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S/4 HANA Enterprise Management – Business Partner

July 2019
Deloitte Consulting LLP

Subrat Ranjan Panda

Nagaraju Namilikonda
 Business Partner in SAP S/4HANA EM-Introduction
 Business Partner in SAP S/4HANA EM – Structure
 Business Partner Concepts
 Business Partner Configuration
 BP Roles & Category
 BP Role grouping
 Number Ranges & Synchronization
 Account Groups
 Partner Functions in S/4 HANA
 Business case
 Data Migration- Project HPE example
 Simplification Summary
 Key Tables
 Q&A

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 To introduce Business Partner functionality as part of key S4 HANA Enterprise Management changes.

 To provide knowledge of Business Partner core configuration

 To equip practitioners with Business Partner create / change process

 To provide an overview of partner function assignment in Business Partner environment

 Overview of contact person

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Business Partner Introduction & Structure
Business Partner in SAP S/4HANA EM-Introduction

▪ One of the Key changes occurred in SAP S/4HANA EM is on Business Partner .It has re-
aligned Customer and Vendor Master in SAP System.

▪ This approach has been used successfully being used in the past decade in various other
SAP business suites and solutions (Eg. FSCM &CRM etc).

▪ SAP Business Partner will enhance data integrity ,reduce data redundancy.

▪ The Business Partner approach is relevant and mandatory in SAP S/4HANA Enterprise

Business Partner: It is a person , organization , group of organizations in

which a company has a business interest

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Business Partner in SAP S/4HANA EM – Structure..1
The Business Partner is used for centrally managing master data and is the single point of entry to create,
edit, and display master data for business partners, customers, and vendors. Traditional ECC transactions
to create these master data entities, have been deactivated in the Enterprise Management environment.
Business Partner
At the time of Business Partner creation it
General is mandatory to select a Business Partner
Business Partner Category. This classifies the Business
Category Partner.

Person Contact Person

The Business Partner Roles are defined
on the basis of a business process.
Business Partner Attributes that are relevant to this process
are assigned to these Business Partner
Business Roles.
FI Customer
Based on the roles identified for a
Business Partner, it assumes one or
more Business Partner Roles, as
Group Vendor needed.

FI Vendor
6 Deloitte Internal – Do Not Distribute Copyright © 2015 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.
Business Partner in SAP S/4HANA EM – Structure..2

Traditional ECC S/4 HANA EM

Configuration Transaction Configuration Transaction

BP Role
A/C Groups

Customer BP Role Business Customer(BP)

Number Ranges Creation(XD01) Grouping Partner

Partner CVI Integration


A/C Partner
Group Functions

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Customer Master in S/4 HANA
Customer is - people and organizations with whom you do business, and who
are involved in the transactions.

Ship-to Payer

Customer who Customer who

receives the goods pays for the goods

Sold-to Bill-to

Customer who Customer who

places the order receives the invoice

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Business Partner – Concepts..1

• BP Role : Business partner role is a Function that a business partner takes on, depending
on a business transaction (eg. Customer / Vendor).

▪ BP Role Category : Multiple BP Roles can be assigned to a BP Role Category, with one role
always acting as the standard role per role category.

▪ BP Role Grouping :BP Role Groupings are used to group BP Roles. (This grouping appears
in the BP role drop down in transaction BP with suffix X. When this grouping is used for BP
Role creation, in turn creates all the BP roles assigned to it.)

• BP Number Range: Assign number range to Business Partner Grouping which get
generated while creating BP

• Master Data(CVI) Synchronization :While creating Business Partner customer Number /

Sold to Party Numbers are automatically generated and link BP with customer master.

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Business Partner – Concepts..2

Account Group : The account group is a classifying feature within customer master records.
▪ Which screens and fields are necessary for entering master data.
▪ Whether you can or must make an entry in these fields
▪ How master record numbers are assigned (externally by you or internally by the system)
▪ Weather business partner is standard customer or one time customer

Partner function : To define the rights and responsibilities of each business partner in a
business transaction. You assign partner functions when you create a master record for a
business partner.
▪ Partner refer to parties with whom you do business . Each Business partner has a
specific role .E.g Sold to party
▪ While creating Business partner user will give Groupings in Transaction BP
▪ BP Grouping & Customer Account Groups have to be assigned in CVI integration in IMG

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Knowledge check
Out of the following option which concept will exist both in ECC and S/4 HANA

a. Partner function
b. BP Role
c. Account Group
d. All of the above

Answer: d

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You are now able to know..

