properties button in the Pier Editor, or select the Abutment
Properties command from the Define menu. In the Advanced Interface, click the
Piers icon in the toolbar and then click Properties in the Editor or select the Abutment
Properties command from the Define menu.

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Abutment Properties Dialog Box

The circle in the plan view denotes the start of the pier and is defined by the abutment
length (L1). The + symbol in the Plan View denotes the end of the abutment and is
defined by the abutment length (L2). L1 + L2 distances are measured along the
centerline of the abutment where positive values indicate a distance to the right of the
station line and negative values are to the left of the station line looking up-station.
Measurements along the abutment are positive
from the start of the abutment (defined by L1) to
the end of the abutment (defined by L2). The
abutment section (A-A) and the nodes (1-7) are a
slice through the abutment looking in the positive
direction of the abutment. Offsets to the abutment
centerline or bearing lines are negative to the left
of the centerline and positive to the right of the
You can also view the diagrams in more detail by
placing the cursor over the hot spots (red circles).

Field Descriptions
• Footing Width. The width of the footing.
• Backwall Width. The width of the abutment backwall.
• Seat Width. The width of the abutment seat.
• Berm Width. The width of the horizontal berm in front of the abutment.
• L1. The distance along the abutment centerline to the start of the abutment.
Denoted with a circle.
• L2. The distance along the abutment centerline to the end of the abutment.
Denoted with a +.
• Girder Clr. Clearance from the abutment centerline to the physical end of the
girders framing into the abutment. Measured normal to the abutment.
• Berm Clr. Vertical clearance from the theoretical depth of the structure to the
top of the fill berm or fill slope.
• Vert Footing Clr. Vertical clearance over the top of the footing to the fill
• Structure Depth. The depth of the superstructure.
• Footing Depth. The thickness of the footing.
• V-Ditch h. The horizontal dimension of the V-ditch at the toe of the fill slope.
• V-Ditch v. The vertical dimension of the V-ditch at the toe of the fill slope.

Technical Discussion
The parameters defined above are used in conjunction with the design process
described on "Technical Discussion" on page GO-30.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-33

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Support Sections Dialog Box

Support Sections Dialog Box

This dialog box allows the user to specify the shape of the support cap. In both
interfaces, you can open this dialog box by clicking the Sections button in the
Support Editor. The depth of the section can be specified at any location along the cap.
The cap has uniform width (specified in the Pier Properties dialog box) along its
length. Support can elevations can be auto-computed or entered manually.

Field Descriptions
• Section ID. Rectangular shape of the cap section.
• Distance Along. The distance along the cap to the section location. Measured
in current design units or as a percentage.
• Distance in Percent. When this option is selected, the distance is measured as
a percentage.
• Measure from Tail. When this option is selected, the distance is measured
from the end of the girder.
• Section Depth. Depth of the section.
• Elevation Top. Elevation of the cap top from this section back to previous
• Auto-Compute. Check if cap section location and elevation should be auto-

Technical Discussion
When Auto-Compute is selected, the pier or abutment sections are automatically
generated between girders placed on the support. If girders are placed closer than half
the width of the girder section so as to physically interfere with each other, a support
section will not be created.
The elevation of the top of the supports is uniform between the support sections and is
the lowest elevation at the bottom of the bearings located on the cap from all girders
framing into the support from both sides.


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There are three methods available for defining support columns. You can define a
column by cap-centerline, by normal offset, or by station offset. In the Beginner
Interface, click the Columns button on the Piers/Columns/Foundations tab. In the
Advanced Interface, click the Columns icon in the toolbar.

Field Descriptions
For all columns, the following fields are available:
• Column ID. The Column ID or name.
• Description. Optional description of the column.
• Lvl. The drawing level the object is located in.
• Method. Select the method to define the column.
Columns can be defined by cap-centerline, by
normal offset, or by station offset.
• Sections. Click this button to open the Column
Sections dialog box. Refer to "Column Sections Dialog Box" on page GO-36
for more information.
• Properties. Click this button to open the Column Properties dialog box. Refer
to "Column Properties Dialog Box" on page GO-37 for more information.

Column by Cap-Centerline
Select this method to create a column by cap-centerline.

Field Descriptions
• Pier Refs. The pier reference.
• Pier Along. The distance along the pier to the center
of the column.
• Pier Off. The offset to the center of the column
measured normal to the pier centerline.

Column by Normal Offset

Select this method to create a column by normal offset.

Field Descriptions
• Pier. The pier reference.
• Pier Offset. Optional offset to the center of the
column measured normal to the pier centerline.
• Ref. A reference object. If the reference is a roadway,
an additional field defining the roadway node will be
• Ref Offset. Optional offset to the reference object.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-35

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Column Sections Dialog Box

Column by Station Offset

Select this method to create a column by station offset.

Field Descriptions
• Roadway. The reference alignment or roadway.
• Station. The station of the center of the column.
• Offset. The offset to the center of the column
measured normal to the station line.

Technical Discussion
The top elevation of the column is set to the bottom elevation of the cap at the column
center. The bottom elevation is set below the top by the column length.

Column Sections Dialog Box

The Column Sections dialog box allows you to create, modify, or delete user-defined,
nonstandard column shapes. In both interfaces, you can open this dialog box by
clicking the Sections button in the Column Editor.
If a column does not have one of the standard sections or it is nonprismatic, this dialog
box allows you to define the shape by specifying the sections, including linear and/or
parabolic variations along its length. Each user-defined column is made of one of the
basic shapes identified in the graphics window and has at least a top and bottom
section. Additional sections can be defined within the length of the column by giving
its distance from the section above it and its dimensions. All parameters that define the
column section will be varied along the length between sections. User-defined
columns can be referenced in any pier and can be referenced more than one time.
Columns automatically locate the top and bottom section, depending on the type of
substructure defined. The length of the lowest segment is determined from the total
column length given in the Column Editor.
NOTE: Standard, prismatic column sections can be easily entered into the Column

GO-36 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Column Properties Dialog Box

Field Descriptions
• Section Type. Select a column type from one of the six available types:
Circular, Rectangular, Rect-Fillet, Rect-Chamfer, Rect-Bevel, and General.
Note that not all of the following fields will be available for all column types.
• Add Section. Click to add a new section to the column.
• Delete Section. Click to delete a section from the column.
• Distance. The distance from the top of the column.
• H. The column section width (or diameter). The width is measured along the
centerline of the pier that the column is placed in.
• V. The column section depth. The depth is measured perpendicular to the
centerline of the pier that the column is placed in.
• R, C or X. The column fillet radius, chamfer, or bevel x-dimension.
• Y. The column section bevel y-dimension.
• Variation. Select the variation method to use for the particular section from
the drop-down list. The methods available are linear, constant, or parabolic.
• Column View. Display the front (perpendicular to the pier), side (parallel to
the pier), or section view of the column.

Column Properties Dialog Box

Field Descriptions
• Column Length: The length of the Column
measured from the bottom of the pier cap.
• Rotation Angle: The rotation of the major
axis of the column measured clockwise from
the centerline of the pier cap.

GEOMATH foundations consist of Layout Footings and Pile Properties. Footings are
located in the horizontal plan by being referenced to alignments, roadways, or
columns. Piles are located in the horizontal plan by being referenced only to footings.
The elevation of foundation objects can be automatically designed or set by the user.
The following features are used in the process of implementing a foundation:
• Layout Footings. Lay out footings using one of two available methods. Refer
to "Layout Footings" on page GO-38 for more information.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-37

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Layout Footings

• Layout Piles. Lay out one or more piles using the pile group object. Refer to
"Layout Pile Group" on page GO-40 for more information.
• Footing Properties. Click this button to open the Footing Properties dialog
box. Refer to "Footing Properties Dialog Box" on page GO-39 for more
information. Footing properties are common parameters used by all footing
• Pile Properties. Click this button to open the Pile Properties dialog box.
Refer to"Pile Properties Dialog Box" on page GO-41 for more information.
Pile properties are parameters used only by pile foundations.
• Pile Section. Click this button to open the Pile Section dialog box. Refer to
"Piles Sections Dialog Box" on page GO-41 for more information.

Layout Footings
Footing objects can be square or trapezoidal in plan view and have a constant
depth. A footing can be rotated relative to the primary axis of it’s reference
object. A footing can be defined by column offset or by station offset. The
elevation of the top of the footing can be set to a specified elevation or
automatically computed to be the bottom of a referenced column or set to a
specified clear depth below a specifed ground object. In the Advanced
interface select the Layout/Foundation/Footing menu or click Foundation
icon in the bridge toolbar for selecting the footing layout method.

Footing by Column Offset

Select this method to place a footing by defining offsets from the major and mior axis
of the center point of a specified reference column.

Field Descriptions
• Footing ID. The footing ID or name.
• Description . Optional description of the footing.
• Lvl . The drawing level the object is located in.
• Ground Ref. Optional ground reference used to set the
top elevation of the footing.
• Column Ref . The column reference column.
• Major Axis Offset. Offset from the major axis of the
footing to the center of the column.
• Minor Axis Offset. Offset from the minor axis of the
footing to the center of the column.

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Footing Properties Dialog Box

Footing by station offset

Select this method to place a footing by defining a station and offset along a
referenced roadway or alignment.

Field Descriptions
• Footing ID. The footing ID or name.
• Description. optional description of the footing.
• Lvl. The drawing level the object is located in.
• Rdwy Ref. The alignmrnent or roadway reference for
the footing.
• Station. Station along the roadway reference.
• Offset. Offset distance normal to the alignment station
to the CP of the footing.

Footing Properties Dialog Box

The Footing Properties dialog box contains information that allows GEOMATH to
determine the shape, thickness and vertical location of the footing.

Field Descriptions
• W1. Width 1 end of footing.
• W2. Width 2 end of footing.
• L. Length along major axis of the footing.
• Footing thick. Depth (thickness) of the footing.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-39

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Layout Pile Group

• Min FTG Clear. Clearance from top of footing to the optional ground
• Rotation angle. Rotation angle from major axis of footing measured
clockwise positve.

Technical Discussion
The major axis of the footing will be aligned with the major axis of a referenced
column. If the footing is using the station offset method the major axis will be
horizontal. The axis rotation angle is measured clockwise positve. The top elevation
of the footing can be specified at a fixed elevation by unchecking the autocalculate
checkbox in the footing properties. The have the top elevation of the footing
automatically set to the bottom elevation of the referenced column select the
autocalculate checkbox without specifying a ground reference. The have the top
elevation of the footing automatically set below a ground reference by the specified
minimum footing clearance select the autocalculate checkbox with a ground reference
specified. The ground elevation will be checked at the footing corners, the mid
perimeter locations as well as the center of the footing.

Layout Pile Group

Geomath allows the user to insert a pile or group of piles using a grid layout method
which is referenced to the center of a footing. This option is available only in the
Advanced Interface, by selecting in the Layout menu the Foundation option and then
the Pile Group or using the Foundation Icon in the Bridge toolbar. Select this method
to place a footing by defining offsets from the major and minor axis of the a specified
reference footing.

Field Descriptions
• Pile ID. The Pile Group ID or name
• Description. Optional description of the pile group
• Lvl. The drawing level the object is located in Pile
group placement
• Ref Ftg. Footing control reference
• Num Piles on L. Number of piles in L dimension
• Num Piles on W. Number of piles in W dimension
• Spacing on L. Spacing/Clear in the L dimension of
• Spacing on W. Spacing/Clear in the w dimension of footing
• Offset on L. Offset along minor axis to footing
• Offset on W. Offset along major axis to footing

GO-40 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Pile Properties Dialog Box

Pile Properties Dialog Box

The Pile Properties dialog box contains information that allows GEOMATH to
determine the top and bottom elevation of the piles. The top elevation of the piles will
be located a specified clearance distance above the bottom of the referenced footing.
The bottom elevation of the piles will be below the top by the specified pile length.

Piles Sections Dialog Box

Piles set automatically the dimensions for the top and bottom sections.

Field Descriptions
• Section Type. Select pile type from one of the four available types: Round,
Square, Rect-Chamfer, and H section. Note that not all of the following fields
will be available for all pile types.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-41

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Wing Walls

• W. The pile section width (or diameter). The width is measured along the
centerline of the pile.
• C. The length of the chamfered edge.
• T1. The H-Section flange thickness.
• T2. The H-Section web thickness
• D. The H-Section depth.

Technical Discussion
The major axis of the piles will be aligned with the major axis of the referenced
footing. Multiple pile groups can reference the same footing.

Wing Walls
GEOMATH wing walls reference supports and automatically compute the required
length and height of wall based upon ground slope conditions.
NOTE: Wing Walls can be created in the Advanced Interface only.
The following features are used in the process of implementing a wing wall:
• Layout Wing Walls. Lay out wing walls using one of seven available
methods. Refer to “Layout Wing Walls” on page GO-42 for more information.
• Wing Wall Properties. Click this button
to open the Wing Wall Properties dialog
box. Refer to "Wing Wall Properties
Dialog Box" on page GO-49 for more
information. Wing Wall properties are
common parameters used by all wing wall methods.
• Wing Wall Section. Click this button to open the Wing Wall Section dialog
box. Refer to "Wing Walls Sections Dialog Box" on page GO-50 for more

GO-42 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Lay Out Wing Walls

Lay Out Wing Walls

There are are seven methods available for laying out a wing wall. Wing walls can be
straight, curved or curvilinear and are typically located at Abutment supports but can
also reference Piers. In the Advanced Interface, click Layout Wing Wall command
from the Layout menu or click the Wing Wall icon on the toolbar

Field Descriptions
For all wing walls, the following fields are available:
• Wing Wall ID. The Wing Wall ID or name.
• Description. Optional description of the wing wall.
• Lvl. The drawing level the object is located in.
• Supp Ref. The support reference object ID and node
• Supp Along. Distance along the support reference.
• Supp Off. Offset from the support node reference.
• Top Rdwy. The top roadway reference.
• LOL Side. Location of wing wall (outside/centerline/inside edge)

• Auto-Design. Check this option to automatically

calculate the wing wall length and height.
• Left/Right. Location of the wing wall relative to the
referenced support looking upstation.
• Sections. Click this button to open the Wing Wall
Sections dialog box. Refer to "Wing Walls Sections
Dialog Box" on page GO-50 for more information.
• Properties. Click this button to open the Wing Wall
Properties dialog box. Refer to "Wing Wall Properties
Dialog Box" on page GO-49 for more information.
• View. Click the button to view the wing wall in plan
or elevation. The graphic view will update to fit the selected wing wall in plan
view or show an elevation of the selected wing wall.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-43

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Lay Out Wing Walls

Straight Wing Wall with Bearing

Select this method to create a straight wing wall defined by a bearing.

Field Descriptions
• Bearing. The bearing of the wing
• Slope Ref. Reference object
defining the slope or the toe of the
• Slope Node/Off. Toe reference
object node and offset to node
(note: disabled if reference is a
Ground object).
• Fill Slope. Ratio of horizontal
distance to vertical change in
elevation of the fill slope.

Curved Wing Wall with Bearing

Select this method to create a circular curved wing wall defined by a bearing at the
wing wall reference point.

Field Descriptions
• Bearing. The bearing of the wing wall.
• Radius. The radius of the wing wall layout line.
• Slope Ref. Reference object defining the slope or the
toe of the slope.
• Slope Node/Off. Toe reference object node and
offset to node (note: disabled if reference is a Ground
• Fill Slope. Ratio of horizontal distance to vertical
change in elevation of the fill slope.

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Lay Out Wing Walls

Straight Wing Wall with Deflection

Select this method to create a straight wing wall defined by a deflection angle from the
support reference.

Field Descriptions
• Deflection. The deflection angle.
• Slope Ref. Reference object defining the slope or the
toe of the slope.
• Slope Node/Off. Toe reference object node and offset
to node (note: disable if reference is a Ground object).
• Fill Slope. Ratio of horizontal distance to vertical
change in elevation of the fill slope.

Curved Wing Wall with Deflection

Select this method to create a circular curved wing wall defined by a deflection angle
from the support reference at the wing wall reference point.

Field Descriptions
• Deflection. The deflection angle.
• Radius. The radius of the wing wall layout line.
• Slope Ref. Reference object defining the slope or the
toe of the slope.
• Slope Node/Off. Toe reference object node and offset
to node (note: disable if reference is a Ground object).
• Fill Slope. Ratio of horizontal distance to vertical
change in elevation of the fill slope.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-45

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Lay Out Wing Walls

Straight Wing Wall using Chord

Select this method to create a straight wing wall by defining the beginning and ending
work points (i.e. Chord) of the wing wall layout line.

Field Descriptions
• Chord Ref. The reference object used to locate the
ending work point of the layout line.
• Chord Along. Value along the reference object to
the ending work point.
• Chord Off. Offset from the reference object to the
ending work point.
• Slope Ref. Reference object defining the slope or the
toe of the slope.
• Slope Node/Off. Toe reference object node and
offset to node (note: disable if reference is a Ground
• Fill Slope. Ratio of horizontal distance to vertical change in elevation of the
fill slope.

Curved Wing Wall using Chord

Select this method to create a circular curved wing wall by defining the beginning and
ending work points (i.e. Chord) of the wing wall layout line.

Field Descriptions
• Chord Ref. The reference object used to locate the
ending work point of the layout line.
• Chord Along. Value along the reference object to
the ending work point.
• Chord Off. Offset from the reference object to the
ending work point.
• Radius. The radius of the wing wall layout line.
• Slope Ref. Reference object defining the slope or
the toe of the slope.
• Slope Node/Off. Toe reference object node and
offset to node (note: disable if reference is a Ground object).
• Fill Slope. Ratio of horizontal distance to vertical change in elevation of the
fill slope.

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Lay Out Wing Walls

Curvilinear Wing Wall

Curvilinear: User defines a wing wall with a reference to an alignment or roadway
which will provide the curvilinear shape.

Field Descriptions
• Chord Ref. The reference used to provide the
curvilinear shape.
• Slope Ref. Reference object defining the slope or the
toe of the slope.
• Slope Node/Off. Reference object node.
• Fill Slope. Ratio of horizontal distance to vertical change in elevation of the
fill slope.

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Lay Out Wing Walls

Technical Discussion
Wing walls are defined by a layout line (LOL). The LOL can be straight, curved or
curvilinear (i.e. defined by alignment or roadway node object) in shape. The wing wall
has a constant width resulting in rectangular vertical cross section. Wing wall LOLs,
except those using the Curvilinear method are defined by two work points (WWRP -
wing wall reference point, WWEP - wing wall end point). The WWRP is defined as a
distance along and offset to a specified Support reference object. The beginning of
the physical wing wall will be along the back wall of an Abutment or on the same
side of a Pier object as is the WWEP. The measurement of the along distance is from
either the left or right end of the referenced Support depending on the Left/Right
setting. The Left or Right end of the support is determined by looking up station
along the Top Roadway reference.
The top of the wing wall can be vertically offset from the top roadway (Top Rdwy)
surface by a constant distance H1. The bottom of the wing wall is automatically
computed by determining the elevation of the slope at the beginning and the ending of
the wall and vertically offsetting the wall a distance H3 and H2 respectively (See
figure "Wing Wall Properties Dialog Box" on page GO-49).
The fill slope can be assumed as a linear changing slope defined by the Fill Slope ratio
starting at the Slope Reference. The slope ratio is defined in the direction normal to
the slope reference. The Slope Ref can be an Roadway, Alignment, or Ground
object. If a Ground object is used to define the slope then the elevation is determined
as the elevation of the Ground object at the specified location. If a Slope Ref is not
defined then the length and height of the wing wall are user defined.
An option to automatically compute the length (L) and the height (H) of the wing wall
is provided. The length of the wall is computed as the distance from the beginning of
the physical wall (i.e. starting at the back wall or edge of the reference support) plus a
fixed distance Le beyond the CP (See Figure "Wing Wall Properties Dialog Box" on
page GO-49). See Tutorial 1 Hand Calculations for an example of the computations
used for this procedure.
Wing Wall nodes (See Wing Wall Properties Dialog) identify the LOL (Node 1) and
particular edges of the wing wall (Nodes 2 through 5). Nodes allow the user to identify
specific locations along the wing wall for referencing and can be used with features
such as the Measurement Tool or Offset Point.

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Wing Wall Properties Dialog Box

Wing Wall Properties Dialog Box

This dialog box allows you to define several standard properties related to the wing
wall. In the Advanced Interface, click Properties in the Wing Wall Editor, or select
the Wing Wall Properties command from the Define menu.

Field Descriptions
• L. Overall length of the wing wall.
• H. Height of the wall at the beginning.
• W. Constant width of the wing wall.
• H1. Distance the top of the wall rises above the reference roadway elevation.
• H2. Height of the wing wall at the end.
• H3. Portion of wing wall below slope fill at the beginning of the wing wall.
• Lb. Length of the beginning of the wing wall at full depth.
• Le. Length of wing wall extending beyond the catch point.
• V-Ditch h. The horizontal dimension of the V-ditch at the toe of the fill slope.
See "Abutment Properties Dialog Box" on page GO-32.
• V-Ditch v. The vertical dimension of the V-ditch at the toe of the fill slope.
See "Abutment Properties Dialog Box" on page GO-32.

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Wing Walls Sections Dialog Box

Wing Walls Sections Dialog Box

The five-sided shape of the wing wall (See Wing Wall Properties) will be produced by
defining three rectangular cross sections distributed along the length of the wall. The
sections will have the same width. The first two sections will have a depth equal to H.
The last section will have a depth equal to H2. The information displayed is read-only.

Field Descriptions
• ID. Rectangular shape of the wing wall section.
• Dist. The distance along the wing wall to the section location. Measured in
current design units.
• Depth. Depth of the section.
• Width. Width of the section.

GO-50 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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GEOMATH girders can be simple (single span) or continuous over multiple spans.
Girders are, in general, positioned in the horizontal plane by the user and can be
automatically designed vertically (i.e., work point elevations set) by GEOMATH. The
layout methods are used to locate “work points” locating the centerline of girder.
These work points are designated with a small circle and are normally located at the
bearing locations.
The following features are used in the process of implementing a girder:
• Layout Girders. Lay out girders using one of eight
available methods. Refer to "Lay Out Girders" on page
GO-51 for more information.
• Girder Properties. Click this button to open the
Girder Properties dialog box. Refer to "Girder
Properties Dialog Box" on page GO-56 for more
information on using this screen. Girder properties are
common parameters used by all girder methods.
• Girder Sections. Click this button to open the Girder Sections dialog box.
Refer to "Girder Sections Dialog Box" on page GO-59 for more information
on using this screen. Girder sections are user-definable.

