Changes in Barley Kernel Hardness and Malting Quality Caused by Microwave Irradiation

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Changes in Barley Kernel Hardness and Malting Quality Caused by Microwave


Research · September 2015

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4717.1043

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6 authors, including:

Patricia López-Perea Juan de Dios Figueroa

Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute

Roman-Gutierrez Alma Delia Ramón Martínez-Peniche

Autonomous University of Hidalgo Autonomous University of Queretaro


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Changes in Barley Kernel Hardness and Malting Quality
Caused by Microwave Irradiation
P. López-Perea, DIPA, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Centro Universitario, Querétaro, México; J. D. C.
Figueroa,1 Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados (CINVESTAV-IPN), Querétaro, México; E. Sevilla-
Paniagua, INIFAP Laboratorio Central de Cebada y Avena, Chapingo Edo. de México, México; A. Román-Gutiérrez,
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Pachuca, México; R. Reynoso and R. Martínez-Peniche, DIPA,
Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Centro Universitario, Querétaro, México

ABSTRACT the properties of matter, and food processing. Microwaves have the
ability to excite dipolar molecules such as water, and consequently,
J. Am. Soc. Brew. Chem. 66(4):203-207, 2008 they are used in microwave ovens for warm foods that contain wa-
ter. The popularity of microwave ovens is due principally to their
Malting quality of feed and malting barley treated by microwave irradia- easy application and fast warming of food compared with conven-
tion for 0, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, and 25 sec was evaluated. Microwave irra-
diation periods longer than 10 sec increased kernel temperature higher than
tional ovens (25).
the physiological limit and significantly affected germination. With 4 sec of The incorporation of microwaves and other new technologies in
microwave irradiation, barley kernel hardness decreased and transformed the agricultural area has been left behind compared with applica-
into malt of good quality. The feed barley Adabella without treatment tions in other areas such as medicine and telecommunications. In
showed double the hardness (49.3 N) and Pastor Ortiz showed almost three agriculture, the energy of microwaves has been used to dry or to
times the hardness (59.8 N) of malting barley Esmeralda without treat- warm corn (16) and to condition wheat kernels (13). Camapaña et
ment (23.7 N). With 8 sec of irradiation, kernel hardness increased. Irradia- al (3,4) report that drying wheat with microwaves diminished the
tion of feed and malting barleys for 4 sec increased the extract content in capacity for germination and also negatively affected its rheological
malt. Barley kernel hardness showed a significantly high correlation with and baking properties. Microwaves have become popular in homes
malt extract (r = –0.61; P ≤ 0.001). Extract viscosity decreased with mi-
for popping popcorn (9,19) and for selection of corn cultivars in
crowave irradiation in all cases. Diastatic power and α-amylase were not
affected by the treatments selected for this study. Microwave energy is a improvement programs for popcorn (14). However, there are very
new alternative that allows modification of the kernel endosperm in a few few reports of the use of this technology in grain processing, nor
seconds and increases the industrial quality of feed and malting barley. has this technology been taken advantage of in terms of its poten-
Keywords: Hordeum vulgare, Kernel hardness, Malting quality, Micro- tial to improve grains and seed. Specifically, it is important to know
wave energy the safe temperature limits of seeds and grains to avoid damage
when microwaves are applied.
RESUMEN Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is a cereal of great importance world-
wide and, in Mexico, for the production of malt for use in the beer
La calidad de la maltera de pienso y maltera cebadas tratada por irradia- industry, as well as in foods for human or animal consumption. Bar-
ción de microondas de 0, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20 y 25 seg se evaluó. Irradiación ley is marketed as barley malt and feed, and unlike other grains, it
de microondas períodos de más de 10 seg aumento la temperatura del nú- is commercialized in Mexico by a differential price according to
cleo superior al límite fisiológico y afectado significativamente la germi-
nación. Con 4 seg de irradiación de microondas, la dureza del núcleo de la
its quality in agreement with the Official Mexican Norm NMX-FF-
cebada se disminuyó y se transforma en malta de buena calidad. La cebada 043-SCFI-2003 (17). If the barley does not fit within the specifi-
pienso Adabella sin tratamiento mostraron el doble de la dureza (49.3 N) cations of the official norm, it is used as lower-value cattle feed;
y Pastor Ortiz, casi tres veces la dureza (59.8 N), de cebada maltera Es- consequently, the price of feed barley is lower than that of malting
meralda sin tratamiento (23.7 N). Con 8 seg de irradiación, la dureza del barley.
núcleo se aumento. La irradiación de piensos y malteado cebada de 4 seg It takes five years to genetically improve the quality of barley
aumentado el contenido de extracto de la malta. La dureza del núcleo de la for the brewing industry. A new alternative discussed in this paper
cebada mostró una alta correlación significativa con extracto de malta (r = is the physical modification of the kernel of feed or malting barley
–0.61; P ≤ 0.001). Viscosidad del extracto disminuyó con la irradiación by microwave irradiation to increase its industrial quality. With
de microondas en todos los casos. Poder diastatico y α-amilasa no fueron
this objective, the effect of microwave radiation on the mechani-
afectadas por los tratamientos seleccionados para este estudio. La energía
del microondas es una nueva alternativa que permite modificar del endo- cal properties of barley kernels and the malting quality of differ-
spermo del núcleo en pocos segundos y aumenta la calidad industrial de ent varieties of barley was evaluated.
pienso y maltera cebadas.
Palabras claves: Calidad de la maltera, Dureza del núcleo, Energía de mi- EXPERIMENTAL
croondas, Hordeum vulgare
Microwaves have had many applications in the last 10 years in Three varieties of barley were used: two feed barleys (Adabella
different areas such as radio, television, radar, meteorology, com- and Pastor Ortiz) grown in Apán, Hidalgo, Mexico, in 2006 and a
munications, satellites, measurement of distances, investigation of malting barley (Esmeralda) grown in Palma Gorda, Hidalgo, Mexi-
co, in 2005.
1 Corresponding author. Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados (CIN-
VESTAV-IPN), Libramiento Norponiente 2000, Fracc. Real de Juriquilla, C.P.
Cleaning and Selection of Grain for Use in Malting
76230 Querétaro, México. E-mail:; Phone: +52 (442) For every sample of barley, 5 kg was run through four sieves;
211-9915; Fax: +52 (442) 211-9938. two had circular orifices with diameters of 12/64 and 6/64 in. to sepa-
rate the impurities from the barley kernels. The clean grain then
doi:10.1094 /ASBCJ-2008-0811-01 was selected according to size, using two sieves with oblong ori-
© 2008 American Society of Brewing Chemists, Inc. fices of 6/64 × 3/4 in. and 5.5/64 × 3/4 in. (Seedburo Equipment Com-

