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Course Name : Environmental Engineering Sessional II

Course Code : CEE 4634

Assignment Name : Population Estimation

Group No. : B1
Student ID : 01. 160051018
02. 160051084
03. 160051087
04. 160051090
05. 170051050
06. 170051056
07. 170051069
08. 170051072
09. 170051078

Submission Date: 13.10.2020

Population Estimation

Serial No Assumptions for Population Estimation Source

Average family size in Bangladesh (national) = 4.06 Report of the Household Income & Expenditure
1 Survey (HIES), 2016

The average family size of Upper High Class is considered 7

2 (4 family members, 2 servants & 1 cook) assumed

3 Population Growth Rate = 1.0 United nations Population Division. World

Population Prospects: 2019 Revision

Population Growth Rate, r

For Upper High Class = 0.4
4 For Higher Class = 0.6 assumed
For Middle Class= 0.9
For Lower Class = 1.1

Residential Facility is provided to all the Upper Higher Class

5 and Higher Class Employees. assumed

Residential Facility is provided to 70% people of the

6 Employee Grade in Staff Building & 45% of workers and assumed
others of all zones or departments in Workers’ Residence
and all Dormitories.

Rest of the people of all zones or departments reside outside

7 the industrial village. assumed

For residential & common services zone, we shall use a

growth rate formula and for administrative & production
8 related zone we shall calculate linear increase in population assumed
with increase in production.

9 Design period is 10 years & 20 years. assumed

For Administrative zone & Industrial zone, production will

10 increase 30% in 10 years from assumed

For Administrative zone & Industrial zone, production will

11 increase 50% in 20 years from present. assumed

Number of Workers in Different sections were assumed by Ruia Textile Mills (Pvt) Ltd., N. Amin Textile Mills
12 taking reference from different textile industries of Ltd., Anlima Group, Farjana Fabrics
Population (Persons)

Type of Zone Departments Officer Grade Employee Grade

Chairman MD & Directors AGM, GM Others
Executive officers officers Engineers Technicians Staffs

Board of Directors 1 4 5

Administration Department 2 1 2 50 55

Finance Department 2 4 10 8 24

HR Department 2 2 20 8 32

Marketing & Sales

3 8 15 26

Maintenance & Utility

3 6 6 15 80 110

Purchase Department 3 15 18

1) Current Total population, P 1 4 15 17 6 6 15 190 16 270

Administrative zone
Population Growth, r
- - - 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 -
(After 10 years)

Population after 10 years

1 4 15 22.1 7.8 7.8 19.5 247 20.8 346

Population Growth, r
- - - 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
(After 20 years)

Population after 20 years

1 4 15 25.5 9 9 22.5 285 24 395
Type of Population (Persons) Total
Zone Officer Grade Employee Grade Population
Sections Quality Worker
Production Floor in Shift in Machine
AGM Manager Controller & Master Chemist Supervisor
Manager Charge Charge Operator
General Manager 2 2
Spinning Section 1 1 2 8 8 8 30 350 408
Knitting Section 1 1 2 8 8 8 30 350 408
Weaving Section 1 1 8 8 8 30 360 416
Cutting & Sewing
1 1 1 2 8 8 8 30 400 459

Dyeing Section 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 30 200 248

Washing &
1 1 6 6 6 30 240 290
Drying Section
Quality Control
1 1 6 4 4 4 200 220
Packaging & Finishing
1 1 6 6 6 20 200 240
Loading & Unloading
1 1 6 6 6 300 320
2) Section
Industrial Raw Material Storage 1 1 8 8 8 30 400 456
Warehouse 1 1 8 8 8 30 160 216
Current Total 2
11 11 1 6 8 2 74 74 74 260 3160 3683
Population, P
Population Growth, -
- - 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
r (After 10 years)
Population after 10 2
11 11 1.3 7.8 10.4 2.6 96.2 96.2 96.2 333 4108 4782
years (P+P*r)
Population Growth, -
- - 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
r (After 20 years)
Population after 20 2
11 11 1.5 9 12 3 111 111 111 390 4740 5513
years (P+P*r)
Population (persons)
Type of
Type of facility Total Population
zone Officer grade Employee grade Maintenance workers Others