Technical Discussion
When the Autocalculate Work Point Elevations check box is selected in the Girder
Properties dialog box, the elevation at the work point locations of the girder are
determined by one of the following design methods: Concrete, Plate Steel, or Rolled
Steel. These methods represent procedures that are typical of girders of the type
described, In general, the setting of girder elevations is determined by locating the
girder under the roadway deck, thereby establishing the elevation at the work point
location at the bottom of the bottom flange of the girder. The specific design process
used for each of these methods is discussed in "Girder Properties Dialog Box" on page
GEOMATH does not explicitly define girder spans, although a number of available
reports print data for a logical span. GEOMATH implicitly defines a span as the
portion of a girder spanning between two piers. To identify the “span” for purposes of
print span reports, select a single girder in the desired span. Printing a complete set of
girder reports sorted by span can be accomplished using the bridge object. Refer to
"Bridges" on page GO-21 for more information on using this object.

Lay Out Girders

There are eight methods available for laying out girders. You can define a girder by
normal offset, by bearing point, by cap centerline, by station and offset, or lay out
curved girders, parallel girders, flared girders, or alignment girders. In the Beginner
Interface, click Layout Girder on the Girders tab. In the Advanced Interface, click the
Girders icon in the toolbar.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-51

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Lay Out Girders

To view the selected girders, click either the Plan, Sect, or Elev buttons and the graphic
window will update accordingly. For example, clicking Sect opens the cross section
view of the selected girder.

Field Descriptions
For all girders, the following fields are available:
• Girder ID. The Girder ID or name.
• Description. Optional description of the girder.
• Lvl. The drawing level the object is located in.
• Sections. Click this button to open the Girder
Sections dialog box. Refer to "Girder Sections Dialog
Box" on page GO-59 for more information on using
this screen.
• Properties. Click this button to open the Girder Properties dialog box. Refer
to "Girder Properties Dialog Box" on page GO-56 for
more information on using this screen.
• View. To view the selected girders, click either the
Plan, Sect, or Elev buttons and the graphic window
will update accordingly. For example, clicking Sect
opens the cross section view of the selected girder.

Girder by Normal Offset

Select this method to create a girder whose work points are
defined at the intersection of a pier bearing line and a selected reference object with
optional offsets.

Field Descriptions
• Beg Pier. The beginning pier reference. Offsets are measured from the pier
bearing line.
• Beg Ref. The beginning reference
object. If the reference is a roadway, RDWY -
an additional field defining the +

roadway node will be visible.

Node 1

• Beg Offsets. Optional offsets to the Node 2

beginning pier bearing line and Node 3

reference object. The left field

defines the offset to the pier bearing +

line. The right field defines the

offset to the reference object.

GO-52 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Lay Out Girders

• End Pier. The ending pier reference. Offsets are

measured from the pier bearing line.
• End Ref. The ending reference object. If the reference
is a roadway, an additional field defining the roadway
node will be visible.
• End Offsets. Optional offsets to the ending pier
bearing line and reference object. The left field defines
the offset to the pier bearing line. The right field defines the offset to the
reference object.

Girder by Bearing Point

Select this method to place a girder by defining the work points as a distance along the
pier bearing layout line. Optional offsets from the bearing line can be specified.

Field Descriptions
• Beg Refs. The beginning pier reference. Offsets are
measured from the pier bearing line.
• Pier1 Along. The distance along the beginning pier
bearing line.
• Pier1 Brg Off. The offset to the pier bearing line
measured normal to the bearing line.
• End Refs. The ending pier reference. Offsets are measured from the pier
bearing line.
• Pier2 Along. The distance along the ending pier bearing line.
• Pier2 Brg Off. The offset to the ending pier bearing line measured normal to
the bearing line.

Girder by Cap Centerline

Select this method to place a girder by defining the work points as a distance along
and normal to the pier centerline. Optional offsets from the pier centerline can be

Field Descriptions
• Beg Refs. The beginning pier reference. Offsets are
measured from the pier bearing line.
• Pier1 Along. The distance along the beginning pier
• Pier1 Brg Off. The offset to the pier centerline
measured normal to the bearing line.
• End Refs. The ending pier reference. Offsets are
measured from the pier bearing line.
• Pier2 Along. The distance along the ending pier centerline.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-53

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Lay Out Girders

• Pier2 Brg Off. The offset to the ending pier centerline measured normal to
the bearing line.

Girder by Station and Offset

Select this method to place a girder by defining the work points as a station and offset
along a referenced roadway or alignment.

Field Descriptions
• Roadway. The roadway or alignment reference object.
• Beg Station. The station of the beginning work point.
• Beg Offset. The offset to the alignment at the
beginning station.
• End Station. The station of the ending work point.
• End Offset. The offset to the alignment at the ending station.

Curved Girder
Select this method to create a curved girder of a specified radius by defining its work
points as a distance along the pier bearing layout line. Optional offsets can be

Field Descriptions
• Radius. The girder radius.
• Remain Concentric. Check this option to align the
centerpoint of the girder with the alignment arc
• Beg Refs. The beginning pier reference. Offsets are
measured from the pier bearing line.
• Pier1 Along. The distance along the beginning pier
• Pier1 Brg Off. The offset to the pier centerline measured normal to the
bearing line.
• End Refs. The ending pier reference. Offsets are measured from the pier
bearing line.
• Pier2 Along. The distance along the ending pier centerline.
• Pier2 Brg Off. The offset to the ending pier centerline measured normal to
the bearing line.

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Lay Out Girders

Parallel Girder
Select this method to create a girder that is parallel to a referenced girder. Multiple
girders can be defined by editing the Number of Girders field. Girders can be placed on
the left or right of the reference girder.

Field Descriptions
• Ref Gir. The reference girder.
• Num of Gir. The number of parallel girders in the
• Width. The overall width across all girders in the
• Spacing. The spacing between individual girders in the group.

Flared Girder
Select this method to create a girder group that is located between two existing girders
such that the generated work points of the group of girders are distributed uniformly
between the work points of the reference girders.

Field Descriptions
• Adj Gir1. Reference girder 1.
• Adj Gir2. Reference girder 2.
• Num of Gir. The number of flared girders in the group.

Alignment Girder
Select this method to create a girder with a centerline that parallels a roadway or
alignment with an optional offset.

Field Descriptions
• Layout Refs. The roadway or alignment reference.
• Layout Off. The optional offset to the layout
• Beg Refs. The beginning pier reference. Offsets are
measured from the pier bearing line.
• Pier1 Brg Off. The offset to the pier centerline measured normal to the
bearing line.
• End Refs. The ending pier reference. Offsets are measured from the pier
bearing line.
• Pier2 Brg Off. The offset to the ending pier centerline measured normal to
the bearing line.

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Girder Properties Dialog Box

Girder Properties Dialog Box

The Girder Properties dialog box contains information that allows GEOMATH to
determine the vertical location of the girder so that the elevation of the girder work
points can be determined.

In both interfaces, you can open this dialog box by clicking Properties in the Girder
Editor. While in the Beginner Interface, you can apply properties to all girders by
selecting Girder Properties and completing this dialog box. To apply properties to
individual girders, select the girder from the list view and click Properties located in
the Girder Editor and complete this dialog box.
GEOMATH provides three vertical design methods for setting the work point
elevations: Concrete, Plate Steel, and Rolled Steel. Following are descriptions of the
data required for each method.

Concrete Design Method

The concrete design method sets the work point elevations at equal distances below
the roadway deck so that the specified minimum buildup is maintained. The minimum
buildup is checked at the check points along each edge and the centerline of the top of
the girder flange.

Field Descriptions
• Deck Thick. The thickness of the deck.
• Min Buildup. The minimum buildup.
• DAP ST/END. The end block cutout (DAP) dimension at the start and end of
the girder.
• Roll Angle. The girder roll angle. Counter-clockwise is positive.
• Autocalculate Work Point Elevations. If the Autocalculate Work Point
Elevations check box is selected, GEOMATH will determine the elevation at
each of the girder’s work points.

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Girder Properties Dialog Box

Simple span parabolic camber and deflection can be considered using the following
parameters. If more complicated camber and deflection profiles are required, the user
can provide a table of data by selecting the User specified option and clicking Multi-
Linear Data to open the Girder Data Points dialog box. Refer to "Girder Data Points
Dialog Box" on page GO-58 for more information.
• Camber. The parabolic camber deflection at midspan.
• Self Defl. The parabolic deflection at midspan for self-weight.
• Add’l Defl. The parabolic deflection at midspan for additional weight.

Plate Steel Design Method

The plate steel design method sets the work point elevations based upon maintaining
the distance specified from the top of the deck to the top of the girder web throughout
the length of the girder.

Field Descriptions
• Deck Thick. The thickness of the deck.
• Deck to Web. The distance from the top of the
deck (i.e., roadway surface) to the top of the
section web. Note that for sections with fillets,
the top of the web begins at half the height of
the fillet.

Rolled Steel Design Method

The rolled steel design method sets the work point elevations at equal distances below
the roadway deck so that the specified minimum buildup is maintained. The minimum
buildup is checked at the check points along each edge and the centerline of the top of
the girder flange.

Field Descriptions
• Deck Thick. The thickness of the deck.
• Min Buildup. The minimum buildup.

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Girder Data Points Dialog Box

Girder Data Points Dialog Box

The user can choose to enter non-parabolic camber, girder self-deflection, and/or
additional deflection as a multi-linear curve. To open this dialog box, open the Girder
Properties dialog box, select the User specified option and click Multi-Linear Data.

Field Descriptions
• Span Num. The distance between piers.
• Loc Along Span. Distance along the span to the data point location
• As. Distance can be specified in current units or as a percentage of the span
• From. Distance can be measured from the beginning or the end of the span.
• Camber. The parabolic camber deflection at midspan.
• Self. The parabolic deflection at midspan for self-weight.
• Add’l. The parabolic deflection at midspan for additional weight.

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Girder Sections Dialog Box

Girder Sections Dialog Box

This dialog box allows the user to specify the shape of the girder cross section. Users
can define and store single girder cross section shapes in a library using the Cross
Sections dialog box.
In both interfaces, you can open this dialog box by clicking Sections in the Girder
Editor. While in the Beginner Interface, you can change view or modify all girder
sections in the project by clicking Girder Section To view or modify individual girders,
select the girder in the list view and click Sections located in the Girder Editor.

Field Descriptions
• Section. The cross section type.
• Section ID. The cross section ID or name.
• Distance Along%. The distance along the girder to the section location.
Measured in current design units or as a percentage.
• Distance in Percent. When this option is selected, the distance is measured as
a percentage.
• Measure from Tail. When this option is selected, the distance is measured
from the end of the girder.
• Splice PT. When this option is selected, the location is a splice point.
• Deflection. The deflection angle at a splice point.
• Section Manager. Click this button to open the Cross Sections dialog box.
Refer to "Cross Sections Dialog Box" on page GO-60 for more information
on using this screen.

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Cross Sections Dialog Box

Cross Sections Dialog Box

This dialog box allows you to add, delete, modify, or copy section IDs. Please note
that a predefined list of section types comprises the list. You cannot add a new type.
Click the Section Manager button in the Girder Sections dialog box to open this
NOTE: Steel rolled beams can be entered by selecting the I-Girder Type, refer to
Section ID’s W24x62, W30x124, and W36x210 for data entry parameters.

To add a new beam section ID, select the desired beam section type from the Type
column (e.g., Spread Box Beam) and click Add to open the appropriate section detail
dialog box (e.g., the Spread Box Beam Section dialog box). Refer to "Section Detail
Dialog Boxes" on page GO-61 for more information on using these screens. To delete
a beam section ID, select the desired type and its identification and click Delete. To
modify a beam section, select the Section ID and click Modify to open the appropriate
section detail dialog box and update the fields as necessary. To copy a beam section,
select the Section ID and click Copy to open the appropriate section detail dialog box.
Update the fields as needed.
The user can define and save his own beam section libraries, by using the Save / Save
As options. By default, the lib.cs1 library is loaded when GEOMATH is started.

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Section Detail Dialog Boxes

Section Detail Dialog Boxes

Note the three options under Section Properties: User Input, Dimensions, and
Drawing. You can enter your own values for the center of gravity, area, moment of
inertia, and vol/area by selecting the User Input option. If you select the Dimensions
option, the program calculates the section properties based on the section dimensions
entered above. (Note that the fields under Section Properties will be unavailable.) The
third option, Drawing, allows you to draw your own beam section using the Section
Drawing dialog box. In this case, the program computes the section properties based
on the drawing. Refer to "Section Drawing Dialog Box" on page GO-62 for more
information on using this screen. Note that, in any case, the user must enter some
dimensions, regardless of the option selected for computing section properties. These
dimensions are used for various engineering calculations by the program.

To create a template that displays all possible locations where strands may be placed
based on the values for height and the maximum number of strands allowed at that
height, click Template to open the Template dialog box. Refer to "Template Dialog
Box" on page GO-64 for more information on using this screen.

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Section Drawing Dialog Box

Section Drawing Dialog Box

This dialog box allows you to draw your own beam section. To open this screen, click
Edit in the section detail dialog box. Use the control buttons on the left of the screen
to define your own beam section, as explained below.

GO-62 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Section Drawing Dialog Box

Return and Update. This button accepts the section drawing and returns to the
section detail dialog box.
Drawing Properties Settings. This button allows you to edit the drawing limits, grid,
and snap settings. This button opens the Drawing Properties dialog box. Refer to
"Drawing Properties Dialog Box" on page GO-64 for more information.
Add New Polygon. This button starts the mode to draw polygons composed of
straight lines. Click the left mouse button to add sides; a node will appear. Right-click
on the last node to close the drawing.
Add New Circle. This button allows you to add a circle to your drawing. First, click
the location where you want the center of the circle. Move the mouse until the desired
circular radius is reached and click again to open the Circular Section dialog box.
Modify the values if needed and click OK. The circle will be added to the drawing. If
a circle is drawn completely inside another polygon, then it is treated as a cut-out (or
Add Nodes. This button allows you to add nodes to the polygon. When you click this
button, all the nodes that comprise the polygon and circles become visible. To add
additional nodes, click anywhere on any polygon edge (between two nodes). Note that
to add a new point between two existing points, both existing points must be visible
on the screen. You can zoom in, zoom out, or expand the side of the drawing editor
window. To add a node between two existing nodes, make sure you can see both nodes
on the screen.
Delete Nodes. This button allows you to delete a node on the polygon or an entire
circle. Selecting this button displays all the composing nodes. Click any node on the
polygon to delete that node; click any node on the circle to delete the entire circle.
Modify Nodes. Click this button to modify the shape of the polygon. Clicking this
button displays all the composing nodes for the polygon. To move a node, drag any
node to another location. Click on a node and move the mouse without releasing the
mouse button. Move to the desired location and release the left mouse button.
Show Vertex. Click this button to open the Vertex dialog box. This dialog box
displays a list of vertices in a tabular format. You can modify the X and Y coordinate
values for any node or modify existing beam coordinates by clicking the Modify
button. To print the nodes as inputted in the drawing click the Print button. You can
send the vertex results either to a printer or an Excel file.
Chamfer and Fillet. Selecting this button displays all the nodes that compose the
polygon and circles. If you click any node in the corner of the polygon, the Fillet and
Chamfer dialog box displays that allows you to select whether the fillet is Chamfer or
Fillet. You can also edit the fillet dimensions in this dialog box. Click OK to accept
any changes and return to the drawing.
Zoom-In. This button allows you to zoom in on a part of the drawing. After clicking
this button, you must select the area to enlarge by holding down the left mouse button,
and then dragging the cursor over the part to be enlarged. While dragging the mouse
pointer, a selection will be defined. Release of the button will complete the task, and
the selected part of the image appears magnified.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-63

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Drawing Properties Dialog Box

Zoom-Out. This button allows you to zoom out. As with the zoom-in feature, select
an area to zoom out of by holding down the left mouse button, and then dragging the
cursor over the area to be reduced. Release the button to complete this task and the
selected part of the image appears reduced.
Pan. The button allows you to pan the image. After selecting this button, you can then
place the cursor anywhere in the image, hold down the left mouse button, and then
drag the cursor in order to pan the view.

Drawing Properties Dialog Box

This dialog box allows you to edit the drawing limits, grid and snap settings.

To specify the grid spacing, select the Active check box. For example, if the grid has
25 units in the X-direction and 25 units in the Y-direction, enter “25” in the X and Y
fields under Grids. You can also specify the type of gridline and the color you want.
The drawing limits allow you to specify the size of the drawing area. For example, if
the overall size of the section is 500 in ¥ 600 in, the drawing limits in the X-direction
are (-250, 250) and in the Y-direction (0, 600). Therefore, enter “-250” in the Min X
field, “250” in the Max X field, “0” in the Min Y field, and “600” in the Max Y field.
You can also produce a more accurate drawing by defining the snap spacing.
Generally, this number is a small common denominator of the drawing dimensions.
For example, if the snap spacing is 10 inches, enter “10” in the X and Y fields under
Snap and select the Active check box.

Template Dialog Box

To open this dialog box, click Template in the appropriate beam section dialog box.
This dialog box displays all possible locations where strands may be placed. Enter the
values for height and the maximum number of strands allowed at that height. The
height of the strands is measured from the bottom at the end of a beam to the c.g. of
the strand. Remember that you are not entering the strand pattern here, but only the
possible locations where strands may be located, used by the program to auto-generate
a strand pattern. It might help to visualize this template as the end beam template used
in the casting yard by the fabricator to place the prestressing tendons.

GO-64 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Once all possible locations have been entered, click OK to close this screen and return
to the section detail. When you return to the Cross Sections dialog box, the new
section ID and description will be listed in the Items window. Click Save to save the
new section in the currently loaded library, or click Save As to save the library under a
different name.
NOTE: You must have at least one strand defined in this dialog box prior to closing.

Bearings are located on a pier, oriented from the pier
centerline or the pier’s bearing layout line, with an optional
offset distance oriented along the girder.
In the Beginner Interface, click Bearing Layout on the
Girders tab. In the Advanced Interface, select the Bearings
command from the Layout menu or click the Bearing icon in
the toolbar.
The beam seat properties fields allow the user to assign a
beam seat to the bearing. Note that selecting the Bearing
command from the Define menu may change the global
bearing thickness and/or beam seat data. Refer to "Bearing"
on page GO-91 for more information on using the Bearing
Properties dialog box.

Field Descriptions

• Bearing ID. The bearing ID or name.
• Description. Optional description for the bearing.
• Lvl. The drawing level the object is located in.
• Girder. The girder reference.

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Bearing Layout
• Pier. The pier reference.
• Girder Offset. Optional offset to the girder.
• Pier Offset. Optional offset to the pier.
• Thickness. The thickness of the bearing.
• Has Beam Seat. Select this check box to include a beam seat around the

Beam Seat Properties

• Orientation. Indicates whether the beam seat is
oriented parallel to the pier or parallel to the girder.
• Width1 (W1). Dimension to the left of the bearing
center when looking toward the opposite end of the
• Width2 (W2). Dimension to the right of the bearing
center when looking toward the opposite end of the
• Depth1 (D1). Dimension forward of the bearing when looking toward the
opposite end of the girder.
• Depth2 (D2). Dimension rear of the bearing when looking toward the
opposite end of the girder.


D2 D1 D1 D2

a b c d
W1 W2

Beam Seat Girder Beam Seat

W2 Centerline W1
d c b a

Bearing Seat Properties

Technical Discussion
Bearings are automatically created at the girder work points when girders are created.
Bearings can be created manually and, if placed on a pier which falls between the
ending and ending pier of a girder, makes the girder “continuous.”

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In the Beginner Interface, click Diaphragm Layout on the Girders tab. In the Advanced
Interface, select Diaphragm from the Layout menu or click the Diaphragm icon in
the toolbar.
Users can place diaphragms individually or in groups. For diaphragms placed in
groups, the fields in the editor are used to define the girder to place a diaphragm, the
number of diaphragms to be placed, the side (left or right looking up station) of the
selected girder to place the diaphragm, and the angle between the diaphragms and the
girder. Diaphragms are spaced evenly along the full length of the girder with the
calculated spacing being presented to the user.

Field Descriptions

• Diaphragm. The diaphragm ID or name.
• Description. Optional description of the diaphragm.
• Lvl. The drawing level the object is located in.
• Ref Girder. The girder reference.

• Direction. The direction to the adjacent girder
looking from the beginning to the end of the girder.
• Measure from Tail. Select this option to measure the
distance from the end of the girder to the beginning.
• Distance. The distance to the first diaphragm.
• Number. The number of diaphragms.
• Tot Len. The total length from the first diaphragm to the last diaphragm.
• Spacing. The distance between each diaphragm.
• Angle. The angle from a direction perpendicular to the reference girder.
• Gir Len. The length of the girder between the girder’s work points.

These tools allow users to measure the distance, angle, station and offset between any
two objects, determine the coordinates of a point, and determine the clearance at a
point of intersection.
In the Beginner Interface, select the appropriate method by clicking the button on the
Measurements tab. In the Advanced Interface, select the Layout menu, point to
Measurement, and select the method you would like to use or click the
Measurement icon in the toolbar.

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Select this method to create an indicator between two objects and measure the
distance between them.

Field Descriptions
• Object ID. The object ID or name.
• Along. Indicates the distance along the selected
object where the measurement is to be taken.
Selecting the Perpendicular button indicates
that the first measurement (M1) is measured 90o
from the first object (Line1). Selecting the Angle
button in Object 1 indicates that the first object
selected is measured at an angle from the second
object selected (refer to the following figure).
• North. The northing or Y-coordinate at the
measurement location.
• East. The easting or X-coordinate at the
measurement location.
• Elev. The elevation at the measurement location.
• 2D Length. The horizontal distance between
Object 1 and Object 2. For reference only.
• 3D Length. The three-dimension distance between Object 1 and Object 2. For
reference only.
• Direction. The direction from Object 1 to Object 2. For reference only.
• Inclination. The relative increase in elevation from Object 1 to Object 2 as a
ratio of length. For reference only.
Line 1



M1 ≠ M2

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Select this method to measure the angle between two objects.

Field Descriptions
• Object ID. The object ID or name.
• Along. Indicates the location along the selected
object where the measurement is to be taken.
• Dir. The direction from Object 1 to Object 2. For
reference only.
• North. The northing or Y-coordinate at the
measurement location.
• East. The easting or X-coordinate at the
measurement location.
• Elev. The elevation at the measurement location.
• Angle. The angle between a tangent line drawn at a
distance “along” Object 1 and a tangent line
drawing at a distance “along” Object 2. The angle
is positive in the counter-clockwise direction. For
reference only.