Understand BP role, BP
role category and BP role
Groupings Understand Role of Account
Understand Business groups & Partner function in S/4
Partner Definition & it’s role HANA
in S/4 HANA

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Business Partner Configuration
Business Partner Configurations – BP Role Category

▪ As a next step you need to create a BP role and assign the Role category to BP role.
▪ By doing above steps we can see BP role in the BP Transaction .
▪ Select the required Business Partner Role Category. Set the indicator unhide if the
business partner role is not to appear in the selection list. Define the position where the
business partner role is to appear in the selection list (More details in Demo)

➢ SPRO→ Cross Application components→ SAP Business partner→ Business

partner→ Basic Settings→ Business partner roles→ Define BP Role category

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BP Configurations – Business Partner Roles
▪ During this configuration process system will create Business partner role.
▪ Depending on the function of the business partner in question, you can also select the following BP
▪ Contact person ;Employee ,Organizational unit Internet user
▪ Eg of Business role : Customer, Vendor, FI Customer, FI Vendor
➢ SPRO→ Cross Application components→ SAP
Business partner→ Business partner→ Basic
Settings→ Business partner roles→ Define BP

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BP Configurations – BP Role Groupings
▪ Assign Each BP to a grouping when you create Business Partner. Grouping determines
the number ranges
▪ Choose New Entries, Enter the grouping, short name, description, assign number range.
Save your entries (Shown in next slide)

➢ SPRO → Cross Application components

→ SAP Business partner → Business
partner → Basic Settings → Business
partner roles → Define BP Role

16 Deloitte Internal – Do Not Distribute Copyright © 2015 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.
BP Configurations – Number Ranges
SPRO → Cross Application components → SAP Business partner → Business partner → Basic Settings
→ Number Ranges and groupings → Define Number Ranges

Define number ranges :

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BP Configurations –Assign Number Ranges
▪ To assign number ranges to Business partner, following are configuration steps
▪ BP role Grouping will be assigned with Number range object .
▪ Each object will have number range assigned to them.
▪ Internal as well as external number ranges can be configured here.
➢ SPRO → Cross Application components → SAP Business partner → Business partner → Basic
Settings → Number Ranges and groupings → Define groupings and Assign Number Ranges

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BP Configurations –Customer Account Groups
▪ Account group configuration remains same for S/4 HANA
▪ We can Configure screens and fields that are necessary for entering master data.
▪ Configure Number range for each account group for customer master (Internal / External)
▪ System setting to identify weather business partner is standard customer or one time customer

➢ SPRO → Financial accounting(New)→ Account Receivables and account payables→ Customer

Accounts → Master Data→ Preparations for creating customer master data → Define Account groups
with screen layout

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BP Configurations –Partner function
▪ Configure Partner determination procedure to determines (Include or exclude) the partner functions for
each account group
▪ Define & Assign partner function to account groups
▪ Partner functions are used mainly in transaction processing (Not covered in This training session), and
relationship categories mainly in master data.
➢ SPRO→ Sales and Distribution→ Basic Functions→ Partner Determination→ Set up partner
Determination→ Set up partner determination for Customer Master→ Account group-Functional

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Master Data Synchronization
While creating Business partner customer Number or sold to party Number will create
automatically with Master Data Synchronization.

➢ SPRO → Cross Application

components → Master Data
synchronization →
Synchronization control →
Activate synchronization option
→ click on Activate indicator

➢ SPRO → Cross Application components →

Master Data synchronization → customer
/vendor integration → Business partner
settings → settings for customer/vendor
integration→ Set BP Role category for
Direction BP to Customer

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Master Data Synchronization Continued
With the combination of BP Grouping and Customer Account group the Synchronization of
the master data done between Customer and Business partner

➢ SPRO → Cross Application components

→ Master Data synchronization →
customer /vendor integration → Business
partner settings → settings for
customer/vendor integration→ field
assignment for customer integration→
Define Number Assignment for Direction
BP to customer

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Business Partner – Transactional screenshot