204 / López-Perea, P., Figueroa, J. D. C., Sevilla-Paniagua, E., Román-Gutiérrez, A., Reynoso, R., and Martínez-Peniche, R.

pany, Des Plaines, IL), based on Official Norm NMX-FF-043-SCFI- Kilning. Kilning was carried out using a Felisa oven. The samples
2003 (17). were treated at 35°C for 19 hr, followed by 45°C for 24 hr, 65°C for
25 hr, and 30°C for 14 hr. At the end of this stage, the malt reached
Determination of Barley Moisture Content a moisture content of 3–6%, which was determined using AOAC
This test is based on the dielectric properties of the material; in method 935.29 (2).
this case, the barley kernel. A digital moisture tester (Seedburo
Equipment 1200) was used to measure the moisture of the grain. Malt Processing Efficiency and Grinding
The roots generated during germination were eliminated from
Calibration of Microwave Oven the malt by shaving, and the clean sample was weighed (7,18).
A conventional microwave oven (model R-501CW, Sharp Elec- Samples were ground using AOAC method 935.30 (2) and the meth-
tronics Corp., Mahwah, NJ) with a power capacity of 1.45 kW and od of Figueroa (7).
a frequency of 2,450 MHz was used. The microwave oven was
calibrated as follows: 100 mL of water was warmed for 40 sec, Malt Analysis
and the initial and final temperatures of the water were measured. Malt extraction was carried out using fine- and coarse-grind malt-
The energy absorbed by the sample (MWabs) was measured using ing flour and the recommended methods (2,6,7). Modification of
the formula the malt was based on the difference between extracts from fine
and coarse grinds (7). The viscosity of the must was measured us-
MWabs = ing Ostwald’s viscometer with the EBC method 4.8 (6). Diastatic
power was determined using EBC method 4.12 (6). α-Amylase
where MWabs is the power absorbed by the sample (W), m is the activity was reported as the dextrinization time of a solution of
mass of the sample (g); Cp is the specific heat (kJ/kg °C), ΔT is starch in the presence of excess β-amylase (6).
the temperature rise (°C), and Δt is the operation time (sec) (10).
Physical Properties of Barley
Irradiation with Microwaves The moisture content of the barley was determined using AACC
Kernel samples (100 g, db) were placed in 2-kg polyethylene International methods 55-10 and 44-15A (1). Kernel thickness was
bags. The samples were arranged in layers one or two grains thick, measured using a digital caliper (model CD-6" CS, Mitutoyo Corp.,
avoiding conglomerates to achieve homogeneous irradiation. The Kanagawa, Japan).
electromagnetic irradiation exposure times were 4 and 8 sec, with
a control time of 0 sec. Uniaxial Compression Test
A TA.XT2 texture analyzer (Stable Micro Systems, Godalming,
Malting England) was used to measure the kernel response to compressive
Steeping. Samples (100 g, db) of irradiated barley were placed loading using parallel plates. The technique reported by Singh et
in 250 mL of cold water at 4°C for 4 hr to eliminate the dormancy al (23) was used to determine the contact area (load-bearing area)
of the grains (7). At the end of this period, the water was changed. of the individual kernels during the loading process. Before load-
The samples were placed in the germinating chamber (Seedburo ing, the thickness of each kernel was determined with a caliper.
Equipment EU650) at 16°C for 48 hr (7,8,15), with changes of wa- Individual kernels, with the crease side down, were placed onto the
ter every 24 hr. After this period, the excess water was eliminated, plate. The strain used to evaluate the mechanical properties of some
having reached 45% grain moisture. grains was 0.50 mm, with a constant deformation velocity of
Germination. The samples were placed in a glass beaker in the 0.1 mm/sec, and the resultant load deformation behavior was re-