Select this method to determine the station and offset of an object.

Field Descriptions
• Object ID. The object ID or name.
• Station. The distance or station along the reference object.
• Offset. The offset normal to the station location.
• Along. Indicates the location along the selected object where the
measurement is to be taken.
• North. The northing or Y-coordinate at the measurement location.
• East. The easting or X-coordinate at the measurement location.
• Elev. The elevation at the measurement location.

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Select this method to determine the coordinates of a point.

Field Descriptions
• Object ID. The object ID or name.
• Along. Indicates the location along the selected
object where the coordinates should be computed.
• North. The northing or Y-coordinate at the
measurement location.
• East. The easting or X-coordinate at the
measurement location.
• Elev. The elevation at the measurement location.

Select this method to determine the clearance between two objects.

Field Descriptions
• Object ID. The object ID or name.
• Along. Indicates the location along the selected
object where the clearance is to be taken.
• Offset. The offset normal to the station location.
• North. The northing or Y-coordinate at the
measurement location.
• East. The easting or X-coordinate at the
measurement location.
• Elev. The elevation at the measurement location.
• Clearance. The difference in elevation between
the reference objects.

This tool allows users to create four types of coordinate points. Just as the formula in a
spreadsheet cell defines the numeric value of the cell, in GEOMATH, the construction
method used to create the point is carried with it and is the point’s most important
attribute. The actual coordinate of the point is a derived, dynamic value that the
program automatically computes. If a point is constructed by intersecting a line and an
arc, then subsequent changes to the line or arc automatically update the intersection

GO-70 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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point. Points share some common attributes, including style, size, and weight;
otherwise, each point type provides a unique geometric capability.
To use this tool, select the Layout menu, point to Point, and select the type you would
like to create or click the Point icon in the toolbar.
NOTE: This tool is available only by using the Advanced Interface.

Coordinate Point
The coordinate point is the simplest kind of point in that it has no relation to any other
object and consists of a coordinate value. To modify the coordinates of a point, select
it in the graphic window and right-click to drag it to the selected location.
NOTE: You will not be able to modify the coordinates of the point if the padlock is
locked . To lock the coordinates, click the padlock in the Editor or refer to "Editor" on
page GO-3 for more information.

Field Descriptions
• ID. The point ID or name.
• Description. Optional description of the point.
• Lvl. The drawing level the object is located in.
• North. The northing or Y-coordinate at the
measurement location.
• East. The easting or X-coordinate at the
measurement location.
• Elev. The elevation at the measurement location.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-71

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Distance/Direction Point
The distance/direction point creates a point at a distance/direction from an existing
point. Note that you cannot directly edit the coordinate values because they are
derived from other parameters: the reference point, the distance, and direction values.
Using the padlocks next to the distance and direction values, you can “lock” either
value, preventing it from changing when dragging the object. After placing a point
using this command, the points type will display in the list view as a relative distance
point (Dist/RelPt).

Field Descriptions
• ID. The point ID or name.
• Description. Optional description of the point.
• Lvl. The drawing level the object is located in.
• From. The reference point.
• Distance. The distance from the reference point.
• Direction. The direction from the reference point.
• North. The northing or Y-coordinate at the
measurement location.
• East. The easting or X-coordinate at the
measurement location.
• Elev. The elevation at the measurement location.

GO-72 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Intersection Point
The intersection point locates the intersection of two reference objects, which can be
anything other than points. You can also specify offsets from objects. Note that you
cannot directly edit the coordinate values because they are derived from other
parameters, but moving either reference object or changing the offset values will
automatically update the coordinates of the point. The miniature padlocks next to the
offset values allow you to “lock” the value, preventing it from changing when
dragging object(s).

Field Descriptions
• ID. The point ID or name.
• Description. Optional description of the point.
• Lvl. The drawing level the object is located in.
• Obj1 Ref. The first reference object.
• Offset. The offset to the first reference object.
• Obj2 Ref. The second reference object.
• Offset. The offset to the second reference object.
• North. The northing or Y-coordinate at the
measurement location.
• East. The easting or X-coordinate at the
measurement location.
• Elev1. Elevation of Reference Object 1.
• Elev2. Elevation of Reference Object 2.
• Clearance. The difference in elevation between Reference Object 1 and
Reference Object 2.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-73

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Offset Point
The offset point locates itself at a distance along a reference object, which can be
anything other than a point. You can also specify an offset from the object. Offsets to
the left are negative and positive offsets are to the right. The distance along the
reference object can be measured from either end and can also be expressed as a
percentage. Note that you cannot directly edit the coordinates because they are derived
from the other parameters, but moving the reference object or changing the along or
offset values will automatically update the coordinates of the point. The miniature
padlocks next to the Along and Offset values allow you to “lock” the values, thus
preventing them from changing when dragging object(s).

Field Descriptions
• ID. The point ID or name.
• Description. Optional description of the point.
• Lvl. The drawing level the object is located in.
• Obj Ref. The reference object.
• Offset. The offset to the reference object.
• Measure as Percent. Select this option to measure
the distance along the reference object as a
percentage of its length.
• Measure from Tail. Select this option to measure the
distance along the reference object from its end.
• Along. The distance along the reference object.
• North. The northing or Y-coordinate at the measurement location.
• East. The easting or X-coordinate at the measurement location.
• Elev. The elevation at the measurement location.

There are three kinds of shapes in GEOMATH. The simplest, a line object, is a line
that connects two points. The second is a circle centered on a point. The third is a gore
line, which is the intersection of two surfaces. A basic line object connects two
reference points. Lines report their length and direction, so they make an excellent
measuring tool. If either point has a different elevation, then the actual length (i.e., Act
Dist) will differ from the plan length/distance. You cannot directly edit the distance or
direction values, because they are derived from the other parameters, but moving the
reference points will automatically update the line.
To use this tool, select the Layout menu, point to Shape, and select the type of shape
you would like to create or click the Shape icon in the toolbar.
NOTE: This tool is available only by using the Advanced Interface.

GO-74 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Line Object

Field Definitions
• ID. The shape ID or name.
• Description. Optional description of the shape.
• Lvl. The drawing level the object is located in.
• Begin. The beginning reference point for the line.
• End. The ending reference point for the line.
• Plan Dist. The horizontal distance between the
• Act Dist. The actual three-dimensional distance between the points.
• Dir. The direction of the line from the beginning to the end.

Gore Line

Field Definitions
• Gore ID. The shape ID or name.
• Description. Optional description of the shape.
• Roadway 1. The first roadway surface reference.
• Roadway 2. The second roadway surface reference.
• Calc Step. The distance along the first roadway
where an intersection point is calculated.
• Tot Nodes. The total points generated along the gore
• Sel Node #. The closest node selected when clicking
in the gore line.
• Northing. The northing or Y-coordinate at the
measurement location.
• Easting. The easting or X-coordinate at the measurement location.
• Elevation. The elevation at the measurement location.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-75

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Circle Object
A circle object is located by its centerpoint, which can be any point.

Field Definitions
• ID. The shape ID or name.
• Description. Optional description of the shape.
• Ref. The reference object of the circle centerpoint.
• Radius. The radius of the circle object from the

Technical Discussion
A gore line represents the intersection between two roadway surface. The line is
typically used in areas where two separate roadways come together such as a mainline
and ramp. A gore line can be useful when used in a cross section template as a
horizontal reference indicating the separation between the separate roadways.

Geomath has the functionality to allow the representation of a ground surface. This
option is available in the advanced interfacr only and can be used by selecting the
ground option in the Layout menu or by selecting the Ground icon in the bridge
toolbar. The mouse is used by clicking and dragging a rectangle enclosing the contour
elevations in the region desired. The border rectangle can be resized and moved by
choosing the options from the right click menu. Also, the elements can be added or
deleted from ground by select the Add All Elements/Delete All Elements after right
clicking in the List View. With the same purpose can be used the options from the
right click menu for a contour element. All elevation contours enclosed by the ground
perimeter are used to generated a triangulated interconnected network (TIN) surface.
The TIN elements cannot be manipulated. The ground surface can be used to control
the top elevation of footing objects. The total number of contour polygon elements
considered in the ground object is indicated in the Editor.

Field Definitions
• Ground ID : Ground ID or name.
• Description : Optional description of the ground.
• Lv1: The drawing level the object is located

GO-76 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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File Menu

Technical Discussion
A ground object can be used to represent a random surface. Imported elevation
contours are used to generate a triangulated interconnected network (TIN). A
complete topographic contour map can be imported into GEOMATH and only
portions of the entire topo need be enclosed within a few ground objects in the areas
needed. This can improve performance for large projects.

File Menu
This menu includes commands for the basic operations that apply to a project file or to
the active design window, such as saving the current project, importing files, and

New Project
To clear all the specified data and prepare GEOMATH for a new project, select the
New Project command from the File menu (or press the shortcut keys CTRL+N on
your keyboard). Multiple projects can be open in GEOMATH at one time. If there is
already a file with new data open in the workspace, a message appears and asks if
there are any changes to be saved. If you want to save the current project, click Yes.
When the Save As dialog box appears, select a destination from the Save In field, enter
a file name in the File Name field, and click Save. If you do not want to save the
project, click No to open the new file without saving the current project.

Open Project
To open a previously saved file, select the Open Project command from the File
menu (or press the shortcut keys CTRL+O on your keyboard). When the Open dialog
box appears, browse the drives, directories, and files to select the file you want to
open. Click Open to open the file. To close the Open dialog box without opening any
files, click Cancel.
Multiple projects can be open
in GEOMATH at one time. If
there is already a file with new
data open in the workspace, a
message appears and asks if
there are any changes to be
saved. If you want to save the
current project, click Yes.
When the Save As dialog box
appears, select a destination
from the Save In field, enter a
file name in the File Name field,
and click Save. If you do not want to save the project, click No to open the new file
without saving the current project.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-77

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File Menu

Close Project
To close the currently open project, select the Close Project command from the File
menu. If project modifications have not been saved, a message appears and asks if
there are any changes to be saved.

This command saves the existing project using the current name. No warnings will be
issued from this command. This command is useful for quickly saving intermediate
steps during a work session. If the data is not saved using the Save As command first,
the file will not have a specified name and the Save command will (by default) name
the file UNTITLED.gmd. In this case, the user will be asked for a file name to save
the data under a different name. You can also select this command by pressing the
shortcut keys CTRL+S on your keyboard.

Save As
The Save As command allows you to rename a project file and save it under a new
name. The previous data file will be retained under the original name. You can save
the file by selecting the appropriate drive and directory and then entering a file name.
Select Save to save the file under the new name. Select Cancel to cancel the file
saving and return to the program.

Revert to Saved
If you have a project file open and you want to discard all of the data you have
entered, you can reload the last saved version of the project by selecting the Revert to
Saved command from the File menu. When the following message asks whether you
want to discard the changes on the open project and revert to the most recent project
file, click OK. To keep the changes made to the open project, click Cancel to return to
the project.

To import data from other application formats into the currently opened project, select
the Import command from the File menu. When the Import dialog box appears, select
the file to import and click Open. GEOMATH can import data from previous
GEOMATH v3.4 data files (*.prj), AutoCAD DXF files, MicroStation DGN files, and
tab-delimited text files. The input format for delimited test files can be found in the
Theory section on pg TH-6. The program automatically determines the file type by
examining the file contents but users will usually be asked to define other import

This command allows you to export the
project data to an external application file
format. GEOMATH currently supports
two file formats for export: AutoCAD
Data Exchange Format (.dxf) and Bentley
Microstation design files (.dgn). Prior to
exporting, you must specify the file name,

GO-78 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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File Menu

format, and location of the file using the Export dialog box.
Depending on the file type, you may need to
specify additional information. For
example, exporting to a DXF format opens
the AutoCAD DXF Export dialog box,
where you can create a 2-D or a 3-D image.
All visible items and labels are exported—
no clipping options are provided.
Exporting to a DGN format opens the
Microstation Export dialog box, which
allows you to create a 2-D or a 3-D image.
The Units of Resolution (UOR) Information
allows you to define the accuracy of the
generated export file. Because DGN files
keep data in an integer format, UOR
information defines the number of
fractional positions in a coordinate value.
For example, in the following figure,
coordinates will round to the nearest ten-
thousandth of a foot. The Global Origin
parameters allow you define the world coordinate at the center of the Microstation
integer coordinate system. If you will be using this export file with other existing
Microstation files, matching the global origin and UOR parameters helps to ensure
that the files will superimpose properly.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-79

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File Menu

To print the input and output for a project, select the Print command from the File
menu (or press the shortcut keys CTRL+P on your keyboard) to open the Print Report
Manager dialog box. User can view the input echo and results on the screen, send
them to the printer, or print to a file ( .txt and .xls formats supported).”For specific
details about these dialog boxes, refer to "Print Setup" on page GO-81 and "Page
Setup" on page GO-82.
The Enhanced Reports check box produces reports formatted in HTML. The content
of those reports is the same as the normal text-formatted version.
NOTE: Refer to Appendix 2 for a description on the available print report options.

GO-80 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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File Menu

Print Setup
To set your printing options, select Print Setup from the File menu. When the Print
Setup dialog box opens, select the printer you want your results printed to, the paper

size, and the orientation of the printout. Click OK to accept the changes.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-81

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File Menu

Page Setup
To view and/or modify the page setup for printing purposes, select Page Setup from
the File menu. When the Page Setup dialog box opens, set the layout options, such as
margins, paper size, and page orientation for the active file. Click OK to accept the
page setup defaults and return to the program. Click Printer to print the items selected
in the Print Report Manager dialog box.

To view the program’s security settings, select the Security command from the File
menu. When the LEAP Software Security dialog box displays, you may access
GEOMATH’s built-in, electronic security. By selecting the appropriate tab, you can
either transfer authorization to different directories or computers, or remove an
existing license. The Security Dir tab allows you to install the program on a local
computer with the security from another directory, usually from a network. The
Security option also allows you to have multiple users without running the program
from the server. Refer to the Getting Started chapter of this manual for detailed
information about installation, authorization, network setup, transfer of licenses, and
authorization warnings.

To exit GEOMATH, select the Exit command from the File menu (or press the
shortcut keys CTRL+E on your keyboard). If you have made changes to the project
since the last save, a warning message displays and asks if you would like to save the
existing data before exiting the program. Click Yes to save the data information. Click
Cancel to return to the program without closing. If you do not want to save the data file
and/or its modifications, click No to exit the program without saving the project.

GO-82 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Edit Menu

Edit Menu
This menu provides the general purpose editing commands for GEOMATH,
commands to modify element attributes such as color, line weight, and line style, as
well as commands to perform element selection and alter various program settings.

To undo your last action, select the Undo command from the Edit menu (or press the
shortcut keys CTRL+Z on your keyboard). You can use this command to undo most
actions, such as removing the text you typed since your last command or action (e.g.,
clicking a button).

To cancel the Undo command, select the Redo command from the Edit menu (or press
the shortcut keys CTRL+Y on your keyboard. The project data will appear as it did
prior to selecting Undo.

To move selected text or graphics to the Clipboard, select the Cut command from the
Edit menu (or press the shortcut keys CTRL+X on your keyboard). Using the Paste
command places the selected item into another field. The item you cut remains on the
Clipboard until you cut or copy something else.

To copy selected text, select the Copy command from the Edit menu (or press the
shortcut keys CTRL+C on your keyboard). Using the Paste command places the
selected item into another field. The item you copy remains on the Clipboard until you
cut or copy something else. The item you copy remains on the Clipboard until you cut
or copy something else.

To paste cut or copied data from the Clipboard into the active window, select the Paste
command from the Edit menu (or press the shortcut keys CTRL+V on your keyboard).

To delete the selected element from the active graphic window or project list, select
the Delete command from the Edit menu (or press the shortcut key DEL on your
keyboard). This command can also be used to delete text or other items.
NOTE: Due to the relational nature of objects in GEOMATH, deleting an item can
change other items that were dependent on it. Such changes affect the items’
definitions, but not their positions. For example, if you define a relative point P2 using
point P1 as its reference and later delete P1, what happens to P2 now that its
reference no longer exists? GEOMATH uses the concept of reduction: objects that
depend on deleted objects will be “reduced” in some way.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-83

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Edit Menu

When you select the Attributes command from the Edit menu, you can modify
attributes such as element color, line weight, and line style using the available

To assign a color to the selected or newly-created
element, select the Edit menu, point to Attributes,
and select the Color command (or click the Color
icon in the toolbar). If there are elements selected
when the command is given, the selected color will
be applied to those elements.

Line Weight

To assign a line weight to the selected or newly-

created element, select the Edit menu, point to Attributes, and
select the Line Weight command (or click the Weight icon in
the toolbar). You can then select the desired weight for lines from
the drop-down list.

Line Style
To assign a line style to the selected or newly-created element,
select the the Edit menu, point to Attributes, and select the Line
Style command (or click the Style icon in the toolbar). You can
then select the desired style from the drop-down list.

Change Element
When you select the Change Element command from the Edit menu, you can modify
the attributes of certain elements such as level and style using the available submenus.

To change the level of a selected element(s) to the active level, select the Edit menu,
point to Change Element, and select the Level command.

To change the style of a selected element(s) to the active style settings (color, line
weight, and line style), select the Edit menu, point to Change Element, and select the
Style command.

Match Element
When you select the Match Element command from the Edit menu, you can match
the attributes of the selected elements to the active element using the available

GO-84 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Edit Menu

To match the style of the selected element to the active level, select the Edit menu,
point to Match Element, and select the Level command.

To match the style of the selected element to the active settings, select the Edit menu,
point to Match Element, and select the Style command.

To select one or more elements in the graphic window, use the Select command in the
Edit menu (or click the Select icon in the toolbar). Elements may be added or deleted
from the active selection by pressing the SHIFT key while clicking with the left
mouse button. Once an element is selected, the active graphic window automatically
adjusts the element editor form to match the type of the selected element.
This tool provides nearly all the selection functionality in GEOMATH and operates
using the left mouse button, the SHIFT, and CTRL keys. The simplest operation is to
cancel the object selection by clicking with the left mouse button in an empty area of
the graphic window. To select an object, click on the object with the left mouse button.
Any objects currently selected will be canceled and the object will be highlighted and
displays in the Editor. To add or remove an object to the selection, hold the SHIFT
key while clicking on the object. Note that the Editor can only display one object at a

Select All
To select all visible elements on all visible levels in the project select the Select All
command from the Edit menu (or use the shortcut keys CTRL+A on your keyboard).

Length Units
To assign specific units to the active
project, select the Length Units command
from the Edit menu (or use the shortcut key
CTRL+0). The Length Units dialog box
includes options to select units, coordinate
orientation, curve specification, and
fractional digit precision when displaying
coordinate and length data. Internally,
GEOMATH maintains all length and
coordinate information in meters. Using
this dialog box or the Units command in
the Status Bar allows the user to switch
freely between Metric and English
measurement systems. The current design unit setting is always displayed in the Status
Bar. You can also specify the fractional precision as viewed in the graphic window.
Typically, GEOMATH’s internal accuracy is about 15 significant digits and is not
influenced by the displayed fractional precision.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-85

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Edit Menu

NOTE: Most engineers prefer to work in a North-East coordinate format, but

GEOMATH will also let you operate in an X-Y form, allowing you to switch forms as
you desire.

To assign an angular
measurement system to use
with a project, select the
Angles command from the
Edit menu. The Angular
Units dialog box includes
three components you can
modify: Angular Form,
Angular Units, and
Fractional Digits. Set the angular form and units by making the appropriate selections.
Depending on the form you select, not all the unit buttons will be available; for
example, Grads and Radians are allowed only when using Standard Math form. Use
the Fractional Digits field to set the desired fractional precision when displaying angles.
This precision does not cause internal truncation of values, it simply limits the
displayed output resolution.

Scale when Zooming

To maintain a proportional scale while zooming, select the Scale when Zooming
command from the Edit menu (or use the shortcut keys CTRL+9 on your keyboard).
As the user zooms in on a segment of the design, the line weights and text increase
proportionally, as if looking at the area with a magnifying glass. When disabled, line
weights and text stay the same size while zooming.

Select the Settings command from the Edit menu to customize a wide range of
program settings using the Settings dialog box. Clicking Defaults opens and loads the
program’s default values, including color settings for elements, selection, and
background, default line style and weight, and numerous other program parameters.
Use the set reporting points dialog to specifiy where the check points should be

GO-86 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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View Menu

computed for the tabulated reports. The locaiton and name of the Cross Section
Library FileName can be specified by using the Browse dialog

View Menu
The commands in this menu control the viewing options in the program, including
which components are visible, what information is displayed in the active design
window, and which element data to display.

To view any of the program toolbars, select the View menu, point to Toolbar, and
select the desired toolbar. Refer to "File Toolbar" on page GO-6 for more information.

To view the program status bar, select the Status Bar command from the View menu.
Refer to "Status Bar" on page GO-2 for more information on this program feature.

Level Bar
To view the project level palette, select the Level Bar command from the View menu.
Refer to "" on page GO-8 for more information on this program feature.

Project Bar
To view the project list, select the Project Bar command from the View menu. Refer to
"Project List" on page GO-8 for more information on this program feature.

Fit All
To view all the visible data elements select the Fit All command from the View menu
(or use the shortcut keys CTRL+F on your keyboard). This command adjusts the scale
in the active design window by redrawing them so that all activate elements are

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-87

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View Menu

Fit Selection
To view selected elements in the active design window, select the Fit Selection
command from the View menu (or use the shortcut keys CTRL+H on your keyboard).
The command adjusts the scale in the active design window to fit the selected design
element(s) and then redraws them in the window.

Fit Design
To view the design limits in the active design window, select the Fit Design command
from the View menu (or use the shortcut keys CTRL+G). This command adjusts the
scale in the active design window to fit the active design limit(s).

Zoom Area
To zoom in or out on a part of the active design window, select the Zoom Area
command from the View menu (or use the shortcut keys CTRL+W on your keyboard).
When this command is selected, the design window re-centers on the area highlighted
by the mouse and enlarges it two times when the mouse is clicked. To reduce (zoom
out) the image, hold the ALT key when clicking the mouse. You can also select a
custom area to view by clicking with the left mouse button on one corner of the
desired area, dragging the mouse to the desired position of the opposite corner, and
releasing the mouse button.

To pan the image in the active design window, select the Pan command from the View
menu. This tool allows the user to pan the active design window in any desired
direction by clicking the left mouse button and dragging to the desired view.

Quick Report
To display a quick report on the selected elements, select the Quick Report command
from the View menu (or use the shortcut keys CTRL+R on your keyboard). You can
also right-click on an element in the graphic window and select the Quick Report
command from the pop-up menu. When the Report dialog box opens, you will be able
to view the element’s properties.

