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Sheet Name 1 :Employee Analysis

1.Number of Employee allocated to each sale office

2.Number of Male and Female employees in each office.

3.Percentage distribution of male and female in the


4.Employees Annual salary based on job position and their

Sheet Name 2 :Sales Analysis

1.Show product category wise total sales and average


2.Region wise total sales and number of orders.

3.Overall Sales achieved with respect to target

4.Region wise Sales Vs Sales target analysis

Sheet Name 3 :Geographical Analysis

1.Explore Customers data based on total sales and

shipping cost

2.Get customer details based on customer selected.

Sheet Name 4 :Shipping Analysis

1.Year wise Shipping cost paid to each shipping company

2.Check if orders Shipping cost and quantity bought is

related , Is there any outliers ?

3.Do Region wise analysis

Sheet Name 5 :Salary Analysis

1.Distribution of Annual Salary

2.Distribution of Annual salary Job position wise

3.Distribution of Annual salary Location wise.

Sheet Name 6 :Month Wise Sales Analysis

1. Which three product categories are selling the

best month wise?

2. Country wise which product categories are

selling the best month wise?

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