same germinating chamber at 16°C and 100% RH in darkness for corded. Each point was the average of four readings for each repeti-
4 days until the acrospires reached a size of three-fourths of the tion of different barley kernels from the same sample.
grain (7,8,20,24). During this step, three manual agitations were
performed to avoid and separate roots (5). Statistical Analysis
The results were analyzed using Tukey’s test and simple corre-
lations (SAS statistical package [21]); correlations were consid-
ered highly significant at P ≤ 0.05 and 0.01, respectively.


Quality of Barley Malt

The barley feed variety Adabella was irradiated. Five samples
of 100 grains each were irradiated for 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 sec,
respectively, and one sample without irradiation was used as a con-
trol. The aim was to evaluate the energy necessary to modify the en-
dosperm of the grain without affecting the germination of the grain.
Periods of microwave irradiation longer than 10 sec affected
germination significantly (Fig. 1). Campaña et al (3,4) studied the
use of microwaves on dried wheat kernels and evaluated the physio-
chemical and breadmaking properties of irradiated wheat. They
reported a drastic reduction in germination and quality after expo-
sure to microwaves. The authors indicated that temperatures higher
than 58–62°C significantly affected germination. The reduction in
germination was related to the final temperature and also to the
Fig. 1. Effect of microwave irradiation time and final kernel temperature starting kernel moisture (4). In the present work, we decided to limit
after microwave treatment on germination energy of barley. Q = germina- the exposure time to less than 10 sec of irradiation, because tem-
tion energy; Q = final kernel temperature after microwave irradiation. peratures of 38°C were near the physiological limit of barley ker-
Microwaves and Malting Quality / 205

nels (Fig. 1). Irradiation times of 0, 4, and 8 sec were selected for Microwave irradiation has an important effect on barley kernel
the present investigation based on the curve in Figure 1. The shape hardness (Fig. 2; Table I). The untreated kernels of feed barley va-
of the curve in Figure 1 was very similar to that reported by Campaña riety Adabella were twice as hard (49.3 N) and kernels of variety
et al (3,4). Microwave irradiation for longer than 10 sec drasti- Pastor Ortíz (59.8 N) were almost three times as hard as those of
cally affected germination due to heat damage of barley kernel with untreated malting barley variety Esmeralda (23.7 N). Similar re-
a moisture content of approx. 12%. sults were reported by Lopez-Perea et al (12), who indicated that
malting barley has kernels that are less hard than those of feed bar-
Mechanical Properties of Barley leys. Lopez-Perea et al (12) reported that malting barley Esmer-
There are barley genotypes with good agricultural yields but hard alda presented kernel hardness within a range of 6.9 to 7.6 kgf,
endosperms that cannot transform appropriately during malting to i.e., 1.8 kgf less than the feed barley Pastor Ortiz, which had a
achieve a suitable quality. Therefore, their value is diminished sig- range from 10.7 to 13.6 kgf. The difference in kernel hardness be-
nificantly. Physical improvement of the grain is a new alternative tween feed and malting barleys is due to the fact that floury grains
that allows modification of the kernel endosperm and improve- have a lower density than glassy grains (22).
ment of the performance of microwave-irradiated foods and malt- In the present study, the untreated feed and malting barley grains
ing barley kernels. showed an average kernel hardness of 42 N, whereas with only 4 sec