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Define Menu

NOTE: Refer to "Print" on page GO-80 for additional information on printing


GEOMATH allows you to selectively hide or view elements such as alignments,
piers, girders, bearings, diaphragms, and geometry. Select the View menu, point to
Element, and select the element(s) you want to view. Note that the current status of
these settings is also available in the Status Bar. Refer to "Status Bar" on page GO-2
for more information on using this feature. Individual elements can be set to display if
desired, but this command acts as a “master switch” for all elements in the same
NOTE: This setting will also affect printing, exporting, and the copy/paste commands.

To selectively hide or view the ID labels of design elements, select the View menu,
point to Labels, and select the element label(s) to display. Note that the element will
still display even though the label does not. The current status of this setting is
available in the Status Bar. Refer to "Status Bar" on page GO-2 for more information
on using this feature. Individual elements can be set to display the ID labels if desired,
but this command acts as a “master switch” for all labels in the same category.
NOTE: This setting will also affect printing, exporting, and the copy/paste commands.

Define Menu
The commands in this menu allow users to define the properties of various project-
related components, including supports, girders, and bearings.
NOTE: Some of the commands in this menu are available only in the Advanced
Interface. These items are marked with an asterisk (*).

Project Info*
To view or modify the general project information, select the Project Info command
from the Define menu. The Project Information dialog box allows users to define
standard information regarding the current project file.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-89

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Define Menu

NOTE: In the Beginner Interface, this information is located on the Project tab.

To tie together horizontal alignment elements, vertical profile element, and cross
section elements to form roadways, select the Roadway command from the Define
menu (or select the Roads icon on the toolbar). For more information on forming
roads in GEOMATH, refer to "Roadways" on page GO-20.

Support Properties
If the command is selected and no piers are selected, the definition is set as the default
and will be applied to all newly created piers. If piers are already defined, the
definition will apply to those as well.

Pier Properties
To view or modify the pier properties, select the Define menu, point to Support
Properties, and select the Pier Properties command. Refer to "Pier Properties Dialog
Box" on page GO-31 for more information on defining piers.

Abutment Properties
To view or modify the abutment properties, select the Define menu, point to Support
Properties, and select the Abutment Properties command. Refer to "Abutment
Properties Dialog Box" on page GO-32 for more information on defining abutments.


To view or modify the girder properties, select the Define menu, point to Girder, and
select the Properties command. Refer to "Girder Properties Dialog Box" on page GO-
56 for more information on defining girder properties.

To view or modify the girder sections, select the Define menu, point to the Girder
option, and select the Sections command. Refer to "Girder Sections Dialog Box" on
page GO-59 for more information on girder sections.

Wing Wall Properties

To view or modify the wing wall properties, select the Wing Wall Properties
command from the Define menu. Refer to "Wing Wall Properties Dialog Box" on page
GO-49 for more information on wing wall properties.

GO-90 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Layout Menu*

To define a bearing or beam seat, select the Bearing
command from the Define menu. Complete the fields in
the Bearing Properties dialog box. Refer to "Bearings"
on page GO-65 for more information on defining

Material Properties
To define the material properties of the structure, select the Material Properties
command from the Define menu. Enter the appropriate unit weights for the deck build-
up and girders. Specify the pounds (kilograms) of reinforcing steel per cubic yard
(cubic meter) of concrete for the deck build-up and concrete girders. These properties
are used in combination with the geometric properties to generate the Quantities

Layout Menu*
The commands in menu include the layout tools such as geometric controls, bridge-
related tools, and measurement and annotation capabilities. Note that, when you
select one of these commands, it will remain active until a different command is
selected. Most commands operate in a plan view environment and the graphic portion
of the design window will usually remain unchanged when a new command is
NOTE: This menu is only available in the Advanced Interface.



GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-91

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Layout Menu*

To define the roadway alignment using the BC-to-EC method, select the Layout menu,
point to Alignment, and select the BC-to-EC command. Refer to "BC-to-EC
Alignment" on page GO-10 for more information on using this tool.

To define the roadway alignment using the PI-to-PI method, select the Layout menu,
point to Alignment, and select the PI-to-PI command. Refer to "PI-to-PI Alignment"
on page GO-11 for more information on using this tool.

Vertical Control

Profile Diagram
To create a vertical profile, select the Layout menu, point to Vertical Control, and
select the Profile Diagram command. Refer to "Profile Diagrams" on page GO-13 for
more information on this type of diagram.

Superelevation Diagram
To define the varying slope of a cross section plane, select the Layout menu, point to
Vertical Control, and select the Superelevation Diagram command. Refer to
"Superelevation Diagrams*" on page GO-15 for more information on this type of

Delta Elevation Diagram

To define the ending elevation of a cross section plane, select the Layout menu, point to
Vertical Control, and select the Delta Elevation Diagram command. Refer to "Delta
Elevation Diagrams*" on page GO-16 for more information on this type of diagram.

Cross Sections
To create a roadway cross section, select the Cross Sections command from the Layout
menu. Refer to "Cross Sections" on page GO-17 for more information on using this

To define the structure’s supports using one of eight different layout methods, select
the Layout menu, point to Support, and select the method you would like to use. Refer
to "Lay Out Supports" on page GO-26 for more information on using this tool.

To define the columns using one of three different layout methods, select the Layout
menu, point to Column, and select the method you would like to use. Refer to
"Columns" on page GO-34 for more information on using this tool.

Foundation objects include footing and piles. To define a footing by either the column
offset or station and offset method, select the Layout menu and point to Foundation-
>Footing and select the method you would like to use. To define a pile group, select

GO-92 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Layout Menu*

the Foundation and select Pile Group. Refer to "Foundations" on page GO-37 for
more information on using theses tools.

Wing Wall

To define the wing walls using one of seven different layout methods, select the
Layout menu, point to Wing Wall, and select the method you would like to use. Refer
to "Lay Out Wing Walls" on page GO-43 for more information on using this tool.

To define the girders using one of eight different layout methods, select the Layout
menu, point to Girder, and select the method you would like to use. Refer to "Lay Out
Girders" on page GO-51 for more information on using this tool.

To define an Open Girder or a Box Girder bridge, select Bridge from the Layout
menu, and select the desired bridge type. Refer to "Bridges" on page GO-21 for more
information on using this tool.

To define a bearing or beam seat, select the Bearing command from the Layout menu.
Refer to "Bearings" on page GO-65 for more information on using this tool.

To define a diaphragm or group of diaphragms, select the Diaphragm command from
the Layout menu. Refer to "Diaphragms" on page GO-67 for more information on
using this tool.

To measure the distance, angle, station and offset between any two objects, determine
the coordinates of a point, or to determine the clearance at a point of intersection,
select the Layout menu, point to Measure, and select the tool you would like to use.
Refer to "Measurements" on page GO-67 for more information on using these tools.

To create a coordinate point, distance/direction point, intersection point, or offset
point, select the Layout menu, point to Point, and select the type you would like to
create. Refer to "Points*" on page GO-70 for more information on using these tools.

To create a line object, gore line, or circle object, select the Layout menu, point to
Shape, and select the type you would like to create. Refer to "Shapes*" on page GO-
74 for more information on using these tools.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-93

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Layout Menu*

Ground objects allow the surface of the ground to be described using contours. To
define a ground, select the Ground. Refer to "Ground" on page GO-76 for more
information on using this tool.

Backdrop Image
To assign a backdrop image to a design window, select
Backdrop Image from the Layout menu. With
GEOMATH’s relational capabilities, you can construct
interactive design exhibits for public presentations,
workshops, or design review meetings.
To add a bitmap, click Browse in the Editor. Backdrops are
bound to the page limits rectangle, so you can drag the
image or rotate it by moving the limits rectangle with the
cursor. It is necessary to establish the dimensions of the
image in the current design units by tracing over a known
distance or object from the image and adjusting the design-
width and height values accordingly. Once the image is correctly positioned, you are
ready to begin your design. When the backdrop image is visible, it behaves like any
other element of the design. It will print and copy to other applications, such as
Microsoft® PowerPoint® as part of a multimedia presentation or dropped into an
illustration program for extra embellishment.

GO-94 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Special Menu

Special Menu
The menu includes several special-purpose commands and output capabilities.

Deck Contours

To produce deck contours, select the Deck Contours command from the Special
menu. The Deck Contour Setup dialog box allows you to specfy the roadway to be
contoured, the station limits, major contour interval, the number of minor contours per
major contour. The user can specify the level and color for major and minor contours.
The station interval controls the accuracy of the contours produced by indicating the
calculation step to be used for determining cross section elevations. GEOMATH will
then produce full deck contours of the area. After generating the deck contours, you
can select individual contours and view their coordinates and elevation. By default,
the deck contour intensity is set to one-foot and two-foot station intervals, but can be
modified to increase the deck contour intensity.
NOTE: It is recommended to select and place the deck contours on their own level
prior to generating the deck contours.

3-D Viewer
Using the buttons located on the left side of the 3D Viewer screen, you can rotate,
zoom, and pan the display image.

Developed Elevation
To create a developed elevation diagram along a selected roadway, select either
Developed Elevation from the Special menu or click Elev in the Roadway Editor. The
developed elevation will display the vertical profile elevation measured along the
alignment stationing.

LEAP Bridge Menu

This menu includes commands associated with LEAP Bridge. Please refer to Chapter
4 for more information on this feature.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-95

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Window Menu*

Window Menu*
This menu provides commands to create, manage, and organize this program’s design
windows. GEOMATH allows you to have multiple project windows open at one time.
NOTE: This menu is only available in the Advanced Interface.

To open a new object editor in a new window, select the Window menu, point to New,
and select the type you would like to create.

To close the active window, select the Close command from the Window menu.

Close All
To close all open windows, select the Close All command from the Window menu.

To switch to the next active window, select the Next command from the Window menu.

To switch to the previous active windows, select the Previous command from the
Window menu.

To arrange all open windows as overlapping tiles, select the Cascade command from
the Window menu. Use this command when you have two or more design windows
open at once, and one window is obscuring the titles of the others. The design
windows will be recorded in a cascading stack, so you can see the title of each design
window. You can also move and resize design windows manually, just as you can
move and resize other windows. Cascading windows are stacked, with the active
design window on top.

Tile Horizontally
To arrange the active windows as horizontal, non-overlapping tiles, select the Tile
Horizontally command from the Window menu. This command will maximize the tile

Tile Vertically
To arrange the active windows as vertical, non-overlapping tiles, select the Tile
Vertically command from the Window menu. This command will maximize the tile
NOTE: Tiling is especially useful when you want to compare windows or copy items
from one window to another.

GO-96 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Help Menu

Arrange Icons
To organize the icons of minimized design windows, select the Arrange Icons
command from the Window menu. When you minimize a design window, it becomes
an icon in the GEOMATH program window. By default, these icons are placed along
the bottom of the window, starting from the left and adding to the right until a row is
full; then a new row begins above the last one. If you drag any of the icons to different
positions, this command reorganizes them into the default arrangement, but they may
not be placed in their original position.

Help Menu
To open the Table of Contents for the GEOMATH Online Help System, select the
Contents command from the Help menu. Select an item and the help system displays
all of the information associated with that item. Also, the online help system is linked
to each program screen, press the F1 key on the keyboard at any time during program
execution to access specific program screen help.

Search for Help On

To search for information on a particular topic, select the Search for Help On
command from the Help menu to open the search engine. Type in the topic(s) to search
for information on, and the online help system compiles a listing of the matches it
finds. Select an item in the list to display the associated information.

How to Use Help

To view general information and tips on using the GEOMATH Online Help System,
select the How to Use Help command from the Help menu.

Contact LEAP Technical Support

To get information on contacting LEAP Software's technical support, select the
Contact LEAP Technical Support command from the Help menu. This menu item
provides information on contacting technical support by telephone, fax, e-mail, and
via the Internet.

Visit LEAP Web Site

If you have an Internet connection available and want to access the LEAP Software
Web site, select the Visit LEAP Web Site command from the Help menu. Check this
site frequently for important program updates, news, technical support questions and
answers, and more. LEAP Software’s Web site is

E-mail Technical Support

To send a question to LEAP Technical Support, select the E-mail Technical Support
command from the Help menu. This command accesses your computer’s e-mail client,
opens a new message, creates a subject line, and attaches the project file. Type a
description of the problem you are experiencing and send the e-mail using the
instructions for your particular system.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 General Operation / GO-97

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Help Menu

Other LEAP Products

If you have an Internet connection available and want to see a list of other LEAP
Software products, select the Other LEAP Products command from the Help menu.
This command opens your Internet browser and directs you the product list on the
LEAP Web site.

To find out general information, including the version number and any disclaimers
related to GEOMATH, select the About GEOMATH command from the Help menu.
This command also displays general information about your computer system.

GO-98 / General Operation GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.

Integrated Bridge Software

This chapter explains the basics of application interoperability process referred

to as LEAP Software Integrated Bridge Software (IBS). IBS and LandXML
enabled applications share data with each other and react to changes to shared

Because we at LEAP Software are engineers first, we understand your world.
Our professional staff encompasses more than 200 years of combined
structural engineering experience, and our products are specifically designed to
address the challenges you face, such as the need for an integrated bridge
design and analysis software tool.
For more than 30 years, structural engineers have wanted computer
applications to readily share information with each other. All too often, for
example, users must enter geometric information to define a roadway in a
design program, then must re-enter that same data into an analysis program.
Or, as specific components of a bridge change, they must go back into their
design program to implement the changes already suggested by their design
application. The common lament has always been, “Wouldn’t it be great if
these applications would share what they know with each other?”
As the leader in bridge analysis and design software, we forged this frontier
with the development of the Integrated Bridge Software (IBS) platform, the
first software package that parametrically adjusts to changes in component
design and populates those changes throughout the geometry, substructure and
superstructure of a project. For example, spans that are designed in CONSPAN
may be passed to GEOMATH. Any subsequent changes made by either
application can be shared between the two, such that the project is consistently
maintained throughout its life-cycle.
You will find that IBS:
• Reduces repetitive data entry as the applications draw the necessary
information from each other;
• Virtually eliminates errors associated with repetitive data entry;

GEOMATH v7.0.0 IB-1

©LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.

• Contributes to a reduction in total project time and costs.

The basic operating model for IBS is that an engineer typically uses a number of
applications to solve analysis and design problems. The current toolbox of analysis and
design software is based on a structural component model in that each piece of
software solves a piece of the overall problem. There are separate applications for
bridge longitudinal analysis, and girder analysis, as well as for abutment, pier, and
footing analysis and design.
Therefore, IBS is tailored to the sharing of data between the different applications that
engineers use in their daily analysis and design activities. There is an external project
file which is shared between applications; each application writes to this external
project file. This transfer file is also referred to as a database file. LEAP Software
supports two separate formats for IBS. The IBS format is most useful for sharing data
between LEAP Software products. Land XML is a non-proprietary format developed
by the transportation industry to allow data sharing between different software
programs. GEOMATH also provides support for sharing roadway data in the
LandXML format. Discussions that follows refer to procedures for IBS but they are
applicable for the Land XML format also. A separate section is included which
describes specific issues related to GEOMATH’s use of LandXML.
IBS enabled applications pass all geometry data to the external project file and each
application reads the appropriate data for its use. The data which will be read from the
database is selected by the user and subscribed by the project. Any changes made to the
selected data are reflected within the application. This includes changes by other LEAP
Software applications.
Once an application writes data to the database (or subscribes to data), there is a
mapping created between the data in the application and the data in the database. Any
changes made to a project while working in a particular IBS enabled application -
including deletions - are concurrently made in the external project file, and will be
reflected as changed when other IBS enabled applications read data from that same
project file. In situations where this is not desired, make sure that the data sharing mode
is disabled.
All LEAP Software applications maintain a native data file with an application specific
extension, including IBS enabled applications. For example, CONSPAN uses the .csl
extension, GEOMATH uses the .gmd extension, RC-PIER uses the .rcp extension, and
CONBOX uses the .cbx extension. Within the database file, data selected for
synchronization replaces like data. Other data is generally not affected unless the native
data integrity of the program is affected.
IBS is not intended to be the final repository of all persistent data for a company or
agency. The current version of IBS utilizes a XML as the database file and the file is
accessed without the services of a database management system.

Note: It is recommend that multiple users make use of IBS enabled applications on a
sequential basis only.

IB-2 / Integrated Bridge Software GEOMATH v7.0.0

©LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Application Interaction

Application Interaction
The database file and method of data synchronization must be selected for IBS enabled
applications. This is done by selecting the Setup command from the LEAP Bridge
Menu shown below to open the IBS Setup dialog box.

FIGURE IB-1. LEAP Bridge Menu

Interacting applications must connect to the same database file (XML file) to share
data. An application may switch database files at any time, thus giving additional
flexibility in data sharing. Typically, a database file is created for each project (e.g.,
“Bridge 15-10.xml”). Each application then should subscribe to the entire bridge
Once an application has connected to a database file, a message will be sent to the
application whenever any modifications are made to that file. For example, if both IBS
enabled applications subscribe to a four-span bridge, modifying the precast beam
lengths in one span, adding a pier to the bridge, or changing the alignment in either
application would be reflected in the other in real time.


Each LEAP Software application utilizing IBS has the LEAP Bridge Menu available, as
shown in Figure IB-1. Select Setup to open the IBS Setup dialog box, as shown in
Figure IB-2.

FIGURE IB-2. IBS Setup Dialog Box

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Integrated Bridge Software / IB-3

©LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Application Interaction

Database File
The Data Source list provides the name and location of all XML files which have been
written. Use Browse to navigate to the location of an existing file, or to the location
where the new file is to be created.
After selecting the Data Source (XML file), select the Connect to Data Source check
box to put the application in a data sharing mode. This box may be unchecked at any
time. This allows the user to work in a connected or unconnected mode as desired.

Note: An option to clear history is presented when right clicking the drop-down menu.
It is recommended that this option be used only after saving a copy of the log file. In
this manner, each log file will be associated with a specific project, thereby retaining a
record of all XML files associated with a project. The log file is created and maintained
in the following location: C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application
Data\Leap Software, Inc\IBS\

The Database file (XML file) may be located in any desired location. The database
files may be placed on the local hard drive or on a network drive to facilitate group
collaboration or take advantage of enterprise file backup procedures.

The database file is an XML file as shown in the “ProjectInfo” example below. XML
files are readable and may be viewed and edited in any text editor. However, if
incorrectly edited (such as deleting tags) the file may become invalid for subsequent
processing by IBS. Following is an example of LEAP’s XML data format.
<Name />
<ChangeLog>Created: 6/23/2004 11:49:38 AM; By: LEAP-
SOFT\AR; Using: Geomath</ChangeLog>
<ProjName>Single-Span Bridge Layout</ProjName>
<ProjDescription />
<ProjNumber>Tutorial 1</ProjNumber>
<State />
<JobNumber />

IB-4 / Integrated Bridge Software GEOMATH v7.0.0

©LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Application Interaction

Data Synchronization
Data synchronization refers to the process where an application synchronizes data with
the database. There are two types of data synchronization in IBS enabled applications:
Manual and Automatic. The default type of data synchronization is Manual. When
using LandXML synchronization is always manual.
When Manual synchronization is selected, select the Write To DB command in the
LEAP Bridge Menu (or press F4) to write data to the database file and select the Read
From DB command (or press F5) to read subscribed data back into an application.
For example, when creating profiles, data transfer would not be required. When a
structural analysis needs to be performed to obtain dead or live load results and confirm
the appropriateness of various bridge components specified in GEOMATH, perform the
following steps:

Note: Also refer to “Typical Scenarios” on page IB-9 for scenarios using IBS enabled
1. Select the Setup command menu option from the LEAP Bridge Menu and
browse to the appropriate directory and create a new database file.
2. Click Save and then select the Connect to Data Source option in the IBS
Setup dialog box and click OK.
3. Select the Write To DB command (or press F4) to write the data to the
database file.
4. Start another IBS enabled application and select the Setup command from
the LEAP Bridge Menu in that program.
5. Select the Connect to Data Source option; the same database file specified
in GEOMATH will be listed in the drop-down field. Click OK.
6. Select the Select Components command from the LEAP Bridge Menu,
expand the Bridges tree item and select the bridge (the default name is
7. Click OK. The program will read the database file and import the data
written by GEOMATH. At this point, the program is “subscribing” to the data
associated with “BR01” and any changes made to it by another application
will be reflected when the Read From DB command is selected.
Note: GEOMATH currently is not subscribing to the data in the database file, so
changes made by the second application will not be reflected in GEOMATH upon a
read. In order for GEOMATH to see any changes made to the data by the current
program, subscribe to BR01 in GEOMATH using this procedure.
8. Select the materials, add dead loads, live loads, or make other changes to the
loadings, combinations, post-tensioning, etc. to BR01 and perform an
9. Review the results. Make changes to the structure geometry in the current
application. For example, depending which IBS enabled application in use,
modify the structure depth or the beam spacing and perform additional
analyses until the design is appropriate. Save the data in the current

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Integrated Bridge Software / IB-5

©LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Application Interaction

10. Select the Write To DB command to update the information in the database
11. Activate GEOMATH and open the project file. Connect to the database file
and select bridge “BR01.” The changes made in the other application will
now be reflected in GEOMATH.

This type of data synchronization means that when an application is deactivated
(closed or moved in the background window) it will automatically write its data to the
database file and, when the database file is modified in any way, the application will
update with any selected or subscribed data.
This type of data synchronization is an advanced mode that allows a user to utilize
multiple applications to solve a bridge design problem by using one application to
make changes to data, selecting another application, and making additional changes.
Changes to subscribed data are reflected in each application in real time.

Application Status Bar

Each IBS enabled application includes buttons in the application status bar to show the
status of the database connection and also the status of the type of data
synchronization. The status bar shown in Figure IB-3 indicates the application is
connected to a database file and the type of data synchronization is set to Manual.

FIGURE IB-3. Application Status Bar with Data Synchronization Set to


The state of the database connection is IBS: Not Connected with an unknown file
when an application is first started. Clicking IBS: Not Connected in this state opens
the IBS Setup dialog box. Clicking IBS Connected in the status bar thereafter will
toggle the connection on and off.
Click IBS: Manual to toggle the type of data synchronization between Automatic and
Manual. This behavior occurs even if the application has not yet been put in data
sharing mode.

