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Have you ever wondered why things happened or maybe even when are they going to

stop? These are the thoughts that come to mind when I think about the year 2020, from
deaths , cancelations of plans and also not being determined about putting my all in my
last year of school, but nevertheless most of all I personally know that a change is going
to come soon and my 2020 year will improve. Yet this year is really teaching me a lot
and also helping me to recognize that I’m capable of accomplishing anything that I put
my mind to.
The year 2020 has presented this terrifying pandemic that has taken over our daily
norms. Which caused my classmates and I last year of high school not to start like how
we always dreamed for it to be, but I know deep down our senior year will be one we
won't forget . Even if we don't have our senior prom or that graduation like everyone
dreams of ,this will only make us stronger. The pandemic isn't the only thing that's
affecting but death has played a big part in this year ,young and also old. Majority of our
young people are drowning and older are getting sickness from the pandemic, which is
causing them not to meet those future goals that they were wishing for.
With all of these going on in our surroundings it can cause you to lose focus and
maybe even want to give up but a change is coming very soon. Anything that I want I
am able to accomplish all goals and not let my present put a pause on my future.

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