When the create icon is clicked against a Business Partner Type:

▪ the title bar text changes to reflect its create.
▪ the screen expands to show the fields and tabs relevant to the Business Partner Role
selected in the drop down

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You are now able to Know..

understand Key
concept of BP
How to configure customer How to Link A/C Group , partner
using BP concept function with BP concepts

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BP System Demo
System Demo

• BP Config Demo :..\..\..\Videos\BP Configue Final Demo(19.07.2019).mp4

• BP Transaction Demo : ..\..\..\Documents\My Received Files\Transaction.mp4

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Knowledge check

What steps are to be executed to get the customer While Creating BP # ?

a. Assign Customer Account Group to BP Grouping

b. Activate Schronization Indicator
c. Sync B/W Customer and BP Fields like Required Entry or Optional
d. All of the above
Answer: d

27 Deloitte Internal – Do Not Distribute Copyright © 2015 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.
Partner function
Business Case Study

▪ A chemical whole sale distributor (ABC LTD) signed a contract with three legal entity
which are sister concerns.

▪ Each legal entity got multiple ware house location for which they place order with ABC

▪ Based on the warehouse location they have outsourced their Invoicing process .

▪ Legal entity city locations are San Francisco, New Jersey & Washington.

▪ ABC Ltd wants to monitor their over all credit limit.

▪ ABC Ltd wants to monitor their over all revenue collectively .

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Partner Function – Case Study


Sold to Party Sold to Party Sold to Part

San Francisco New Jersey Washington DC



BP: Bill to party SH: Ship to party

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You are now able to know..

Role of each Partner

function in customer
Relate SAP BP and partner
How BP aides customer function with example

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Data Migration
Data Migration Steps
➢ Step 1 to 5 - The
extractions can be done by
the BODS tools from the
legacy system as per the
business logics.
Identify source System Implementing deduplication
Example: LH, PMG, SRS Identify Source Account Groups Identify source Organization Structure Establishing rules for
(1) (2) (Company Code, Sales Area, Purchases
the relevancy rules
for filtering the data
restricting the
duplicate data
➢ Step 6 - The
(3) (4) (5) transformation conducted
with suggested step. Here
the IS tool used for
creating different views for
data profiling.

➢ Step 7 to 11- The value

Profiling rules for cleansing the data Establishing the relation from Identifying the mappings are established
• Error Profiling rule source to target account groups. Establishing the relation from attributes to be migrated Building the rules for mapping the
• Quality Profiling Rule (7) source to target Org Structure attributes on the LIGHTSWITCH
• Auto Cleansing Rule (8) (9) Cross-reference ,Pass-thru, Default application as per
And Preload Validations and Logic
(6) (10) mappings suggested by
the business and

➢ Step 12 the load data is

created by BODS tool to
load the final data on the
Identify the allowed fields Final Data Creation in
for each account groups Target system target system.
(11) (12)

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Data Migration – Mapping Template

Target System Fields

Description Screen Name Table Name (if Technical Field Name Critical Data Length Input Type Dropdown Check
known) Field Type Values Table

Account Groups
Sold-To Payer Bill-To Ship-to
0001 0003 0004

Source System Mapping

Description Screen Name Table Field Mapping Logic Mapping Rule Applicable Team
for release

34 Deloitte Internal – Do Not Distribute Copyright © 2015 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.
Data Migration – Initial load

R1.1b Entity Master Data flow from Legacy to SERP - Initial

Deloitte Informatica +
DXC DM/IF (for View creation) Data Migration

MDM Pre-Landing
MDM SQL Server
MDM Publish
(Tables) (Views)

SRS Pre-landing
Snap Logic ABAP S/4 / MDG

Source specific
Informatica Hub S/4 ready file
extracts Business Partner 1(BUT0BK)
file extracts
IDQ (or Java)
PMG • Bank 1001
Objects • Bank 1002
Data Mapping Examples • Bank 1003
Match Merge / 1. Map MDM Party IDto BP ID • Bank 1004
De-duplicateCustomer/Vendors 2. Load 1-m relationship data. E.g. 1BP LFBK and KNBK tables will beupdated in background
Many Bank Account
Business Partner 1
3. Standardize Account Group and
Company Codes
• Recon Acnt 1 (LFB1 - Vendor)
D&B & ADS • Recon Acnt 2 (KNB1 - Customer)