IB-6 / Integrated Bridge Software GEOMATH v7.0.0

©LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Application Interaction

Selecting Components for Synchronization

Once connected to a database file, applications will write to the database file, either
automatically or manually. The specific data written to the database is controlled by the
The data read from the database file selected by the user from the Project Tree. The
application will read the selected data from the database and synchronize accordingly.
The Project Tree is opened by selecting Select Components from the LEAP Bridge
Menu. Note that this command will be disabled until connected to a database file.
The Project Tree presents a structured view of the data in the database file, as shown in
Figure IB-4. The title bar displays the name of the currently connected database. Use
the check box next to each tree node to select data to be read from the database file.
Once selected, the application will update the native data file on each read.

FIGURE IB-4. Project Tree List

Note: Selecting data items from within the Project Tree marks those items as
“selected.” If a particular application does not recognize bents or alignments, those
items will not be read.
Certain project information is selected by default. These default selections cannot be
canceled, therefore applications will always synchronize with this Project Information.
This behavior is consistent with the concept that the IBS database is a project level

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Integrated Bridge Software / IB-7

©LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Application Interaction

A project level database may contain one or more bridges, alignments, bents, etc. A
particular project may be an intersection which is first described in GEOMATH with
several alignments, and later several bridges may be placed on those alignments with
many piers. Another IBS enabled application can be used to add loads, and perform
analyses and designs, on selected bridges.
The Project Tree also shows that subsets of data items cannot be selected because the
check box is unavailable. For example, the Column List for the bent named “Typ2Col”
and the two “Circular” columns in the list are disabled; therefore, they cannot be
selected. When “Typ2Col” is selected, the Column List and the two columns will be
automatically selected. This means that the Column List (or the two columns) cannot
be selected independently of the bent. A bent and its list of columns is a single entity
relative to selection and data synchronization.

Renaming & Deleting Components from the Project Tree

Items within the Project Tree may be renamed or deleted. This is done by right-
clicking on enabled items and selecting either Rename or Delete. Click OK to commit.
The deletions will be propagated to all running applications.

Note: There is no “undo” once data is written to, or deleted from, the database file.

IB-8 / Integrated Bridge Software GEOMATH v7.0.0

©LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Typical Scenarios

Typical Scenarios
To define a Bridge using GEOMATH and CONBOX, perform the following steps:
1. Start GEOMATH and open the .gmd file associated with the project (e.g.,
2. Select the Setup command menu option from the LEAP Bridge Menu and
browse to the appropriate directory and create a new database file named:
3. Click Save and select the Connect to Data Source option in the IBS Setup
dialog box. Click OK.
4. Select the Write To DB command (or press F4); GEOMATH will write to the
database file.
5. Start CONBOX and select the Setup command from the LEAP Bridge Menu.
6. Select the Connect to Data Source option. The same database file specified
in GEOMATH will be listed in the drop-down field. Click OK.
7. Select the Select Components command from the LEAP Bridge Menu,
expand the Bridges tree item and select the bridge (the default name is
8. Click OK. CONBOX will read the database file and import the data written
by GEOMATH. At this point, CONBOX is “subscribing” to the data
associated with “BR01”. Any changes made to it by another application will
be reflected in CONBOX when the Read From DB command is selected.
Note: GEOMATH is currently not subscribing to the database file; therefore, changes
made by CONBOX (or another application) will not be reflected in GEOMATH upon a
read. In order for GEOMATH to read changes made to the database file subscribe to
9. Add a dead load and other loadings and combinations, post-tensioning, etc.
to BR01 and perform an analysis.
10. Review the results. Make changes to the structure in CONBOX, for example,
modify the structure depth and perform additional analyses until the design is
appropriate. Save the data in CONBOX to a file, e.g., “ProjABC.cbx”.
11. Select the Write To DB command to update the structure depth information
in the database file.
12. Either activate GEOMATH or start it up and open “ProjABC.gmd,” connect
to the database file and select bridge “BR01.” The changes made to the
structure depth in CONBOX will be reflected in GEOMATH.


To define a bridge. using GEOMATH and CONSPAN, perform the following steps:
1. Start GEOMATH and open the .gmd file associated with the project (e.g.,

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Integrated Bridge Software / IB-9

©LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Typical Scenarios

2. Select the Setup command menu option from the LEAP Bridge Menu and
browse to the appropriate directory and create a new database file named:
3. Click Save and select the Connect to Data Source option in the IBS Setup
dialog box. Click OK.
4. Select the Write To DB command (or press F4); GEOMATH will write to
the database file.
5. Start CONSPAN and select the Setup command from the LEAP Bridge
6. Select the Connect to Data Source option. The same database file specified
in GEOMATH will be listed in the drop-down field. Click OK.
7. Select the Select Components command from the LEAP Bridge Menu,
expand the Bridges tree item and select the bridge (the default name is
8. Click OK. CONSPAN will read the database file and import the data written
by GEOMATH. At this point, CONSPAN is “subscribing” to the data
associated with “BR01” and any changes made to it by another application
will be reflected in CONSPAN when the Read From DB command is
9. Select the materials, and add dead and live loads to the bridge and run
10. Review the results. Make changes to the structure in CONSPAN, for
example, modify the precast beam length and perform additional analyses
until the design is appropriate. Save the data in CONSPAN to a file, e.g.,
11. Select the Write To DB command to update the precast beam length
information in the database file.
12. Either activate GEOMATH or start it up and open “ProjABC.gmd,” connect
to the database file and select bridge “BR01.” The changes made to the
precast beam length will be reflected in GEOMATH.

IB-10 / Integrated Bridge Software GEOMATH v7.0.0

©LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Typical Scenarios


To define a Pier using GEOMATH and RC-PIER, perform the following steps:
1. Start GEOMATH and open the .gmd file associated with the project (e.g.,
2. Select the Setup menu option from the LEAP Bridge Menu and browse to
the appropriate directory and create a new database file named:

FIGURE IB-5. IBS Setup Dialog Box

3. Click Save and select the Connect to Data Source option in the IBS Setup
dialog box and select Manual. Click OK.
4. Select the Write To DB command (or press F4); GEOMATH will write its
data to the database file.
5. Start RC-Pier and select Setup from the LEAP Bridge Menu.
6. The same database file specified in GEOMATH will be listed in the drop-
down field. If not, select it and click OK. Select the Connect to Data
Source option and select Manual.
7. Select the Select Components command from the LEAP Bridge Menu,
expand the following tree items: Bridges, BR01, Support List, and select

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Integrated Bridge Software / IB-11

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Typical Scenarios

FIGURE IB-6. IBS Project Tree Dialog Box

8. Click OK. RC-PIER will read the database file and import the data written
by GEOMATH. At this point, RC-PIER is “subscribing” to the data
associated with Pier PR01 “BR01” and any changes made to it by another
application will be reflected in RC-Pier when the Read from DB command
is selected.

FIGURE IB-7. RC-PIER Pier PRO1 Dialog Box

Note: GEOMATH currently is not subscribing to the data in the database file so
changes made by RC-PIER will not be reflected in GEOMATH upon a read.

IB-12 / Integrated Bridge Software GEOMATH v7.0.0

©LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Typical Scenarios

9. In RC-PIER, add and generate loads and load groups and perform an
10. Review the results. Make changes to the structure in RC-PIER, for example,
modify the cap depth and perform additional analyses until the design is
appropriate. Save the data in RC-PIER to a file, e.g., “ProjABC.rcp”.
11. Select the Write To DB command to update the cap depth information in the
database file.
12. Either activate GEOMATH or start it up and open “ProjABC.gmd,” connect
to the database file and select bridge “BR01” PRO1. The changes made to
the PR01 cap depth in RC-PIER will be reflected in GEOMATH.


To share GEOMATH roadway data using LandXML, perform the following steps:
1. Start GEOMATH and open the .gmd file associated with the project (e.g.,
2. Select the Setup/LandXML command menu option from the
LEAP Bridge menu and browse to the appropriate directory and
create a new database file named: “ProjABC.xml”.
3. Click Save and select the Connect to Data Source option in the
LandXML Setup dialog box. Click OK.
4. Select the Write To DB command (or press F4); GEOMATH
will write to the database file.
5. Start another LandXML enabled Application and read
6. Make changes to the project data and save revisions by writing
to the “ProjABC.xml” database.
7. Either activate GEOMATH or start it up and open
“ProjABC.gmd,” connect to the database file. Open the project
tree by choosing “Select Components” from the Leap Bridge
menu. In the project tree select the data to be read. The changes
made to the roadway data will be reflected in GEOMATH.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Integrated Bridge Software / IB-13

©LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
IBS Shared Data Items

IBS Shared Data Items

Leap XML As each LEAP Software application is designed to solve specific engineering issues,
each application has specific internal data structures and assumptions. These internal
data structures and assumptions dictate how data is exchanged with the database file
and if the data can be shared with other applications.
For example, an application that has a span-based internal representation for support
locations will be able to read support locations from the database file for its use,
converting them to span lengths as appropriate. However, it will not be able to make
any changes to support locations in the database (i.e., write span lengths) when changes
are made to span lengths since the application will not know which support to move in
order to realize the new span length.
For instance, you are using one application that is able to modify support locations
(such as GEOMATH) and another application which is unable to modify support
locations (such as CONSPAN). If you make a change to a span length in CONSPAN,
and then re-synchronize CONSPAN with the data in the database file, the original span
length will be transferred back into CONSPAN. To change a span length, make a
support location change in the application that can modify support locations or
disconnect from the database file in the application that cannot make the support
location change after data from the database file has been initially transferred.
Applications cannot alter or delete any unknown data items in the database file. For
example, if an application supports multi-column bents, it will write the data about the
type of columns and column spacings for those bent types to the database file, since
that information is part of the database schema. Another application that supports bents
(i.e., data items such as cap width), but does not support columns, will be able to read
and write some data about the bent, but not all. The fact that the bent it is being shared
with other applications which might have one or more columns will not be considered.
Table 1 on page IB-15 lists the data items currently defined in the database file. Data
items which are utilized are indicated by a dot. Explanatory notes are provided as
necessary to explain application specific data interpretations.

IB-14 / Integrated Bridge Software GEOMATH v7.0.0

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©LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
GEOMATH v7.0.0

TABLE 1. IBS Enabled Database Data Items


Database Data Items Write Read Note Write Read Note Write Read Note Write Read Note

Project Data
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
Project number
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
Design specifications
• • • • • •
Alignment Data
• • • • CBX-01
• •
Basic PI data
• • • • • •
POB stationing
• • • • • •
Bridge Data
• • • • CBX-02
• • • •
Beginning and ending station
• • • • • •
Offset from CL to alignment
• GMD-01
• • • •
Box girder Superstructures
• • • • CSL-01

Cross sections
• • • •
• • • •
By distance or percent
• • • •
From beginning or end
• • • •

Shared Data Items

Span number
• •
Longitudinal variation
• • • •
/ IB-15

• • • •
Shared Data Items
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IB-16 / Integrated Bridge Software

• •
• • • •
Box girder Superstructures
• • • • CSL-01

Section dimensions
• • • •
Full-type (19 parameters)
• • GMD-02
• •
Variant-type (5 parameters)
• •
Recall Sections
• •
Section properties (A, I)
• • • •
Material reference
• •
Open Girder Superstructures
• • • • • •
Section dimensions
• • • • • •
• • • • • •
Section properties (A, I)
• • • • • •
Material reference
• • • • • •
Left/Right barrier distances
• • • • • •
Supplemental thickness
• • • • • •
Sacrificial thickness
• • • •
• • • • • •
Beg/End spacings
• • • • • •
Normal measurement
• • • • • •
Skewed measurement
• • • • • •
Beg/End longitudinal offset
• • • • • •
Haunch dimensions
• • • •
GEOMATH v7.0.0

Beg/End girder group transverse offset

• • • • • • • •
Normal measurement
• • • • • • • •
Skewed measurement
• • • • • • • •
©LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
GEOMATH v7.0.0

• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • •
• • • • • •
Connection Left/Center/Right to
• • • • • •
Keyword (e.g., PIN, FIX)
• • • • • •
Stiffness matrix (Full)
• • • •
Multiple transverse bearing
• • • •
• • • •
Beg/End bearing group transverse
• • • •
Normal measurement
• • • •
Skewed measurement
• • • •
Multiple lines of bearings
• • • • • •
• • • • • •
Transverse Offset from CL bridge
• • • • • •
Normal measurement
• • • •
Skewed measurement
• • • • • •
Longitudinal offset from CL
• • • • • •
Intermediate hinges
• •
• • • •
• • • •

Shared Data Items

Connection to superstructure
• • • •
Keyword (e.g., PIN, FIX)
• • • •
/ IB-17

Stiffness matrix (Full)

• • • •
Shared Data Items
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IB-18 / Integrated Bridge Software

Multiple Points of Bearing

• •
Offset from CL bridge
• •
Normal measurement
• •
Skewed measurement
• •
Girder Definition Data
• • • • • •
Cross sections
• • • • • • CSL-02

• • • • • •
By distance or percent
• • • • • •
From beginning or end
• • • • • •
Longitudinal variation
• • • • • •
• • • • • •
• • • • • •
• • • • • •
Section dimensions
• • • • • •
Flange type (I, Tee, etc.)
• • • • • •
Box beam type
• • • • • •
• • • • • •
• • • • • •
Section group (I-Girder)
• • • • • •
Section member (AASHTO-I)
• • • • • •
Bent or Pier Definition Data
• • GMD-03
• • CBX-03
• •
Drop-cap bent
• • GMD-04
• • • • RCP-01

• • GMD-05
• •
GEOMATH v7.0.0

• • • •
• • • • • •
Soffit-to-bearing distance
• •
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GEOMATH v7.0.0

Bearing-to-cap distance
• •
Left overhang
• • • •
Right overhang
• •
Cross sections
• • • • • •
• • • • • •
By distance or percent
• • • • • •
From beginning or end
• • • • • •
Span number
• • • • • •
Longitudinal variation
• • • • • •
• • • • • •
• •
• • • •
Section dimensions
• • • • • •
• • • • • •
Elevation top left center
• • • • • •
Elevation top right center
• • • • • •
Offset from CL bridge
• • • •
Normal measurement
• •
Skewed measurement
• • • •
Integral bent
• • GMD-06
• •
List of Columns
• • • • • •
Reference name
• • • • • •
• • • • • •

Shared Data Items

• • • • • •
• • • • • •
/ IB-19

Dimensions for standard types

• • • • • •
Shared Data Items
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IB-20 / Integrated Bridge Software

Bottom support type

• • • •
Keyword (.e.g. PIN, FIX)
• • • •
Stiffness matrix (Full)
• • • •
Material reference
• • • •
Offset from CL bridge
• •
Normal measurement
• •
Skewed measurement
• •
Physical location in XYZ space
• • • •
Column Definition Data
• • • • • •
• • • • • •
General (A, I)
• • • •
• • • • • •
• • • • • •
Rectangular fillet
• • • •
Rectangular chamfer
• • • •
Rectangular bevel
• • • • • •
• • • •
Cross Sections
• • • •
• • • • • •
By distance
• • • • • •
Longitudinal variation
• • • • • •
• • • • • •
• • • •
GEOMATH v7.0.0

• • • •
Abutment Definition Data
• • GMD-07
• •
Material Data
• • • •
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GEOMATH v7.0.0

• • • •
Elastic modulus
• • • •
Poisson’s ratio
• • • •
• • • •
Thermal coefficient
• • • •
Yield stress
• • • •
• • • •
• • • •
• • • •
• • • •
Time-Dependent Concrete
• •
• •
Age when shrinkage starts
• •
Age when concrete is placed
• •
Concrete type
• •
Curing method
• •
Weight type (e.g. Normal)
• •
Ultimate creep factor
• •
Ultimate shrinkage strain
• •
ACI a/b ratio
• •
CEB S-factor
• •

Shared Data Items

/ IB-21
Shared Data Items
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IB-22 / Integrated Bridge Software


Note # Description

GMD-01 This is computed using the average distance of all abutments and piers from the alignment.
GMD-02 Top slab width is based on the roadway; if there isn’t a roadway then the width is based on the average abutment and pier widths.
GMD-03 All layout placement methods are supported.
GMD-04 Database drop-cap bents are generated for piers not associated with a box girder bridge.
GMD-05 This is computed using L1 and L2.
GMD-06 Database integral bents are generated for piers associated with a box girder bridge.
GMD-07 Abutments are a type of pier in GEOMATH.


Note # Description

CBX-01 CONBOX works with a single alignment and it is always present.

CBX-02 CONBOX works with a single bridge and it is always present.
CBX-03 A default bent named “Typ2Col” is created at program startup.


Note # Description

CSL-01 Box Girder Bridges being referred to here are only cast-in-place Box Girders bridges being capable of designed by CONBOX.
CSL-02 Only uniform cross section is read into CONSPAN.


Note # Description
GEOMATH v7.0.0

RCP-01 RC-PIER assumes cap top as straight line connected to ends of cap. This will be based on the elevation of first and last sections
ignoring any intermediate sections.
Horizontal alignments:

Geomath creates a horizontal alignment based on the information placed

in the <Alignment> element, under the <CoordGeom> section;
Geomath saves the horizontal alignment information in the
<Alignment> element, under the <CoordGeom> section.

Vertical profiles:

Geomath creates a vertical profile based on the information placed in the

<Alignment> element <Profile> sub-element, under <ProfAlign>
section; Geomath saves the vertical profile information in the LandXML
format, by creating an <Alignment> element (if the corresponding
alignment doesn’t exist), with a <Profile> sub-element and with the
information set under the <ProfAlign> section.

Roadway Cross Sections:

In LandXML vers 1.0, this information is placed in the <GradeModel>

element - <GradeSurface> sub-element, under the <Zones> section. The
<Zones> section contains a series of zones that are a structure that
describes a portion of the cross section of the road. Each zone runs along
the alignment at width specified in the <Zone Width> element and at the
cross slope defined in the <ZoneSlope> element. Each zone has a
starting and a ending value for station, width and cross slope values. The
zone can then be modified by multiple <ZoneWidth> and <ZoneSlope>
elements (the zone width is independent from zone slope). <Zones> also
specify which side of the alignment the following <Zone> objects apply.
There must be a minimum of one <Zones> object and a maximum of
two - one for each side of the roadway. Using the information available
in the GradeModel, Geomath creates the roadway cross sections.

In LandXML vers 1.1, this information is placed in the <Alignment>

element - <CrossSects> sub-element, under the <CrossSect> section. In
each cross section <CrossSect> there are two collections of design cross
sections, Left and Right of the center line or profile grade line.
<DesignCrossSectSurfs> is a collection of <DesignCrossSectSurf>
elements - at least one is required and a maximum of two may be
defined (for right and left side of PGL). <DesignCrossSectSurf> is a
collection of <CrossSectPnt> elements (points given by offset/elevatin
or slope/distance). Using the information available in the <Alignment> -
<CrossSects> section, Geomath creates the roadway cross sections.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 / IB-23

©LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Geomath stores roadway cross section information in a fashion very
similar to the one used by LandXML vers 1.1. Geomath writes roadway
cross section information in the LandXML format, by creating an
<Alignment> element (if the corresponding alignment doesn’t exist),
with a <CrossSects> sub element, and with the information set under the
<CrossSect> section. This writing process is only compatible with
LandXML vers 1.1.


For the LandXML vers 1.0, the <Roadway> element needs to have
specified both the alignment and the grade model references in order to
create the roadway. The referenced alignment will come with the
information about the horizontal alignment and vertical profile, and the
referenced grade model will provide the information about the roadway
cross section. Having the full set of information about the horizontal
alignment, vertical profile and the roadway cross section, Geomath
creates a roadway using these 3 elements as references.

For LandXML vers 1.1, the <Roadway> element needs to have specified
only the alignment reference in order to create the roadway. All the
information about horizontal alignment, vertical profile and roadway
cross section are saved in the referenced alignment. Having the full set
of information about the horizontal alignment, vertical profile and the
roadway cross section, Geomath creates a roadway using these 3
elements as references.

Geomath saves the roadway information in the LandXML format, by

creating a <Roadway> element and setting the alignment reference
(having the alignment already saved with information about horizontal
alignment, vertical profile and roadway cross section). This writing
process is only compatible with LandXML vers 1.1.


Geomath creates a ground object based on the information placed in the

<Surface> element - <Definition> section - this section contains a set of
points and faces (TIN) resulted after the traiangularization process.
Geomath saves the ground information in the LandXML format, by
creating a <Surface> element, with the information set under the
<Definition> section.

IB-24 / GEOMATH v7.0.0

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This chapter explains some of the assumptions and procedures of GEOMATH

in greater detail than found elsewhere in this manual. A detailed description of
the input procedure and explanation of the suggested layout is provided.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 TH-1

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.

The objective of bridge geometry computations using GEOMATH is to provide the
bridge engineer assistance in the layout of a bridge structure. The associated
geometrical computations are performed in the process. This is accomplished by
running the three major tasks of the program in sequence:
1. Alignment Geometry
2. Structure Geometry
3. Vertical Geometry
Entry of a job begins with the Alignment Geometry portion of the program. A road
surface is first created by defining a series of cross sections (also called templates) at
give points along a three-dimensional alignment line. The alignment line, in turn, has
two components—horizontal alignment and vertical alignment.
Once the alignment geometry has been entered, the Structure Geometry is entered. It
consists of the following steps:
1. Defining the necessary roadways (i.e., linking the horizontal, vertical, and
cross section components).
2. Locating piers under the proposed bridge deck.
3. Laying out girders.
4. Computing elevations on the bridge deck.
After the piers and girders have been laid out, the framing plan for the bridge can be
exported to many popular CAD programs to begin final plans preparation. Refer to
"CAD File or Microstation Interface" on page TH-5 for details on this feature. Finally,
the Vertical Geometry is specified. This section pertains to the placement of girders
along the roadways, layout of bearing seats, and determination of screed elevations
along the girders.

Suggested Input Procedure

Step 1 - Initial Preparation
During this phase, the GEOMATH commands and data entry should be thoroughly
reviewed (see the General Operation chapter). Hands-on practice using the tutorial
problems is very helpful, especially Tutorial 1, before trying other problems.
It is highly recommended to compare previous bridge geometric solutions. This will
allow GEOMATH results to be compared with precomputed values at every step and
minimize the possibility of a misunderstanding. It will also provide a benchmark for
checking the accuracy of the results obtained from GEOMATH.

Step 2 - Alignment Geometry

The next step in solving a bridge geometry problem is to create the alignment data for
different roadways. For this purpose the user should prepare diagrams of different
alignments and cross sections in advance. This will greatly facilitate data entry
through GEOMATH.

TH-2 / Theory GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Suggested Input Procedure

Each component of the alignment data (horizontal, vertical and cross sections) has
unique properties and can be used repeatedly for different roadways and/or modified.
Once the alignment data is generated and checked, the next step, structure geometry
input, is ready to be performed.