Hospital 15 6 55 - 76
School 1 30 20 - 51
Shopping Complex 25 42 8 4 79
Bank 1 5 5 10 21
Mosque 2 4 - - 6
Training Center 1 4 6 2 13
Local Bazar 1 6 10 2 19
Community Center 1 8 16 4 29
Playground 2 8 2 - 12
Tea stall 1 2 1 - 4
Utility Services 1 6 9 10 26
Power Station 1 6 10 - 17
3) Fire Services 1 10 10 - 21
COMMON Canteen 1 4 4 - 9
SERVICES Pumping Zone 1 8 12 4 25
Water Treatment Plant (WTP) 1 6 8 - 15
Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) 1 5 8 - 14
Sewage treatment Plant (STP) 1 4 8 - 13
Parking Zone - 2 10 - 12
Dumping Zone - 2 10 - 12
Sales and Display 3 - 30 - 32
Present Population, P 60 169 242 36 506
Population Growth, r 0.003 0.013 0.014 0.014 -
Population after 10 years,
61.82449542 192.3008298 278.0961112 41.36966944 576
Population after 20 years,
63.70447057 218.8142552 319.5762276 47.54026527 651
% of Total
manpower No. of Family Population
Type of Type of Total No. of Present Population Population
Categories having Allotted Member after 10
Zone Resident Manpower Population Growth Rate after 20 years
residential Employees Multiplier years

Chairman 1 100% 1 7 7 0.4% 8 8

Higher MD,
Official’s Directors, 44 100% 44 5 220 0.4% 229 239
Residence AGM, GM

Officers’ Officer
106 100% 106 4.5 477 0.6% 507 538
Apartment Grade
Residential Employee
Zone Staff Building 856 70% 600 4.06 2436 0.9% 2665 2915

16% 550 4 2200 2455 2739
& 3454 1.1%
Dormitories Others
(1, 2, 3 & 4) 29% 1000 1 1000 1116 1245

4423 2301 6340 6980 7684

Summary of Population Estimation of an Industrial Village

growth rate (%)
Type of Present Population Population after
Type of Zone Departments After After
Employee population after 10 years 20 years
10 20
years years

Chairman &
2 - - 2 2
MD Administration
Department= 55

Finance Department=
Directors, GM
24 18 - - 18 18
HR Department= 32

Marketing & Sales

Officer Grade 29 38 44
Department= 26

Maintenance & Utility 30% 50%

Employee Department= 110
205 267 308
1) Grade
Administrative Purchase
Zone Department= 18

Workers &
16 30% 50% 21 24

Total 270 346 395

growth rate (%)
Type of Present Population Population after
Type of Zone Industrial Units After After
Employee population after 10 years 20 years
10 20
years years

24 - - 24 24
Manager, AGM Spinning section= 408
& Manager Knitting section= 408
Weaving section= 416
Cutting & Sewing
Officer Grade section= 459 17 30% 50% 23 26
Dyeing section= 248
Washing & Drying
section= 290
Quality control
section= 220
Packaging & Finishing
Section= 240 482 30% 50% 627 723
2) Grade
Loading & Unloading
Industrial Section= 320
Zone Raw Material
Storage= 456
Warehouse= 216
Workers 3160 30% 50% 4108 4740

Total 3683 4782 5513

Production Population Population
Type of Present
Type of Zone Departments growth rate after 10 after 20
Employee population
(%) years years

Officer Hospital= 76
60 0.3% 62 64
Grade School= 51
Complex=79 169 1.3% 193 219
Maintenance Mosque=6
Training Center=13 242 1.4% 244 280
Local Bazar=19
Tea Stall=4
Utility Services=26
Power Station=17
Fire Services=21
3) Pumping Zone=25
Common Others WTP=15 36 1.4% 42 48
Services ETP=14
Parking Zone= 12
Dumping Zone= 12
Sales and Display=32

Total 506 576 651

Production Population Population

Type of Zone Type of Building growth rate after 10 after 20
(%) years years

Chairman’s Residence 7 0.4% 8 8

Higher Official’s Residence 220 0.4% 229 239


Residential Officers’ Apartment 477 0.6% 507 538

Staff Building 2436 0.9% 2665 2915

Workers’ Residence 2200 2455 2739

1000 1116 1245
(1, 2, 3 & 4)

Total 6340 6980 7684

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