Fig. 2. Effect of microwave irradiation time on barley kernel hardness. A–C, Feed barley variety Pastor Ortíz: without irradiation, with 4 sec of irradiation,
and with 8 sec of irradiation, respectively. D–F, Malting barley variety Esmeralda without irradiation, with 4 sec of irradiation, and with 8 sec of irradiation,

Mean Values for Kernel Hardness and Malting Quality in Barley and Malt Treated with Microwavesa
Microwave Kernel Recovered Malt Extract Fine and Coarse Viscosity Diastatic α-Amylase
Barley Variety Irradiation (sec) Hardness (N) Malt (%)b (%, db) Extracts (%)c (cP) Power (°L, db) (DU, db)d
Esmeralda 0 23.7 bc 88.2 ab 76.1 bc 2.5 bc 1.57 a 102.2 c 24.0 c
Esmeralda 4 14.9 c 88.5 ab 83.7 a 2.0 c 1.52 b 127.2 b 33.6 b
Esmeralda 8 33.3 a–c 85.4 b 74.4 c–e 2.8 a–c 1.47 d 127.8 b 31.6 bc
Pastor Ortíz 0 59.8 a 89.7 ab 66.9 f 3.0 a–c 1.32 e 181.2 a 61.4 a
Pastor Ortíz 4 43.8 a–c 90.0 ab 74.1 c–e 3.5 ab 1.29 ef 179.05 a 61.5 a
Pastor Ortíz 8 48.8 ab 90.3 ab 72.6 e 3.1 a–c 1.27 f 183.9 a 60.3 a
Adabella 0 49.3 ab 92.3 a 73.5 de 3.7 a 1.52 b 92.9 c 28.3 bc
Adabella 4 41.2 a–c 92.2 a 75.2 b–d 3.5 ab 1.50 bc 96.1 c 27.8 bc
Adabella 8 39.7 a–c 90.8 ab 77.1 b 3.3 ab 1.49 cd 88.8 c 28.2 bc
Specificatione … … … Min 76 Min 2.5 Max 1.50 125–170 Min 35
a Means followed by the same letter in the same column are not significantly different (P ≤ 0.05).
b Malting processing efficiency.
c Difference between extracts from fine and coarse grinding.
d Dextrinization units at 20°C.
e Malting quality specifications for new varieties of barley for use in the brewing industry (7).
206 / López-Perea, P., Figueroa, J. D. C., Sevilla-Paniagua, E., Román-Gutiérrez, A., Reynoso, R., and Martínez-Peniche, R.