Step - 3 Structure Geometry

After the alignments are created, the next step is to lay out piers at different stations
along the alignment. But, first the project needs to be initialized by defining the
roadways involved.
A roadway has three components:
• Horizontal alignment
• Vertical Profile
• Cross Sections
The roadway itself is defined by specifying the file names from which each
component will be retrieved and then specifying the Roadway ID under which the
complete roadway is to be saved. Once all relevant roadways for the project have been
defined, one of them is selected as the active one for pier layout. Layout of the piers is
now ready to be started. Piers can be laid out by using one of the eight placement
NOTE: Refer to "Supports" on page GO-25.
After the pier is defined, a third command can be used to check its clearance from any
desired offset line. After the piers are laid out and placed on the roadway, the girders
are laid out. The girders always have three items of data at each end:
• The location of the girder/pier centerline intersection point along the pier
• The locations of the centers of bearing of the beam seats along the pier
• The offsets of the centers of bearing of the beam seats from the pier
NOTE: Girders are laid out by using one of the nine placement methods described in
"Girders" on page GO-51.
At this point the vertical clearance can be checked. GEOMATH computes the
minimum vertical distance between the bottom of the girders to the top surface of the
roadway beneath the upper structure. The final part of the structure geometry consists
of computing deck surface elevations along girder lines, offset lines or both. Girders
between piers can be divided into “n” segments (e.g., 10th points) with elevations
computed at segment ends.

Step - 4 Vertical Geometry

In the structural geometry section, the girder framing plans were defined showing the
horizontal projection of each girder centerline. In the vertical geometry section,
additional information is added concerning the vertical positioning of each girder. The

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Theory / TH-3

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Suggested Input Procedure

vertical geometry feature of GEOMATH has different objectives and input

requirements depending on the type of girder used.

Concrete Girders
The Concrete Girder option of the Vertical Geometry section of GEOMATH has the
following objectives:
• Calculate final top of deck slab elevations
• Calculate deck slab screed elevations
• Check build-ups at various locations along the girders
• Calculate the locations and elevations of the beam seat corners (i.e., a, b, c,
and d)
In the structural geometry section, the girder framing plans were defined showing the
horizontal projection of each girder centerline. In the vertical geometry portion,
additional girder information is entered including deck thickness, minimum build-up,
lateral tilt or roll angle, camber, and the dap heights, if any, as well as deck deflection
due to self weight and additional deflection. The girder is then positioned in the
vertical plane by specifying the bottom elevation of the girder at each center of
bearing location which determines its longitudinal slope (pitch).
As an aid to determining the bottom elevations at the center of bearings, GEOMATH
auto-calculates the elevation which the user can accept or modify accordingly. The
auto-calculation method maintains the minimum build-up along the girder specified
by the user.
It accomplishes this by first matching the pitch of the girder with the deck slope over
the girder and then vertically positioning the girder so that at least one point along the
girder has exactly the user-specified minimum build-up below the bottom of the deck
and that no other point infringes on this minimum build-up. The minimum build-up
can be thought of as a safety region below the deck to absorb any variance in the
computed an actual camber of the girder.
When positioning the girder, GEOMATH uses the specified points along the girder.
At each check-point location, GEOMATH checks the left and right edge of the girder
top flange as well as at the girder centerline. Once the bottom elevations at the center
of bearings have been established, GEOMATH calculates the deck slab screed
elevations for each user-specified check point location along the girder centerline.
After the girders have been vertically positioned, GEOMATH assists the user in
calculating the four corner elevations of the beam seats. First, GEOMATH establishes
“work points” at the intersections of the pier centerline with beam centerlines. Next,
the user lays out the beam seats on the pier cap using one of the following two
methods of beam seat orientation:
• Beam seat parallel to the pier centerline
• Beam seat parallel to the girder centerline
In either case, the user specifies the distances from the center of bearing to each edge
of the beam seat, the four dimensions being as follows:
• Depth 1

TH-4 / Theory GEOMATH v7.0.0

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CAD File or Microstation Interface

• Depth 2
• Width 1
• Width 2
Under the first method, the distances are identified by looking along the pier
centerline in the positive direction (away from the left edge and towards the right
edge). Under the second method, these distances are identified by looking along the
girder centerline and away from the pier centerline. No signs are attached to these
Once these dimensions are given, along with the bearing pad thickness for each beam
seat, GEOMATH calculates the locations of the four corners and the center of the
bearing with respect to the work point as well as their elevations.

Steel Plate Girders

Steel Plate Girders are assumed to be designed such that a constant distance is
maintained between the top-of-deck and the top-of-web along each girder. This
requires that all girder cambers be so developed during the design phase and it is
therefore currently outside the scope of GEOMATH.
The beam seats are assumed to be horizontal and as such the beam seat elevations will
be constant. In order to get these elevations, the program starts by computing the
bottom of girder elevations. This requires three pieces of information: the top-of-deck
to top-of-web distance; and the top-of-web to bottom-of-girder height at both ends of
the girder. The top-of-web to bottom-of-girder height is nothing more than the web
height plus the bottom flange thickness.
The other major task left before computing the beam seat elevation is the design of the
bearing device. GEOMATH aids in this design by computing various girder slopes.
These slopes include the slope along the girder chord and girder tangent and their
corresponding cross-slopes.

Steel Rolled Girders

Steel Rolled Girders are treated as a cross between the two girder types already
discussed. The vertical placement of the girder and the screed elevations are similar to
that of the concrete girder; while it has the beam seat scheme of the steel plate girder.

CAD File or Microstation Interface

GEOMATH supports the ability to export project information to CAD and
Microstation systems. This is done by creating a data exchange format (*.DXF) or
(*.dgn) format containing all the information required to reproduce a drawing on
AutoCAD or Microstation (version 5.0 of Microstation is supported). Spirals and
linearly varying offsets from either arcs or spirals are simulated by a series of
connected lines.
NOTE: Any image in the design/display window can be exported to *.DXF format
(e.g., plan view, cross section, or beam section(s))

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Theory / TH-5

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CAD File or Microstation Interface

Importing Alignments, Profiles, and Cross Section Sets from a text file
Geomath provides a method of creating alignments, profiles, and cross section sets
through importing data from the text file. Record fields can be separated by commas,
spaces, or tabs. Data can be imported in English or metric units. Since a can
be used as a filed delimiter it must not be used for formatting such as denoting
thousands (i.e. 1,000). Key words are denoted in bold type. Data fields within brackets
[value] are optional. Field options are denoted as {op1, opt2}. All object data begins
with a keyword specifying the object type: alignment PI, profile or section. All
object data is terminated with the word end. Following are the record formats for each
importable object.

The data will be imported by default as in English units. All data entered in English
units are in feet. All data entered in metric units are in meters. If metric units are to be
imported the first record should specify metric units as follows.
Units {us, metric}

To import an alignment use the following format definition. The example that follows
the definition will import the EAST.HRZ alignment from Tutor1.
The first record describes the name of the alignment along the starting station and the
coordinates (N,E) of the first PI. The second and remaining records specify the
remaining alignment PI’s starting with PI coordinate (N,E) followed by the curve
radius and then optional values for the length of spiral into the curve and length of
spiral out of the curve
Alignment PI, Object_Name, Start_Station, North_Coord, East_Coord,
North_Coord, East_Coord, Radius, Spiral_In, Spiral_Out, North_Coord, East_Coord,
Radius, Spiral_In, Spiral_Out.
North_Coord, East_Coord, Raduis, Spiral_In, Spiral_Out

Example: Tutor1 East.Hrz Alignment

AlignmentPI, EAST.HRZ 1000.0 2726.0 4093.0

2930.0000 4348.0000 572.9578 100.0 100.0
2807.0000 4927.0000 381.9719 381.97.19
3017.0000 5200.0000

TH-6 / Theory GEOMATH v7.0.0

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CAD File or Microstation Interface

To import a profile use the following format definition. The example that follows that
definition will input the EAST.VRT profile from Tutor1.
The first record describes the name of the profile. The second and remaining records
specify the remaining profile VPIs starting with the VPI station followed by the VPI
elevation. Optional values specifying the length of the balannced vertical curve (L1),
or for unbalanced curves the length of vertical curve ( L1) to the VPI station then the
length of vertical curve ( L2 ) from the VPI station are entered last.
profile, Object_Name
VPI_Station, VPI_Elevation, [Length_VC/VC1]. [Length_VC2]
VPI_Station, VPI_Elevation, [Length_VC/VC1], [Length_VC2]
VPI_Station, VPI_Elevation, [Length_VC/VC1], [Length_VC2]

Example: Tutor1 East.Vrt Profile

Profile EAST. Vrt Profile

1000.0 510.0
1450.0 530.0 500.0
2000.0 500.0 400.0
2204.0 500.0


To import a cross section set use the following format definition. The example that
follows the definition will import the EAST.TEM cross section set from Tutor1.

The first record describes the name of the cross section set. The second record
specifies the name of the template and specifies the tempate station. The third record
and additional records describe each of the planes in the cross section template
starting with the plane width followed by the plane slope in percent.

section, Object_Name
template, template_name, template_station

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Theory / TH-7

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CAD File or Microstation Interface

plane, plane_width, plane_slope

plane_width, plane_slope
template, template_name, template_station
plane, plane_width, plane_slope
plane_width, plane_slope
plane, plane_width, plane_slope
plane_width, plane_slope
plane, plane_width, plane_slope
Example: Tutor1 East. tem Cross Section Set
section EAST. TEM
template TMPLO 1000.0
Plane 12.0 2.0
32.0 -2.0
template TMPL1 2204.0
plane 12.0 2.0
32.0 -2.0

TH-8 / Theory GEOMATH v7.0.0

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CAD File or Microstation Interface


GEOMATH v7.0.0 Theory / TH-9

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CAD File or Microstation Interface

TH-10 / Theory GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Appendix One


Alignment Intersection The point along two roadways where the alignments cross or intersect.

Alignment Tie An alignment consisting of a series of interconnected shapes which may be

tangents (straight lines), arcs or clothoid spirals. The curves need not be
tangential at their connecting points. An alignment tie may be relocated by
specifying data regarding its intersection with another alignment. This data
consists of either the coordinates or reference alignment station and offset.

Arc Part of the circumference of a circle.

Azimuth The azimuth of a line is the clockwise angle taken from the North to that line.

Background color Found in the Define menu, this feature permits the user to determine the
background color (blue or black) of the monitor in the graphic window.

BC-to-EC Alignment This type of alignment is created by specifying the shape (i.e., Tangent or Arc)
and the starting bearing direction and ending station. Transition curves
between tangents, which can be either an arc or a spiral-arc-spiral combination,
can be specified at all points except the first and the last point.

Build-up Thickness of concrete layer between the underside of the deck and the top of
the girder. Usually this thickness varies along the length of the girder because
of the girder camber and the curvature of the deck surface.

CAD File Roadway and structure information export in DXF format.

Camber Girder midspan deflection at time of erection. An upward deflection is

considered positive.

Cap Edge Clearance A minimum distance between the edge of a beam seat and pier cap edge.

Clothoid Spiral A curve whose degree-of-curvature is proportional to the distance traveled

along the curve.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 A1-1

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Appendix One

Cross Section Defined at various points along a vertical alignment to describe a road surface, each
(Template) cross section is transverse to the horizontal alignment and consists of a series of
points, called offset points or slope break points, and planes which are connected by
straight lines. A reference point on the cross section is called the profile grade line
(PGL) and its offset from the horizontal alignment is known. All other points on the
cross section are located by means of their offsets from the profile grade line. All cross
sections in a template file must have the same number of points. Offset points are
numbered consecutively beginning with the left most point, which is numbered as 1.
After all such points have been located by their distances from the profile grade point,
lateral slopes of the lines joining them are defined in the decimal fraction of vertical
foot/horizontal foot, with an upward slope from left to right assumed to be positive.

Dap Height of cutout at bottom of a girder at an end bearing.

Deck Deflection Deflection of deck slab due to self-weight. A downward deflection is considered

Degree-of-Curvature The central angle, in degrees, subtended by a 100-foot long arc having the same
curvature as the point in question.

Element The tangent, arc, and spiral-shaped parts of an alignment.

Flared Girders A series of girders spaced the same distance (a) apart on one pier and the same
distance (b) apart on the other pier with the two distances (a) and (b) being different.

Girders Superstructure framing elements that extend from pier to pier. Girders consist of
concrete, steel plate, or rolled steel sections.

Horizontal Alignment The vertical projection of the alignment line drawn on the horizontal plane and
serving as the reference line for locating all points on the roadway. The starting point
of the alignment is assigned by a station. The location of any other point along the
alignment is given by its station which is computed by adding to the starting station
the distance of the point from the starting point along the alignment.

Linearly Varying Offset distances varies proportionally from the main line.

Nodes Vertices located on the beams/girders and pier cap (refer to "Cross Sections Dialog
Box" on page GO-60).

Offset The offset of a point is the length of the perpendicular drawn from the point to a
horizontal alignment. It is considered positive if the point is located to the right of the
alignment looking up-station.

Offset Line This is a line joining the similarly numbered offset points of all cross sections in a
template file. At any station in between two defined sections, the offset is computed
by linear interpolation of the offsets at the ends based on station intervals.

Offset Point See Cross Section (Template).

Overhang Normal distance from the centerline of the girder to an offset line.

A1-2 / Glossary GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Appendix One

Parallel Girders A series of girders laid out with uniform and equal spacing at both ends.

Piers Substructure elements used to support the beams/girders. Laid out using various
geometry placement commands. Piers contain a centerline and up to two bearing lines.

PI-to-PI Alignment This type of alignment is created by specifying the North and East coordinates of a
series of PI points, called points of intersections, which are connected by straight lines
(tangents). This type of alignment is created by specifying the shape (i.e., Tangent or
Arc) and the starting bearing direction and ending station. Transition curves between
tangents, which can be either an arc or a spiral-arc-spiral combination, can be
specified at all points except the first and the last point.

Pitch Slope of the straight line connecting the points at the top of the girder directly above
the bearing points.

Point of Intersection See PI-to-PI Alignment.

Profile Grade Line A horizontal line joining the similarly numbered profile grade points between two

Profile Grade Point See Cross Section (Template).

Project A collection of roadways defining a specific job.

Roadway A collection of a horizontal alignment, a vertical alignment, an a cross section group

bounded by two stations.

Roll Sideways tilt (if any) of the girder, measured in degrees clockwise from the vertical

Screed Elevation Elevation at top of the deck slab at any point before downward deflection due to self
weight takes place. This is the level at which the screed is to be set so that when the
concrete is poured, the deck will deflect to the final desired elevation.

Segment A collection of horizontal information for a particular alignment.

Sense The direction of a curve (i.e., left or right) along the up-station direction.

Slope Break Point See Cross Section (Template).

Span The space between the two piers.

Spiral-In A spiral that begins with a tangent and ends with a curve when facing up-station.

Spiral-Out A spiral that begins with a curve and ends with a tangent when facing up station.

Station The station of a point is the station of the intersection point of a perpendicular drawn
from the point to a horizontal alignment.

Template See Cross Section (Template).

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Glossary / A1-3

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Appendix One

Transition A curve or series of curves between two straight lines. This occurs at points of
intersection with the exception of the beginning and the end of the roadway since no
change of shape occurs here. Transitions can be arc, spiral-arc-spiral, or none.

Transition Point The point where two different shapes along an alignment meet.

Vertical Clearance The vertical clearance between two intersecting roadway surfaces at a user specified
location along the upper roadway.

Vertical Profile A vertical profile is created by joining a series a points by sloped lines (slopes).
Parabolic transitions are provided between the lines, if necessary.

Vertical Geometry Computation of deck slab screed elevations, checking of minimum build-up
requirements above girders, determination of locations and elevations of beam seat
corner points, and clearance check below the girder.

Vertical Point of All vertical profiles consist primarily of straight lines (slopes) joining points called
Intersection (V.P.I.) vertical points of intersection.

Work point Point of intersection of pier and girder center lines. For each girder, a work point is
located with reference to the pier end. Beam seat corners are then located with respect
to the work point.

A1-4 / Glossary GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Appendix Two

Nomenclature and Printout


User Input Data Report

Type : The type of object.

Object ID : The ID of the object.

Level Description : The level the object is located on.

Beg Crd: N: : The northing coordinate value of the beginning of the object.

Beg Crd: E: : The easting coordinate value of the beginning of the object.

Elev : The elevation of the beginning of the object.

End Crd: N: : The northing coordinate value of the end of the object.

End Crd: E: : The easting coordinate value of the end of the object.

Elev : The elevation of the end of the object.

The user input data report provides data on each GEOMATH object. All
reports share the following common data items. For definitions of specific
data for inidividual objects see the discussions in General Operations for the
particular object.

Alignment Report (PI-to-PI)

Alignment (PI-to-PI) : This type of alignment is laid out by specifying the North and East coordinates
of a series of points, called points of intersections, which are connected by
straight lines (tangents). Transition curves between tangents, which can be
either an arc or a spiral-arc-spiral combination, can be specified at all points
except the first and the last point.
Start Station : Starting station of a horizontal alignment.

P.I. : Point of intersection on a horizontal alignment.

North : The numerical value of the north coordinate associated with a P.I.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 A2-1

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Nomenclature and Printout Explanation

East : The numerical value of the east coordinate associated with a P.I.

Arc : Part of the circumference of a circle.

Clothoid Spiral : A curve whose degree of curvature is proportional to the distance traveled
along the curve.
Trans : Refers to one of the following three transition types, namely, No Transition,
Circular Arc or Clothoid Spiral. Note, no transitions occur at the first and last
P.I. of any alignment.
Spiral-In : Refers to the length of the spiral connecting the tangent to the arc, traveling up-
Spiral-Out : Refers to the length of the spiral connecting the arc to the tangent, traveling up-
Deg-Curve : Defined only for US units, it is the degree of curvature of an arc or the
maximum degree of curvature of a spiral. The degree of curvature of a curve is
defined as the angle subtended by a 100 ft. length of the curve.

Alignment Report (BC-to-EC)

Element : The elements constituting the alignment (for e.g., Tangents, Spirals and Curves
or Arcs).
Shape : Shape of alignment element.

Tangent : Straight line element.

Spiral : Clothoid spiral element.

Arc : An element, which is part of a circle.

Deg Curve : Defined only for US units, it is the degree of curvature of an arc or the
maximum degree of curvature of a spiral. The degree of curvature of a curve is
defined as the angle subtended by a 100 ft. length of the curve.
Station : The station location at the starting or ending point of the element.

North : The north coordinate associated with the starting and ending station of the
East : The east coordinate associated with the starting and ending station of the
Direction : The angle at the starting or ending station of the element presented in current
angular units.
Radius : The radius of curvature of the element.

Start/End : Starting or ending station of the element.

Length : The length of the element.

Sense : The direction followed by the curve element (i.e., left or right) looking up-
Delta : Difference between the start station azimuth angle and the end station azimuth
angle. This can also be termed as the internal angle of the alignment element.

A2-2 / Nomenclature and Printout Explanation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Nomenclature and Printout Explanation

Transition Point : The point where two different shapes of an alignment meet. There are different
kinds of transition types, namely, TS (Tangent to Spiral), SC (Spiral to Curve),
CS (Curve to Spiral), ST (Spiral to Tangent), TC (Tangent to Curve) and TS
(Curve to Tangent).
Station : The station location corresponding to the transition point.

Profile/Delta Report
V.P.I. : Vertical point of intersection. All vertical profiles/delta elevations consist of
straight lines or parabolic elements joining points called vertical points of
Station : Location of station associated with the V.P.I.
Elevation : Elevation associated with the station and V.P.I.
Trans : Type of transition at the V.P.I., Parabolic or None.
Parabola-1 : Refers to the total horizontal projected length of the parabolic transition. For
unsymmetric parabolas, it is the horizontal projected length of the left half of
the parabolic element.
Parabola-2 : Applicable to unsymmetric parabolas only. It is the horizontal projected length
of the right half of the parabolic element.

Superelevation Report
PI : Points of intersection. All superelevation diagrams consist of tangents or
parabolic elements joined at these points of intersection.
Station : Location of station associated with the P.I.
Slope (%) : Slope at that station or P.I.
Trans : Type of transition at the P.I., Parabolic or None.
Parabola-1 : Refers to the total horizontal projected length of the parabolic transition. For
unsymmetric parabolas, it is the horizontal projected length of the left half of
the parabolic element.
Parabola-2 : Applicable to unsymmetric parabolas only. It is the horizontal projected length
of the right half of the parabolic element.

Roadway Template Report

Slope Break Points : Reports the number of slope break points for a particular cross section
template. The cross section templates are transverse to the horizontal alignment
and define the road surface at various points along the alignment. Each
template consists of a series of points, called offset points or slope break points.
Station : Location of station where the cross section is defined.
Profile Grade Point : It is a reference point on the cross section representing the PGL.
Profile Grade Line : The vertical control (profile).
PGL-Offset : Offset distance from the alignment line to the profile grade line. When facing
up-station, distances to the right are positive. The offset distance is assumed to
vary linearly between different cross sections.
Point : Slope break point number or offset point number.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Nomenclature and Printout Explanation / A2-3

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Nomenclature and Printout Explanation

Dist-FR-PGL : Distance from profile grade line to a break point. When facing up-station,
distances to the right are positive. Distances between cross sections are
assumed to be varying linearly.
Grade : Refers to the transverse slope between two consecutive points of a section. An
upward slope from left to right when facing up-station is positive.

Roadway Cross Sections Report

Alignments : The roadway alignment ID.
Profile : The roadway profile ID.
Cross-Section : The roadway cross section set ID.
Roadway Beginning : The starting station for reporting.
Roadway Ending : The ending station for reporting.

For definitions of the template section data see the Template Report.

Bridge Geometry Report

Bridge ID : The ID of the bridge.
Roadway : The rID of the roadway the bridge references.
Deck Thick : The thickness of the bridge deck.
WPT-WPT LEN : The straight line distance between the bridge work points.
Start : The North and East coordinates at the starting work point.
End The North and East coordinates at the ending work point.
Bridge Type Open Girder or Box Girder
BB Station/Elev Station and elevation at the beginning of the bridge.
EB Station/Elev Station and elevation at the end of the bridge.
Support Name The support ID
Station The station at the support PI with the alignment.
Bearing The bearing of the support at the PI with the alignment.

Abut/Pier and Beam Seat Report

Pier ID : The name or ID of the pier under consideration.
Roadway : The roadway on which the pier is located.
Alignment : The alignment along which the pier is located.

