MS4 Sequence1 Plan by Desert Rose

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By the end of the sequence, learners will be able to:

Describe famous landmarks  Narrate using historical information about Landmarks Narrate
using biographical information about outstanding figures Compare landmarks Describe an
itinerary and identify its components in chronological order

Lessons Learning objectives


1 IPSS - Starting off: Introducing the sequence topic.

- Project announcement
2 I listen and -Gather specific information and re-invest them to describe famous
do landmarks
3 I practise - Describe landmarks around the world using the active and passive
4 I pronounce - Produce and present an oral piece of writing using the right
pronunciation of diphthongs ( /ei/- /ai/)
5 I practise -Compare famous landmarks and monuments using comparative of
6 I listen and -Interpret an oral discourse to describe an itinerary and identify its
do components using chronological markers
7 I listen and - Transform specific information (an ID card) into a short descriptive
do piece of writing about an outstanding figure .
8 I practise - Compare and write about outstanding figures and famous
landmarks using comparative of equality and inferiority.
9 I listen and - Ask and give biographical information about outstanding figures
do using the simple past
10 I practise - Express cause and effect using connectors
11 I read and do - Read and gather information about an outstanding Algerian figure
12 I learn to -Mobilize the acquired resources and re-invest them to produce a
integrate report about their itinerary
13 I think and -Recycle and re-invest the previous knowledge to write an email
write about an Algerian freedom fighter.

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