of microwave irradiation hardness in the grains decreased signifi- glassy endosperm compaction of starch granules, as well as a large
cantly to approx. 30 N. For kernels irradiated with microwaves for amount of protein matrix that surrounds the starch granules, which
8 sec, the effect on hardness (Fig. 2) was reversed. impedes the transformation of the endosperm during germination.
Microwave irradiation at the selected levels did not affect the This relates directly to the difference between extracts from fine
recovered malt for the three barley varieties submitted to different and coarse grinding, for which the feed barleys had higher values,
treatments (Table I). In general, the losses due to germination (in- with ranges of 3.0–3.7 (Table I). Esmeralda showed good modifi-
dicated by the development of acrospire and roots) and the respira- cation without treatment and was excellent after 4 sec of micro-
tion of the grain itself were normal. The feed barleys showed higher wave treatment (Table I). In general, the losses due to germination
malting processing efficiency; Adabella showed a minor loss, fol- (indicated by acrospire development and roots) were normal, as
lowed by Esmeralda at 8 sec, with the lowest malting processing was the respiration of the grain itself during germination.
efficiency of all three varieties. Arguably, filtration of the wort is the most difficult step in the
Malt extract is a factor of major importance to the brewing in- production of beer; consequently, controlling extract viscosity is
dustry; therefore, one objective was to evaluate the malt extract very important. The viscosity of the extract is affected by the hy-
levels of irradiated barley. The irradiated feed and malting barleys drolysis of β-glucans during mashing of the malt. Yiu et al (25)
had higher malt extract values in most cases. Extract levels for va- analyzed the effect that warming with microwaves had on rolled
riety Adabella improved to 75.2% with 4-sec irradiation treatments oats and observed that the β-glucan content decreased after 1 min
and to 77.1% with 8-sec treatments. The second value was higher of irradiation. In the present study, wort viscosity decreased in all
than the minimum required (76%) by the industrial specification cases with an increase in irradiation time (Table I). For example,
for malting-quality malts in Mexico (7). The untreated feed bar- Esmeralda at 0 time had a viscosity of 1.57 cP and, after 8 sec of
leys did not reach the malting specifications established for the microwave irradiation, viscosity diminished to acceptable levels of
industry and showed low extract percentages, which implies lower 1.47 cP.
industrial yield and quantity. The feed barley Pastor Ortíz treated Diastatic power represents the activity of amylolytic enzymes
with 4 sec of irradiation improved to 74.1% extract, very close to such as α-amylase and β-amylase, and it is convenient that malts
the minimum specification required by the industry. When com- have a high diastatic power of 125–170°L, as well as a minimum
pared with the extract obtained from the untreated control (66.9%), α-amylase activity of 35 DU. This assures a suitable quantity of
the increase of 7.1% was highly significant. The variety Esmeralda sugars for fermentation during the production of beer. Barley va-
showed behavior similar to Pastor Ortíz in relation to the time of rieties Esmeralda and Pastor Ortíz were within the range of speci-
exposure to microwaves. Its extract increased compared with the un- fications for diastatic power and α-amylase (Table I). However,
treated control (76.1%). A barley malt irradiated for 4 sec showed Adabella had lower diastatic power (88.8–96.1°L) and α-amylase
83.7% malt extract, an increase of 7.5%; malt extract decreased to activity (27.8–28.3 DU). It is important to note that irradiation for
74.4%, however, with 8 sec of treatment. This level of extract was 4 and 8 sec did not negatively affect enzyme levels in the grains;
statistically the same as the control, indicating the microwave ir- in fact, in some cases, such as Esmeralda, it improved them. How-
radiation treatment of 8 sec had a reverse effect in kernel hardness ever, some variations can be attributed to experimental error dur-
(Fig. 2), which relates directly to malt extract and quality. Kernel ing the kilning process.
hardness showed a significantly high correlation (r = –0.61; P ≤
0.001) with malt extract obtained (Fig. 3). CONCLUSIONS
Malt extract decreased as the hardness of the grain increased. For
example, the feed barley Adabella control (49.3 N) and Pastor Ortiz The feed barleys tested showed higher kernel hardness than the
with 8 sec of irradiation (48.8 N) showed higher hardness levels and malting barleys tested. Microwave irradiation for 4 sec softened
obtained lower extracts (73.5 and 72.6%, respectively). Llorca (11) the barley kernel endosperm to resemble those of good-quality malt-
has indicated that, in general, feed barleys have a large amount of ing barley and to levels that are commercial acceptable. The mi-
crowave irradiation of barley kernels had a direct effect on malting
performance, as indicated by hardness, malt extract, and wort vis-
cosity. Microwave irradiation for 4 sec improved the quality of the
feed and malting barleys, which reached the values specified by
the brewing industry for malts from malting barleys.
Use of a texturometer to determine grain hardness is a simple
and rapid method that allows evaluation of the mechanical proper-
ties of the grain for selection of the end use of barley. The kernel
hardness test method presented has the potential to be used in the
selection of good-quality malts in early generations of breeding pro-


P. López-Perea received a scholarship from CONACYT. Support was

received from the Center for Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic
Institute (CINVESTAV), Campus Querétaro, and the Laboratory of Barley
of INIFAP for the analyses of malt. P. López-Perea thanks N. Ponce-
García, J. Juan Véles, and M. Gaytán from the Department of Material Sci-
ence, Area of Bio-organic Materials, CINVESTAV Mexico, for their assis-
tance during her research.


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