Pier Dims
L1 : The distance along the pier centerline from the PI to the circular reference point
representing the start of the pier.
L2 : The distance along the pier centerline from the PI to the cross-hair representing
the end of the.
Len : Total length of the pier.
Width : Width of the pier.

A2-4 / Nomenclature and Printout Explanation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Nomenclature and Printout Explanation

Station : Station location corresponding to the intersection of the alignment and pier
Pier-Azimuth : The azimuth angle of the pier.
Aln-Azm : The azimuth angle of the alignment line.
Aln-Pier Skew : The value of the skew angle measured from the alignment to the pier

Station : Station location corresponding to the intersection of profile grade line (PGL)
and pier centerline.
Offset : The perpendicular offset distance of the PGL from the horizontal alignment.
The offset distance is positive if the PGL is to the right of the alignment
looking up-station.
Dist : Distance along pier centerline to the PGL intersection.
PGL-Azm : The azimuth angle of the PGL.
PGL-Pier Skew : The value of the skew angle measured from the PGL to the pier centerline.
Pier Center : North and east coordinates of the center point of the pier.
PGL/Pier-CL : North and east coordinates of the intersection of the PGL and the pier

Cap Section Data

ID : The cap section ID. Currently only rectangular sections allowed.
DIST-along : The distance along the cap to the section
DEPTH : The depth of the cap section.
TOP ELEV : Elevation at the top of the cap.
BOT ELEV : Elevation at the bottom of the cap.

Beam Seat Locations

ID : The girder ID for which the beam seat is defined.
Dist-Left : The distance to the center of the beam seat from the left end of the pier.
Offset : The offset distance of the center of the beam seat perpendicular to the pier
Elevation : Elevation of the top of the pier at the center of the beam seat.

Abut/Pier Cap Beam Seat Report

Pier (Left/Right of : Denotes whether the beam seat is located to the left or to the right of the pier
Pier CL) CL standing at the start point of the pier and looking down towards the end
Girder : The particular girder under consideration.
Work PT Distance : Distance of the work-point under consideration from the starting point of the
pier cap. The work-point (WP) is defined as the point of intersection of the pier
and girder centerlines.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Nomenclature and Printout Explanation / A2-5

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Nomenclature and Printout Explanation

Girder Type : The type of girder selected from the girder library.
Pad Thick : Thickness of the bearing pad.
a, b, c, d : Refers to the location of the four corners of the beam seat (a, b, c and d). For
further details about the placement of these corners, refer to the diagram
“Bearing Corners (a, b, c, d) Orientation,” on page 12.
Brg Ctr : Refers to the location of the center of the beam seat.
Dist From WP : The distance of the four corners of the beam seat or its bearing center from the
work-point (WP) measured along the pier-CL and perpendicular to the pier-
Along CL : Distance between the corners or the bearing center of the beam seat and the
WP, measured along the pier-CL.
Perp to CL : Distance between the corners or the bearing center of the beam seat and the
WP, measured perpendicular to the pier-CL.
Elevation : The elevation of the beam seat at its four corners and at the bearing center
measured at the top of the pier.

Column Report
Column ID : The column ID.
Pier Ref ID : The pier reference ID.
Method : The column layout method.
Length : The length of the column.
Rotation : The clockwise rotation of the major axis of the column from the
centerline of the pier cap.
Distance along Pier : Distance along the pier centerline to the center of the column.
Distance offset to : The perpendicular offset from the pier centerline to the center of the
Pier CL column.
Column Top Elev : The elevation of the top of the column.
Column Bot Elev : The elevation of the bottom of the column.
Column Top : The coordinate of the center of the column.

Column Section Data

Loc : The distance from the top of the column to the section.
H : The overall horizontal column dimension.
V : The overall vertical column dimension.
R,C,X : The radius, chamfer, or X-dim value.
Y : The Y-dim value.
Var : The type of variation to the previous section.
A : The cross sectional area.
Izz : The major axis moment of inertia.
Iyy : The minor axis moment of inertia.

A2-6 / Nomenclature and Printout Explanation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Nomenclature and Printout Explanation

Footing Report
Footing ID : The Footing ID.
Roadway : The rID of the roadway the bridge references.
Method : The footing layout method.
Grnd Ref : The optional ground reference.
Col. Ref : The column reference.
Rdwy ref The Roadway reference.
Maj Axis Off The offset from the column major axis to the center point of the column
Min Axis Off The offset from the column minor axis to the center point of the
Station Station of center point of the footing.
Offset Offset of center point of the footing from alignment
Major Axis Brg The bearing of the footing major axis.
W1 The width of the footing at the beginning in the direction of the major
W2 The width of the footing at the end in the direction of the major axis
Length The length of the footing along the major axis
Ftg Thick The thickness of the footing
Min Clear The minimum clear of the top of the footing below the ground
Rotation The clockwise positive rotation of the footing major axis from the
column major axis
Top Ftg Elev The elevation of the top of the footing
Auto Calc Indicates whether the footing top elevation is autocalculated
Bot Ftg Elev The elevation of the bottom of the footing
Center Pt Top The coordinate and elevation at the center top of the footing
w1a The coordinate and cover above the left beginning corner of the footing
w1b The coordinate and cover above the right beginning corner of the
w2a The coordinate and cover above the left end corner of the footing
w2b The coordinate and cover above the right end corner of the footing

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Nomenclature and Printout Explanation / A2-7

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Nomenclature and Printout Explanation

Pile Report
Pile Group ID : The pile group ID.
Ref Ftg : The reference footing ID.
PileLength : The length of the piles in the pile group.
Clr Top : The clearance from the bottom of the footing to the top of the pile.
#Piles L : Number of piles along the major axis of the footing.
#Piles W : Number of piles along the minor axis of the footing.
Spacing L : Spacing of piles along the major axis.
Spacing W : Spacing of piles along the minor axis.
Off L Offset from the major axis to the center of the pile group
Off W Offset from the minor axis to the center of the pile group
Top Pile Elev The elevation of the top of the piles in the group
Bot Elev The elevation of the bottom of the piles in the group

A2-8 / Nomenclature and Printout Explanation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Nomenclature and Printout Explanation

Wing Wall Report

Wing Wall ID : The wing wall ID.
Method : The layout method.
Auto Design : Indicates the wall length and height have been automatically computed.
Ref ID : The reference support ID.
Slope Ref ID : The toe of slope or Ground reference ID.
Side of Ref : Indicates the end of the support reference to begin measuring the along
distance to the wing wall reference point (WWRP). Left or Right are
with respect to the support while looking up station along the top
WWLOL Loc : The edge of the wing wall to be used to align with the wing wall LOL.
WWRP Alg Ref : The distance along the support to the WWRP.
WWRP Off Ref The offset from the support node to the WWRP
Fill Slope The theoretical linear fill slope ratio (horizontal distance / vertical
elevation change) in front of the support from the toe of slope reference
to the catch point at the top roadway surface.
WWLOL Start Dir The direction of the wing wall at the WWRP.
Length Length of the wing wall along the LOL from the edge of the support to
the end of the wall.
Height The height of the wing wall at the beginning of the wall.
Width The uniform width of the wing wall.
H1 The distance the top of the wall rises/falls from the top roadway elevation.
H2 The distance the wall falls below the fill slope at the end of the wall.
H3 The distance the wall falls below the fill slope at the beginning of the wall.
Dmin The minimum depth that the bottom of the wall is below the fill slope surface.
Lb The horizontal distance that the bottom of the wall is flat from the beginning of
the wall to the point where the bottom of the wall varies linearly to the end of
the wall.
Le The length that the wall extends beyond the catch point. The catch point is the
first location where the fill slope is equal to the top roadway surface.
Horz V-ditch The horizontal dimension to the centerline of the base of the optional v-ditch
adjacent to the toe of slope reference node.
Vert V-ditch The vertical dimension to the base of the optional v-ditch adjacent to the toe of
slope reference node.
WWRP Station The station of the WWRP
WWRP Offset The offset from the station line to the WWRP.
STA The station of the beg/end point location along the LOL.
Beg-Azimuth The direction of the beg/end point location along the LOL.
N The Northing coordinate.
E The Easting coordinate.
H The height of the wall at the beg/end point location along the LOL.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Nomenclature and Printout Explanation / A2-9

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Nomenclature and Printout Explanation

Elev The elevation of the top of the wall at the beg/end point location along the
Slope Elev The elevation of the fill slope at the beg/end point location along the LOL.

Ground Surface Report

Ground ID : The ground ID.
Perimeter Width : The width of the ground perimeter border.
Perimeter Height The height of the ground perimeter border
Perimeter Area The area within the ground perimeter border
Top Left Coord/Elev Coordinate and elevation of the top leftmost corner of the ground
Top Right Coord/Elev Coordinate and elevation of the top rightmost corner of the ground
Bot Left Coord/Elev Coordinate and elevation of the bottom leftmost corner of the ground
Bot Right Coord/Elev Coordinate and elevation of the bottom rightmost corner of the ground
Max Ground Elev The maximum ground elevation within the perimeter
Min Ground Elev The minimum ground elevation within the perimeter

Span Beam Seat Elevation Report

Span ID : Refers to the two piers, one at the beginning and one at the end of the particular
span under consideration.
Start/End : Beginning or end of the span.
Dist From WP : The distance of the four corners of the beam seat or its bearing center from the
work-point (WP) measured along the pier-CL and perpendicular to the pier-
Girder : The particular girder under consideration.
Corner : Refers to the location of the four corners of the beam seat (a, b, c and d) and its
bearing center. For further details about the placement of these corners, refer to
the diagram “Bearing Corners (a, b, c, d) Orientation,” on page 12.
Pier-CL : Distance between the corners or the bearing center of the beam seat and the
WP, measured along the pier-CL.
Perp-CL : Distance between the corners or the bearing center of the beam seat and the
WP, measured perpendicular to the pier-CL.
Elevation : The elevation of the beam seat at its four corners and at the bearing center
measured at the top of the pier.

Steel Girder Bearing Slope Report

GIRDER : The girder ID.
PIER : The pier where results are being reported.

A2-10 / Nomenclature and Printout Explanation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Nomenclature and Printout Explanation

ALIGNMENT : Results parallel to alignment.

GIRDER TANGENT : Results parallel to girder tangent.
GIRDER CHORD : Results parallel to girder chord.
AZIMUTH : The North azimuth direction of slope results
TOP OF DECK- : The slope of the deck in the azimuth direction.
TOP OF DECK- : The slope of the deck in the direction normal to the azimuth direction.
BOTTOM OF : The slope of the bottom of the girder in the azimuth direction.
BOTTOM OF : The slope of the bottom of the girder in the direction normal to the
GIRDER-CROSS- azimuth direction.

Span and Girder Report

Span ID : Refers to the two piers at the beginning and end of the particular span under
Roadway : The roadway under consideration in the report.
Alignment : The alignment under consideration in the report.
Number of Girders : Number of girders in the span.
Starting/Ending Pier : The beginning or the ending pier of the span.
Station : The station location of the pier
Azm : The azimuth angle of the pier.
Skew : The angle between a line perpendicular to the alignment and the centerline of
the pier.
Girder : The particular girder under consideration.
End Point Distances : Distances from the starting point of the pier to the beginning or the ending
Along Pier CL work-point of the girder measured along the pier centerline.
Start : The distance from the starting work-point of the pier to the beginning point of
the girder measured along the pier centerline.
End : The distance from the starting work-point of the pier to the ending work-point
of the girder measured along the pier centerline.
Azimuth : The azimuth angle of the girder.

CL-CL : The distance along the girder between the work-points.
Seat-Seat : The distance between the beam seat centers.
Radius : The radius of curvature of the girder.

Coordinate Report
Station Ref : The Alignment or Roadway object used for station and elevation reference.
ID : The object ID.
STATION : The station of the point along the Station Ref.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Nomenclature and Printout Explanation / A2-11

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Nomenclature and Printout Explanation

OFFSET : The offset of the point to the Station Ref.

NORTH : The Northing value of the point.
EAST : The Easting value of the point.
ELEV : The elevation value of the point.

Distance Report
FROM PT : The ID of the point to measure from.
TO PT : The ID of the point to measure from. The distance between FROM PT and TO

Deck Elevations Report (Along Girder)

Span ID : The span under consideration.
Roadway : The roadway under consideration.
Between Piers : Refers to the two end piers between which the deck elevations are reported.
Spaces : Number of equal spaces into which the deck length along the girder between
the two end piers is divided.
Girder : The girder along which the deck elevations are measured.
Distance : See Span & Girder CL-CL.
Station : The station locations along the girder centerline corresponding to the selected
Offset : The perpendicular distance measured from the girder centerline to the
alignment (station line) at each of the checkpoint locations.
Elevation : Deck elevations at station checkpoints along the centerline of girders.

Deck Elevations Report (Along Offsets)

Span ID : The span under consideration.
Roadway : The roadway under consideration.
Between Piers : Refers to the two end piers between which the deck elevations are reported.
Spaces : Number of equal spaces into which the deck length along the girder between
the two end piers is divided.
Offset : The offset along which the deck elevations are measured.
Distance : See Span & Girder CL-CL.
Station : The station locations along the offset line corresponding to the selected
Offset : The perpendicular distance measured from the offset line to the PGL at each of
the checkpoint locations.
Elevation : Deck elevations at station checkpoints along offset lines.

Girder Vertical Placement Report

Span : The span under consideration.
Roadway : The roadway under consideration.
Girders Completed : The number of girders for which the data is reported.
Min Build Up : The minimum thickness of the buildup.

A2-12 / Nomenclature and Printout Explanation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Nomenclature and Printout Explanation

Deck Thickness : The thickness of the deck.

Number of Check : Number of checkpoints where minimum build-up has been checked along the
Points length of the girder.

Girder Data
Girder : The girder ID.
Length : Length of the girder.
Girder Type : The type of girder selected from the girder library.
Camber : Girder mid-span deflection at the time of erection. An upward deflection is
considered positive.
Deck Defl : Midspan deflection of deck slab due to the effect of self-weight. A downward
deflection is considered negative.
DAP Start : The height of cutout at the bottom of a girder at the starting location of the
DAP End : The height of cutout at the bottom of a girder at the ending location of the
BRG Top Elevation : The elevation of the top of the bearing at its center.
Girder : The Girder ID.
Start/End : The start and end location of the girder where the bearing top elevation is

Build-up Thickness
Min : Denotes the minimum build-up thickness.
Location : Location corresponding to the minimum build-up thickness measured along the
centerline of the girder. The flags ‘L’ and ‘R’ denote the left and right edge of
the girder top flange respectively.
Max : Denotes the maximum build-up.
Location : Location corresponding to the maximum build-up thickness measured along
the centerline of the girder.

Girder Vertical Geometry Report

Span ID : The span under consideration.
Roadway : The roadway under consideration.
Min Build-up : The minimum thickness of concrete layer between the underside of the deck
and the top of the girder.
Deck Thick : The thickness of the deck.
Girder ID : The girder ID.
Azimuth, deg : The azimuth angle of the girder under consideration.
Brg-Brg Len : The distance between the beam seat centers.
CL-CL Len : The distance along the girder between the work-points.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Nomenclature and Printout Explanation / A2-13

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Nomenclature and Printout Explanation

Brg Co-ords
North : North coordinate of the starting or the ending bearing point.
East : East coordinate of the starting or the ending bearing point.
Elevation : Bottom elevation of the girder.
Girder Type : The type of girder selected from the girder library.
Camber : Girder mid-span deflection at the time of erection. An upward deflection is
considered positive.
Deck Defl : Midspan deflection of deck slab due to the effect of self-weight. A downward
deflection is considered negative.
Top Width : Top flange width of the girder.
Bot Width : Bottom flange width of the girder.
Height : Height of the girder.

Deck Slope
Start/End : Slope of the deck at the start or at the end of the span under consideration.
Avg : Average slope of the deck.
Girder Pitch : Slope of the straight line connecting the points at the top of the girder directly
above the bearing points.
ROLL, deg : Sideways tilt (if any) of the girder measured clockwise from the vertical axis in
degree units.
Check Point : The check points where the girder, deck and screed elevations are reported.
Dist Along Girder : The distance along the girder centerline corresponding to each check point.
Final Deck Elevation : Final elevation of the top deck surface.
Screed Elevation : Elevation at top of the deck slab at any point before downward deflection due
to self-weight takes place. This is the level at which the screed is to be set so
that when the concrete is poured, the deck will sink to the final desired
Girder Top Elevation : Top elevation of the girder at erection (this includes the effects of camber due
(Erected) to self-weight, prestress, etc.).
Screed Ht. Above : The difference in height between the screed elevation and the girder top
Girder elevation (erected) at the corresponding location.
Build-up : Thickness of concrete layer between the underside of the deck and the top of
the girder. Usually this thickness varies along the length of the girder because
of the girder camber and the curvature of the deck surface.
Thickness : Minimum and maximum thickness of the build-up.
Location : Location of the minimum and maximum thickness of the build-up.
Side : The edge of the girder where the minimum and maximum build-up thickness is
located. ‘L’ indicates the left edge of the girder, while ‘R’ indicates the right
edge of the girder.
Check Point : Check points where the build-up thicknesses are reported.
Dist along CL-Girder : Distance along the girder centerline corresponding to each check point.
Build-up thickness : Build-up thickness at the left edge of the girder.

A2-14 / Nomenclature and Printout Explanation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Nomenclature and Printout Explanation

Build-up thickness : Build-up thickness at the girder centerline.

Build-up thickness : Build-up thickness at the right edge of the girder.

Diaphragm Report
Girders : Denotes the girders between which the diaphragm is laid out.
Angle : The deflection angle of a diaphragm or a set of diaphragms measured positive
in the clockwise direction from the normal to the first girder.
Dist along Girder : The distance of the first diaphragm in a set measured from the starting point of
the first girder, or the ending point of the first girder (if the Measure from Tail
option is checked).
Diaphragm Length : Length of a diaphragm between the two girders.

Span Quantities Report

Span : The span under consideration.
Roadway : The roadway under consideration.
Deck Thickness : The thickness of the deck.

Unit Weights
Concrete (Deck) : Unit weight of deck concrete.
Concrete (Girder) : Unit weight of girder concrete.
Structural Steel : Unit weight of structural steel.
Mild Steel (Girder) : The weight of mild steel girder reinforcement vs. volume of girder concrete.
Mild Steel Deck : The weight of mild steel deck reinforcement vs. volume of deck concrete.

Area : Deck surface area of the span.
Perimeter : Distance equal to the total length of the roadway along the outside section
nodes (1 and the maximum node number) between two piers measured from
the intersection of the pier centerline plus the distances along the piers between
the intersection points.
Volume : Volume of deck of the span.
WT : Total weight of deck concrete in the span.
REINF : Total weight of mild steel deck reinforcement in the span.
ID : Girder ID.
Length : Length of the girder.

Volume : Total concrete volume of the girder.
WT : Total concrete weight of the girder.
REINF : Total weight of mild steel girder reinforcement.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Nomenclature and Printout Explanation / A2-15

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Nomenclature and Printout Explanation

Volume : Total concrete volume of the build-up.
WT : Total concrete weight of the build-up.
REINF : Total weight of mild steel reinforcement in the build-up.

Span Clearance Report

Span : Span as identified by its bounding piers.
Roadway : Primary roadway on which the piers are defined.
Horizontal : Distances as measured in the horizontal plane.
Pier ID : Name of the pier.
LT CLR : Perpendicular distance to the pier corner.
RT CLR : Perpendicular distance to the pier corner.
ID : Name of the girder.
Min/Max Vertical CLR : Minimum or maximum vertical clearance from the roadway surface under the
bridge to the lowest and highest point of the bottom girder flange respectively.
Station : Station along the spanned roadway of the vertical clearance point.
Offset : Offset from the station line of the spanned roadway of the vertical clearance
Ref. Node Number : Reference cross section node.
Left/Right Exterior : Name of left exterior and right exterior girder.
Girder ID

Left/Right Edge of Deck

Station : Station along the primary roadway where the exterior girder overhang
clearance is checked.
Offset : Offset from the station line of the primary roadway where the exterior girder
overhang clearance is checked.
Along : Distance along the girder to the clearance check point
CLR : Perpendicular distance from the girder centerline to the edge of deck

Min/Max Clearance
Left/Right : Minimum and maximum overhang clearance distances.

Steel Blocking Report

Roadway : Name of the roadway.
Substructure Unit : Name of pier.
Dist Along Reference : Distance along a reference line connecting the first substructure unit to the last
substructure unit.
Blocking Dist : Vertical distance between the profile grade line and the reference line.

A2-16 / Nomenclature and Printout Explanation GEOMATH v7.0.0

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Nomenclature and Printout Explanation

Gore Analysis/Report
Gore ID : The Gore ID.
GORE LINE : The distance along the gore line.
ELEV : The elevation at the point along the gore line.
STA : The station of the gore point referenced to the alignment.
OFF : The offset of the gore point referenced to the alignment.
SLOPE : The slope at the gore point in the direction of the alignment.

Grade Report
Alignment : The alignment ID of the roadway under consideration.
Profile : The vertical profile ID of the roadway under consideration.
Cross Section : The cross section ID of the roadway under consideration.
Roadway Beginning : The starting station of the roadway under consideration.
Roadway Ending Sta. : The ending station of the roadway under consideration.
Station : The station locations along the offset lines on which the grid points are located.
Offset : The perpendicular distance of the grid stations from the PGL.
Elevation : The elevation of the grid point location.
Northing : The North coordinate of the grid point location.
Easting : The East coordinate of the grid point location.

Coordinate Report
Station Ref : The reference roadway or alignment.
ID : The ID of the coordinate object.
STATION : The station of the coordinate along the reference.
OFFSET : The offset of the coordinate perpendicular to the reference.
NORTH : The Northing coordinate.
EAST : The Easting coordinate.
ELEV : The reference roadway Elevation.

Distance Report
Station Ref : The reference roadway or alignment.
ID : The ID of the coordinate object.
STATION : The station of the coordinate along the reference.
OFFSET : The offset of the coordinate perpendicular to the reference.
NORTH : The Northing coordinate.
EAST : The Easting coordinate.
ELEV : The reference roadway Elevation.
From PT : The beginning coordinate object for measurement.
To PT : The distance from the beginning coordinate object to the ending coordinate

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Nomenclature and Printout Explanation / A2-17

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Nomenclature and Printout Explanation

A2-18 / Nomenclature and Printout Explanation GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Appendix Three

Command Keys

DISPLAY Opens the Display menu.

Alt + D

EDIT Opens the Edit menu.

Alt + E

FILE Opens the File menu.

Alt + F

HELP Opens the Help menu.

