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What are the major risk factors for Atopic Dermatitis and what is the therapeutic management
for a child suffering from this dermatologic disease?

Atopic Dermatitis(AD), known also as ECZEMA, is a type of skin disease usually starts early onset from
infancy and of unknown etiology.

This condition is a type of ALLERGY ( type I hypersensitivity reaction) along with food allergy, asthma,
allergic rhinitis and occurs as a result of abnormal antigen-antibody reaction response. Hallmark signs
ans symptoms of AD are:

Pruritus (skin itchiness)

Erythema (superficial reddening of the skin)

Dry skin

Lichenification (thick, leathery skin, usually the result of constant scratching and rubbing)

Excoriation (wearing off the skin chafing)

Small, raised bumps, which may leak fluid and crust over when scratched (weeping, blistery patches)

>> With these the person having this condition will highly have risk of:

Infection usually from Staphylococcus Aureus because the integrity of the skin is compromised


Atopic pleats (extra groove to the eyelids)

Pityriasis Alba (patches of hypopigmentation)

Facial pallor

Allergic Shiners (dark, shadowy pigments that resemble bruises that encircles the eyes)

Poor sleeping patterns and quality because of itchiness


PREVENT INFECTION by keeping nails trimmed to prevent from scratching and secondary infection.

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