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By this time you should have read pages 9- 16 of Dear Martin by Nic Stone.

Based on what you read and the knowledge you have of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., write
a letter back to Justyce McAllister, as if you were Dr. King giving him advice on how he
should handle the situation he is going through or what he should have done differently.

Make sure you write this as a real letter so in the beginning you should say “Dear” and in
the end you should say “sincerely”. Make sure you have complete sentences and
proofread to check for spelling and grammatical errors. Minimum of TWO paragraphs.

Dear Justyce McAllister ,

Hello my guy , nice to meet you and by the way the ¨Martin” name is okay with me.
Reading your letter genuinely touched my heart , it reminded me of the situations I
overcame as I was growing up. Your academic skills never give up on them on matter
how many trials and tribulations you may strike. After 50 plus years we as African
Americans would think that the ignorance and also conscientious stupidity would come
to an end . What you're currently facing I've walked down the same path, not being able
to wear hoodies or earbuds outside without being yanked , forced or slammed to the side
walk. We as black males have to recognize that our lives begin to end the day we become
silent about things that matter. It makes me proud to see a young black man like you who
wants to research and also make a change. Each opportunity that's given to you, take it
and elevate, never give up ! If you can't fly run , if you can run walk , if you can't walk
crawl by all means keep moving for the greater.
I notice you said ¨ I want to try to live like you . Do what you would do . See where
it gets me ¨ first we must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope.
There's going to be times when you just want to throw in the towel but through your
letter I can tell that you're a very strong young black man . Always remember you can kill
the dreamer but you can't kill the dream.


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