Alt + H

LAYOUT Opens the Layout menu.

Alt + L

SPECIAL Opens the Special menu.

Alt + S

VIEW Opens the View menu.

Alt + V

WINDOW Opens the Window menu.

Alt + W

RIGHT Pans right in the graphic window.


LEFT Pans left in the graphic window.


GEOMATH v7.0.0 A3-1

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Appendix Three

UP Pans up in the graphic window. Also consecutively selects the next option in any
ARROW drop-down list.

DOWN Pans down in the graphic window. Also consecutively selects the next option in
ARROW any drop-down list.

BACKSPACE Delete any characters to the left of cursors and shift remaining characters (if any)
Backspace to the left.

SCALE Maintain scale when zooming.

Ctrl + 9

LENGTH Opens the Length Units dialog box.

Ctrl + 0

SELECT Selects all elements in the graphic window.

Ctrl + A

COPY Copy the selection and place it on the clipboard.

Ctrl + C

EXIT Quit the application and close the program; a pop-up message prompts to save
Ctrl E files.
FIT Fit all visible elements in graphic window.
Ctrl + F

FIT Fit active design limits in graphic window.

Ctrl + G

FIT Fit active selection in graphic window.

Ctrl + H

NEW Create a new project file.

Ctrl + N

OPEN Open an existing project file.

Ctrl + O

PRINT Print the active document, this command opens the Print Reports Manager
Ctrl P dialog box.
QUICK Display a quick report of the selected element(s).
Ctrl + R

A3-2 / Command Keys GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Appendix Three

SAVE Save the active project file.

Ctrl + S

PASTE Insert clipboard contents.

Ctrl + V

ZOOM-IN Opens the zoom-in command.

Ctrl + W

CUT Cut the selection and place it on the Clipboard.

Ctrl + X

REDO Redo the previously undone action.

Ctrl + Y

UNDO Undo the last action or command.

Ctrl + Z

DELETE Delete a character to the left of the cursor and shift remaining characters (if any)
Delete to the left.

END Move cursor to the end or one character to the right of the right-most non-space
End character in the current field.

ENTER Closes current input dialog and saves changes.


ESCAPE Exit current input dialog and do not save any changes. Exits from any dialog box
Esc or menu, except the main menu.

HELP Context-sensitive help. You can get a help screen related to what’s happening in
F1 the program when this key is pressed. ALT+H can also be used to activate the
Help menu.
ENLARGE Enlarge the size of the backdrop image slightly, relative to the center of the active
IMAGE graphic view. This affects only the image, all design elements will remain the
same size.
REDUCE Reduce the size of the backdrop image slightly, relative to the center of the active
IMAGE graphic view. This affects only the image, all design elements will remain the
same size.
ROTATE Rotate the design coordinate space slightly in a counter-clockwise direction
COUNTER- relative to the center of the active graphic view, while the backdrop image stays
fixed. This allows a design to be rotated into alignment with the backdrop image.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Command Keys / A3-3

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Appendix Three

ROTATE Rotate the design coordinate space slightly in a clockwise direction, relative to
CLOCKWISE the center of the active graphic view, while the backdrop image stays fixed. This
allows a design to be rotated into alignment with the backdrop image.
NOTE: Function keys F9 and F10 can be used without a backdrop image to
rotate the design space to better fit the printed page. No coordinate information
is altered by this rotation; the design system is simply rotated relative to the
Windows coordinate system.
HOME Move cursor to the beginning or left-most position in its current field.

PAGE Pans the current results display or graphic window up one page (the height of the
Page UP screen minus one line).

PAGE Pans the current results display or graphic window down one page (the height of
Page DOWN the screen minus one line).

SHIFT Shift the image up slightly, relative to the design elements.

Shift +
SHIFT Shift the image left slightly, relative to the design elements.
Shift +
SHIFT Shift the image right slightly, relative to the design elements.
Shift +
SHIFT Shift the image down slightly, relative to the design elements.
Shift +
SPACEBAR Display a pop-up menu, or toggle between two or more possible choices, or
toggle check marks and radio buttons on/off.

TAB Moves cursor forward to the next input field in all dialog boxes and within the
Editor. SHIFT+TAB moves the cursor backwards to the previous input field.

A3-4 / Command Keys GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Appendix Four

Section Manager

AASHTO Girder Properties

Node #


3 2 14 f4
w f3
4 13
5 12

6 11

7 10 f2
8 9
1 b-bot

NOTE: The node numbers shown are for the default section manager for each
beam section.

GEOMATH v7.0.0 A4-1

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Appendix Four

AASHTO Girder Section Properties


A-in2 276 369 560 789 1013 1085

MI-in4 22750 50980 125390 260730 521180 733320

Cg-in 12.59 15.83 20.27 24.73 31.96 36.38
h-in 28 36 45 54 63 72
w-in 6 6 7 8 8 8
b-bot-in 16 18 22 26 28 28
f1-in 5 6 7 8 8 8
f2-in 5 6 7.5 9 10 10
b-top-in 12 12 16 20 42 42
f3-in 3 3 4.5 6 7 7
f4-in 4 6 7 8 5 5
Vol/Area*-in 3.045 3.371 4.056 4.696 4.231 4.31
Wide Top Max. Thick-in
Flange Fillet Width-in

* Vol/Area is calculated as the cross-sectional area of the girder divided by the

perimeter. For box beams, consider the internal and external perimeters.

Bulb Tee Girder Properties


3 2
14 f4
4 13 f3
12 w

6 11
7 10 f2
8 9 f1

A4-2 / Section Manager GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Appendix Four

Bulb Tee Section Properties

Section ID BT54 BT63 BT72

A-in2 659 713 767

MI-in4 268077 392638 545894

h-in 54 63 72
Cg-in 27.63 32.12 36.6
b-top-in 42 42 42
f3-in 4 4 4
f4-in 3.5 3.5 3.5
b-bot-in 26 26 26
f1-in 6 6 6
f2-in 4.5 4.5 4.5
w-in 6 6 6
Vol./Area*-in 3.15 3.02 3.13
Wide Top Max. Thickness-in 6 6 6
Flange Fillet Width-in 4 4 4

* Vol/Area is calculated as the cross-sectional area of the girder divided by the

perimeter. For box beams, consider the internal and external perimeters.

Box Beam Properties


3 2 6


4 1 5


GEOMATH v7.0.0 Section Manager / A4-3

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Appendix Four

Box Beam Section Properties

Section ID BI-36 BI-48 BII-36 BII-48 BIII-36 BIII-48 BIV-36 BIV-48

A-in2 561 692.4 620.9 752.9 680.9 812.9 711 843

MI-in4 50334 65940 85152 110498 131144 168367 158644 203087

Cg-in 13.35 13.37 16.29 16.33 19.25 19.29 20.73 20.78
h-in 27 27 33 33 39 39 42 42
b-in 36 48 36 48 36 48 36 48
TH1-in 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
BH1-in 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
SW-in 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
SS-in 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Vol/Area*-in 2.24 2.813 2.793 2.786 2.765 2.763 2.753 2.753

* Vol/Area is calculated as the cross-sectional area of the girder divided by the

perimeter. For box beams, consider the internal and external perimeters.
i) For stems, top width = bottom width.
ii) For flanges, top width and thickness = bottom width and thickness

Double Tee Properties

3 14 f1
4 13 ST
5 8 9 12


6 7 1 10 11 SB


Double Tee Section Properties

Heavy Double Tees

Section ID A-in2 MI-in4 Cg-in h-in b-in b1-in f1-in f2-in ST-in SB-in VolArea*-in

5DT36 779.9 90286 23.69 36 60 30 6 6 8 6 3.144

6DT35 839.9 90163 23.29 35 72 48 5 5 9.75 6 3.121
7DT35 900 995027 23.9 35 84 48 5 5 9.75 6 3.07
8DT32 567 55463 21.21 32 96 48 2 2 7.75 4.75 1.828
8DT35 959.9 99299 24.45 35 96 48 5 5 9.75 6 3.026

A4-4 / Section Manager GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Appendix Four

Light Double Tees

Section ID A-in2 MI-in4 Cg-in h-in b-in b1-in f1-in f2-in ST-in SB-in VolArea*-in

6DT23_L 557.9 21366 16.61 23 72 36 5 5 6.5 4.5 2.512

6DT27_L 635 35757 19.15 27 72 36 5 5 8 4.5 2.699
8DT27_L 688.9 32888 20.64 27 96 48 5 5 5.75 3.75 2.408
8DT35_L 786.9 72421 26.2 35 96 48 5 5 6.5 3.75 2.487

* Vol/Area is calculated as the cross-sectional area of the girder divided by the

perimeter. For box beams, consider the internal and external perimeters.

Girder Types
The following girder types are available with the program: Spread Box Beam, Double
Tee, I-Girder, Adjacent Box Beam, Tee, and Open Box Beam. When activated all the
girder type options will display similar input fields with the exception of the CIP Slab

Spread Box Beam

3 2 6

4 1 5

Double Tee Section

3 14

4 13
5 8 9 12

6 7 1 10 11

3 2 14
4 13
5 12

6 11
7 10
8 1 9

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Section Manager / A4-5

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Appendix Four

Adjacent Box Beam

3 2 6

4 1 5

Tee Section
2 10
4 5 8 9

6 7

Open Box Beam Section

6 5 14 13

7 12
8 11

4 15

3 2 16

9 1 10

A4-6 / Section Manager GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.

Numerics C Roadway GO-90

3-D viewer GO-95 Cascade GO-96 Shape GO-93
Chamfer and fillet GO-63 Support properties GO-90
Change element GO-84 Degree-of-curvature GO-10
About GEOMATH IN-4, GO-98
Level GO-84 Delete GO-83
Abut/Pier & Beam Seat Report A2-4
Style GO-84 Delete nodes GO-63
Abut/Pier Cap Beam Seat Report A2-
Circle object GO-76 Deleting components IB-8
Abutment Properties dialog box GO- Circular Section dialog box GO-63 Delta elevation diagram GO-16
32 Clearance GO-70 Demo authorization GS-11
Abutments GO-30 Close GO-96 Developed elevation GO-95
Add new circle GO-63 Close all GO-96 DGN file format GO-79, TH-5
Add new polygon GO-63 Close project GO-78 dialog box
Add nodes GO-63 Color GO-84 Abutment Properties GO-32
Advanced interface GO-5 Column sections dialog box GO-36, Alignment Tie GO-12
Alignment GO-91 GO-41 Angular Units GO-86
Alignment girders GO-48, GO-55 Columns GO-92 AutoCAD DXF Export GO-79
Alignment Report (BC-to-EC) A2-2 Command keys A3-1 Bearing Properties GO-91
Alignment Report (PI-to-PI) A2-1 Concrete design method GO-56 Box Girder Cross Section GO-24
Alignment Tie dialog box GO-12 Concrete girders GO-56, TH-4 Circular Section GO-63
Angles GO-68, GO-69, GO-86 Coordinate GO-70 Cross Sections GO-60
Angular Units dialog box GO-86 Coordinate point GO-71 Deck Contour Setup GO-95
Application interaction IB-3 Coordinate Report A2-11 Drawing Properties GO-64
Arrange icons GO-97 Copy GO-83 Export GO-79
Attributes GO-84 Crash GS-15 Fillet and Chamfer GO-63
Color GO-84 Cross section properties GO-20 Girder Data Points GO-58
Line style GO-84 Cross sections GO-17, GO-92 Girder Properties GO-49, GO-50,
Line weight GO-84 Cross Sections dialog box GO-60 GO-56

Authorization GS-9 Curved girders GO-46, GO-54 Girder Sections GO-23, GO-59

Demo GS-11 Curve-to-tangent GO-9 LEAP Software Security GO-82

Transfer GS-11 Cut GO-83 Length Units GO-85

Warnings GS-2 Microstation Export GO-79

Authorization tab GS-14 Page Setup GO-82
Data synchronization IB-5
AutoCAD DXF Export dialog box GO- Pier Properties GO-31
Database file IB-4
79 Print Report Manager GO-80
Deck Contour Setup dialog box GO-
Print Setup GO-81
B 95
Deck Elevation Report (Along Off- Project Information GO-89
Backdrop image GO-94
sets) A2-12 Section Drawing GO-62
BC-to-EC alignment GO-10
Deck Elevations Report (Along Girder) Settings GO-86
Bearing Properties dialog box GO-91 A2-12 Support Sections GO-34
Bearings GO-65, GO-93 Define menu GO-89 Template GO-64
Beginner interface GO-4 Bearing GO-91 Vertex GO-63
Box Girder Cross Section dialog box Girders GO-90 X-Section Properties GO-20
Material Properties GO-91 Diaphragm Report A2-15
Box girders GO-21
Project info GO-89 Diaphragms GO-67, GO-93
Bridges GO-21

GEOMATH v7.0.0 i
© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Direct transfer GS-11 Print GO-80 Glossary A1-1
On a network GS-13 Print setup GO-81 Gore Analysis/Report A2-17
Direct Transfer tab GS-12, GS-14 Revert to saved GO-78 Gore line GO-75
Distance GO-68 Save GO-78 Grade Report A2-17
Distance Report A2-12 Save as GO-78 Graphic window GO-4
Distance/direction point GO-72 Security GO-82
Drawing Properties dialog box GO-64 Fillet and Chamfer dialog box GO-63
Hardware requirements GS-1
Drawing properties settings GO-63 Fit all GO-87
Help desk GS-15
DXF file format GO-79, TH-5 Fit design GO-88
Help menu GO-97
Fit selection GO-88
Fixed license GS-14
Edit menu GO-83 Contact LEAP technical support
Flared girders GO-55
Angles GO-86 GO-97
Floating license GS-14 Contents GO-97
Attributes GO-84
Floppy disk transfer GS-12 E-mail technical support GO-97
Change element GO-84
Copy GO-83 How to use help GO-97
Cut GO-83 General LEAP Software Web site GO-97

Delete GO-83 Operation GO-1 Other LEAP products GO-98

Length units GO-85 Overview GO-2 Search for help on GO-97

Match element GO-84 Getting started GS-1 Horizontal alignment GO-9

Paste GO-83 Girder Data Points dialog box GO-58 BC-to-EC GO-10

Redo GO-83 Girder Properties dialog box GO-49, PI-to-PI GO-11

Scale when zooming GO-86 GO-50, GO-56

Select GO-85 Girder Sections dialog box GO-23,
IBS menu IB-3
Select all GO-85 IBS Setup dialog box IB-3
Girder Vertical Geometry Report A2-
Settings GO-86 13 Import GO-78
Undo GO-83 Girder Vertical Placement Report A2- Installation
Editor GO-3 12 Options GS-4
Element GO-89 Girders GO-90, GO-93 Single user GS-3
E-mail technical support GO-97 Alignment GO-48, GO-55 Integrated Bridge Solutions
Exit GO-82 By bearing point GO-44, GO-53 Typical scenario IB-9
Export GO-78 By cap centerline GO-45, GO-53 Interface
By normal offset GO-44, GO-52 Advanced GO-5
Export dialog box GO-79
By station and offset GO-45, GO- Beginner GO-4
F 54 Intersection point GO-73
File menu GO-40, GO-77 Concrete GO-56, TH-4 Introduction IN-1
Close project GO-78 Curved GO-46, GO-54
Exit GO-82 L
Flared GO-55
Labels GO-89
Export GO-78 Lay out GO-43, GO-51
Layout menu GO-91
Import GO-78 Parallel GO-46, GO-55
Alignment GO-91
New project GO-77 Plate steel GO-57, TH-5
Bearing GO-93
Open project GO-77 Rolled steel GO-57, TH-5
Column GO-92
Page setup GO-82 Girders tab GO-5
Cross section GO-92

ii / Index GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Diaphragm GO-93 Define GO-89 Plate steel design method GO-57
Girder GO-93 Edit GO-83 Plate steel girders GO-57, TH-5
Measure GO-93 File GO-40, GO-77 Point-of-beginning GO-10
Point GO-93 Help GO-97 Points GO-70, GO-93
Support GO-92 Special GO-95 Coordinate GO-71
Vertical control GO-92 View GO-87 Distance/direction GO-72
LEAP Software Window GO-96 Intersection GO-73
Products GO-98 Microstation Export dialog box GO-79 Offset GO-74
Sales department GS-1 Modify nodes GO-63 Previous GO-96
Security GS-9 Multiple file copies GS-14 Print GO-80
Technical support GS-15, GO-97 Print Report Manager dialog box GO-
Web site GO-97 N 80
LEAP Software Security dialog box Network setup GS-2 Print Setup dialog box GO-81
GO-82 New GO-96 Printout Explanation A2-1
Length Units dialog box GO-85 New project GO-77 Profile diagram GO-13
Level GO-84, GO-85 Next GO-96 Profile/Delta Report A2-3
Level bar GO-87 Nomenclature A2-1 Program
Level palette GO-8 Authorization GS-9
License GS-2 O Boundaries & conventions IN-8
Offset point GO-74
Fixed GS-14 Capabilities IN-4
Online help IN-9
Floating GS-14 Crash GS-15
Contents GO-97
Loss of GS-15 Input procedure (suggested) TH-2
How to use GO-97
Site GS-2 Interface IN-9
Lines Search GO-97
Security GS-1
Style GO-84 Open project GO-77
Theory overview TH-2
Weight GO-84 Program menu commands GO-2
List view GO-4 Project bar GO-87
Page Setup dialog box GO-82
Lyout menu
Pan GO-64, GO-88 Project information GO-8, GO-89
Backdrop image GO-94
Parallel girders GO-46, GO-55 Project list GO-8
M Paste GO-83 Project tab GO-5
Match element GO-84 Perpindicular GO-68
Level GO-85 Pier Properties dialog box GO-31
Quick report GO-88
Style GO-85 Piers
Material properties GO-91 At station with bearing GO-27 R
Measurement units IN-9 At station with deflection GO-27 Redo GO-83
Measurements GO-67, GO-93 Between piers with bearing GO-28 Register Transfer tab GS-13
Angle GO-69 Between piers with deflection GO- Renaming components IB-8
Clearance GO-70
29 Report
By offset clearance GO-29 Abut/Pier & Beam Seat A2-4
Coordinate GO-70
From pier with bearing GO-28 Abut/Pier Cap Beam Seat A2-5
Distance GO-68
From pier with deflection GO-28 Alignment (BC-to-EC) A2-2
Station/offset GO-69
Piers and Columns tab GO-5 Alignment (PI-to-PI) A2-1
Measurements tab GO-5
menu PI-to-PI alignment GO-11 Coordinate A2-11

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Index / iii

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Deck Elevations (Along Girder) A2- Circle object GO-76 T
12 Gore line GO-75
Deck Elevations (Along Offsets) Direct Transfer GS-12, GS-14
Line object GO-75
A2-12 Girders GO-5
Shared data items IB-14
Diaphragm A2-15 Measurements GO-5
Show vertex GO-63
Distance A2-12 Piers and Columns GO-5
Single user installation GS-3
Girder Vertical Geometry A2-13 Project GO-5
Site license GS-2
Girder Vertical Placement A2-12 Register Transfer GS-13
Source directory GS-11
Gore Analysis A2-17 Roadways GO-5
Span & Girder Report A2-10, A2-11
Grade A2-17 Transfer In GS-13
Span Beam Seat Elevation Report
Profile/Delta A2-3 Transfer Out GS-13
A2-8, A2-9, A2-10
Roadway Template A2-3, A2-4, Tangent-to-curve GO-9
A2-7 Span Clearance Report A2-16
Tangent-to-spiral GO-9
Span & Girder A2-10, A2-11 Span Quantities Report A2-15
TB2 file GS-15
Span Beam Seat Elevation A2-8, Special menu GO-95
Technical support GS-15, GO-97
A2-9, A2-10 3-D viewer GO-95
Template dialog box GO-64
Span Clearance A2-16 Deck contours GO-95
Theory TH-1
Span Quantities A2-15 Developed elevation GO-95
Tile horizontally GO-96
Steel Blocking A2-16 Spiral-to-curve GO-9
Tile vertically GO-96
Superelevation A2-3 Start Copying Files GS-6
Toolbar GO-6, GO-87
Return and update GO-63 Station/offset GO-69
Bridge GO-6
Revert to saved GO-78 Status bar GO-2, GO-87, IB-6
Geometry GO-7
Roadway Template Report A2-3, A2- Steel Blocking Report A2-16
Graphic GO-7
4, A2-7 Steel girders GO-57, TH-5
Transfer authorization GS-11
Roadways GO-20, GO-90 Style GO-84, GO-85
Transfer In tab GS-13
Roadways tab GO-5 Superelevation diagram GO-15
Transfer Out tab GS-13
Rolled steel design method GO-57 Superelevation Report A2-3
Typical program usage GO-1
Rolled steel girders GO-57, TH-5 Support properties GO-90
Typographical conventions IN-4
Support Sections dialog box GO-34
S Supports GO-25, GO-92 U
Save GO-78 Abutments GO-30 Undo GO-83
Save as GO-78 At station with bearing GO-27 Units of measurement IN-9
Scale when zooming GO-86 At station with deflection GO-27 User manual IN-3
Section Drawing dialog box GO-62 Between piers with bearing GO-28
Section manager GO-60, A4-1 Between piers with deflection GO- V
Security GS-1, GO-82 29 Vertex dialog box GO-63
Select GO-85 By offset clearance GO-29 Vertical control GO-13, GO-92
Select all GO-85 From pier with bearing GO-28 Delta elevation diagram GO-16
Select Program Folder GS-5 From pier with deflection GO-28 Profile diagram GO-13
Settings dialog box GO-86 Lay out GO-26 Superelevation diagram GO-15
Setup Complete GS-6 Synchronizing components IB-7 Vertical point-of-intersection GO-14
Setup Type GS-5 System Information GS-3 View menu GO-87
Shape GO-93 System requirements GS-1 Element GO-89
Shapes GO-74 Fit all GO-87

iv / Index GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Fit design GO-88 W Tile horizontally GO-96
Fit selection GO-88 Welcome GS-3 Tile vertically GO-96
Labels GO-89 Window menu GO-96
Arrange icons GO-97 X
Level bar GO-87
Cascade GO-96 X-Section Properties dialog box GO-
Pan GO-88
Project bar GO-87 Close GO-96
Quick report GO-88 Close all GO-96 Z
Status bar GO-87 New GO-96 Zoom area GO-88
Toolbar GO-87 Next GO-96 Zoom-in GO-63
Zoom area GO-88 Previous GO-96 Zoom-out GO-64

GEOMATH v7.0.0 Index / v

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.

vi / Index GEOMATH v7.0.0

© LEAP Software, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.

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