CRSID Name 1 MDM ID XREFID Entity Name

General Data CRSID 1 ABC

CRSID Bank Account MDM ID XREFID Bank Account

Bank Data + Entity Bank Account
CRSID 1 1001 MDM ID1 CRSID 1 1001
other views View + Other Views
SRSID 1 1002 MDM ID1 SRSID 1 1002

35 Deloitte Internal – Do Not Distribute Copyright © 2015 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.
On going updates – Incremental load

R1.1b Entity Master Data flow from Legacy to SERP - Incremental

Deloitte Informatica +
DXC DM/IF (for View creation) Data Migration

MDM Pre-Landing
MDM Publish
(Tables) (Views)

SRS Pre-landing
Snap Logic S/4 / MDG

Source specific
Informatica Hub
file extracts Business Partner 1(BUT0BK)
IDQ (or Java)
PMG • Bank 1001
Objects • Bank 1002
Data Mapping Examples • Bank 1003
Match Merge / 1. Map MDM Party IDto BP ID • Bank 1004
De-duplicateCustomer/Vendors 2. Load 1-m relationship data. E.g. 1BP LFBK and KNBK tables will beupdated in background
Many Bank Account
Business Partner 1
3. Standardize Account Group and
Company Codes
• Recon Acnt 1 (LFB1 - Vendor)
D&B & ADS • Recon Acnt 2 (KNB1 - Customer)

CRSID Name 1 MDM ID XREFID Entity Name

General Data CRSID 1 ABC

CRSID Bank Account MDM ID XREFID Bank Account

Bank Data + Entity Bank Account
CRSID 1 1001 MDM ID1 CRSID 1 1001
other views View + Other Views
SRSID 1 1002 MDM ID1 SRSID 1 1002

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Knowledge check
Which of the following steps is mandatory for Data migration consideration for S/4 HANA Projects

a. Maintenance Planner .
b. Software Update Manager
c. None
d. Both a & b
Answer: d

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Simplification Summary
Simplification Summary for Business Partners
▪ Business Partner transaction 'BP' is now the single point of entry used to create, change
or display customer or vendor data.

▪ Business Partner approach and Customer/Vendor Integration (CVI) are mandatory

aspects of SAP S/4HANA, on premise edition Enterprise Management.

▪ Transaction MASS is limited to certain transactions. DEBMAS and CREMAS iDoc

message types are available as DEBMAS07 and CREMAS 06.
• Below is a list of Customer/Vendor transactions not available in SAP S/4HANA on premise
edition Enterprise Management
▪ FD01, FD02, FD03, FD05, FD06, FD0
▪ FK01, FK02, FK03, FK05, FK06, FK08
▪ MAP1, MAP2, MAP3
▪ MK01, MK02, MK03, MK05, MK06, MK12, MK18, MK19,
▪ V-03, V-04, V-05, V-06, V-07, V-08, V-09, V-11, V+21, V+22, V+23
▪ VAP1, VAP2, VAP3
▪ VD01, VD02, VD03, VD05, VD06
▪ XD01, XD02, XD03, XD05, XD06, XD07
▪ XK01, XK02, XK03, XK05, XK06, XK07
▪ XD99, XK99

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Key Tables

The Customer and Vendor tables in S/4HANA Enterprise Management have remained the same as we
know them in traditional ECC.

Following are some Business Partner relevant tables.

BP Table Description
▪ BUT000 ▪ General data I
▪ BUT001 ▪ General data II
▪ BP001 ▪ FS-specific attributes
▪ BUT0BANK ▪ Bank details
▪ BUT020 ▪ BP: Addresses
▪ BUT021 ▪ BP: Address usages
▪ BUT100 ▪ BP: Roles
▪ BUT0BK ▪ BP: Bank details
▪ BUT050 ▪ BP relationships: General data
▪ BUT051 ▪ BP Relationship: Contact Person Relationship
▪ BUT053 ▪ BP Relationship: Addresses
▪ Assignment Between Customer and Business
▪ Assignment Between Vendor and Business

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You are now able to Know..

Key Tables for

Business Partner in
DATA Migration implication in S/4
Simplification List of S/4 HANA
HANA on premise addition

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